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Your 2015 Gaming Diary

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Finished Apotheon today. Interesting game.

I like the artstyle a lot, and it played reasonably well. The problem is it's incredibly glitchy, and I lost count of how many times it crashed! :shakehead

Not sure if that was also an issue on PC, or if it's just a dodgy port to PS4 ::shrug: but I soon learnt to save my progress frequently. :hmm:


Also made a start on Yakuza 4 a few days ago. Loving this game, but from what I can tell it's pretty huge, so I don't expect to be finishing this one soon. Esspecially with MH4U set to occupy my gaming time next week too. :hehe:



Resogun (PS4)

Shovel Knight (Wii U)

Alien: Isolation (PS4)

Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) started in 2014

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

Duck Tales: Remastered (PS3+)

Dark Souls II (PS3) started in 2014

The Swapper (PS4+)

InFAMOUS First Light (PS4+)

MHbUwnT.gifApotheon (PS4+)



- Still nothing to see here. :p



New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U) started in 2014

Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS) started in 2014

Driveclub (PS4)

MHbUwnT.gifYakuza 4 (PS3+)

It's pretty mad how almost half of the games I've already played this year have been free PS+ titles. I can see my 2015 Gaming Diary being much larger than it would've been had I not subscribed to that service, and considering the current rate of releases on Wii U & 3DS, I'm bloody glad I did. :D

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I was meaning to say in my previous post that I also played Metropolis Street Racer yesterday on Dreamcast. I've played through a couple of chapters of it before but it never really sucked me in.. and it still doesn't. I'm not sure I really enjoy the vibe :hmm:


Anyway, I mentioned that I considering playing ICO last night.. and I did :smile: I restarted the game and I had just enough time to reach the first save point before the football came on. I resumed my file this morning and quickly reached the point where I had got previously, which was hardly a surprise given it was only about 20 minutes into the game :heh: It was, however, the moment where I had become infuriated in the past and it was no different this time. I knew I had to climb a chain, push a block down from a ledge and give the girl a hand up to the top with me.. but those enemies just would not give me a chance, no matter how much I tried to push them away. I spent ages trying to do it and, in the end, got so frustrated that I had to look up a video on YouTube. Considering it was basically the very start of the game, surely it couldn't actually be this hard :shakehead


I brought up a walkthrough video of the section I was at.. and the main character was holding a stick. Where on earth did that come from..? I kept taking the video back but he had a stick all along.. so I had to check a previous video in the walkthrough. It turns out, the stick was basically there at the beginning and I just hadn't picked it up.. on this occasion, nor my previous attempt :eek:


The bridge had collapsed after crossing it earlier so I figured I'd just load up my save again and go back for the stick.. but it wasn't there. EUGH! My frustration levels were getting a little high, but with the game being only minutes old, and knowing exactly where I was going, I started the game AGAIN and blasted through the opening section in a matter of minutes with fresh hope and optimism. I've seen enough to think that I may end up enjoying the experience, so I'll certainly carry on with it this week :smile:


As for missing the stick, there is a cutscene with the girl and the cage falling to the ground which does show the flaming stick hit the ground, but I obviously missed the significance :red: In my defence, when the game resumed after the cutscene, the girl was getting carried away to her doom so my first and only thought was to run after her and save her as quickly as possible and get us out of there. The stick didn't really seem that important when we escaped ::shrug:


Now I know better :blank:

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I started Luigi's Mansion 2 over the weekend.


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I'm at the final mansion, so hopefully I will finish this tonight.


I'm not sure if I will go for the 3 star ranks on every level due to how annoying and repetitive game can be. Some of the levels are 20 mins long and when you repeat a stage you still have to listen to the Prof. waffle on. Having him break up the game and contact you every 5 mins is a pain in the backside. The cutscenes also playing again when you replay a stage. Not a major thing because you can press START to skip but it's still annoying.


Even though I haven't finished it yet I can already say that this isn't as good as the original game on the GameCube. That game was the right length and had interesting bosses and ghosts. This game is good but feels bloated a lot of the time. It honestly feels more like a console game than a handheld one.

