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Your 2015 Gaming Diary

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Time to update this again!


I got around to finishing Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies



Not Star Successor! No matter what the WiiU menu might tell you...


It's pretty common knowledge that I dislike Shooters in general, but there are a few exceptions, and they generally tend to be games that utilise the Wii pointer.


The game is mindless fun, that provides a pretty good challenge, even though I played it on Easy.

(Yeah, forgot to mention, this game is hard, and I suck at it)


I'd explain the story, but no-one really cares and it doesn't even make sense. It's just an excuse to blow stuff up!



Although the stuff blowing up could easily involve you.

Probably will as well.


The visuals are... uhhh... not so great when there aren't explosions and bullets everywhere, the cutscenes don't do this game any favours.



You know, I'd appreciate the cutscenes a little more if your faces weren't in them.


But in the end, it's all about the gameplay and this has it in spades!

It is a shame that there are no online leaderboards anymore, but that's just a sign of the times, the game is still plenty enjoyable!


Next up is... Uhhh... hang on...



Oh, right! Puz7 & Dra: Super Mario B.

Catchy name!


Puzzle & Dragons is a match 3 puzzle game with a heavy RPG element.

You build a team of different characters and try to tackle dungeons, level up, and use a mixture of smart team setup, quick stylus movement, and a little bit of luck to not die horribly.

While most of these match-3 puzzle games tend to let you make one move at a time, Puzzle and Dragons lets you drag one colour around as much as you want in a given time to try and get rid of as much at once, which results in stronger attacks, and hopefully victory. Try not to let enemies attack, otherwise you'll be dangerously close to losing all your health and dying.


This means that moves generally have to have a lot of thought behind them before being made, in order to clear as much at once to avoid letting enemies attack. It's quite an addictive format that works fantastically well and the team setup function allows for many different strategies.

Do you go for a mix of colours in your team, so you're always attacking? Or do you focus on one colour and unleash hell on opponents at the risk of running out of that one colour, leaving you defenseless?

You could play it defensively, having lots of characters that specialise in healing skills, or even a team that lays on tons of status effects, wearing the enemy down.


It's surprisingly deep, and allows for a lot of experimentation. It got me hooked very quickly.


This game is basically the Super Mario Bros version of Puzzle & Dragons that was bundled along with Puzzle & Dragons Z.


It's clever when you think about it. You bundle a more approachable, more beginner friendly version and add some instantly recognisable characters to get new players to understand the game and maybe move on to Z.


Oh, sorry. Did I say "Beginner friendly"?

What I meant to say was that this is the hardest Mario game I've ever played!

No joke! It is brutal! This game will chew you up and spit you out with no problem what-so-ever!


You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. @Hero\-of\-Time. Creepy...

7 of those games were replays, 2 of those 7 were remakes of games I've previously played (Majora's Mask 3D and Xenoblade Chronicles 3D)


Out of the new games that came out this year that I have played, I'm kinda torn between Shantae & the Pirate's Curse, EarthBound Beginnings (It counts as this year!) and Puzzle & Dragons Z for Game of 2015.


Still early days, of course. Here's to the next 6 months!

Edited by Glen-i
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I finished a game! :o


Earthbound Beginnings!


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Surprisingly I got into quicker than Earthbound. It definitely suffers from alot of problems from NES era games, such as huge amounts of grinding. The final area was hard as nails, even though they throw you a bone, for a little while at least. The translation isn't great either but really it's a fairly straight forward game, although some stuff could easily be missed. You also don't really know how much weapons increase you attack, I had to resort to my good old method of it's more expensive therefore must be better rule.


I had no idea what each PSI ability did, I'm sure that was something which would have been listed in the manual, but a quick check of the digital manual showed up nothing.


I both liked and loved the money system, you basically just get money every time you phone your Dad instead of getting it at the end of each battle. Although it was bit of a pain when you couldn't find a cash machine to withdraw money from. Saves you losing half of it when you die however so that's handy.


Go back to translation, I was very surprised to see this line in the game considering Nintendo where very strict on this kind of stuff back then:


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I'll probably give Earthbound another shot after a break, also tempted to pick up a Mother 3 repo, though I'll have to get the original cart to make myself feel better.

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I finished a game! :o


Earthbound Beginnings!


