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What's the worst game you own?

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Worst game I own is probably 2 Fast 4 Gnomz on 3DS.


I bought it because I lost a bet with a friend of mine :laughing:



There's also Shadow the Hedgehog, which I bought for a laugh... (it's not even a laugh... it's just pure misery lol!) and Muscle March on Wii Ware (which IS at least a good laugh :) ).


Otherwise, my other worst games are Ecco the Dolphin (the MD original), Final Fantasy 8 (which I hate with the passion of a thousand suns, but I played through that garbage in its entirety because I was ploughing through the entire series) and Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 (which I'm not ashamed to admit are guilty pleasures of mine - it's just fun to break these games through exploiting glitches :laughing: ) and Super Star Soldier (TG16 VC), which is not bad but just plain mediocre, Tomb Raider PS1 (which IMO was never a good game because the controls are simply horrific), Urban Trials on 3DS (I was hungry for a Trials like game on 3DS and it's soulless, but functional) and Pyramids on 3DS (don't judge me! It was early days on 3DS and I was desperate to try out a Download Exclusive 3DS game! It's a really crappy Solomon's Key clone...)


In retrospect, I actually kinda wish that I owned more bad games... There was a time that I was actually too picky with my choices, to the point where I was skipping over stuff like Crazy Taxi and Beach Spikers because I didn't consider them to be "worthy" of joining my collection! :o (If I could go back in time I would so smack myself on the head for being such a numpty!)


I've played worse stuff than those of course (borrowed games, playing friend's games etc - Pokemon Dash springs to mind immediately!), but I've never actually owned them... Kinda wish I did own some more terrible ones, because my collection doesn't really have nearly as much character as many others :p

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I'm gonna completely disregard your hatred for FFVIII ( best one by a country mile ) and head for another point you made. Are you saying you consider Beach Spikers a bad game? Choose your words carefully as you are already hanging by a thread...:D


No no no! I'm saying that as a kid, I didn't think it was "good enough" to be in my collection. I'm berating myself for being such an idiot back then! :p


Of course I have it now and it's a great game (older and wiser etc), but I do also wish that I owned more bad games in general :p


Lately I've been finding myself itching to play some garbage games and I look in my collection and just get a bit sad thinking that there there's nothing but raw goodness on my shelf. I'm actually thinking about picking up some licensed pap or pure trash; Sonic 06 is one that I'm eying for a low price, as well as a CDI and some rubbish to go along with it (and of course I still need to actually experience the Zelda CDI games firsthand too ;) )


FF8 is still irredeemable garbage though ;) (great soundtrack mind you! It's far too good for the game it's lumped in with - and that's why Theatrhythm exists! :D)

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For me, of the more recent generations, two TV tie-ins were utter tripe: Lost and Prison Break.


I'd read the reviews and knew they weren't very good, but thought I'd find enjoyment as a fan of the shows. Needless to say, there was no pleasure to be found here! Thank goodness they were 2nd hand and cost me less than a tanner altogether. Lesson learned!

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For me, of the more recent generations, two TV tie-ins were utter tripe: Lost and Prison Break.


I'd read the reviews and knew they weren't very good, but thought I'd find enjoyment as a fan of the shows. Needless to say, there was no pleasure to be found here! Thank goodness they were 2nd hand and cost me less than a tanner altogether. Lesson learned!


Don't hate me but I actually enjoyed Lost. However, I agree with you when it comes to Prison Break. That game was bad.


My worst game is 100% this and it's even in competition with being the worst game ever:




In my bid to play every Sonic game there is, I did end up buying Shadow the Hedgehog and the 2006 'Sonic The Hedgehog' for 360.


Both are really bad games but possibly not the worst I own... As much as it pains me to say it, as I adore the soundtrack, and I know there are a lot of fans of the game... Sonic R. It's just so bad in every way, terrible graphics, even for the time, everything is so hard to make out, awful controls and a stupid concept from the get-go. A racer where you have to find hidden chaos emeralds by jumping up into things and having a billion different ways to go on a course and just ugh, can't stand it. But that's probably not the worst either...


Sonic and the Black Knight was pretty bad from what I played but I only put about an hour into it :P I might go back to it to see if it gets any better but the setting alone was absurd enough for me, possibly more-so than what we saw in Sonic 2006.


But yeah, they're still not overly bad compared to some of the tat I have accumulated. I think the worst game I have played, ever, would have to be Kylie Dance & Sing for Wii. Now, it sounds like a cop-out answer, as most people would assume that to be a bad title anyway, but take into consideration that I love the Just Dance series and Kylie Minogue in equal measure, so I was actually really looking forward to this...


But man, if there was ever a game that flippantly just didn't give a shit about what you were doing with your Wii Remote, it was this. I'm actually not even sure if it tracked your movements at all or if it just handed out "good, bad, great" icons willy nilly. To start with, the menus are hilariously bad, like something made on Powerpoint in 2 minutes. But then the dancing, oh god, the dancing. It's like they quickly found some random dancer and told her to do what she wanted to like, what... 7 Kylie songs? All of the backdrops are terrible, the kind of green-screen you'd expect from a Sega CD game and the overlays were nothing like the cool colours of Just Dance. I realise it wasn't by Ubisoft, and just a cheap rip-off, but c'mon, there's cheap rip-offs and then there's THAT.


