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Your 2015 Gaming Diary

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Partly due to how I review games my progress with completing them seems to have slowed down somewhat, so it would seem that the first 'proper' completed game of 2015 was during the last month so from now on around the start of each month I'll detail the games I've completed, set myself goals of other games to finish and other general progress. :)






Super Mario 64 - This was quite simply a joy to play all over again from start to finish, yes the controls take a bit of getting used to due to playing them on a pro controller which feels significantly different from the N64 pad but once you've adjusted it's easy enough to make the game bend to your will once more as everything is still very much finely tuned for a 3D platformer and for one of the first to pioneer analogue control it certainly nails so many different aspects in addition to reminding us just how individually amazing each main Mario game is when judged solely on its own merits. : peace:


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Phantasy Star IV - I've been making decent progress with this since late last year, playing a fair bit of it in the early months of 2015 as well with the intention of it being my first finished game of the year. Despite owning the game boxed with no manual for some many years now I actually only got around to properly playing it when I purchased my Retron 5, initially I was merely testing cartridges of various formats and over five months later Phantasy Star IV is still in the cartridge slot with my Sega 32X acting as a pass-through so that I don't damage any of my cartridges.


I'm about three quarters of the way through the game I reckon and I've been enjoying it immensely as it's such a fantastic RPG which just has it all from the sci-fi setting, amazing line-up of characters, varied locations, excellent humour, an addictive battle system plus much more besides; I won't go into any more detail just yet as I don't want to spoil too much for anyone who perhaps hasn't played it but I did start taking screens with the Retron 5's capture feature and let's just say that I ended up with over three hundred images from the game thus far, I may write an in-depth feature about the game at a later date but for now, have a look at these...


Broadcast Yourself

(While listening to this)


Phantasy Star IV









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My point is that sometimes, drawing is the only way to reasonably get some magic and that's tedious.


Except...it wasn't. :heh: At least you didn't need to draw from enemies, which is what I thought you were saying was tedious before.


The islands closest to heaven/hell gets you stocked in no time. Marvel at the number of draw points, and they replenish rather quickly:




Before I was just saying that you looked up some stuff but not that, which was unfortunate, as it would have saved you an awful lot of time (and seemingly frustration). Although to be honest, they're not exactly hidden, and you can see those remote islands are reachable only by airship, which is why I didn't really agree with you that normal people wouldn't go visit there.


Regarding you not knowing if you could draw Triple again easily, given you were at Disc 2 I think it's very fair to assume that it would have been easier to get later. I'd say that's like thinking a specific weapon upgrading material would not be easier to get later in game. Almost always, stuff is easier to get later. That's pretty much RPG law isn't it? :heh: I have seen people spend ages in early areas grinding their characters garnering quantities of EXP that would likely be laughed at hours later in game.


To be honest, I'd say you probably don't need to level up or even draw from enemies at all in this game. You can refine a bit of magic from items/cards here and there and drop a few aura stones on the tricky bosses. The End or Renzokuken your way to victory. It's almost funny how easy to cheese this game is, when you think about it. I'm not saying this game isn't arbitrary in some places, because it is, but I kinda gathered you knew that when you went looking some other stuff up too.

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Except...it wasn't. :heh: At least you didn't need to draw from enemies, which is what I thought you were saying was tedious before.


The islands closest to heaven/hell gets you stocked in no time. Marvel at the number of draw points, and they replenish rather quickly:




Before I was just saying that you looked up some stuff but not that, which was unfortunate, as it would have saved you an awful lot of time (and seemingly frustration). Although to be honest, they're not exactly hidden, and you can see those remote islands are reachable only by airship, which is why I didn't really agree with you that normal people wouldn't go visit there.


Regarding you not knowing if you could draw Triple again easily, given you were at Disc 2 I think it's very fair to assume that it would have been easier to get later. I'd say that's like thinking a specific weapon upgrading material would not be easier to get later in game. Almost always, stuff is easier to get later. That's pretty much RPG law isn't it? :heh: I have seen people spend ages in early areas grinding their characters garnering quantities of EXP that would likely be laughed at hours later in game.