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Even though I haven't finished it yet I can already say that this isn't as good as the original game on the GameCube. That game was the right length and had interesting bosses and ghosts. This game is good but feels bloated a lot of the time. It honestly feels more like a console game than a handheld one.


Agree on so many levels! So many that I'm somehow in multiple places at once!

It's a valiant attempt, but it's a great example of how a game can be too long.

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Guess you don't want to give NLG the kets to Nintendos kingdom like a few of us do then :)


Not at all. I think they done a great job with this and Punch-Out. I just think this game could have done with trimming the fat and a little more testing. There have been a few graphical glitches that i've encountered, which seems weird to see in a Nintendo game. The game was hardly rushed though, I just think it could have done with a little more polish and focus.

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I started Luigi's Mansion 2 over the weekend.


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I'm at the final mansion, so hopefully I will finish this tonight.


I'm not sure if I will go for the 3 star ranks on every level due to how annoying and repetitive game can be. Some of the levels are 20 mins long and when you repeat a stage you still have to listen to the Prof. waffle on. Having him break up the game and contact you every 5 mins is a pain in the backside. The cutscenes also playing again when you replay a stage. Not a major thing because you can press START to skip but it's still annoying.


Even though I haven't finished it yet I can already say that this isn't as good as the original game on the GameCube. That game was the right length and had interesting bosses and ghosts. This game is good but feels bloated a lot of the time. It honestly feels more like a console game than a handheld one.


That's crazy talk!!!! I think Luigis Mansion 2 is better than the original in every way, and one of the 3DS' best games!! Guess you don't want to give NLG the kets to Nintendos kingdom like a few of us do then :)


I gotta say I'm with dazzybee! The original is fantastic and sure there is a lot to be said for it being smaller and more focused it unfortunately plays second fiddle to the second. Absolutely fantastic game, if I didn't have so much other stuff on I'd replay it without a doubt.

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On Friday, I finished Shantae and the Pirate's Curse.

Now because it's quite a recent game full of humourous content I might mention, I'll keep my thoughts in a spoiler tag.

BTW, I'll be talking about the DSi game, Shantae: Risky's Revenge a little bit as well.


I know a few people on here might be sick to death of 2D side scrolling games, but much like Shovel Knight, it would be an awful shame to miss out on this because of a reason like that.


They are quite different games, of course. Shovel Knight is definitely like Mega Man, while Shantae takes it's inspiration from the Metroidvania style of game.



You know? Those games that mainly feature chain whips.

But everyone knows that hair whips are way cooler.


This game takes place right after Risky's Revenge, with Shantae having none of her Genie powers, (That final boss is way cool for exactly that reason) while the transformation powers of the previous two games are definitely cool, this gives a great excuse to introduce a new way of getting upgrades, namely, Risky's pirate gear.



Although, how a hat can be used as a make shift parachute is beyond me.

Also, this screenshot isn't even in the final game! How dare I lie to me!?


Another charm about Shantae is it's quirky sense of humour.

If you like the kind of humour that thinks breaking the fourth wall is something more akin to a challenge than a guideline, you'll be right at home here.

There were more than a few laugh-out-loud moments, to say the least.

The He-Man reference had me grinning throughout.




It's not very often that humour makes me actually kinda like stealth sections, personally, I think...

...would you stop staring at her?


Just like a good Metroid game, Shantae is ripe for speedrunning. It even has a mode that gives you all the Pirate Gear off the bat, allowing you to sequence break the entire thing for hilarious results.

(My best time is 2:01:14, not 100%)


With 2 different endings, surprisingly high replay value and great humour, this is a highly recommended game.



I remember this dungeon being bigger on the Game Boy Colour...




And with that...


Lufia: The Legend Returns - GBC

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - WiiU (Not 100%)

Demon's Crest - SNES (Not 100%)

The World Ends With You - DS

Gunman Clive - 3DS

Gunman Clive 2 - 3DS

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse - 3DS


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Luigi's Mansion 2 complete.


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While playing this it really hit home just how much more character and personality Luigi has over Mario. Despite Mario being the key figure for Nintendo, he's very bland in comparison to his brother.


