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Will you stick with Nintendo in the future?

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I have never bought a console Day 1. Doing so is foolish.


Will I stay loyal to Nintendo? Yeah. I didn't buy the Wii U, and don't have plans on doing so soon, but that's because I gave up on consoles entirely. If I ever change my mind in this subject, the Nintendo one will still take priority.


I like Nintendo, I like their games, I like their ideas. Games should be lighthearted and fun, and they give me that.


Now, if only they could make an affordable handheld/console hybrid I could bring anywhere, with no region-locking, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


But not on Day 1. Doing so would be foolish.


There's nothing really foolish with buying a system Day 1. I had the Wii right from Day 1. Not foolish at all. On the contrary, it was absolutely fucking awesome. I am proud to say that I was there right at the start with that one. Going home and playing WiiSports and starting Twilight Princess that very same night is going to stay with me forever.


Let me just get this right: You like Nintendo and their games, but don't own a WiiU and (more importantly) won't be buying one anytime soon? Does that not strike you as odd. Games should be light hearted and fun, you say...yet you still don't own or want their system. I just find that strange.


@darksnowman, if there were simply "heaps of Wii U games to get on with" then I don't think this thread would exist. There is an entire generation of Nintendo fans in this thread who are coming out and saying that they probably won't be purchasing a future Nintendo system, at least not right off the bat. Nintendo have lost fans, many of whom I don't think will come back.


Again, you say that there's plenty of games to play on the Wii U but...you yourself don't have one either. Again, that's odd. If the system was truly worth owning, you'd make time for it, surely?

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I love Nintendo software but I'm not a fan of the 'release what we've done before in HD' route they've taken this gen. I want new, interesting experiences that show a clear generational leap from predessors, in the same way we had from Metroid-> Super Metroid and Mario->SMW-> SM64. A HD Wii Fit/Sports, Pikmin, NSMB, Donkey kong and a multiplayer version of a 3DS title does not interest me. We haven't had anything yet that shows the type of jump we normally see with new consoles. Heck, even with the Gamecube we saw games like Sunshine, Prime, Rogue Squadron, Melee and Wind Waker early on..games with HUGE worlds and a huge graphical leap. Unless Nintendo become more progressive, I can't guarantee I will be there.


The one upside to the Wii U is that my girlfriend likes playing games on it with me, but I'd rather the games have a higher difficulty curve and aren't as casual friendly, but hey ho.


Also, very disappointed by some of the ridiculous comments on this thread. Let's keep is mildly sensible guys. Huge credit to @Fierce_LiNk for starting the thread though :)

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[Regarding the Wii] One of the most exciting times of my life from a gamer perspective. Possibly one of my favourite ever systems. Fast forward to the WiiU and it feels like such a long, long time ago now. I feel nothing for the system.


I wouldn't go as far as to say I feel nothing for my Wii U, but I don't love it or feel particularly excited about it :hmm:


I've enjoyed some great games on it, such as Zombi U and the more recent Mario Kart 8, and I probably found The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker even better this time around. In fact, for all that nonsense spoken about remakes and ports that I couldn't be bothered to read earlier in the thread, I reckon it's probably the game I have had the best experience with on Wii U :hehe:


Despite all that, though, I come away feeling underwhelmed and lacking in enthusiasm for the Wii U, and 3DS, in general. The last few years have taught me that the landscape of gaming has changed and I'm not entirely sure what it all means to me any more ::shrug:


It's strange how it all works out. I was ready and waiting for the Wii's successor and would have paid for it right there and then. But, the E3 unveiling was disappointing, as was the controller and the line-up for the console. I don't know how Nintendo managed it, but they managed to put me off buying the system when I would have jumped through fire for it. Even when I eventually bought it, I wasn't convinced by it and only got it due to a feeling that the price wouldn't be cheaper. Again, fast forward to a year or so down the line...and it still isn't any cheaper really.


I remember the rumours leading up to the initial reveal of Project Café hinting towards the 6.2" touch screen and I was so unimpressed by the suggestions that I dismissed it, knowing that it wasn't what I wanted from Nintendo.


E3 2011 came and the unveiling of Wii U was beyond awful. I didn't like what I was seeing and, as with @Fierce_LiNk, I was left perplexed wondering how I had went from being excited to see the next home console from Nintendo to utter dismay about the direction they were taking :nono:


Admittedly, when I sat down to contemplate the new controller and what it could bring to gaming, I saw the potential for a great system. That potential has not been realised and with projects like Giant Robot being shown as the possible uses for the Gamepad in 2014, all those possibilites that the controller provided are just never going to come to fruition, it seems. The fact that the most useful thing about it, for me, is being able to check something quickly on the internet says it all, really :blank:


Regarding whether I will 'stick to Nintendo' in future, I honestly don't see much of a choice. I got the 3DS at launch, which I was happy enough with, despite the price, but am not particularly fond of the console right now after several disappointments and a lack of interest in what is on the horizon. I had no intention of purchasing the Wii U right away and actually only got it that Christmas because my ridiculously generous brother surprised me with it :eek: It was an amazing gift that I was really happy to receive, but I felt awful that he spent all that money on something that didn't deserve it at the time.


With the games that have been released for Wii U over the last couple of years, I would certainly have bought one myself by now, but, like the 3DS, I don't see an awful lot for me to get excited about :sad:


I said that there doesn't seem to be much of a choice, and what I really mean by that is that I find almost everything about Sony and Microsoft's devices so unappealing that I'm relying on Nintendo to get enough things right to keep me going. You could basically rip my PS2 and PS3 from my possession and I doubt if I would even really miss them at all.


The fact of the matter is that I'll be excited to see what Nintendo have up their sleeve next, but I wouldn't give assurances of being there on day one, or later, until I see what is on offer and if I feel I will enjoy it. Recent history would suggest that it's very unlikely I would get it straight away, but you never know. The next device could be so awesome that everyone will want it.. ::shrug:

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I share @Jonnas point of view closest to anyone thats responded so far. Though I haven't turned against consoles or anything like he has. :heh:


There's nothing really foolish with buying a system Day 1. I had the Wii right from Day 1. Not foolish at all. On the contrary, it was absolutely fucking awesome. I am proud to say that I was there right at the start with that one. Going home and playing WiiSports and starting Twilight Princess that very same night is going to stay with me forever.


