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Nintendo Digital Event E3 2014: BYOP


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I know I'll be in the minority here, but something about Nintendo's E3 felt a bit "off" to me, and I'm left feeling quite flat. I suppose it depends what you want out of E3 - if it's to reassure you there are lots of decent games coming, it delivered. If you want a few days' entertainment, it delivered. I completely agree with everyone about Treehouse, and how it'll probably be copied. Brilliant.


But personally what I want out of E3 is one 45-60 minute show that excites and inspires. Whilst some of it was funny, and Zelda looked great, that was the only bit that had me cheering. Even that was a bit strange, as we have no idea how it plays. If you think back to Wind Waker HD's unveiling, that really did look raw and not truly ready to show (glad they did though). Zelda Wii U, on the other hand, did not look raw at all - it actually looked very polished, and so I can't shake the feeling they are hiding something about it.


Most of the other new offerings looked decent, particularly Captain Toad, but I would swap them all for less, but more inspiring ones. Many of them appeared fairly low-budget/easy to make/based off existing ideas, and so I can't help but wonder if we really are in the "Let the Wii U ride out as cheaply as possible" phase that some suggested. The exception is Zelda, of course, but we know so little about it I think it's got more chance of doing a "Twilight Princess" than Skyward Sword ever did.


As I say, though, Zelda did look good, and so I thought "Wow, they must have some amazing stuff not to put that last." The Kid Icarus vs. Link anime was great, and I hoped it was there to introduce a Link & Pit team-up game, but no, it was just another character in Smash Bros. Then immediately afterwards came the strangest game reveal ever! I must admit, I am not a massive Star Fox fan, but if they ever made a new one I expected them to introduce it with a space battle or asteroids flying at the player. Instead we got Miyamoto sitting in front of a blurry screen. :heh: Tell me honestly it doesn't seem as though Nintendo have just grabbed one of their classic franchises to bolt GamePad controls onto.


What really put me in a bad mood though was the 3DS game on Thursday. They've let us believe it would be Majora's Mask 3D or (even better) a new Metroid. In reality, it was something that (frankly) most people will be less interested in. I'm not against the game existing, but really think it could have been in the Digital Event, and I could have done without all the Metroid teasing.


So, without F-Zero, WaveRace, 1080 or especially Metroid, this was not the fan-pleasing E3 some implied was going to happen. When they constantly rely on Kirby, Yoshi and Mario characters, it feels like they are leading-on fans of other series a bit, or just people who want games that are a bit bigger and more aspirational.

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Please don't shoot me anyone... but I hear Wave Race and F Zero so much on this forum. I'm not having a go or anything like that - I just wanna understand why. I played both Wave Race and F Zero, and I enjoyed both - but neither of them ever stuck with me as games I absolutely need to see on a Nintendo console. But when it comes to discussions on what people want, it is always these games. :confused:


It'd be great if both series returned of course, but if they were to be announced I imagine this place will blow up with joy!


Like I say I'm not being negative or dismissing anyones views or love for the series at all, I just feel like if anything I'm missing something with how warmly they're regarded by so many of you! : peace:

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Please don't shoot me anyone... but I hear Wave Race and F Zero so much on this forum. I'm not having a go or anything like that - I just wanna understand why. I played both Wave Race and F Zero, and I enjoyed both - but neither of them ever stuck with me as games I absolutely need to see on a Nintendo console. But when it comes to discussions on what people want, it is always these games. :confused:


It'd be great if both series returned of course, but if they were to be announced I imagine this place will blow up with joy!


Like I say I'm not being negative or dismissing anyones views or love for the series at all, I just feel like if anything I'm missing something with how warmly they're regarded by so many of you! : peace:


WaveRace - OK, you've got a point. I think a lot of people just wanted to see what the Wii U could do with the graphics, to be honest.


F-Zero on the other hand is Nintendo's best racing series - far, far better than Mario Kart.

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Please don't shoot me anyone... but I hear Wave Race and F Zero so much on this forum. I'm not having a go or anything like that - I just wanna understand why. I played both Wave Race and F Zero, and I enjoyed both - but neither of them ever stuck with me as games I absolutely need to see on a Nintendo console. But when it comes to discussions on what people want, it is always these games. :confused:


I always hear F-Zero and Starfox, myself.


Can't speak for Wave Race, but F-Zero GX was one of the best racing games ever made. I can't blame people for wanting a new one, as even a re-release of GX with online would put most racing games today to shame.


But yeah, people tend to fixate too much on what wasn't shown more than anything.