It's not necessarily a fair assumption to make at all. He had no way of knowing whether or not he'd ever have a chance to get it ever again, because the game does such a terrible job of informing the player of other methods of gaining magic - it's a very valid complaint. And even then, drawing is often a necessity anyway.


The game was clearly designed with players using the Player's Guide in mind and that really shouldn't be necessary...


To be honest, I'd say you probably don't need to level up or even draw from enemies at all in this game. You can refine a bit of magic from items/cards here and there and drop a few aura stones on the tricky bosses. The End or Renzokuken your way to victory. It's almost funny how easy to cheese this game is, when you think about it. I'm not saying this game isn't arbitrary in some places, because it is, but I kinda gathered you knew that when you went looking some other stuff up too.


Refining enemies into cards and then refining magic from them is still ridiculously tedious busywork though - arguably less so, but still just a different form of it. The game simply wastes a ridiculous amount of your time; be it drawing magic, GF rushing everything, or card/item refining; it's all just a big unnecessary time sink that should've been massively cut down (and that's not getting into the rest of the game's problems that he rightfully mentioned too).

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It's not necessarily a fair assumption to make at all. He had no way of knowing whether or not he'd ever have a chance to get it ever again, because the game does such a terrible job of informing the player of other methods of gaining magic - it's a very valid complaint. And even then, drawing is often a necessity anyway.


It's a completely fair assumption. Magic is required to boost your stats yet is a consumable resource in this game; to assume you're never going to get it again when you're in disc 2 of 4 is, frankly, crazy. :heh: About all I can see on the defence of this argument was "Well, I'd never seen this magic before". Why would seeing something for the first time automatically lead you to assume that's the only place you'll ever get it? You could say that about almost any consumable you see for the first time in any game!


The game was clearly designed with players using the Player's Guide in mind and that really shouldn't be necessary...


That's a valid complaint but one I feel applies to just about every Final Fantasy game in many areas, as well as the Souls series. All games which, to be honest, many of us love. It seems to me like this game is getting excess stick for it though, even though RPGs of this era are pretty well known for this kind of shiz. It's arbitrary in places but then when you know that, you kind of know to look stuff up. That's why I was basically pointing out that it's a shame, in a game where you know shit be arbitrary, that he didn't look that bit up (junctioning), because it would have meant he'd have had less complaints about that.


Refining enemies into cards and then refining magic from them is still ridiculously tedious busywork though - arguably less so, but still just a different form of it.


Are we working with the same definition of "tedious" here? :heh:


You get a lot of cards from defeating GFs anyway then you need only convert them with an ability to get items and magic (which is effectively stat increases). It's almost no additional time penalty since you get the cards anyway. Contrast that to levelling up the sphere grid or something to get 200 HP per node and it's far, far quicker!


The game simply wastes a ridiculous amount of your time; be it drawing magic, GF rushing everything, or card/item refining; it's all just a big uneccessary time sink.


It isn't though, that's what I've been saying. Compared to any other Final Fantasy game it's a much, much quicker way of powering up. Turning 10 tents into 100 Curagas gives you literally thousands of HP from the off! Enough even to easily breeze through the entire game on that level of HP alone. Show me a Final Fantasy game, heck, even another RPG, where you can advance by thousands of HP in seconds. And you don't even need to level because the enemies scale! This is without doubt one of those games that when you're in the know, it's a much quicker and more satisfying game because you're able to max your characters pretty darn quickly.

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That's insane.

How is anyone supposed to know any of this without a guide?

If I had some kind of clue as to there being draw points on the world map, I would have made use of them, or at least tried to look them up if I couldn't figure it out, but there wasn't. No hint what-so-ever.


I hate looking up guides, it makes it feel like I'm cheating, but with each instalment of FF, I find myself using them more and more. It's very unsatisfying.

This kinda started with 5, got a little bit better with 6. (Don't get me wrong, getting some optional stuff in that game is ridiculous. Shadow, anyone?)