Not sure whether to start something new as Monster Hunter arrives in a few days. If I was to play something it would have to be only a few hours long.

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The Final Bosman focused on 'vibes' last week and it certainly made me think about how many popular games there are where I just don't appreciate the 'vibe'..


Luigi's Mansion 2 probably falls into that, somewhat. I definitely enjoyed the game but there was just something about it that meant it didn't feel quite right, certainly in comparison to the SUPERIOR original, which had a much better vibe.. and structure :heh:

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The Final Bosman focused on 'vibes' last week and it certainly made me think about how many popular games there are where I just don't appreciate the 'vibe'..


Luigi's Mansion 2 probably falls into that, somewhat. I definitely enjoyed the game but there was just something about it that meant it didn't feel quite right, certainly in comparison to the SUPERIOR original, which had a much better vibe.. and structure :heh:

Yeah that was a fantastic Final Bosman! :D


It's so true.


Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy 2, these are games I just didn't like, I don't like their vibe. That's all I now need to say on the matter :awesome:

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Still playing The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. 3 months after it's been released on PS4/Vita : peace:


Slowly, VERY slowly making my way to the Platinum. It may take some more months, especially since trophies tend to not pop up when you meet the criteria. :blank:

But, starting a new save file and playing a bit on Vita helped me get some trophies that didn't pop up in my PS4 save.

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Not wanting to start anything new before MH, I decided to have a crack at getting all the Boos, gems and 3 star rankings on Luigi's Mansion 2. During my time doing this I have learnt to LOVE the game. I'm finding it a lot of fun just trying to clear levels as fast as possible, while not getting hit and nabbing as much treasure as possible. It's added a good challenge to the game that has really got me hooked.


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I wanted to try and get it all done before MH arrived and i'm left with 1 Boo to find, 3 gems and 1 bonus stage to finish ( this will unlock once I get the Boo ). I've brought my 3DS with me to work in the hope that I can get these tasks done during break, leaving my free to play MH when I get home. Of course, that's if it even gets delivered today.


I also had a crack at the online side of things again. There were 3 of us but eventually dropped down to two but we still managed to finish the stages. I can see this being pretty fun if you had a stable party.

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I can see this being pretty fun if you had a stable party.


I've never tried out the multiplayer so could be interested at some point.. if you can tear yourself away from Monster Hunter :indeed:


As for myself, I' over 3 hours into ICO now and am so glad I managed to get over the hump I had with the game at the very start. It has developed into an engrossing experience, one that I'm about to get back to now, and it somewhat reminds me of Prince of Persia.. but in a good way, not the 'I recently played Warrior Within and it sucks' kinda way :heh:

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Well.. I was expecting to play ICO this afternoon but I ended up finishing The Last of Us: Left Behind instead! It was a nice compliment to the main game and I'm glad that I ended up downloading it :smile:


I may now go and play ICO for an hour before I get my Mario Kart on :yay:

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Time to add Assassin's Creed: Unity to the list of completed games.


Apart from a pretty weak story and the glitches (mine became more glitched after the patches to stop the bugs) it was decent enough. Nowhere near on par with Black Flag. I liked the exploration of Paris and the various Paris stories, but 1/2 the stuff was filler to a lacking story. Combat was meh, and there are too many treasure chests to find. (too many in fact, i can't be bothered to find them all). Germain (the head of the Templar's in Paris), pretty weak character and a pretty weak boss battle.



Just got Unity' DLC Dead Kings to do over the weekend and i'll begin inFamous's DLC First Light once that's done.

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I finally beat Fire Emblem Awakening, just in time before Monster Hunter arrives (hopefully tomorrow :hehe:).

There's no doubt it's a great game, but I didn't really enjoy it all that much. :blank: Never been a huge fan of turn-based strategy, and still very much prefer the style of Advance Wars to Fire Emblem.


Been making quite a bit of progress on Yakuza 4 too, get the feeling that perhaps it won't take as long to finish as I originally thought.