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Surprisingly I got into quicker than Earthbound. It definitely suffers from alot of problems from NES era games, such as huge amounts of grinding. The final area was hard as nails, even though they throw you a bone, for a little while at least. The translation isn't great either but really it's a fairly straight forward game, although some stuff could easily be missed. You also don't really know how much weapons increase you attack, I had to resort to my good old method of it's more expensive therefore must be better rule.


I had no idea what each PSI ability did, I'm sure that was something which would have been listed in the manual, but a quick check of the digital manual showed up nothing.


I both liked and loved the money system, you basically just get money every time you phone your Dad instead of getting it at the end of each battle. Although it was bit of a pain when you couldn't find a cash machine to withdraw money from. Saves you losing half of it when you die however so that's handy.


Go back to translation, I was very surprised to see this line in the game considering Nintendo where very strict on this kind of stuff back then:


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I'll probably give Earthbound another shot after a break, also tempted to pick up a Mother 3 repo, though I'll have to get the original cart to make myself feel better.

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I finished a game! :o


Earthbound Beginnings!


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Surprisingly I got into quicker than Earthbound. It definitely suffers from alot of problems from NES era games, such as huge amounts of grinding. The final area was hard as nails, even though they throw you a bone, for a little while at least. The translation isn't great either but really it's a fairly straight forward game, although some stuff could easily be missed. You also don't really know how much weapons increase you attack, I had to resort to my good old method of it's more expensive therefore must be better rule.


I had no idea what each PSI ability did, I'm sure that was something which would have been listed in the manual, but a quick check of the digital manual showed up nothing.


I both liked and loved the money system, you basically just get money every time you phone your Dad instead of getting it at the end of each battle. Although it was bit of a pain when you couldn't find a cash machine to withdraw money from. Saves you losing half of it when you die however so that's handy.


Go back to translation, I was very surprised to see this line in the game considering Nintendo where very strict on this kind of stuff back then:


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I'll probably give Earthbound another shot after a break, also tempted to pick up a Mother 3 repo, though I'll have to get the original cart to make myself feel better.


Yeah, that line really threw me for a loop too! :o


I'm actually still playing through it myself. Just about to go for the 4th melody and I'm getting my butt handed to me on an armour plated platter by the armour ghosts!


Amazingly enough, despite absolutely hating grinding with the passion of 1000 burning suns, I've actually not found it to be that bad in Earthbound Beginnings really. But anyway, I'll save the overarching impressions for when I actually complete it :)

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I've been having a strange desire to play Rayman 2 again recently. I haven't been through it for a long time but I remember really enjoying it on the N64 :smile:


My N64 isn't set up right now for various reasons, unfortuantely, but I've been wondering what the 3DS version is like! Has anybody played it?

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Hit the credits on Yoshi and Batman, still lots to do on both though. :)

Wooly World was an absolute joy to play, although it fizzled out a bit in the later stages. And Arkham Knight was also a great experience, despite a few frustrating sections.

I think the most memorable part of that game for me will always be this:


Never would have expected something with stealth gameplay to provide such an enjoyable and funny moment for me, but there you go. :hehe:


Well that's 2 more great games added to the diary for 2015. :awesome:



in January:____________

Resogun (PS4) IDbttgi.gif100%

Shovel Knight (Wii U)

Alien: Isolation (PS4)

Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) started in 2014

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

Duck Tales: Remastered (PS3+)

Dark Souls II (PS3) started in 2014

The Swapper (PS4+)

in February:____________

InFAMOUS First Light (PS4+)

Apotheon (PS4+)

Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS) started in 2014

Yakuza 4 (PS3+)

in March:____________

Rogue Legacy (PS4+)

OlliOlli 2 (PS4+)

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)

3D Out Run (3DS) 100%

Papo & Yo (PS3+)

Valiant Hearts: The Great War (PS4+)

Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Wii) replay

Mighty Switch Force! 2 (3DS)

in April:____________


Catherine (PS3)

New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U) started in 2014

Woah Dave! (PS4+)

Driveclub (PS4) IDbttgi.gif100%

Never Alone (PS4+) 100%

Yakuza: Dead Souls (PS3)

Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) replay/DLC pack 2 100%

in May:____________

Race the Sun (PS4+)

Hohokum (PS4+)

The Unfinished Swan (PS4+)

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (PS4+) IDbttgi.gifreplay/100%

Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush (Wii U)

Splatoon (Wii U)

in June:____________

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS4+)

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U replay/DLC

MHbUwnT.gifBatman: Arkham Knight (PS4)

MHbUwnT.gifYoshi's Woolly World (Wii U)






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I cleared another game from my back long last night. I started Kirby's Block Ball (3DS VC) the other day and managed to finish it last night.