Yeah nothing wrong with buying anything, anytime you want but do you need to expect some magical, sacred experience each and every time? We, each of us, aren't the younger, bright sparkly eyed gamers we once were - even a generation ago. As you get older that magic that we are still chasing after comes less and less. Maybe its the older gamers that are in denial. I'd wager that kids playing Wii U Mario and all at the minute are building memories similar to what we all have from way back.


I could also type away about why haven't Nintendo recreated the experience I had the Christmas when I got a SNES bundled with a Super Gameboy :love: or any number of other experiences, but life goes on for all of us and we change and appreciate games in different ways.


The Wii was a breath of fresh air, of course it was. Anyone with some foresight could tell gaming was going to soon get stale if the generational leaps simply remained graphical. Something had to give and Nintendo took a punt on the remote and Wii Sports. For the Wii U they stuck on a touch screen which we all thought was a good idea at the time (once we figured out the Wii U was a full console upgrade and not just the controller :laughing:) but if it hasn't panned out for you and you'd rather go back to a traditional controller on another console, then thats cool too. Its all about preference and options, same as everything you do in your non-gaming life, right?


Nintendo don't owe you, me, or any of us anything. They are creative people who still develop creative and fun games. I think its the gamers that have changed more than Nintendo... (in before thats coz Nintendo are still in the dark ages and we are cool and want to shoot each other online now.)


Let me just get this right: You like Nintendo and their games, but don't own a WiiU and (more importantly) won't be buying one anytime soon? Does that not strike you as odd. Games should be light hearted and fun, you say...yet you still don't own or want their system. I just find that strange.


@darksnowman, if there were simply "heaps of Wii U games to get on with" then I don't think this thread would exist. There is an entire generation of Nintendo fans in this thread who are coming out and saying that they probably won't be purchasing a future Nintendo system, at least not right off the bat. Nintendo have lost fans, many of whom I don't think will come back.


Again, you say that there's plenty of games to play on the Wii U but...you yourself don't have one either. Again, that's odd. If the system was truly worth owning, you'd make time for it, surely?


(Yes I'm using the paragraph you aimed at Jonnas here as well as that bit at me)


I don't get the point you are trying to make. People don't have to buy everything as soon as its available. ::shrug: Some do and others buy games and consoles later on, when theres a library of games more to their liking, a price that suits them better. You can like Nintendo games and replay older ones, or buy older ones you haven't played before, or just buy 3DS or a Wii U and enjoy concentrating on that in the meantime. There are plenty of ways to play light hearted and fun Nintendo games without needing to have everything delivered two days before the street release date from Shopto just to increase your pride stat. :wink:


If you don't buy something, it doesn't make you a lesser, or strange, person or gamer.


As for me, no I don't have a Wii U. I've had life stuff going on since it launched, I've somehow found myself having less and less time to get stuck into my backlog, things I don't feel the need to entirely expand upon on here because I rarely speak about my real life on here, ya know. Games are fun, but as I'm sure most can appreciate, we don't have weeks or months off school and uni to play games any more, or even that time each night after getting homework done and out of the way. Those days are done and your life structure changes. When I have a cupboard of previous generation games sitting here, alot of which are still sealed, can I really justify dropping £300 odd on a new machine, to collect more games and stuff for? Twould be unwise. :) I don't have the latest Sony or Microsoft systems either and don't intend to. If and when I buy my next home console, it will be Nintendo. I still appreciate what they are doing and the approach they are taking to games - the 3DS shows me that.


I hope this hasn't come across like some mindless defence of a company that I do full well know still operate in an archaic fashion, compared to its competitors. If, like I said, I was 100% on top of my gaming, then I'd have the time to worry and complain about the stuff Nintendon't do. The truth is, as we all know, Nintendo operate by their own rules and ideals. That's their charm and that's what we, as lifelong Nintendo gamers, repeatedly buy into. (Then complain Nintendo aren't mirroring the others and here we are... all... the... time...)


I've so many trains of thought I'd like to convey to you, and everyone but I'm looking towards the clock and thinking I've work tomorrow, I can't debate online about things that are, in reality, neither here nor there. I'd like to play a little bit of Pokémon TCG on 3DS VC, which is what I'd set aside this evening to do cos, ya know what? I might not get a chance to flip the 3DS open again til Saturday.



Can someone post that jpg about 'I'd rather complain on message boards than play the damn games.' :laughing:

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I share @Jonnas point of view closest to anyone thats responded so far. Though I haven't turned against consoles or anything like he has. :heh:




Yeah nothing wrong with buying anything, anytime you want but do you need to expect some magical, sacred experience each and every time? We, each of us, aren't the younger, bright sparkly eyed gamers we once were - even a generation ago. As you get older that magic that we are still chasing after comes less and less. Maybe its the older gamers that are in denial. I'd wager that kids playing Wii U Mario and all at the minute are building memories similar to what we all have from way back.


I could also type away about why haven't Nintendo recreated the experience I had the Christmas when I got a SNES bundled with a Super Gameboy :love: or any number of other experiences, but life goes on for all of us and we change and appreciate games in different ways.


You make a point, but then magic comes in different forms. The magic a gamer experiences when booting up Super Mario 64 for the first time might be different to when somebody plays The Last of Us or Tomb Raider for the first time. So yes, we change and appreciate games in different ways, I appreciate that. It's also up to Nintendo (who tout themselves as a company that makes games for everybody) to then provide games for these types of gamers...which we were "promised" at the start of the WiiU's life-time. This promise hasn't been delivered. A game that I am greatly looking forward to, Alien Isolation (based on a film series that I see as magical, in a way) isn't coming to WiiU this year. Probably never. This is unacceptable and demonstrates how relationships have soured between Nintendo and third parties.


