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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D


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The thing about pausing on consoles though was that it never really felt like a long-term solution. You couldn't really leave it overnight in my house, if it was hooked up to your main TV. When I was younger you could bet your ass it would be turned off. A lot of people don't like leaving their consoles on overnight/for long periods of time due to overheating. And if I remember rightly, N64 was pretty prone to freezing. Then you'd lose all progress since the last song of time...


Standby mode, handheld plugged into mains (let's face it, most of the time we play our handhelds at home)...can pretty much be left as long as you like. Standby almost feels like it's off, and even if it wasn't plugged in it can last for days.


More a technological issue than anything else, this.

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I wasn't talking about hitting the owl as that was generally a pain in the arse enough, having to leave the dungeon. It's not a big deal, just a small note that I do somewhat agree with Rummy that it takes away some of the "ZOMG" time-limited factor in that you can standby it with such ease.


Further to that, the way other people play does bother me somewhat, even if I'm not doing it. Funny how that is, really.


Like Fire Emblem. You can bet your ass I carried on playing it in classic "you die you stay dead" mode, but the fact they added easy mode in was still ever so slightly not cool.

Edited by Sheikah
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True, true. But...how long is that pausing for? @/nando/ what were you off to do? The washing up? A trip to the shops? Work for the day? I'd pause for one, maybe two, of those - but not for all..


I'm not even sure if there was something I was off to do but I remember feeling frustration from the fact that I knew I had to keep going for ages until I was able to save it. I guess I just wasn't in the mood to be playing it for that long :hmm:


I know that's the way the game was designed, and we grew up in a time where we'd have to go through games from start to finish in one sitting, but it's not always convenient. I had actually never finished any of the original Sonic games on the Mega Drive due to never feeling the desire to sit through them in one go.. nor did I have a Mega Drive :indeed: The suspend feature of the Wii VC meant that I was finally able to play through all four of them without becoming burnt out, bored or frustrated. It was a Godsend.


I hope the same will be true of Majora's Mask 3D and I'll finally be able to find more satisfaction from it :smile:


Also on a more unrelated note, and why I quoted your post....are you unmentionable?!?! It broke my posts trying to mention you!


..unmentionable? You make it sound so.. dirty :blank: It's true, though! My username breaks N-Europe :eek: If I was more dead on, I could change it.. but I'm not going to :heh:

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Anyone who keeps closing their 3DS for long periods of time for anything except Streetpass stuff are freaks.


I've probably switched my 3DS off about 5 times in the last few years. I just close it and leave it in standby mode/charging. I assumed most people did this?

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I've probably switched my 3DS off about 5 times in the last few years. I just close it and leave it in standby mode/charging. I assumed most people did this?


I turn it off each night. But it stays on all day.

London is the kind of place where streetpasses happen after all.

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How about letting the clock run at real time? While the 3DS is sleeping, 12 real-life hours could correspond to 12 in-game hours.


You mean beating the entire game in one cycle? The game is designed to make you go through multiple cycles to get all the masks/items/quests/etc. The Kafei and Anju sidequest for example would be almost impossible because that alone requires one cycle dedicated to it. Now imagine having to do that and all the other quests over the span of 3 actual days, when ideally you'd want to play for an hour max on any handheld console. Not to mention how terribly slow everyone's schedule would be when stretched out enough to allow for anything like this.


There would be too much reworking required to make this idea work, and even if it were possible, it wouldn't be Majora's Mask anymore (which might be a good thing for some people, I'm sure).

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You mean beating the entire game in one cycle? The game is designed to make you go through multiple cycles to get all the masks/items/quests/etc. The Kafei and Anju sidequest for example would be almost impossible because that alone requires one cycle dedicated to it. Now imagine having to do that and all the other quests over the span of 3 actual days, when ideally you'd want to play for an hour max on any handheld console. Not to mention how terribly slow everyone's schedule would be when stretched out enough to allow for anything like this.


There would be too much reworking required to make this idea work, and even if it were possible, it wouldn't be Majora's Mask anymore (which might be a good thing for some people, I'm sure).