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Alright game. Nothing special, though.


My FFX HD platinum quest took another step forward, with me nabbing a couple more trophies last night. I'm getting there. Just over 70 hours played on it now.


I've also been playing J-Stars Victory+ (PS4) . It's a fun little brawler, especially if you like anime. I picked it up on Saturday, after deciding I deserved a treat for clearing a lot of my backlog this year. It was between this and Batman, but seeing as every man and his dog seems to be playing Batman, I opted for the more obscure option. :D

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A simple copy & paste from the Arkham Knight thread:





The game itself was such a mixture of awesome stuff but also annoying stuff.


The "Joker" scene where your in the movie studio and Batman is stood on that spinning platform while Joker is singing to him. What a great part of the game.


The Joker being a "side kick" throughout the whole game I thought was pretty great


The evidence room in GCPD filled with bad guys you'd already beaten from previous games and filling up with the latest batch you brought in.


The closing scenes where you surrender to Scarecrow and play as the Joker. that whole finale was pretty amazing and trippy. I especially liked the image of seeing Riddler, 2 Face & Penguin all questioning each other what to do with the Joker as he's strapped to the carriage thing, then his own skin on the batmobile was great.



The game in general was more positive than negative to me, but there were a few lows...







Fuck Cobras. Fuck them...


Arkham Knight tank battle with Cobras... fuck sake


Arkham Knight battle with his driller / crusher thing.. fuck off


Arkham Knight battle when you go to save Gordan and he's got his sniper rifle and you have to do something like 5 'stages' before you get him. Fuck that I wanted a good face off man to man against him, not fucking tanks.



Deathshot tank battle with Cobras... no really fuck off Cobras, and same as above two punches landed once his tank was blown up and he's behind bars.


Destroying the mines / bombs scattered around the city then a wave of 50 tanks come. It's fun sure the first few times... but does get a little repetitive.


When driving the batmobile somewhere and a car with a convict comes into view you have to hold circle to cancel the tracking on it. Fuck sake I didn't want to follow that car in the first place.





Looking back apparently a lot more lows than highs, which is odd as I did actually enjoy the game.



As of now:


Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag (PS4)

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4)

The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)

Thief (PS4)

Valiant Hearts (PS4)

Abe's Oddysee: New N Tasty (PS4)

Far Cry 4 (PS4)

The Walking Dead Season 1 & 400 Days DLC (PS4)

Never Alone (PS4)

The Unfinished Swan (PS4)

The Walking Dead Season 2 (PS4)

The Witcher: Wild Hunt (PS4)

Batman Arkham Knight (PS4)

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Not played much this past week bar Splatoon, but at the weekend I decided to give both Earthbound and SMB3(allstars version) a go.


Earthbound. Harder than I actually recalled. Whilst fun/amusing, I forgot how much grind(and how unforgiving) it can be. I think I originally played this with cheats etc so didn't notice as much. Put me off slightly, but hopefully I'll go back to it soon.


SMB3 - Inspired by all the Mario Maker I was seeing I finally gave this a replay - it's still a cracker. Hard in places too! Some bits I just kept dying! Played it all the way through from World 1-World 7 - just gotta tackle World 8 now but felt I needed a bit of a break. It's nice remembering all the secrets and stuff they still managed to tuck in to this game. Might polish it off this weekend if I get a chance.

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Looking back apparently a lot more lows than highs, which is odd as I did actually enjoy the game.


To be fair, your lows could be condensed down to "Fuck the Batmobile stuff" for the most part. Same as mine really. Driving around the city I found fun enough but any Batmobile gameplay beyond that I just found tedious.


Anyway, I can also add Batman: Arkham Knight to my completed games list. I think it was probably the weakest of the trilogy but still an excellent game. The Batmobile stuff did suck but not enough to take away from the overall experience. Just like the other two I expect I'll play through the game again soon on New Game Plus.


