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Next Level Games worked on a Metroid prototype before making LM2 instead!


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So it seems that NLG was at one point tinkering around with a Metroid related prototype!


No doubt it's the one that the NLG guys were referring to in the Luigi's Mansion 2 Iwata Asks...




Here's some concept art that came from this project (reminder, concept art is not necessarily indicative of the game's actual visual art style)








I hope that they're revisiting it since they finished LM2. I'd love to see their take on the series and I reckon that they could do a great job with it! (LM2 proves that they can do good Metroidvania esc level design and of course, they have perhaps the best animators in the business - they could easily do justice to Samus' actions and make them feel satisfying)


It would be a hell of a genre shift for them, but then again, so was LM2 and that turned out really well :D

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The art style got a lot of hate on Gaf yesterday and I fail to see why. I personally love the concept.


It reminds me quite a bit of Metroid Zero Mission's art style...














I'd love to see a game that looks like Zero Mission in 3D! :)


But then again, it IS just concept art, so the game wouldn't necessarily look like that...


After all...




DKCR didn't look like this...




... and Pokemon Black & White didn't look like that either.


I would like to see their take on the series as well. I like it when other developers get a crack at a franchise that's not their own. They could add something new and fresh to the series.


Absolutely! And given their stellar work on LM2, I reckon they could come up with some fantastic level and enemy designs too! (hell, those enemy designs that were leaked already look fantastic!) Much like how Metroid Prime hinted that Retro could do a great platformer, LM2 hints that NLG could do a great metroidvania style game! :)

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Personally, I think Metroid should be left to Nintendo R&D1 or, if they have to let someone else develop it, WayForward.


The fact they were thinking of giving it to Next Level Games suggest it's going to be 3D now, even on handheld, which would be something of a shame.

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As shocking as it first was, and considering we're inundated with 2D platformers right now, and considering it's only been a short space of time, I still wouldn't be against Retro making a third DK game. I wasn't a fan of Returns but Tropical Freeze was heavenly.


That said, it's not gonna happen. Again though, I also think it's unlikely that Retro will make another Metroid. I've heard various things pointing towards them not wanting to continue with that series, from the standpoint that they've already made a lot and also that they only wanted to make the Prime series into a trilogy anyway. So yeah, it could be a good thing if NLG have a go with Metroid.


It's probably the Other M situation that has scared people into thinking no other developers should try and have a go at the series. And if we're honest, a lot of Other M's hate is people jumping on the bandwagon, it certainly does have many flaws, but it's not as bad as many people make it out to be.

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I thought the concept looked great. Not sure what's wrong with it.


Never a bad thing to take a leap with a well known franchise and try to shake things up a bit. If it comes off, you gain so, so much. Metroid Prime was a huuuuge leap of faith. Look at how that paid off. Better than just getting Retro to make the same game again and go for a Prime 4. That trilogy is over with, time to start again.

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i don't mind the style so much but Samus is terrible, her helmet is almost the shape of Princess Ruto's head - almost helmet hair, strange bulbous side pieces, exceptionally wide shoulders and far too thin legs....its completely disproportionate for a human in a space suit...its more in the realms of some fan art, where its more like Samus is in a mech and that is not a direction for Metroid i'd like to see.


However i think if they altered the proportions of Samus and rounded that helmet out a little it would be very cool, almost anime like, which would fit very well

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I know I said..


I think Next Level Games should be getting on with Mario Strikers U and leave Metroid to Retro Studios :heh:


..but it was mainly due to the fact that I had so much fun playing Mario Strikers Charged Football that I'd love to see a new game in the series from Next Level Games :hehe: Let's face it.. the Wii U could do with a good online kickabout :heh:


As for Metroid, I'm not sure if they'd be the right company to make it, though I guess you never know until you see the results! Luigi's Mansion 2 wasn't as great as I hoped it would be so that makes me a little wary : peace:

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I know I said..




