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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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Really? Haven't they "shaken it up" every single time post 64 and none of them have been great?!?!
I don't enjoy StarFox 64 and the clunky on-foot stuff they added to Assault put me off buying it.


Frankly I'd take another StarFox Adventures over what they've done with the main series.

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I don't enjoy StarFox 64 and the clunky on-foot stuff they added to Assault put me off buying it.


You know, as someone who doesn't really enjoy the series (nor do I care much for Starfox U as of now), this sentence confuses me. I thought Starfox 64 was supposed to be the OoT of the series? If you don't enjoy that one, doesn't that mean you just don't like the series in general? Or am I missing something?

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You know, as someone who doesn't really enjoy the series (nor do I care much for Starfox U as of now), this sentence confuses me. I thought Starfox 64 was supposed to be the OoT of the series? If you don't enjoy that one, doesn't that mean you just don't like the series in general? Or am I missing something?


Idk.. I never invested much time into the N64 game, but I actually preferred the snes variant. Graphically it is clearly inferior, but in terms of gameplay I just enjoyed it a lot more. Same with mario kart, until mario kart 8 I just haven't quite enjoyed a mario kart as much as the original.

Actually having made that link has possibly raised my hopes for starfox U a bit too high.

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I wouldn't mind a bit of variety on Starfox but It has to work. Sadly, I don't think on foot, under water sections or carrying giant cogs really works for the characters. The closest it should get to having on foot sections would be for Fox to jump out of the cockpit onto the wing and do some uber cool blasting from there.


Above all, I just think I needs to be epic, big cinematic scenes, great boss fights.


And please, please decent voice acting... Smash voice is terrible!

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Anyone else hoping for a "proper" 3D Mario? Sunshine 2 or Galaxy 3?


Actually, I think I'm happy for them to save something like that for the launch of the next console :smile:


I'd probably be content with an HD upgrade of Super Mario Sunshine, provided they ironed out some of the issues in the game and figured out how to get it to work without the analogue triggers :heh:

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I'd happily take a Mario 3D Land 2 on 3DS though


Did you not like Mario 3D Land 2 on the Wii U?




Come on, it was right there!


For what it's worth, I'd love a Sunshine HD.


Fun fact, I started working for N-E a few weeks before that game came out!

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Anyone else hoping for a "proper" 3D Mario? Sunshine 2 or Galaxy 3?


You mean a Platform/Adventure game? Yeah I'd love one of those..it's the reason I purchased a Wii U in the first place lol. We'll likely have to wait for their next console though.


If they do go that way, it will be interesting to see if they go for a more linear game (Sunshine, SMG) or a more flexible and open game (SM64).

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I don't really feel like we've had a 'run around the Mushroom Kingdom' game yet. Mario 64 introduced us to it, and we've taken routes through it courtesy of the likes of 3D World, but yeah, that's maybe a Mario I'd like to see.


Like the Super Mario World TV show :p

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I don't really feel like we've had a 'run around the Mushroom Kingdom' game yet. Mario 64 introduced us to it, and we've taken routes through it courtesy of the likes of 3D World, but yeah, that's maybe a Mario I'd like to see.


Like the Super Mario World TV show :p


They should reskin The Witcher 3 with Mario and the Mushroom Kingdom.

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You mean a Platform/Adventure game? Yeah I'd love one of those..it's the reason I purchased a Wii U in the first place lol. We'll likely have to wait for their next console though.


If they do go that way, it will be interesting to see if they go for a more linear game (Sunshine, SMG) or a more flexible and open game (SM64).


I'd be interested if they could make an open world sms. You could already see the theme park from the port, so if they allow you to use that jet ski attachment through that invisible wall they'd built... and they could have paths that lead to the different areas of delfino, include a main airport etc.

Say you do level 1 on the theme park, leave, after a few minutes if you return it will be level 2... so have it like a real life adventure progressing in real time.


Also I think a tide would be a far more natural invisible wall, or go lego city style and have sharks :D

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Did you not like Mario 3D Land 2 on the Wii U?




Come on, it was right there!


For what it's worth, I'd love a Sunshine HD.


Fun fact, I started working for N-E a few weeks before that game came out!


My god, how old were you when you started? I remember dying over each page of NGC magazine before it's release whilst on holiday at HAVEN.


P.S. Sick burn on the 3D World joke. You should rate it 8/10 For bantz.

Edited by Josh64
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I'd happily take a Mario 3D Land 2 on 3DS though


This is the same for me. I want th next home console mario to be the next super duper mario. I loved 3D World, and would love a sequel if it came, but I say wait. keep it fresh. And if anything a sequel to 3D land for 3DS and like @Ashley says or Sunshine HD/3D

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This is the same for me. I want th next home console mario to be the next super duper mario. I loved 3D World, and would love a sequel if it came, but I say wait. keep it fresh. And if anything a sequel to 3D land for 3DS and like @Ashley says or Sunshine HD/3D


Sunshine HD for me. I would love to play through it again. If it had a bunch of fixes in place, and the ability to invert the horizontal camera, it would be a much better experience.

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And please, please decent voice acting... Smash voice is terrible!


Smash Fox is voiced by the Starfox 64 voice actor!

Seriously, he is! Go check it out if you don't believe me.


(Not 100% about Falco though, I think he was the only one who didn't get his original actor in Starfox 64 3D)

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With the Nintendo Directs last weekend and now the announcement of Lucas' release, I'm getting massively hyped. With all the stuff they're showing not being in, many of which we assumed would be in, the Digital Event is going to be rammed with new content

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With the Nintendo Directs last weekend and now the announcement of Lucas' release, I'm getting massively hyped. With all the stuff they're showing not being in, many of which we assumed would be in, the Digital Event is going to be rammed with new content


I'm in the same boat.

It's that burning question of "What the hell are you hiding from us, Ninty?" and it's getting me very excite.

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Starfox and Animal Crossing to be the big hitters revealed for a 2015 launch? Maybe a Metroid early next year to coincide with 30th anniversary? Still think a dedicated amiibo game is on the way, hope it's more of a platformer than a party game.

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That Lucas SSB4 release timing is awfully suspicious... Why right before E3 instead of during E3 as you would expect? It's almost as if they're using his SSB4 release to lead up to something...


I can certainly think of one possible announcement that would definately be doable and would classify as a megaton...





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That Lucas SSB4 release timing is awfully suspicious... Why right before E3 instead of during E3 as you would expect? It's almost as if they're using his SSB4 release to lead up to something...


I can certainly think of one possible announcement that would definately be doable and would classify as a megaton...






Yup. I mentiined this after the Direct said we would get Lucas in June. Everything just seems to fit. I imagine it will be a " available to download now " moment. That gives me just over a week to finish Earthbound. Doubt I will get that done though. That game is such a slog to play through.

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My god, how old were you when you started? I remember dying over each page of NGC magazine before it's release whilst on holiday at HAVEN.


P.S. Sick burn on the 3D World joke. You should rate it 8/10 For bantz.


Umm...15. Don't forget I'm older than you bae.


I'd love if the digital event was a clip show of recent directs.

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People on gaf have been loving this costumed Yoshi, but I still can't figure out which character it's supposed to be?




Any help??


Samus Aran...


Look closely at Yoshi's nose, it has a visor on it. :)

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