The Wii was a breath of fresh air, of course it was. Anyone with some foresight could tell gaming was going to soon get stale if the generational leaps simply remained graphical. Something had to give and Nintendo took a punt on the remote and Wii Sports. For the Wii U they stuck on a touch screen which we all thought was a good idea at the time (once we figured out the Wii U was a full console upgrade and not just the controller :laughing:) but if it hasn't panned out for you and you'd rather go back to a traditional controller on another console, then thats cool too. Its all about preference and options, same as everything you do in your non-gaming life, right?


Nintendo don't owe you, me, or any of us anything. They are creative people who still develop creative and fun games. I think its the gamers that have changed more than Nintendo... (in before thats coz Nintendo are still in the dark ages and we are cool and want to shoot each other online now.)


Nintendo don't owe us anything, but then we don't owe them anything either. E.g. our money...and it's clear that there are plenty of gamers out there who have voted with their cash. The gamers haven't just changed, the world itself has changed. The industry has evolved, and Nintendo themselves have evolved, too. But, they haven't changed into what gamers "thought" Nintendo would become. Years ago, on Cube-Europe, we used to dream about having massive multiplayer dog-fights on Lylat Wars, huge races on F Zero GX, a vast and mysterious world in the Legend of Zelda series (after Twilight Princess), etc. None of these materialised. Yet, these experiences are entirely possible, on PC and other systems. Why not on Nintendo systems?


(Yes I'm using the paragraph you aimed at Jonnas here as well as that bit at me)


I don't get the point you are trying to make. People don't have to buy everything as soon as its available. ::shrug: Some do and others buy games and consoles later on, when theres a library of games more to their liking, a price that suits them better. You can like Nintendo games and replay older ones, or buy older ones you haven't played before, or just buy 3DS or a Wii U and enjoy concentrating on that in the meantime. There are plenty of ways to play light hearted and fun Nintendo games without needing to have everything delivered two days before the street release date from Shopto just to increase your pride stat. :wink:


Your post completely falls apart here. :p

On release? Man, where have you been? This system will be 2 years old in November.

My point is that if you truly believe that there were experiences that were worth it on the WiiU, you'd have jumped on it by now. As @/nando/ pointed out earlier, many people were hesitant to do this (and still are) for multiple reasons, one of which being Nintendo having very little clue on how to use the USP of the system, the controller. Price point is another. Lack of third party releases is another. There are probably more reasons not to buy a WiiU than there is to spend your cash on one.


If you don't buy something, it doesn't make you a lesser, or strange, person or gamer.


As for me, no I don't have a Wii U. I've had life stuff going on since it launched, I've somehow found myself having less and less time to get stuck into my backlog, things I don't feel the need to entirely expand upon on here because I rarely speak about my real life on here, ya know. Games are fun, but as I'm sure most can appreciate, we don't have weeks or months off school and uni to play games any more, or even that time each night after getting homework done and out of the way. Those days are done and your life structure changes. When I have a cupboard of previous generation games sitting here, alot of which are still sealed, can I really justify dropping £300 odd on a new machine, to collect more games and stuff for? Twould be unwise. :) I don't have the latest Sony or Microsoft systems either and don't intend to. If and when I buy my next home console, it will be Nintendo. I still appreciate what they are doing and the approach they are taking to games - the 3DS shows me that.


True, many people don't have the time or money to go for a new system. Some people are handheld only, etc. I accept that. But, the matter of the fact is that, for whatever reason, you aren't spending your money on a Nintendo system now. Which, is partly the point of the thread. The system isn't doing well and for whatever reason gamers just aren't buying into it. It could be that maybe gamers are going handheld only, or maybe they just prefer mobile games (tablet games/apps are seeing a huge up-take, for example). It's all valid, nobody is really right or wrong on this one.



I hope this hasn't come across like some mindless defence of a company that I do full well know still operate in an archaic fashion, compared to its competitors. If, like I said, I was 100% on top of my gaming, then I'd have the time to worry and complain about the stuff Nintendon't do. The truth is, as we all know, Nintendo operate by their own rules and ideals. That's their charm and that's what we, as lifelong Nintendo gamers, repeatedly buy into. (Then complain Nintendo aren't mirroring the others and here we are... all... the... time...)


I've so many trains of thought I'd like to convey to you, and everyone but I'm looking towards the clock and thinking I've work tomorrow, I can't debate online about things that are, in reality, neither here nor there. I'd like to play a little bit of Pokémon TCG on 3DS VC, which is what I'd set aside this evening to do cos, ya know what? I might not get a chance to flip the 3DS open again til Saturday.



Can someone post that jpg about 'I'd rather complain on message boards than play the damn games.' :laughing:


Nintendo do operate by their own values and principles. I mentioned this earlier today, that you either go with it or it drives you mad. The problem is that there's a fine line with what they're doing between coming off as "unique" and coming off as "uniquely stupid" with some of their decision making. They got away with it during the Wii's lifetime because the system was unique, the price point was great, they had hype, the marketing was good, the name was good. Basically, it worked. It hasn't worked this time around. Also, the holes that were present during the end of the Wii's lifespan (lack of certain third party games, online infrastructure) is still evident today; they don't seem to have fixed their problems. It begs the question: will these problems be fixed next time?

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Following on what I have already posted I don't regret getting a Wii U. I have had some great experiences with it since I got it and will do so with the limited release schedule in the future. New Xenoblade and Zelda are the games that come immediately to mind.


I am just disheartened with their online efforts. Extremely dissapointed with it. I'm also pissed off with the lack of decent 3rd party releases and also Nintendo's general arrogant attitude towards gaming and their place in the market in general.


I think for any business to maintain its position in the market it needs to adapt as the market moves on. Nintendo is resistant to change and it shows in their hardware and policies surrounding online gaming. Fortunately I do adapt to change and will therefore be imminently be buying a new console.


Having said that I am missing my Wii U. Probably because i'm so used to switching it on in the evening.


I love Nintendo single player games. No gaming company in my opinion comes close to the experiences offered in single player. Everything else, well they're crap.

Edited by Blade
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I will be sticking with Nintnedo in the future, yes.


Will I buy a console at launch again? Probably not. And that applies across the board, not just at Nintendo.