..but it was mainly due to the fact that I had so much fun playing Mario Strikers Charged Football that I'd love to see a new game in the series from Next Level Games :hehe: Let's face it.. the Wii U could do with a good online kickabout :heh:


As for Metroid, I'm not sure if they'd be the right company to make it, though I guess you never know until you see the results! Luigi's Mansion 2 wasn't as great as I hoped it would be so that makes me a little wary : peace:


Mario Strikers was great, but I don't know if the WiiU would be a great fit for it. It was only really good because lots of N-Europeans picked it up at the start of the Wii's life and it was one of the first online games on a Nintendo home console. It caught the wave at the right time. I fear that this is too late and who would really buy it now? I'd only really pick it up if there were at least half a dozen others who would, so we could have a tournament.

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Mario Strikers was great, but I don't know if the WiiU would be a great fit for it. It was only really good because lots of N-Europeans picked it up at the start of the Wii's life and it was one of the first online games on a Nintendo home console. It caught the wave at the right time. I fear that this is too late and who would really buy it now? I'd only really pick it up if there were at least half a dozen others who would, so we could have a tournament.


I'd happily take it on 3DS :heh:

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I'd happily take it on 3DS :heh:


I wouldn't. :p


What would be the point in that? It's not really designed for a handheld machine and the 3DS' limitations would only hold it back. Sure, the userbase is bigger, but we'd get an inferior game at the end of it. Nobody wins with that one. They've missed the boat with this one. If there was a time to do it, it would've been during the first year of the WiiU. Don't think we'll see it now. Best to get Next Level Games doing something else.

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Those character designs look like a cheap Saturday morning cartoon.


Samus looks like she has rickets! Those legs are far too dodgy.


I don't mind someone else other than Retro working on Metroid, hell, I'm one of the few that loved Other M, but those drawings really do look like a crap Saturday morning cartoon!

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I'm not a huge fan of the concept art of Samus, although I do believe in the ability of the developers. I am still surprised that we've heard nothing about a new Metroid game besides the comment that they know fans are still interested. Hopefully there's something in development.

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  • 4 months later...

Don't know if this has to do with Next Level Games but more talk of a rumoured cancelled Metroid game and it makes you want to tear your hair out(assuming you have hair).


Rumor: Details emerge about cancelled Metroid 3DS project


Back in December, there was talk about a cancelled Metroid project for 3DS. Not much was known about it at the time, but a few concrete details have since surfaced.


The folks over at Unseen64 put up a new podcast on Patreon that shares a bit more on the mysterious Metroid project. It was made clear by the site’s Liam Robertson that this was an attempt to revive 2D Metroid on 3DS. Based on a rough prototype Robertson saw, the title was a tad faster than Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion.


Gameplay was intended to offer players a 2.5D side-scrolling experience. It looked like regular Metroid, but with 3D depth.


The project featured “a slightly different art style” than we’re accustomed to. As for Samus, she appeared to be “thinner” and “a bit more athletic”.


Robertson saw a few things in a short, 30-second prototype video. Samus runs through a level and takes on on a few enemies before ultimately confronting a boss. The boss in question looks like Kraid.


Unfortunately, we’re still unsure about which studio was behind the Metroid 3DS project. Robertson, however, said that it came from “a pretty popular western developer”. The unknown studio pitched its prototype to Nintendo, but the company did not want to proceed further. That’s because Nintendo wasn’t ready to move the franchise in the direction of a 2.5D side-scroller at the time (seemingly around 2012 or so). And that was the end of it!


All of this information comes from one of Robertson’s contacts/sources, who he has been trying to protect – hence the lack of information until now. We’re still marking this post as a rumor like our original story, but keep in mind that Unseen64’s job is to unearth news and information regarding cancelled projects. They tend to know what they’re talking about!



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Don't know if this has to do with Next Level Games but more talk of a rumoured cancelled Metroid game and it makes you want to tear your hair out(assuming you have hair).


I don't have any hair so I'll just face palm instead.


The athletic Samus seems to match the Next Level Games designs shown earlier in the thread. I wonder if that's the studio they are on about?

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