...No, I mean, using the "real-time" pace only while the 3DS is sleeping, not the whole time. Rummy was talking about whether time should pass while the 3DS is in standby or not.

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Take a look at the difference in lighting for example. The remake is too clean and sterile.



Majora's Mask 3DS VS N64 PART 2/2

I was a bit disappointed by the brighter lighting in some parts as well, but I wonder if this could be down to the ghosting issues in S3D when you get dark against light (the Master Hand intro in Smash is one of the worst recent examples). The Ocarina remake looked like it had some questionable choices of colour palettes in screenshots too, but looked fab on the 3DS screen.


From that second comparison video it looks like a big improvement to me all round :)

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I don't see what the problem is anywhere :p


If it bothers you enough to debate it, simply exert a little willpower and refuse to stop playing without hitting an Owl. That's what I'll do. Easy.


How other people play is irrelevant.


I have already said it's each to their own - but for me I think for those who are new to it, whilst they'll probably still have a good experience, won't get it quite in the same way as the original.


Meh I do all the time! Just close it and leave it.


I'm a perpetual sleeper too! Only times my 3DS goes 'off' is when it dies, and I'll usually have been playing a game so yeah I'll be putting it to sleep for a long pause(usually charge it overnight/whilst sleeping). Sorry EEVIL.

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The way I see it, these remakes are only a good thing. Hopefully, once Nintendo gets its "continuous system" started, the N64 originals will be available on Virtual Console, with exactly the same atmosphere they once had, except cleaned up to 1080p and 60fps. Until then, it's just great to have the 3DS remakes.

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Not to sound like an elitist snob but I really hope they don't mess around with the game too much. The original is one of my favourite ever games. This was due to both the atmosphere and the difficulty of the game. You really had to think about managing your time well and that sense of impending doom was always just hanging around in the back of your head.


If they do make a bunch of changes to make it more accessible, I hope they at least have a classic mode in the game, so I can play it like it was back in the day.

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For those who've played before, here's a nice little article I saw on Kotaku(for those that haven't, possible minor spoiler warnings) - http://kotaku.com/why-the-legend-of-zelda-majoras-mask-still-matters-1655550826


It isn't just the time/pause element I feel makes the game more suited to TV, but as HoT says this game has a very distinct atmosphere(and the article talks about it). I'd urge anyone who does decide to play out and about to play with some headphones or something too - the audio did a great job of enhancing the feel of the game, you're seriously missing out without it imo.

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I'd love them to add dungeons but that will never happen, if they are going to make any changes I'd want the razor sword to be more useful than an ingredient for the gilded sword, it disappearing when you revert time was annoying as hell, I'd be happy if that didn't happen, it's about the only gameplay change I've ever thought was needed to MM


Extra content I'd be happy with though as long as nothing was altered detrimentally to add it

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In the latest Famitsu, Aonuma talks about the game and certain changes that are being made.


In the original Majora’s Mask, the difficulty balance assumed that players had experienced Ocarina of Time before. But for the remake, new players are also being considered. Aonuma explained to Famitsu, “Specifically speaking, parts that were conventions and weren’t explained at all are changed, and challenges which you realize by repeating many times are made easier to understand.”


Rather than making the experience simpler, the changes in Majora’s Mask 3D are intended to help stumped players with hints. The three-day cycle remains the same, and the system for following other people’s actions aren’t changed. There is, however, a boss battle that is seeing changes. As a new element, players will be able to fish at two places.

Ocarina of Time 3D introduced some gyro controls. These are returning in the Majora’s Mask remake. The development team is also using the know-how from A Link Between Worlds to make more pleasant touch controls.


Before Majora’s Mask 3D was announced, some speculated that the game could end up as a New 3DS exclusive. We now know for sure following last week’s announcement that this isn’t so. Aonuma does comment on the new handheld and notes that the visuals are the same when played on the original 3DS or New 3DS. He leaves the following mysterious tease though: “Please wait for the opportunity to discuss how playing on the New 3DS differs at a later date.”


I knew they would be something for the New 3DS. To be honest I was a little surprised this wasn't announced as an exclusive, just like Xenoblade.

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