The Order 1886

Mortal Kombat X

The Witcher 3

You Must Build a Boat

Batman: Arkham Knight


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Last night I had a bit of an urge to play Ikaruga.. so I did :heh:



Ikaruga Replay


I went through the game from start to finish, something that was definitely only made possible due to having unlocked infinite continues many years ago :heh: I may have managed to navigate the first stage and the majority of the second without fault, but after that I was throwing lives away like they were meaningless.. and, in a way, they were :indeed:


The game definitely loses the majority of its intensity when there's no real punishment for death, other than to lose your score, of course, but it was still fun to play through this awesome shooter again :hehe:


I also resumed my save file on Geist, a game I've never been able to get into, and will perhaps try to make further progress this evening :smile: I'm only on level 3 so there's probably still some way to go until I get anywhere near the end but hopefully it'll win me over, somehow :grin:




Tonight has been a Super FX night :awesome:



Starwing Replay


I hooked up the SNES to the TV in the bedroom and played through one of the routes in Starwing again, making it my third cleared Starfox game in the space of a few weeks :smile: In fact, there's a good chance I'll play through Starfox Command again soon along with Lylat Wars and Starfox 64 3D in order to complete the set :heh:


Starwing is definitely showing its age but it was still fun to blast through. In a way, I could see some of the similarities with the latest build Starfox Zero as I played each stage!


Afterwards, I had a few races on Stunt Race FX : peace: I almost feel a little dizzy now, though :blank:

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I hooked up the SNES to the TV in the bedroom and played through one of the routes in Starwing again, making it my third cleared Starfox game in the space of a few weeks :smile: In fact, there's a good chance I'll play through Starfox Command again soon along with Lylat Wars and Starfox 64 3D in order to complete the set :heh:


Starwing is definitely showing its age but it was still fun to blast through. In a way, I could see some of the similarities with the latest build Starfox Zero as I played each stage!


Starwing was by the far the most exciting, in my opinion. : peace: Those simple, untextured polygons... with a bit of imagination, you were in that Arwing!


Star Fox 64 3D was fun and I also liked Command, but the only one that really has a place in my heart is that original entry in the SNES days.

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Starwing was by the far the most exciting, in my opinion. : peace: Those simple, untextured polygons... with a bit of imagination, you were in that Arwing!


Star Fox 64 3D was fun and I also liked Command, but the only one that really has a place in my heart is that original entry in the SNES days.


Couldn't agree more.


The original will always be the best, for me at least. Seeing the Arwings flying through the hanger at the start of the game was a magical experience back then.

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The original will always be the best, for me at least..


Given how much it melted my eyes last night, I'm not sure I could possibly agree on that :heh: I do, however, appreciate how mind-blowing it was originally and I'll definitely play through the other routes at some point again :grin:


Lylat Wars is easily my favourite, though the 3DS update is the definitive version, for me :smile:

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I'm currently playing through Starfox Command tonight.. and really enjoying it :grin: The controls are excellent, though it's a shame that the levels aren't structured more like Lylat Wars as I feel that this game had so much potential!


I also played a few stages of Killer is Dead on PS3 this afternoon :smile: Being a fan of some of Suda 51's previous work, namely Killer 7 and No More Heroes, I'll have to admit to being slightly disappointed by this one so far :hmm: It probably didn't help that my wife was sitting beside me telling me about how ridiculous it all was :heh:

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I'm gonna take you back to a time long, long ago... 1996, to be precise.



I want to be... the very best.

But I'm stuck with Squirtle.


Yep, for reasons I won't go into, I played Pokemon Blue again (Mainly because Red wasn't available).

A lot of people would say that this is the perfect Pokemon game and was never topped by any of the later games.



Even Ash thinks those people are deluded.


Now don't get me wrong, it's a perfectly enjoyable game and is nowhere near my least favourite Pokemon, but I have to ask, really!?


Because this game is hilariously broken and unbalanced. And I'm going to explain some of the many reasons why.

Oh yeah, Glen-i is going total Pokenerd on you!


1. Wrap is one of the greatest moves in the game.



That Nidoking might as well just give up on life at this point. It's got no hope.


Basically, if the wrap user is faster than the opponent, (and they will be, because almost every wrap user can learn a paralysing move) they can continue using wrap and there's not a god damn thing you can do about it. (You just have to hope it misses, which doesn't happen that often)

This was fixed in Gen 2.


2. You can teach Hyper Beam to any Pokemon you like and you wouldn't be laughed off the planet.



Well, you've lost a Pokemon now.


Everyone knows Hyper Beam, it's an insanely powerful attack, but it comes with the downside of having to miss a turn.

These days, almost no-one uses it because of that downside, (And the fact it's a normal type move)

But back in Gen 1, if you managed to make a Pokemon faint with Hyper Beam, you didn't have to miss a turn.