I currently own a 3DS, a Wii U and a Vita. And I have hardly any time to play them as it is. Most of the time it is just weekends I get to knuckle down into a game I've been waiting to play, or if it really grabs me, I'll play after work / gym / munch / walking pooch. :heh:


The other consoles at present, don't interest me at all. I was in a fortunate position earlier this year where I could have bought one of the other consoles and spent literally all weekend trying to decide which one. Going into game to get a hands on, watching videos of the OS on YouTube, checking out the games etc. Was exciting actually! But then when all was said and done, neither of them had anything to offer me from a software point of view.

There were games that looked great, but I didn't want to play them. And that's kinda the difference for me with Nintendo.


A lot of people on here are on franchise burn out. And I can understand it.

But my gaming over the years has always been a little strange in that when you lot were playing the Ocarina of Time's and the Majoras Masks on your N64's, I was using my birthday money (which was the only time I got a new game!!) to play the good but not essential titles. Like Mario Tennis (god I love that game) which I chose over Zelda one year! I never played Zelda until the DS games. Same with Metroid. Didn't know it existed until Metroid Prime on the Cube.

Let's just say I was clearly sheltered! :laughing:


I've always grown up gaming, and I've always grown up with Nintendo, just because that was my choice. In life I like colour and creativity and fun, and I feel like Nintendo are the best at bringing that into their games. No other gaming company has ever created software that has made me go 'wow'. And I mean that from a pure game play perspective.


I have a lot of respect for the other companies, particularly Sony who seem to have really got things right and listened to what their audience want. In doing so, they've made people who probably didn't consider a PS4 prior to release want to buy into it too.

But I'm not there yet. And when / if I do, which I will, it won't be the Wii U that is my 'secondary' console. And that's purely because if I had to choose the type of games i want to play it will always always be Nintendo games. And if that makes me a fan boy then label me up and stone me. :heh:


I won't carry on as I've waffled a bit, but I wanted to post to just give a vote to the small minority of people who will definitely be sticking with them and continue to game with them for their main gaming fix.

As much as I feel they need to progress with things already discussed, cloud based system, better online etc, it doesn't take away from the games that they can produce which cannot be matched by anyone. So yeah, imma stick wit ya Ninty! Even if I do hate the game pad. :heh:

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I like Nintendo, I like their games, I like their ideas. Games should be lighthearted and fun, and they give me that.


Don't you ever get that primal itch to, with reckless abandon, mercilessly flay somebody to death?


There's nothing really foolish with buying a system Day 1. I had the Wii right from Day 1. Not foolish at all. On the contrary, it was absolutely fucking awesome. I am proud to say that I was there right at the start with that one. Going home and playing WiiSports and starting Twilight Princess that very same night is going to stay with me forever.


I had the Wii on Day 1 and it was, without doubt, the most sensible decision in the world. Why? Because they instantly went for 3 times their value on Amazon marketplace!


Not that I did sell it...but regardless, Wii came with its killer app on day 1.

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Presuming they keep doing what they're doing as a bare minimum I will definitely buy their next machine. Every handheld and home console generation it's their games I enjoy playing more than any other. It's as simple as that really. No exception to it. Even this one so far.


I'm personally not bothered about being socially connected, I turned it all off on my ps4. I. Not a huge online gamer so this is a but of an aggreviance than a huge issue for me. I'm not a huge fan, bar heavy rain and naughty dog of games being more filmic, they're different mediums and prefer games being games rather than writing, direction and performance which would be laughed at if it was a film (hello gta 5)... I'll be gobsmacked (and delighted) if I play a game I prefer over mario 3d and pikmin 3 on the ps4 or one... That's just my gaming tastes. Playing old Nintendo games are my gaming tastes. Miiverse charms me more than the other social services.


They have huge gigantic problems, but ultimately they're all about games being fun and creative and they suit my sensibilities.


Luckily, I'm okay for money and can buy all consoles so don't miss out on anything and I'm slinking my nuts over alien and batman and will do when I see more of the newest uncharted. But generally I'm not huge on the 'seemingly' very serious, quite dark majority of games on the other consoles.

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Don't you ever get that primal itch to, with reckless abandon, mercilessly flay somebody to death?


You mean the one that is quelled when I:


-Punch sum' bitches with Ganondorf in Melee?

-Flay sum' bitches with any character in Soul Calibur 2?

-Powerbomb sum' bitches in Tatsunoko vs Capcom?

-Beat up sum' bitches in Day of Reckoning for the Cube?

-Destroy sum' tough son'bitch bosses in Tales of Symphonia?

-Break sum' bitches' bones in Tekken?


Yeah, I guess I do miss Tekken.


There's nothing really foolish with buying a system Day 1. I had the Wii right from Day 1. Not foolish at all. On the contrary, it was absolutely fucking awesome. I am proud to say that I was there right at the start with that one. Going home and playing WiiSports and starting Twilight Princess that very same night is going to stay with me forever.


Money. Early-day complaints. Lack of desirable games. Lack of comprehensive reviews and opinions.


Lots of foolish things involved with compulsive buying. The most significant reward is being surprised by this thing you didn't think too much about. But those are games, not consoles.


Let me just get this right: You like Nintendo and their games, but don't own a WiiU and (more importantly) won't be buying one anytime soon? Does that not strike you as odd. Games should be light hearted and fun, you say...yet you still don't own or want their system. I just find that strange.


Again, that's odd. If the system was truly worth owning, you'd make time for it, surely?


When I had a Gamecube, I had an old, small TV in my room. Beautiful relationship. The Wii came along, and I couldn't play it in my cramped room, plus, visitors and family liked it, so it went into the living room. Where I couldn't play it in the evening, only during most afternoons.


I moved houses, and finding a good place for the Wii was growing into a bigger and bigger hassle. Even my old TV didn't work anymore, so no way of getting it into my now-bigger room. We did settle on a place, still not a very optimal place to play it (terrible online). Also, the TV I'm using doesn't support HD games, so anything but the Wii/Cube is out of the question.


I'm finishing college soon, looking to emigrate, may not actually own TV for a long time, now (not with this Internet age). And if I still had my old small one I could bring with me, all of the new consoles said "Fuck you" to it, anyway. TV gaming insists on being cumbersome and unfun.