But 7 had me relying on a guide every now and again, with 8 getting even worse.

I don't like the direction it's going. I shouldn't be punished because I didn't rely on a guide Square wanted me to buy. (Not relevant these days, I know)


To be honest, I'd say you probably don't need to level up or even draw from enemies at all in this game. You can refine a bit of magic from items/cards here and there and drop a few aura stones on the tricky bosses. The End or Renzokuken your way to victory. It's almost funny how easy to cheese this game is, when you think about it. I'm not saying this game isn't arbitrary in some places, because it is, but I kinda gathered you knew that when you went looking some other stuff up too.


All I did was look up where to go next when I got stuck. Every single time, it was either because of some stupid tiny path I could never have noticed or because I just flat out couldn't find anything on the world map.

So excuse me for not actively finding ways to break the system.


I should explain that second reason a bit with an example.

Up until Edea's House, every time I was supposed to traverse the World Map to a new location, my world map would be marked with a small dot labelling that location.

Helpful. The World Map is a bit awkward to get around before you get an airship, so it was very welcome.

But when I had to go to Edea's House, the game decided not to bother with that. Leaving me gliding around in my oversized boat looking for the tiniest area in the middle of nowhere, completely isolated from anything else of interest.

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You found "The End" magic (which honestly is so easy to overlook given how easy it is to skip over her limit magics); that's the most cheesable thing there is. :heh:


Did you find Bahamut legit? I'm not knocking you here, just saying that I know parts of this game are arbitrary but because of that I think I looked that up. Before I was saying you could have looked that world map up too to save you so much time and perhaps not hate junctioning quite so much.

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That's why I was basically pointing out that it's a shame, in a game where you know shit be arbitrary, that he didn't look that bit up (junctioning), because it would have meant he'd have had less complaints about that.


No, I would have still complained about it. I just would have pointed out easier ways that it could have been done as well.


And BTW, I didn't know this game would be so arbitrary.

My entire knowledge of the game before playing it was what I saw on the Theatrhythm games.

Next to nothing. I knew some of the characters and some of the music.


You found "The End" magic (which honestly is so easy to overlook given how easy it is to skip over her limit magics); that's the most cheesable thing there is. :heh:


Did you find Bahamut legit? I'm not knocking you here, just saying that I know parts of this game are arbitrary but because of that I think I looked that up. Before I was saying you could have looked that world map up too to save you so much time and perhaps not hate junctioning quite so much.


Funny story about "The End"

I got Selphie's Limit Break for the first time during a boss. I started messing around with Slot. Seeing what could come up. Saw "The End", thought, "what the hell's that?" and tried it.

Got a good laugh when the boss went down instantly.


Bahumut, yes. Eden, no. I found the location by accident when I was completely confused on where to go next. (Game told me to fly to Esthar to save Rinoa, I went to Esthar city, could have been explained better, but it was partly my fault as well) That puzzle was nothing but random guesswork and it was just getting irritating.


Oh, and for the record, I love the junctioning system but I hate drawing and I think the game should have had some kind of tutorial for at least refining magic.

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It's a completely fair assumption. Magic is required to boost your stats yet is a consumable resource in this game; to assume you're never going to get it again when you're in disc 2 of 4 is, frankly, crazy. :heh: About all I can see on the defence of this argument was "Well, I'd never seen this magic before". Why would seeing something for the first time automatically lead you to assume that's the only place you'll ever get it? You could say that about almost any consumable you see for the first time in any game!


It's not really crazy at all, it's the classic psychological "Shrinking Door" phenomenon. Given that you are not using a guide, have no idea what Triple is, does, how rare it is or if there are other ways of getting it, the player is naturally inclined to grab as many of them while they still can; not wanting to risk it being a one time only draw (of which there are a more than a fair few in this game).