Needless to say, this was very abusable. And because of the strange way stat growths are calculated in these games (More on that later), a lot of Pokemon benefit from it.


3. Dragonite's moveset makes no sense.



Those wings are purely for show.


Now this is a small thing to point out, I know. But there are a few Pokemon that have silly movesets. I chose Dragonite just because it stands out so much because the moves it can learn make very little sense.


Let's have a look at what it learns naturally. Keep in mind that Dragonite is meant to be one of the strongest Pokemon in the game, and is the only Dragon type final evolution.




Thunder Wave



Dragon Rage

Hyper Beam


That's it. Now just by looking at the names, you'd think "That's not so bad"

But let's look at it with the context of Dragonite's design and the knowledge that it's a Dragon/Flying type.


Wrap - You show me a Dragonite wrapping around something and not making it look dumb, bet you can't.

Leer - Worthless move

Thunder Wave - Useful for wrapping nonsense, but why can it learn this?

Agility - That bulky thing? Move fast? Right, OK.

Slam - First move that's kinda good and makes some sense.

Dragon Rage - Only Dragon move in the game, shame it always does 40 HP damage.

Hyper Beam - Finally! A proper suitable move!


I make that two moves that suit it.

Oh, and one more thing.


Dragonite can't learn fly. Explain that!

(In fact, neither can Charizard)

There's a lot of silly shenanigans like that. Needless to say, it's spawned a few hilarious comics.






4. You might as well just have a team of 6 Psychic Pokemon.









There, that's a team that would be a bloody nightmare to beat. Moving on.


5. Mewtwo made multiplayer boring.



No, I said Mewtwo.


Mewtwo is the best Pokemon in the game. There's no debating it, it just is.

So naturally, this meant every kid in the 90's used the damn thing.

Every match inevitably boiled down to "Which Mewtwo gets lucky with Blizzard or a critical hit?"


Sure, it was exciting back then when I was 6, but these days?


6. The Special Stat.



That Bulbasaur is going places.


The special stat is a weird gen 1 thing.

It's basically Sp. Atk and Sp. Def rolled into one overpowered package.

Basically, if a Pokemon has good Special, it's worth using, even if it's typing is physical.


Chansey with Ice Beam is absolutely terrifying! Chansey!


And because of the weird way stats grow, (Basically, there is no such thing as EV training. Every Pokemon can eventually get the highest possible amount they can get) this makes Pokemon that have high Special stats (Like the aforementioned Mewtwo) indispensable.


7. They were really struggling to think of TM's


There's a TM for Water Gun...



8. Glitches





Pokemon Blue is a technically impressive game. All of it fits on a Game Boy cartridge. It really is amazing.

But of course, something had to give, and Gen 1 is riddled with (hilarious) glitches.


The most famous of them all was Missingno, a garbled mess of a Pokemon that for some reason, gave you loads of whatever item was in your 6th space should you see it. But there's a lot more than that...


Here's someone beating the game in less than a minute and with no Pokemon!



And here's someone reprogramming the actual game itself from within the game to play a variation of pong! This one is cool.



But despite all this, the game is still great! I still enjoyed it a lot, it was a bit slow at times, but that's just me getting spoiled by the later games.


It's got many, many quirks, but they only add to it's charm.


So yes, I can see why people still love this game. But maybe try not to let nostalgia blind you too much. Because there are better Pokemon games out there.


And with that...


Lufia: The Legend Returns - GBC

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - WiiU (Not 100%)

Demon's Crest - SNES (Not 100%)

The World Ends With You - DS

Gunman Clive - 3DS

Gunman Clive 2 - 3DS

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse - 3DS

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D - 3DS

Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe - 3DS

Banjo-Tooie - N64

Metroid Zero Mission - GBA (Not 100%)

Child of Light - Wii U (Single Character challenge)

Super Smash Bros - 3DS (Everything, baby!)

Super Mario World - SNES

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - 3DS (Credits seen)

Super Mario 64 - N64 (120 stars)

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - 3DS

Final Fantasy 8 - PS1

Tengami - WiiU

Earthbound Beginnings - NES

Puzzle & Dragons Z - 3DS

Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition - 3DS

Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Skies - Wii

Pokemon Blue - GB


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I saw the credits roll on three games yesterday :smile: I have already cleared two of them before, one of which has been countless times, whilst the other was for the first time!