And mind you, I haven't even started with what is necessary to boot the damn things up. What happened to "Enter room, change carts/discs (optional), click two buttons, play"?


If TV gaming could go back to being fun, I'd go with Nintendo. Because everything I've been complaining about has been adopted by the competition ages ago (Nintendo was the last company to say "Fuck you" to my TVs, for example).


Mind you, I've been seriously considering getting a 3DS, and there are only two things stopping me: money (kinda short at this time) and my old Steam backlog (which I got by paying less than a cheap used 3DS + 3 games). Still wasn't an easy decision.


I've switched to PC gaming. It's easier, cheaper, more practical, and it has tons of great games as well. If Nintendo releases a mega-handheld that I can take with me to any country, I'll have it alongside my PC, as Nintendo is the one thing the PC can't give me. I'd love to get my hands on Wonderful 101, X, Pikmin 3, Smash Bros. and whatever else they have in store. Meanwhile, the competition has.........Tekken? Marvel vs Capcom 3? ::shrug:


Is there anything that Microsoft and Sony can give me and PC can't? Barely.

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After the 3DS mess I had been considering waiting for a while for a Wii U - the only reason I went Day 1 was due to a pricing error with Amazon. Seriously doubt I would have got one so quickly without the pricing error.


To go day one I think Nintendo really need to impress me next time (or Amazon eff up again).

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After the Wii U debacle I very much doubt I will get the next console at launch.



It's going to have to be a real impressive piece of kit as well as have third party support to get me on board day 1.


the problem is at launch it was all of the above. The stuff they were showing the gamepad could do looked really cool, EA were singing about this great partnership, for first time in generations a Nintendo console was getting on par 3rd party support. It all looked peachy at launch, it was a few months in that the wheels came off.


But in fairness PS4 and XB1 have also fallen into this trap. There is very little new content on these machines (in fact Wii U probably has more exclusive content than either of them) XB1 has already had to change its sku, so whilst these machines are selling better, which is of little consequence to the end user, it's hardly a bed of roses.


But when all is said and done I doubt i will buy the next Nintendo console at launch.

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So I have done a quick count of the replies and here's what we've got.


19 peeps won't be there day one.

6 peeps will be there day one.


The reasons differ for not picking one up on day 1. These range from being burned by the Wii U, price, bundles, games, essentially waiting to see what's on offer and whether they implement online stuff and get 3rd parties on board. Some people have nothing against Nintendo but just prefer to wait things out.


It does paint a good picture of just how some of us feel letdown by Nintendo. Here we are, on a Nintendo site, yet at this moment in time we don't have the intention of jumping in straight away with their next offering. Just look at how many have bought other consoles or are readying their wallets to do so.


I think a few of us would easily change our minds if certain criteria is met though.

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I also want to stick with nintendo, but in no way day 1. I bought both 3DS and WiiU at launch price, only to see it being dropped immensly later on. There were no games to play, the systems felt not ready until later software updates... Being an early adopter didn't pay off at all.


In the end the games made it worth it! I love pikmin 3, wind waker HD, mario kart and there's much more to come. 3DS already has an amazing library, but could use some new inventive titles in stead of sequels.

I love nintendo's IP's and games way too much to ditch them, but if they want me to buy their new console on day 1 they will need to have something truly amazing in every aspect.

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I'd like to say that I won't purchase another Nintendo console on day 1, but I'm smart enough to know that I'm dumb enough to make the same mistake again. :heh:

Yeah, both 3DS and Wii U (especially Wii U) weren't exsactly great day 1 purchases in hindsight. But having said that, I did enjoy playing both of them right from the start, I'm still playing them now, and I'll hopefully be playing them for a while yet.


At the end of the day my main issue with Nintendo remains the same as it has been for quite some time now, I simply want them to be much more consistent with their own software output. ::shrug:

3+ month gaps are a complete pisstake, and should never happen. Pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but I would've preferred it if they held back the launch of Wii U until they had a steady lineup of games ready to go. And the same applies to the next system, just hold on to it until there are enough titles ready to avoid droughts. With the 3rd party situation being the way it is now, it appears to be the only option they have.


Anyway, of course I'm sticking with Nintendo in the future. I'll definitely continue to game on PC and other consoles too, but as long as Nintendo are producing the amazing games they always have, I'll sure as hell be playing them. :)

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I think next time I get a Nintendo console will be when there are at least 10 solid titles, ie. 3 years in or more. Hopefully after the price is pretty good too. I wouldn't mind that sort of experience late PS3 adopters got, but with the next Ninty console.

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I wouldn't mind that sort of experience late PS3 adopters got..


I 'adopted' the PS3 late and, to be honest, there's still very little of interest for me :heh:


I take your point, though, as I can imagine anyone just picking up a Wii U or 3DS now will have plenty of games to get their teeth into, without ever having to worry about a drought :hehe:


I basically always have something to play as I have plenty of games across a variety of consoles, new and old, and my latet gaming habits have been based around playing through games I've already cleared in the past. It's great to relive some of those experiences and it can be interesting to see how much you remember and if it still holds up well. Super Mario 64 on the Wii VC, my current undertaking, is exceeding all my expectations thus far :yay: I had started to convince myself over the years that there were an awful lot of levels in that game that I didn't really enjoy, but I'm not having any such feelings at the moment. If anything, the game demonstrates what is basically missing from the latest Mario adventure :eek:


Getting a console early can be an advantage too, though, as I felt that I got so much out of Pilotwings Resort and Nintendo Land and that may not have happened if I was snowed under with fresh new games to play..

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I'll be buying the next Nintendo console for sure. Possibilities of a co-joined home /portable systems is an amazing thought.


Nintendo's games are just too good to miss out on: Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, Starfox, 1080, Waverace, Pikmin, Smash, Kart... Enough to validate a purchase under 300 big ones.

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Cheers, brah. I was interested in your thoughts, as well as @kav82, @Zechs Merquise as I know that the you and I got the WiiU at the same time (roughly) and know that these three were burned by the online fiasco.