Also, Rabbids Land on Wii U is pretty bad, but it is at-least presentable and has decent controls which is more than I can say for most of the games in this list. It's just incomprehensibly boring, which is especially bad for a party game. A party game that says it's 4 players but only allows mini-games featuring 2 people at a time.


I want to see a gameplay video from you playing Kylie Sing and Dance, lmao.

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I'm actually thinking about picking up some licensed pap or pure trash; Sonic 06 is one that I'm eying for a low price, as well as a CDI and some rubbish to go along with it (and of course I still need to actually experience the Zelda CDI games firsthand too ;) )


Trust me, you really don't... they are known as the unholy triforce for a reason. :shakehead


But I completely understand you wanting to play them anyway, whe I had the opportunity to purchase a cdi with a load of games for £50 including Link : The Faces of Evil I jumped at the chance and then later I acquired the other two, Zelda's Adventure I got for a very good price from Yahoo Auctions back in the day.


Now they only remain in my collection for their value which seems to have increased over time, they certainly aren't there for nostalgia though. :nono:


I still have nightmares about them sometimes... :blank:

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Am I the only one who actually kinda likes Sonic R? Sure the controls are janky as hell, but it's a pretty ambitious game for the time and it's pretty fun breaking the courses and taking shortcuts that you're not supposed to. :laughing: (plus the sound track is 100% pure glorious cheese :awesome:)


I get what you mean, sometimes bad games can actually be more entertaining than good ones. :heh:

Still wish I owned this:



Yeah, that one's been on my to-buy list for a long time :laughing:


Same goes for a lot of the other ones he's reviewed (Just need Bayou Billy to hit the VC...). I'm also a regular reader of Hardcore Gaming 101's Your-Weekly-Kusoge series... one day I'll buy and play through Takeshi's Challenge... (actually, come to think of it; that's on the Wii VC in Japan! I could go get it today... :) )

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@Hero\-of\-Time - You're the one that makes me feel so high, CAUSE YOU'RE MY DIAMOND IN THE SKYYYY.


And yeah, first time I properly played it was 2011 when I FINALLY got a hold of Sonic Gems Collection, so I think I would have liked it a lot more had I have experienced it back when it was first released. That said, I wouldn't have said it was ambitious for it's time - at all! Take into consideration it came out in the same year as Diddy Kong Racing, and I think it puts it into perspective :p Especially consdering Sonic R only has 5 tracks. Though I suppose the levels are replayable because of the different stuff to collect and what not :p


And 'breaking' the levels for racing is what put me off the most haha. It just seems so broken :p Also, what is with Amy?! hahaha, is she just a joke character or what? Her car is so unbelievably slow in comparison to everyone else!

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@Hero\-of\-Time - You're the one that makes me feel so high, CAUSE YOU'RE MY DIAMOND IN THE SKYYYY.


And yeah, first time I properly played it was 2011 when I FINALLY got a hold of Sonic Gems Collection, so I think I would have liked it a lot more had I have experienced it back when it was first released. That said, I wouldn't have said it was ambitious for it's time - at all! Take into consideration it came out in the same year as Diddy Kong Racing, and I think it puts it into perspective :p Especially consdering Sonic R only has 5 tracks. Though I suppose the levels are replayable because of the different stuff to collect and what not :p


And 'breaking' the levels for racing is what put me off the most haha. It just seems so broken :p Also, what is with Amy?! hahaha, is she just a joke character or what? Her car is so unbelievably slow in comparison to everyone else!



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I actually don't know if I still have it :P I will have a sift through my games and see though. It won't be a pretty sight if I do, mind. As much as I love dancing games, my actual dancing skills leave a lot to be desired:




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I actually don't know if I still have it :P I will have a sift through my games and see though. It won't be a pretty sight if I do, mind. As much as I love dancing games, my actual dancing skills leave a lot to be desired:





Do a gameplay of the game as well. I want to see it's awfulness!

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Although I didn't buy it myself (as I couldn't afford games when I got this) this was a Christmas present I got one year. Purely because I liked rugrats, my mum thought i'd like this, and there you go. I still own it as I tend to keep my games unless they are yearly sport games which I get rid of.



As for the worst game I bought myself...




I like the films, thought the game would be good. But it's not, it's really not,

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Well I've done some trading in prior to buying my PS4 so I'd say the worst game I currently own is The Last of Us, which I think is the most overrated game I've ever played. It's goid, but not that good, 7/10 so far for me.

I do have Infamous Second Son but I've not played that yet so I'm not counting it.

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same as @Murr I was going to post the Rugrats game and likewise I was just a child at the time. This game is a close second though:




I didn't really even care for Star Wars that much then or now.


I never played this one (it wasn't released on the GameCube), but the first on N64 is brilliant.

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You should try Black Flag. From what I've seen Ine play, it's very good. She's pumped tons of hours into it. (also means I can't play Destiny or Battlefield)


As for me, my worst game? That's hard. I had the South Park game for the PC which was absolute crap. Despite me being a huge fan of the tv show, this game is just awful to look at, has shit controls and a fucking awfuuuuul framerate. I used to feel physically sick whilst playing it. Plus, it's so slow. Boring as fuck.


In addition to that, I had a football sim on the Dreamcast called UEFA Striker or something of the sort (it had Dwight Yorke on the cover). I found that pretty unplayable.

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