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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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What they don't have a lot of in the current Wii U library is narrative heavy and realistic looking games ( FPS, sports, (action)adventure, open world etc)

Those types of games are typicaly developed by Western studios and most of the times by the big Third Party Studios.

Without those it's extremely hard for Nintendo to expand their userbase.

I don't see that happening this generation so I guess they'll try to make more of the genres/franchises that sold most copies to their current install base and hardcore fans.

Not trying to make this a good/bad discussion, just what I find the most realistic scenario for this E3 and the coming years.

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The way Nintendo could approach survival horror is with Metroid.


I know I've said it before but if you imagine Dead Space, but with a 3rd person Samus Aran, it's actually a pretty fantastic fit.



You could have mutated Space Pirates and all the bugs the Metroid series is known for providing the scares, and maybe something like the SA-X to keep you on your toes at all times.


Not for Nintendo to approach on the Wii U, but in the hands of a different developer on their next platform maybe.

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The way Nintendo could approach survival horror is with Metroid.


I know I've said it before but if you imagine Dead Space, but with a 3rd person Samus Aran, it's actually a pretty fantastic fit.



You could have mutated Space Pirates and all the bugs the Metroid series is known for providing the scares, and maybe something like the SA-X to keep you on your toes at all times.


Not for Nintendo to approach on the Wii U, but in the hands of a different developer on their next platform maybe.

I don't think it is. I mean I have only played Dead Space 1 (and the Wii game), but while Metroid Prime was much slower than the 2D games, it still faster and more action packed than deadspace. Samus is a lot more mobile. Maybe this is completely different in Dead Space 2 or 3, I dunno, but Samus from the start has more firepower and mobility, while for the guy in Dead Space, your first enemy encounter already is a challenge.

Maybe set in the Metroid universe, and some other protagonist, perhaps.

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I don't think it is. I mean I have only played Dead Space 1 (and the Wii game), but while Metroid Prime was much slower than the 2D games, it still faster and more action packed than deadspace. Samus is a lot more mobile. Maybe this is completely different in Dead Space 2 or 3, I dunno, but Samus from the start has more firepower and mobility, while for the guy in Dead Space, your first enemy encounter already is a challenge.

Maybe set in the Metroid universe, and some other protagonist, perhaps.

No you're right, it would be a very different Metroid, but not necessarily a bad thing to try. Other M was a one off, different Metroid... Prime was too at one time, before it became a trilogy, and actually quite slow paced in itself.


I dunno, it's just an idea.


Could be a way to reboot the series, if Nintendo feels it needs it (for the same reason they seem to be holding back the likes of F-Zero etc...) and also make it more relevant/open it up to a new audience and diversify their library.

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UK Final Fantasy Explorers


New Crystal Chronicles Multiplayer


Heaven forbid Nintendo show off Link firing a bow and arrow or Mario launching a fireball at an enemy. And let's not even contemplate what Samus might do!You'd probably implode as Nintendo join in the third person shooter/FPS fun.


Awww god...a full on FPS Zelda. Maybe make it a darker aduLt Link (not THAT dark) set in an apocalyptic timeline, aiming hookshot at enemies helmet to yank it off, then shooting at arrow straight through its skull, at which point all the doors in the room give way as the room is flooded with orcs, at which point you hookshot to a ceilng vantage point while dropping a barrage of bombs which nuke 2/3 of them, while you slink into the shadows to arrow snipe them one by one.




Yeah I think Zech's list is about right. The big Wii U announcements to be Starfox, Animal Crossing, Paper Mario and Retro's new game + lots of DLC, amiibo and updates on Yoshi and Mario Maker. Hopefully a bit of 3DS goodness in there too


Well that official Nintendo account did accidentally leek they're working on Paper Mario, even if it was just "Paper Mario" title. You're right, it's a shoe-in for this year. Since no doubt all the ther games I'm looking forward to won't get UK releases any time soon (if at all) this will be my most looked forward to game of the year.


Starfox is 100%, right? I have a feeling it will be episodc BUT will also hve a vast array of modes, probably episodic, too. I see main story game, versus multi, co-op multi, horde multi, base defense muti, DLC mission packs (mini stories with levels, likemini main modes) that can be tackled in multi.


I think AC will be announced, but if it has no cross-connectivity with Happy Home it'll likely not be out for many months after it. I'd like to think it'll allow you to transfer the home designs for your townies (thus getting to design all town houses via HH), perhaps even HH being used to infuence WHO joins your town, so you can choose favorites. I'll probably still stick to random, though.


PLATFORMER. MARIO. Just don't make it another New Mario 2 3DS.


NVC had a question about if Nintendo were to announce a new IP - like Splatoon last year which no one could have predicted going in - what would you want them to put their Nintendo spin on?


It is hard to think of something.

Maybe some kind of open world game? or what would Nintendo do with a FPS?


It's more a case of Nintendo having so many franchises they're not doing anything with, like all their sports titles.


I'd like a Lego Nintendo World. Massive open world like Lego City Undercover, with different regions based on Nintendo series. Hidden blocks with collectible mushrooms, bombable cracks that lead to caves with chests with treasure (with the music too). Classic Ninty characters with all their classic moves and collectibles in a world that's so huge it's scary.

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