As for me, I'm completely stuck. I queued up and was the second or third person to buy a Wii in the whole of Brighton at the midnight launch. One of the most exciting times of my life from a gamer perspective. Possibly one of my favourite ever systems. Fast forward to the WiiU and it feels like such a long, long time ago now. I feel nothing for the system.


It's strange how it all works out. I was ready and waiting for the Wii's successor and would have paid for it right there and then. But, the E3 unveiling was disappointing, as was the controller and the line-up for the console. I don't know how Nintendo managed it, but they managed to put me off buying the system when I would have jumped through fire for it. Even when I eventually bought it, I wasn't convinced by it and only got it due to a feeling that the price wouldn't be cheaper. Again, fast forward to a year or so down the line...and it still isn't any cheaper really.


Ok, so I caught up on this thread and realised I shouldn't have bothered much, it's the same old derailments :p I'll come back to the original point and question.


For me, games(read as 'Nintendo') was a big part of my life and who I was growing up. I remember very well when we got our SNES with Super Scope 6, though that was surrounded by Christmas magic. Where I'd been and what I'd done and that I came home to it(even though I was only 5 iirc). I remember well my sister getting 'her'(our) gameboy after years of always playing my cousins' one(and remarkably, we had different games...kirby no less! another love). I remember getting our N64, again another bit of christmas magic, me and my brother opening it at midnight with SM64 and MK64, I remember going to my uncle's boxing day and insisting I take it with me. I remmeber spending all day playing it there. I remember the internet coming about, me buying NOM for years(they're still in a box somewhere too), and following lots of news and everything.


I remember getting the Gamecube at launch, and I remember exactly that I went to pick it up on the friday afternoon after school on a really nice sunny day from my local dixons, entirely by myself and being scared I'd drop/lose/break/get robbed of it before I even got to play it. Setting it up and getting cracking with Melee on such a bloody sunny day was really nice(the room I played in had the sun come in well). With the Wii too, I remember being up early on launch day(the wii made me join here a few months prior in fact) and heading down to my local GAME with my mum and then traipsing round for find a second wiimote/nunchuk at the best price.


Yet with the Wii U, like you, something had changed. I didn't feel like I did all those moments, I barely even remember when I got it except how I got it, and when it arrived I think I left it to go out for a drink rather than set it up immediately and see what it was about. I didn't buy it because I desperately wanted it, but more because I'd gotten a good deal on something I was after - it wasn't like that with the others. I had it but I didn't feel the great urge to play it right then and there - even when I did play, well, Nintendoland and the whole 'new' feeling of it was nice, it did feel a little special, but that was quickly dead and done. Novelty went fast. I ended up getting it even cheaper afterwards with the HMV deal which was a plus, and I refunded the previous deal.


Anyway, going forward. I've had my Wii U a year and a few months yet I still barely touch it - the most it's been used for recently are the few MK league nights I've taken part in and some media streaming to the TV. I wonder sometimes is it me that's changed? I still love some of Nintendo's games(Xenoblade, bloody masterpiece, Zelda and Mario getting a little meh but that's relative to big outings in the past) but I can't say I love the console. Barely anyone I know has, not that it matters given the shoddy state of online for most things anyway, but it also means I'm barely talking about it too. There's little hype to be had about it with my friends. I spend a lot of my time these days socialising and as I've said before - that includes here, facebook, irl - which includes tabletop gaming, general chilling, going out etc. I have less time and more things to do and if I have a choice between sitting down by myself playing on my Wii U or socialising with people in my life via whatever means - I'll tend to always choose the latter. Which brings me to what I'd need from Nintendo for their next console:



-It has to have good online. I clocked more than 100 hours on Halo4 multiplayer alone. The online was robust, the daily/weekly/monthly challenges kept me coming back, and the communication was great. Sometimes with randoms in the game, sometimes not even verbally - often though I could play Halo with my friends and our headsets on and have a good ol' chat too - there was my socialising WHILST I was playing the game, no need to choose one or t'other. Even if my friends weren't playing Halo, if they're just on the 360, I could be chatting away with them. I could have friends who didn't know each other all chatting about random topics together, all the while I'm doing my own thing in Halo at the same time!


-Online isn't the only thing that stings me about the Wii U - I really do wish it had more content too. Not all at big retail games prices either. I want lots more small, quirky, indie, Nintendo-esque content too. I don't have much time to game as I said and responsibilites now besides - how can I justify £30-40 purchases that I touch for an hour or two? It's much easier to punt £5-£15 on something and risk the same. Luckily because the WiiU bombed so much it meant the games have fallen to astonshing prices quite quickly, so I've got a nice catalogue there(with a fair few still untouched however).


-Lastly - it needs to be inline/on par with the competition. I'm barely likely to buy ANY next-next gen console(let alone 'this gen' PS4 or XBO), but if I did I'd want to be able to, if I chose, keep up with what's happening. That means things like getting the same quality Watchdogs at the same time as everyone elsewhere.



Despite all that though. I might eventually end up with the next Nintendo console. Only it's likely to be years after it's arrived, and if they carry on with such an outdated system and inferior online, it won't matter because I'd probably get pretty much the same experiences regardless. I think that's one of the problems with the Wii U really, if you want it you can get it - but there's nothing that really makes you want or need to get it right now.



tl;dr: Wii U's ok but I'll probably pass on its successor for a while at least.

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Money. Early-day complaints. Lack of desirable games. Lack of comprehensive reviews and opinions.


True, there are some issues that exist with certain launches. The Wii's launch wasn't really like that though. In addition to that, I remember the Cube's launch being very, very sweet. Luigi's Mansion and Rogue Leader on release with Smash Bros. Melee soon afterwards. Yes, please! Looking back on it, the Cube and Wii launched with hype, good price point, marketing and it had a good selection of games. So, in certain instances, it's fine to go with a console at launch. Didn't regret it for the Wii one bit and certainly not the GameCube.



Lots of foolish things involved with compulsive buying. The most significant reward is being surprised by this thing you didn't think too much about. But those are games, not consoles.


When I had a Gamecube, I had an old, small TV in my room. Beautiful relationship. The Wii came along, and I couldn't play it in my cramped room, plus, visitors and family liked it, so it went into the living room. Where I couldn't play it in the evening, only during most afternoons.