That's a valid complaint but one I feel applies to just about every Final Fantasy game in many areas, as well as the Souls series. All games which, to be honest, many of us love. It seems to me like this game is getting excess stick for it though, even though RPGs of this era are pretty well known for this kind of shiz. It's arbitrary in places but then when you know that, you kind of know to look stuff up. That's why I was basically pointing out that it's a shame, in a game where you know shit be arbitrary, that he didn't look that bit up (junctioning), because it would have meant he'd have had less complaints about that.


The difference between previous FF games and FF8 though is that this stuff that is ridiculously obscure/abstract is stuff that you absolutely need to finish the game; where as in the other earlier games it's all optional. You're not getting anywhere without magic to junction, while in say FF7, you really don't need Yuffie or Ultima material for instance.


And in no way shape or form should a player be expected to click on an invisible door to find something crucial to beating the game. The pre-rendered backgrounds are not designed with clarity in mind and the world layout is not intuitively designed to point the player in the right direction at all (FF7 suffered from that as well, to be fair, but it at least had the arrow/pointer option there - which was added into the international release because they knew full well that the backgrounds weren't clear at all).


Are we working with the same definition of "tedious" here? :heh:


You get a lot of cards from defeating GFs anyway then you need only convert them with an ability to get items and magic (which is effectively stat increases). It's almost no additional time penalty since you get the cards anyway. Contrast that to levelling up the sphere grid or something to get 200 HP per node and it's far, far quicker!




It isn't though, that's what I've been saying. Compared to any other Final Fantasy game it's a much, much quicker way of powering up. Turning 10 tents into 100 Curagas gives you literally thousands of HP from the off! Enough even to easily breeze through the entire game on that level of HP alone. Show me a Final Fantasy game, heck, even another RPG, where you can advance by thousands of HP in seconds. And you don't even need to level because the enemies scale! This is without doubt one of those games that when you're in the know, it's a much quicker and more satisfying game because you're able to max your characters pretty darn quickly.


Yeah, you can make yourself totally broken if you read up a guide... (though it does basically remove all of the challenge in the process)


Otherwise you're stuffed :p

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It's not really crazy at all, it's the classic psychological "Shrinking Door" phenomenon. Given that you are not using a guide, have no idea what Triple is, does, how rare it is or if there are other ways of getting it, the player is naturally inclined to grab as many of them while they still can; not wanting to risk it being a one time only draw (of which there are a more than a fair few in this game).


There's no reason to assume you will never get another type of magic ever again, in a game where the magic is consumable. The game has not suggested that it will never appear again, and the only reason I can see he was doing it was because he had never seen it before. By that logic, you could do the same thing the first you see anything that is consumable in any game - you've never seen it before, how will you ever known it will appear again? You really just make a judgement call based on common sense.


The difference between previous FF games and FF8 though is that this stuff that is ridiculously obscure/abstract is stuff that you absolutely need to finish the game; where as in the other earlier games it's all optional. You're not getting anywhere without magic to junction, while in say FF7, you really don't need Yuffie or Ultima magic.


Well, not really; the game spends ages explaining junctioning to you with a number of tutorials that show you what to do. You can even replay the tutorials from your desk. The game is obscure in places but junctioning isn't one, if anything they tell you too much!


And in no way shape or form should a player be expected to click on an invisible door to find something crucial to beating the game. The pre-rendered backgrounds are not designed with clarity in mind and the world layout is not intuitively designed to point the player in the right direction at all (FF7 suffered from that as well, to be fair, but it at least had the arrow/pointer option there - which was added into the international release because they knew full well that the backgrounds weren't clear at all).


It's funny you say this because it's such a non-issue generally, and I don't remember for one second being stuck at that part. But mostly, I remember actually quite liking the secrets that could be hidden using pre-rendered backgrounds like this, rather than being frustrated by it. Like Hades in FF9, I thought that was pretty cool.




The alternative, marking exits with arrows like in FF9, is a bit off putting to me.


Yeah, you can make yourself totally broken if you read up a guide... (though it does basically remove all of the challenge in the process)


Otherwise you're stuffed :p


No you're not. You can easily do what I just said - junctioning magic that you created from items you bought from a shop or using cards.