It's an incredibly cutscene heavy game, which I'm normally not keen on, but the story/characters are just so bonkers that I'm finding it really entertaining. :grin:



Resogun (PS4)

Shovel Knight (Wii U)

Alien: Isolation (PS4)

Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) started in 2014

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

Duck Tales: Remastered (PS3+)

Dark Souls II (PS3) started in 2014

The Swapper (PS4+)

InFAMOUS First Light (PS4+)

Apotheon (PS4+)

MHbUwnT.gifFire Emblem Awakening (3DS) started in 2014



- Still nothing to see here. :p



New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U) started in 2014

Driveclub (PS4)

Yakuza 4 (PS3+)


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Really? I loved Fire Emblem, one of my favourite games of the past few years I reckon. Probably still prefer the Advance Wars series though, just. Don;t know what it is about that game...


I've finished my first game of February - The Room 2, amazing little game. Love this series. Perfect tablet based gameplay solving awesome little puzzles. Great atmosphere too!!


Slowly going through Ocarina, at the water temple, still don't love it at all....

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Been playing Alien Isolation. I hate horror games, I find them really unenjoyably stressful even though I want to love them. I think the setting and how much I love the original Alien has pulled tm through and I'm absolutely loving this game. I think I'm almost at the halfway point and it's so fucking thrilling! The head-tracking is actually really awesome, it's really subtle and works so well. Also, the motion tracker bleep on the DS4 and the light pulse. It's rad as fuck. Well thought out implementations of pretty gimmicky stuff.


I had a few close calls while snooping around the med bay.


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Sonic CD

(2011 re-release)


Broadcast Yourself




Work that sucker to death!


So, I went ahead and beat this game. It's a bit all over the place, what with the labyrinthic levels, and encouraging to explore them, but wanting to find spots to time travel at the same time... And also the level design that looks chaotic but ultimately makes sense.


The overall presentation is really good, really old-school. Two soundtracks worth of music, too, both of them good (even if I prefer the Japanese/European soundtrack).


Either way, Sonic's control is tight and fun, and the game is a joy to play. Sonic CD is not as cohesive as Sonic 2, or S3&K, but it is a worthy entry in the Sonic series of the 90s.


I think I'll be going to collect all the Chaos Emeralds Time Stones, now.



-Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb

-Hitman Contracts

-Sonic CD


Currently Playing:

-Civilization V

-Sonic CD (for 100% completion)

On Hold/Hiatus:

-The Whispered World

-Final Fantasy X


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Been playing Alien Isolation. I hate horror games, I find them really unenjoyably stressful even though I want to love them. I think the setting and how much I love the original Alien has pulled tm through and I'm absolutely loving this game. I think I'm almost at the halfway point and it's so fucking thrilling! The head-tracking is actually really awesome, it's really subtle and works so well. Also, the motion tracker bleep on the DS4 and the light pulse. It's rad as fuck. Well thought out implementations of pretty gimmicky stuff.


I had a few close calls while snooping around the med bay.



Such an excellent game, isn't it?


Probably my most anticipated game ever and I bought a PS4 almost entirely for it. Didn't let me down. Exhausted after I finished it!


I'm currently playing Transistor. It seems lovely so far, but a big problem I have is that I've started it during a really hectic week or work and I've almost fallen asleep at the controller both times I played it. Tried to do some more yesterday and just couldn't managed to play for more than half an hour. Didn't get home til 9:30 and was dead on my feet.

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ICO.. clear :hehe:


I finished it last night, taking just over 6 hours in total. It sounds short but it was probably just about the right length :smile: I'm glad I managed to get into it, in the end, and thought it was a good game. Like Shadow of the Colossus, I'm not sure it's quite as special as it is made out to be but I got what I wanted from it.. a good experience :yay:


It's time to watch the second half of Crystal Palace v Liverpool but I may just break into Dino Crisis later tonight!

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ICO.. clear :hehe:


I finished it last night, taking just over 6 hours in total. It sounds short but it was probably just about the right length :smile: I'm glad I managed to get into it, in the end, and thought it was a good game. Like Shadow of the Colossus, I'm not sure it's quite as special as it is made out to be but I got what I wanted from it.. a good experience :yay:


My experience of ICO was very similar to yours - fairly hard to get into, but a good game in the end. However, I then went onto Shadow of the Colossus and found it genuinely exciting.

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