I moved houses, and finding a good place for the Wii was growing into a bigger and bigger hassle. Even my old TV didn't work anymore, so no way of getting it into my now-bigger room. We did settle on a place, still not a very optimal place to play it (terrible online). Also, the TV I'm using doesn't support HD games, so anything but the Wii/Cube is out of the question.


I'm finishing college soon, looking to emigrate, may not actually own TV for a long time, now (not with this Internet age). And if I still had my old small one I could bring with me, all of the new consoles said "Fuck you" to it, anyway. TV gaming insists on being cumbersome and unfun.


And mind you, I haven't even started with what is necessary to boot the damn things up. What happened to "Enter room, change carts/discs (optional), click two buttons, play"?


If you want additional features such as a Virtual Console, MiiVerse, eShop, a Friend List, Party Chat, etc, then of course the system of booting up a game is going to be slightly more complex than it was previously. Still, I don't think it's THAT bad in all honesty and for me some of the problems that exist now have always existed. For example, disc swapping when you've got Pikmin in the tray and want to play FIFA instead. Unless you go digital and have all the games on the system memory, that is always going to be a problem.


Circumstances will change and that affects many things. On a side point, if you have a PC, isn't there a way to hook up a console to the monitor? Might be an idea, especially if you are TV-less now or in the future. I sympathise with your point about the Wii coming around and not having a place to put it. I actually had the opposite problem at uni because my friends wanted to play on my Wii in the living room (Guitar Hero, Wii Sports) and I wanted to play it in my room. (Mario Galaxy, ExciteTruck). Think one of them ended up buying a second Wii. I can definitely see the opposite happening though where you just either don't have a place to put the thing or there's no time for it/lack of tv, etc.



If TV gaming could go back to being fun, I'd go with Nintendo. Because everything I've been complaining about has been adopted by the competition ages ago (Nintendo was the last company to say "Fuck you" to my TVs, for example).


Mind you, I've been seriously considering getting a 3DS, and there are only two things stopping me: money (kinda short at this time) and my old Steam backlog (which I got by paying less than a cheap used 3DS + 3 games). Still wasn't an easy decision.


I've switched to PC gaming. It's easier, cheaper, more practical, and it has tons of great games as well. If Nintendo releases a mega-handheld that I can take with me to any country, I'll have it alongside my PC, as Nintendo is the one thing the PC can't give me. I'd love to get my hands on Wonderful 101, X, Pikmin 3, Smash Bros. and whatever else they have in store. Meanwhile, the competition has.........Tekken? Marvel vs Capcom 3? ::shrug:


Is there anything that Microsoft and Sony can give me and PC can't? Barely.


So, you've gone PC only? That's a good decision and it makes sense in a lot of ways. But, the fact still remains that you're not really getting your gaming fix these days from Nintendo, which is part of the point of this thread. If gaming with Nintendo was easier, cheaper and more practical, would you go back with them?


Finally, it's a bit daft to just say that the competition has just Tekken and Marvel. It's along the same lines as saying that all Nintendo have is Mario and Zelda. But, I will concede that a lot of these third party releases are also available on PC, which you would expect because it's also a platform in its own right. (plus each machine has its own exclusives, including PC) The point is that these games won't be available on a Nintendo machine. So, whether you go Nintendo + Sony, or Nintendo + XBOX or Nintendo + PC, the point is that you still have to go with that "+ something" because the games just aren't coming to Nintendo's systems.

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But, the fact still remains that you're not really getting your gaming fix these days from Nintendo, which is part of the point of this thread.


Wait... what?


Wasn't this just an honest thread asking people if they will continue to buy and play Nintendo games..? Or is this thread about factual reasoning as to why we shouldn't? Stealthy.


Im sorry but its not a fact that Nintendo aren't supplying the goods.


To play Nintendo games that people honestly enjoy is the major and possibly only reason to buy Nintendo hardware, and its still a massive USP. I might not get a realistic racer or a Fifa, or some new age trendy shit - but the stuff Nintendo produce and its potential to produce outweighs all of that.


Of course, my humble personal opinion - which I won't call a fact.


Did we really need yet another "Wii U is awful, the other consoles are better" thread?


: peace::bowdown:: peace:

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If you want additional features such as a Virtual Console, MiiVerse, eShop, a Friend List, Party Chat, etc, then of course the system of booting up a game is going to be slightly more complex than it was previously. Still, I don't think it's THAT bad in all honesty and for me some of the problems that exist now have always existed. For example, disc swapping when you've got Pikmin in the tray and want to play FIFA instead. Unless you go digital and have all the games on the system memory, that is always going to be a problem.


Swapping discs isn't the problem, no. I don't mind doing it, games take a minute to boot up, even on PC.


But I don't want to see updates, patches, and click through several menus just to get to the game. I rarely even play online, and when I do, it's only for quick matches of whatever I'm playing.

Now granted, since I don't own the more recent consoles, it's entirely possible there's some way to skip all of those middlemen (like with the DS) and I just don't know. But I've seen enough complaints to realise there's not much one can do about it.


Circumstances will change and that affects many things. On a side point, if you have a PC, isn't there a way to hook up a console to the monitor? Might be an idea, especially if you are TV-less now or in the future.


It's an idea. Still depends of future living conditions, but it's still flexible.


So, you've gone PC only? That's a good decision and it makes sense in a lot of ways. But, the fact still remains that you're not really getting your gaming fix these days from Nintendo, which is part of the point of this thread. If gaming with Nintendo was easier, cheaper and more practical, would you go back with them?


If I had a proper income, I'd buy the 3DS in a heartbeat, yes. Nintendo handhelds are still easy and practical to play on.


Finally, it's a bit daft to just say that the competition has just Tekken and Marvel. It's along the same lines as saying that all Nintendo have is Mario and Zelda. But, I will concede that a lot of these third party releases are also available on PC, which you would expect because it's also a platform in its own right. (plus each machine has its own exclusives, including PC) The point is that these games won't be available on a Nintendo machine. So, whether you go Nintendo + Sony, or Nintendo + XBOX or Nintendo + PC, the point is that you still have to go with that "+ something" because the games just aren't coming to Nintendo's systems.


