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My 10 year anniversary


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Today marks my 10 year anniversary since joining Cube-Europe. I first joined back in 2004, as a fresh faced, 14 year old Moogle looking for some advice after I had ordered a DS from America to be imported to the UK. I was sent to C-E on the recommendation of my good friend @Strider, and my questions were quickly answered by @CooInTheZoo. I've been a part of this wonderful community since then. I've known some of you guys more than most of my friends, and I've shared more personal details on here than any one man should share with another human being.


Being the self-indulgent person that I am, I want to use this thread to regale each other with memories of this magical decade*.


I'll start:

When Offerman finally got his end away, and it completely broke him.


*anybody who references events from before December 7th 2004 will be banned

Edited by MoogleViper
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Also came here for import advice a long, long time ago in a

generation far away. I think CEX recommended this place (alongside NTSC-UK) as a good way of working out if my TV would display an import GameCube in black and white - it did.


Thanks for your continually entertaining posts and making me crack up on the bus with the line "got his end away".




That Offerman thread is gold. Jesus, look at all those usernames.

Edited by Guy
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Other than the early days of the User Image Gallery I don't recall being too connected to this site to remember anything noteworthy, and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.


I totally understand the sort of bond one can experience with a group of strangers on an internet discussion board. I just don't think I've been involved enough to have that go on here, since I use this place as a sort of retreat from work and the struggles of my personal life.


Isn't it kind of strange that a lot of us joined in September of 2005? Ehh, whatever. I've been visiting since this site since way back when it was n64-europe (around late 2000-early 2001 or so). Where's my tenure for being an old-school regular?

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You missed a potential funny with the title. My 10 Year N-E-versary.


I think I've been here since...2003? 2002? What a waste of time this has been!


I've always enjoyed the world cup/euro boards. Whenever E3 comes around, although slightly less so now because Nintendo are shit with E3. The revealing of the revolution controller, Red Steel magazine bullshots thread, new Zelda stuff, etc. It's been a hell of a ride.

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You missed a potential funny with the title. My 10 Year N-E-versary.


I... I...



...I have to leave the forum know, don't I?


Isn't it kind of strange that a lot of us joined in September of 2005? Ehh, whatever.


That was when N-Europe (or Revo-Europe as it was then known) went live.

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Check it n00b:



The thing i find weird about this place, is that its userbase is basically the same people, who are all getting quite old. In like 20 years it's going to be full of middle aged men and women, arguing about voice chat. We don't really get many new (young) people.

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Happy Anniversary! Here's to another 10 years! I think I've been here about that long and its crazy because it feels like only yesterday... But then I remember I joined using my crappy old laptop on dial-up one day after school in Year 7 and well... Fuck I'm old.


My involvement has been patchy over the years but I always come back for more. I wonder how many of us will still be knocking around in 10 years? I hope most of us are :D I need to keep up to date on your relationship problems and I need somewhere to vent when I'm losing my mind about work or the lack of Donkey Kong games in the world.

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