Don't you dare say this is freaking obscure. :heh: You get the card mod ability from Quetzalcoatl which is given to you right at the beginning, and it's just one of the regular abilities he learns. As long as you watched the tutorials it's really quite easy to get your stats to the point you can cheese the game.

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I adore that art style - sort of "Mega Drive emulating anime". It takes me right back to my early teens.


It's great isn't it? Everything seems to look even sharper on the Retron 5 as well which adds to the effect...



Mega Drive




Retron 5


I was quite amazed at the difference as the first time I tried it out I was thinking...


'Wait... this is the same game but, I don't recall it looking quite as good as this!'


Will definitely get back to finishing it soon.


: peace:

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Is it wrong to prefer the look of the Mega Drive version..? :heh:


No, it's just preference. :)


I prefer how Phantasy Star IV looks on the Retron just as I prefer how most of the Sega 3D classics look on the 3DS, although again I suppose that's a slightly different comparison.


These are all just different ways to experience the same games, ultimately though the fantastic gameplay remains the same which is what matters. : peace:

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No, it's just preference. :)


I prefer how Phantasy Star IV looks on the Retron just as I prefer how most of the Sega 3D classics look on the 3DS, although again I suppose that's a slightly different comparison.


These are all just different ways to experience the same games, ultimately though the fantastic gameplay remains the same which is what matters. : peace:


I often find that the smoothing effect takes something away from the original look of a game, but I can totally understand why others would prefer it :smile:

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Rogue Legacy



Broadcast Yourself




Brave Sir Lee explores the castle, even if he's doomed to fail


So yeah, after I learned to like Roguelikes, I gave this one a chance.


For those who don't know, you get to explore a castle and fight enemies, but the castle changes layout with every life you lose (and so do the abilities of your character). You can, however, get permanent upgrades and carry them to your following lives.


It's kind of weird. It's not very appealing as a Metroidvania (the maze resets frequently), and not exactly as a Roguelike, either (you do need to level up a character), and yet, the combination just works. It's fun, and by improving, you always feel like you can do just a little better next time. So addictive.


Good music, good bosses, great challenges, great variety of classes, and plenty to collect. Plus, the castles always have something weird in them to find. And there's even a story in there somewhere.


I completed the game twice, and I just don't do it a third time because the enemies are tough enough as it is :heh: I believe I did everything the game had to offer... except for the clown achievement, which is haaaard (and the clown himself only appears in certain maps, too, the jerk).



-Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb (Last played: 11th January)

-Hitman Contracts (2nd February)

-Sonic CD (19th February)

-Puzzle Agent (17th February)

-Teslagrad (8th March)

-Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut (14th March)

-The Whispered World (11th April)

-Rogue Legacy (6th May)

Currently Playing:

-Dragon Quest III

On Hold/Hiatus:

-Final Fantasy X

-Septerra Core



-Enemy Mind (25th March)



A couple of days ago, I finally finished Final Fantasy 8 for the first time.

Some of you may recall me saying that since the GBA versions of Final Fantasy 1 and 2, I've been playing each one, in order, for the first time.


Well, I hope you enjoy Final Fantasy IX, then :) One of the best RPGs I've ever had the pleasure of playing.

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I finished a bunch of games over the past few weeks.


Jak II ( PS3 )


I decided to have a look through my PS+ library and found I had Jak 2 and 3 sitting there. I've never finished either of these as I didn't like the GTA style they used, especially after the glorious platforming adventure that was the first game.


I will say the game is pretty brutal at times in terms of difficulty. There aren't many checkpoints scattered about and when you die it's usually straight back to the start of the stage. It took a while to get used to, this is probably due to how hand holdy and easy games have become.


I really love the characters in this series. They are so fully of life and have a great sense of humour that appeals to both kids and adults. Naughty Dog doing Gods work again.


I was gonna start Jak III straight after but decided to have a break from it.


I'll let Miiverse do the talking for me with my next games.