Out of the things that the competition has that A. Interest me; and B. Aren't on PC; then yeah, the list is bare.


The way I see it, Nintendo is the constant in any of the combinations you gave. Hell, it has always been like that, as I used to be a Megadrive kid, who then turned PC in the late 90s, who then got an N64, and had a Gameboy during the entire time. Most of my school eventually turned to Playstation, but still they played Gameboy.


We are always bound to see something different with the competition, something that Nintendo can't give, and vice-versa. If the Megadrive/SNES rivalry was today, would we actually stick with just one of the consoles? Would choosing both mean there was something wrong with the other one? I don't think so.

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Wait... what?


Wasn't this just an honest thread asking people if they will continue to buy and play Nintendo games..? Or is this thread about factual reasoning as to why we shouldn't? Stealthy.


Im sorry but its not a fact that Nintendo aren't supplying the goods.


To play Nintendo games that people honestly enjoy is the major and possibly only reason to buy Nintendo hardware, and its still a massive USP. I might not get a realistic racer or a Fifa, or some new age trendy shit - but the stuff Nintendo produce and its potential to produce outweighs all of that.


Of course, my humble personal opinion - which I won't call a fact.




: peace::bowdown:: peace:


I'm going to assume that you didn't read Jonnas' post since that was the post that I quoted when I replied to it. Let me just make it nice and easy for you:


- Jonnas posts about being loyal to Nintendo and liking their games, yet not owning a WiiU and not getting one any time soon.

- I reply to this basically saying that this is a bit contradictory.

- He replies about circumstances changing, going to the PC for most of his gaming fix.

- I reply with the rest of my post, plus the part you just quoted, which I'll refer to again:


"But, the fact still remains that you're not really getting your gaming fix these days from Nintendo, which is part of the point of this thread."


Which brings the thread full circle: Will you support Nintendo next gen or have you moved on. In Jonnas' case, the fact is that he has moved on to another system (PC) . (not an opinion. A fact)


As to the bowing down gif, this thread is needed because it refers to a discussion that was taking place in WiiU general that was going off-topic about several users (one of them being @kav82) moving onto other systems. This subject also refers to long-term gripes that several users have had when investing into the WiiU (@Rummy, myself) and whether this will affect our decision next time. Whether it turns out pro-Nintendo or anti-Nintendo is irrelevant, we could just as easily had 20 replies on the first page saying "yes, I love the WiiU, I'll be there day 1." Which, as you can see for yourself, is not the case.


Swapping discs isn't the problem, no. I don't mind doing it, games take a minute to boot up, even on PC.


But I don't want to see updates, patches, and click through several menus just to get to the game. I rarely even play online, and when I do, it's only for quick matches of whatever I'm playing.

Now granted, since I don't own the more recent consoles, it's entirely possible there's some way to skip all of those middlemen (like with the DS) and I just don't know. But I've seen enough complaints to realise there's not much one can do about it.



Tbh, I don't think that sorta stuff will change, unless there's ways that you can background download patches without being notified beforehand, which I'm not sure is even possible due to disclaimers and shit. It's annoying, I agree, but I can't see that changing an awful lot. The OS or home screen of a home console is quite important now and that's something I think will stay as standard. There might be quicker ways to get into games in future, like the QuickStart WiiU feature which is awesome, so more of that might make it easier.


It's an idea. Still depends of future living conditions, but it's still flexible.



If you could do it, it would make a lot of sense, especially as you then wouldn't need to splash out on another tv. Orrrr, even get a new TV and hook up the computer to that, but I'm not a fan of that idea. It's an option, I guess it's just making the best with what you have.


If I had a proper income, I'd buy the 3DS in a heartbeat, yes. Nintendo handhelds are still easy and practical to play on.


Out of the things that the competition has that A. Interest me; and B. Aren't on PC; then yeah, the list is bare.


The way I see it, Nintendo is the constant in any of the combinations you gave. Hell, it has always been like that, as I used to be a Megadrive kid, who then turned PC in the late 90s, who then got an N64, and had a Gameboy during the entire time. Most of my school eventually turned to Playstation, but still they played Gameboy.


We are always bound to see something different with the competition, something that Nintendo can't give, and vice-versa. If the Megadrive/SNES rivalry was today, would we actually stick with just one of the consoles? Would choosing both mean there was something wrong with the other one? I don't think so.


There are many who can't afford more than one, though. So, to them, going with one console might influence this aspect of their lives for years down the line. I went Wii only last gen, mostly due to money and time, but it's something I had to carefully think about as it was the console I had at uni. A friend of mine at the moment wants to play Mario Kart, but can't justify spending money on a new system as he's just had a kid, for example.


Going for more than one system I think is the way forward. For me, there are too many similarities between the PS4 and One to make getting both of those a truly viable option. To Nintendo's advantage, they are different, which I think is something that Nintendo mentioned last gen about being an "And" company. The part that bothers me about that is that it goes with the mindset that one of those consoles will be a Primary platform and one is an accessory. Not the worst problem to have I guess, but still.

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There are many who can't afford more than one, though. So, to them, going with one console might influence this aspect of their lives for years down the line. I went Wii only last gen, mostly due to money and time, but it's something I had to carefully think about as it was the console I had at uni. A friend of mine at the moment wants to play Mario Kart, but can't justify spending money on a new system as he's just had a kid, for example.


Going for more than one system I think is the way forward. For me, there are too many similarities between the PS4 and One to make getting both of those a truly viable option. To Nintendo's advantage, they are different, which I think is something that Nintendo mentioned last gen about being an "And" company. The part that bothers me about that is that it goes with the mindset that one of those consoles will be a Primary platform and one is an accessory. Not the worst problem to have I guess, but still.


Fair enough about limiting yourself to one console due to price, as it's essentially my own position right now.


I prefer not to see one as "main" and another as "accessory". I never thought of my handhelds as such, and ditto for a PC/console combo. I only found an affordable 3DS months after adhering to Steam, so that was literally the reason I don't own a 3DS right now: one of the options got to me first. Not any perceived hierarchy between both.


Different strokes for different folks.

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