Starfox Command Replay


I think I've only been through Starfox Command once before but I took a different route this time. It was considerably shorter and took me a little by surprise when it ended :heh: It has definitely encouraged me to go through all of the other routes at some point :grin:




Starfox 64 3D Replay


There isn't really much to say about this other than it's one of my favourite games of all time, almost endlessly replayable and with that I've been through every Starfox game this summer, barring Lylat Wars on the N64. I'm ready for Zero : peace:



Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush


I had it in my head that there were going to be eight worlds in this so I was definitely caught by surprise when I reached the end of world 7 and was confronted by the title 'The Final Boss' :heh:


It's a good game and I'm glad I got it but at this stage I'm not sure if I actually enjoyed it as much as I expected to. I had a great time with Power Paintbrush on DS when I recently revisited it but this felt a little different. Things like the inability to tap on enemies or absorb abilities took a little getting used to but, like with the DS game, I fully expect to get more from it when I eventually return for the remaining treasure chests :hehe:


I also made some progress in Killer is Dead yesterday, which continues to disappoint, while Grand Slam Tennis has just landed through my door :grin: Unfortunately, I have to go to work soon :nono:

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Gen 1 really is hilarious. It's so hilariously broken and unbalanced that it's actually charming in a weird roundabout way :laughing:


It does feel like a (very ambitious) rough draft of what the series would eventually become and in some respects, I guess that enabled people to fill in the blanks themselves when imagining what the world of Pokemon could look and feel like.

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Yeah, everybody knows the Pokémon series actually peaked with Gold/Silver :heh: But seriously, Red/Blue was already outdated when Gold/Silver came out. I loved the 2nd Gen, and going back to Pokémon Blue was "Whoa, has this game always been this slow?"

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As mentioned in the Batman Thread, I've completed Batman Arkham Knight! Woo.


I attempted to write a review of it: http://geeksleeprinserepeat.com/2015/07/08/arkham-knight-review/


Clickbait much?


In Summary:


The Batmobile is a very cool addition to the franchise, but there is an over reliance on it later in the game which becomes frustrating. The numerous side missions are for the most part very fun and entertaining and offer a way to lock up some of Gotham’s finest villains all over again. Scarecrow as the main protagonist makes for a great shake up from the tried and tested Joker. He personifies a very menacing and genuine threat to Gotham especially aided with the mysterious Arkham Knight. His presence makes the final few parts of this game some of the most entertaining and all out weirdest the series has seen. Any other villain would not have been able to offer such an extraordinary series of finale events.[/Quote]



Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag (PS4)

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4)

The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)

Thief (PS4)

Valiant Hearts (PS4)

Abe's Oddysee: New N Tasty (PS4)

Far Cry 4 (PS4)

The Walking Dead Season 1 & 400 Days DLC (PS4)

Never Alone (PS4)

The Unfinished Swan (PS4)

The Walking Dead Season 2 (PS4)

The Witcher: Wild Hunt (PS4)

Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4)

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Played and finished Lego Jurassic World this week. Overall, it wasn't too bad. Very colourful in terms of graphics, some humourous moments. As the game is based on the 4 Jurassic Park movies, you do play out some of the big moments, including the T-Rex escaping the paddock in the first movie. But (and this is in my opinion), the game does get tiresome as it is the same formula that is present in Lego games of this kind. Don't get me wrong, it is fun but i was getting bored.


There are many things to collect to try and keep things fresh, but i havn't collected them all and i probably won't either. It's a perfect weekend-esque game, or something to play as a refresh to the likes of Batman and Witcher.

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Played and finished Lego Jurassic World this week. Overall, it wasn't too bad. Very colourful in terms of graphics, some humourous moments. As the game is based on the 4 Jurassic Park movies, you do play out some of the big moments, including the T-Rex escaping the paddock in the first movie. But (and this is in my opinion), the game does get tiresome as it is the same formula that is present in Lego games of this kind. Don't get me wrong, it is fun but i was getting bored.


There are many things to collect to try and keep things fresh, but i havn't collected them all and i probably won't either. It's a perfect weekend-esque game, or something to play as a refresh to the likes of Batman and Witcher.

Do you get to defeat a dinosaur using gymnastics?

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Do you get to defeat a dinosaur using gymnastics?


That scene is represented in the game, and yes you do smack a Raptor gymnastics style. There are many changes of some scenes in-game, and many are expanded upon for gameplay purposes

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