Kirby's Nightmare in Dreamland ( Wii U VC )

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Megaman Battle Network ( Wii U VC )

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Kirby & the Amazing Mirror ( Wii U VC )

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Zelda: Majora's Mask ( 3DS )

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Kirby's Pinball Land ( Wii U VC )

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That takes my total games finished to 31 this year.


Valiant Hearts (PS4)

Donkey Kong 94 (3DS VC)

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (3DS VC)

Donkey Kong Land (3DS VC)

Links Awakening (3DS VC)

Oracle of Seasons (3DS VC)

Oracle of Ages (3DS VC)

Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS)

Final Fantasy VIII (PS Vita)

Luigi’s Mansion 2 (3DS)

The Order (PS4)

Child of Light (PS Vita)

Final Fantasy Type 0 (PS4)

Far Cry 4 (PS4)

Mario vs Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars (Wii U)

Mighty Switch Force HD (Wii U)

Mighty Switch Force 2 (Wii U)

Mario 64 (Wii U VC)

Donkey Kong 64 (Wii U VC)

Lego Batman 3 (PS4)

Kuru Kuru Kurin (Wii U VC)

Monster Bag (PS Vita)

Never Alone (PS4)

Kirby’s Epic Yarn (Wii)

Metal Gear Solid (PS Vita)

Jak II (PS3)

Kirby’s Nightmare in Dreamland (Wii U VC)

Megaman Battle Network (Wii U VC)

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror (Wii U VC)

Zelda: Majora’s Mask (3DS)

Kirby’s Pinball Land (3DS VC)




Not a bad going so far. :D

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That takes my total games finished to 31 this year.
32 actually. :hehe:

You (somehow) missed Monster Hunter 4 on that list. ;)


BTW, I saw Papo & Yo on your trophy list the other day, but with just the 1 trophy (which I thought was strange seeing as it's such a short game). Not your cup of tea? Or was it just too technically flawed for you to enjoy? I seem to recall screen tearing being a pet peeve of yours, and that game suffered from it pretty bad.

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32 actually. :hehe:

You (somehow) missed Monster Hunter 4 on that list. ;)


BTW, I saw Papo & Yo on your trophy list the other day, but with just the 1 trophy (which I thought was strange seeing as it's such a short game). Not your cup of tea? Or was it just too technically flawed for you to enjoy? I seem to recall screen tearing being a pet peeve of yours, and that game suffered from it pretty bad.


Haha. How did I forget MH4!? Good shout. :)


Yeah, I started it and thought it felt REALLY janky. The controls were all over the place and the presentation is questionable. I will get back to it but at the time I just wasn't feeling it and Kirby was calling. :D

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Majora's Mask 3D defeated! (100% complete!) :D


My thoughts on it are here


Mario Golf Advance Tour

Golden Sun

Super Mario World

Layton VS Ace Attorney

Kirby Triple Deluxe

Kirby's Adventure Wii (100/200%)

Super Mario Galaxy 2 (120 stars)


The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D



Currently playing though: Alien Isolation, Bravely Default, Super Mario 64, Monster Hunter 4U (counts as "complete" when I see the credits I suppose :p ), Boxboy, Prof Layton & The Azran Legacy, Yoshi's Island DS

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Few more entries for my gaming diary...


Played through all of Mario Kart 8 again (plus the new DLC tracks) this time at 200cc! :awesome: Awesome stuff, I really hope we'll be seeing even more DLC added to MK8 in the near future.


And started off the month with some new PS+ titles, Race the Sun and Hohokum. :)


Had been looking forward to playing Hohokum ever since getting a PS4, and it didn't disappoint. Knew I was in for a good time as soon as I spotted this lovely little reference:


Thought it was way too blatant to be coincidental, and I was right because it turns out Richard Hogg is a big Rhythm Tengoku fan. :hehe:

Anyway, great game. Perfect for chilling/zoning out. ;)



in January:____________

Resogun (PS4) IDbttgi.gif100%

Shovel Knight (Wii U)

Alien: Isolation (PS4)

Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) started in 2014

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

Duck Tales: Remastered (PS3+)

Dark Souls II (PS3) started in 2014

The Swapper (PS4+)

in February:____________

InFAMOUS First Light (PS4+)

Apotheon (PS4+)

Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS) started in 2014

Yakuza 4 (PS3+)

in March:____________

Rogue Legacy (PS4+)

OlliOlli 2 (PS4+)

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)

3D Out Run (3DS) 100%

Papo & Yo (PS3+)

Valiant Hearts: The Great War (PS4+)

Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Wii) replay

Mighty Switch Force! 2 (3DS)

in April:____________


Catherine (PS3)

New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U) started in 2014

Woah Dave! (PS4+)

Driveclub (PS4)

Never Alone (PS4+) 100%

Yakuza: Dead Souls (PS3)

MHbUwnT.gifMario Kart 8 (Wii U) replay/DLC pack 2 100%

in May:____________

MHbUwnT.gifRace the Sun (PS4+)

MHbUwnT.gifHohokum (PS4+)






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Few more entries for my gaming diary...


Played through all of Mario Kart 8 again (plus the new DLC tracks) this time at 200cc! :awesome: Awesome stuff, I really hope we'll be seeing even more DLC added to MK8 in the near future.


And started off the month with some new PS+ titles, Race the Sun and Hohokum. :)


Had been looking forward to playing Hohokum ever since getting a PS4, and it didn't disappoint. Knew I was in for a good time as soon as I spotted this lovely little reference:


Thought it was way too blatant to be coincidental, and I was right because it turns out Richard Hogg is a big Rhythm Tengoku fan. :hehe:

Anyway, great game. Perfect for chilling/zoning out. ;)



in January:____________

Resogun (PS4) IDbttgi.gif100%

Shovel Knight (Wii U)

Alien: Isolation (PS4)

Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) started in 2014

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

Duck Tales: Remastered (PS3+)

Dark Souls II (PS3) started in 2014

The Swapper (PS4+)

in February:____________

InFAMOUS First Light (PS4+)

Apotheon (PS4+)

Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS) started in 2014

Yakuza 4 (PS3+)

in March:____________

Rogue Legacy (PS4+)

OlliOlli 2 (PS4+)

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)

3D Out Run (3DS) 100%

Papo & Yo (PS3+)

Valiant Hearts: The Great War (PS4+)

Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Wii) replay

Mighty Switch Force! 2 (3DS)

in April:____________


Catherine (PS3)

New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U) started in 2014

Woah Dave! (PS4+)

Driveclub (PS4)

Never Alone (PS4+) 100%

Yakuza: Dead Souls (PS3)

MHbUwnT.gifMario Kart 8 (Wii U) replay/DLC pack 2 100%

in May:____________

MHbUwnT.gifRace the Sun (PS4+)

MHbUwnT.gifHohokum (PS4+)






I'm really enjoying Hohokum. It's an art game but it's also a puzzler but without ANY form of hand-holding.


I just did the:


Kite Festival and managed to find Zachariah. I had no idea what I was doing and managed to figure it all out just from flying through the level and learning as I went along.



Awesome, awesome game.


Race The Sun is also fantastic. Really like it.

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I finished another couple of games over the weekend.


Kirby Rainbow Paintbrush ( Wii U )


You can read my thoughts in the relevant thread. Needless to say I loved the game and the challenge it brought with it.


The Unfinished Swan ( PS4 )


Again, my thoughts on the game are in the other thread but I will just say what a lovely surprise this game was. A truly unique experience and one that i'm glad I was able to have.


I'm currently playing through Puzzle & Dragons: Mario Edition ( 3DS ) and i'm slowly getting to grips with it.


I'm also continuing my Metal Gear Solid run with Metal Gear Solid 2 ( PS3 ). I've always said that this was the worst in the series by a mile and this play through hasn't changed my mind, in fact it probably has solidified that opinion even more.


Raiden is such a whiny dude and the fact that I have to put up with his equally annoying girlfriend is even more frustrating. :mad:

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