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WaveRace - OK, you've got a point. I think a lot of people just wanted to see what the Wii U could do with the graphics, to be honest.


F-Zero on the other hand is Nintendo's best racing series - far, far better than Mario Kart.


I agree, never really enjoyed Wave Race. But F-Zero... really, really love!

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F-Zero GX is a god tier racer that has never been surpassed in my eyes. Many have said all they need to do is make a HD version and slap online multiplayer on it and they would have a winner. I would have to agree. It's just that perfect.


Wave Race I never got on with. The Cube version was beautiful to look at but I could never get the hang of that and the N64 version. I did enjoy the Gameboy one though. :)

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Please don't shoot me anyone... but I hear Wave Race and F Zero so much on this forum. I'm not having a go or anything like that - I just wanna understand why. I played both Wave Race and F Zero, and I enjoyed both - but neither of them ever stuck with me as games I absolutely need to see on a Nintendo console.


In a racing market over saturated with tarmac, WaveRace represents uniqueness. It also offers us the chance to experience and come to terms with total control. The type of 'extension of your body' control that comes along rarely. Waverace64 was incredibly tuned and when coupled with the challenging wave mechanics your understanding of the craft's control is put to the ultimate test. The GCN version looked the business but I don't think it had that EAD control nor intuitiveness that comes from that team.


WaveRace looks great sure, but it's as pure as videogames can be. Almost simple. You learn how to control your craft on the sedate seas before the crashing of tumultuous waves and wicked buoy placements really tests you.

For those who mastered the craft, it is one of the best racers ever - and an incredibly technical game.


Coupled with 1080, Nintendo used the environment and their detailed (almost OCD) understanding of avatar control to create fantastic racers that are sadly lacking in the market.

Edited by tapedeck
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I echo what everyone has said above about F-Zero, WaveRace (and 1080).


There's also the fact that there are no other games like F-Zero (especially now that WipeOut has gone) or WaveRace on the market! Nintendo's console is the only place you can go to get such an experience (most other types of games you can find alternatives elsewhere) and quite frankly it sucks we're not getting new ones.

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Thanks for the replies guys!


I wasn't meaning my post in a negative way or calling people out for wanting it, I just knew people loved the series so wanted to kinda understand why. And now I know!


Thinking on it, Wave Race was an extremely unique experience that I remember controlling very differently from your average racer! Almost like you were on the water yourself!


As for F-Zero, it is now my mission to find the GC version to play again and see what I think of it all these years on! : peace:

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I echo what everyone has said above about F-Zero, WaveRace (and 1080).


There's also the fact that there are no other games like F-Zero (especially now that WipeOut has gone) or WaveRace on the market! Nintendo's console is the only place you can go to get such an experience (most other types of games you can find alternatives elsewhere) and quite frankly it sucks we're not getting new ones.


Pretty much this.


They're unique racers. I'd possibly even add ExciteTruck into that bracket now. They serve as a good alternative to Mario Kart. They all work in tandem with each other and serve different purposes. Wave Race and F Zero are both fucking hard but for different reasons. We should have had a new version of both of these games and they most certainly would have interested the older gamers who grew up with the N64 or GameCube.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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F-Zero GX is in my honest opinion one of the finest racing experiences I've ever experienced.


It is 'till this day the only game that makes me feel like a kid and a badass at the same time and I am sooooo glad I hunted this gem down.


The music is so incredible that it is actually beyond incredible, it was created by some techno-rock God of a religion yet to be created.


I am forever grateful of NINTENDO and Amusement Vision for creating this A-MA-ZING Futuristic racing game, FOREVER.


I cannot express with mere words how awesome this game is so I looked up some synonyms of the word 'awesome' to make a small start:


amazing, astonishing, astounding, awesome, awful, eye-opening, fabulous, miraculous, portentous, prodigious, staggering, stunning, stupendous, sublime, surprising, wonderful, wondrous


Captain Falcon is also one of the most awesome game characters to have ever graced a console.







He's an inspiration to us all and he also pretty much IS Smash Bros.


I am however skeptical as to whether or not NINTENDO could recreate the magic of GX and add somewhat of an open (steampunk/techno) world on top of it in which you can cruise around and where it is ALL about the F-Zero Grand Prixs and other (street)racing shenanigens.



These are all the cutscenes from GX

As you can see there's a whole goddamn awesome world to discover out there and with it being in the space age, other planets as well!


Wow, got to contain myself here, but yeah F-Zero GX is handsdown one of the games I only play at certain points in my life for 't is simpy TOO awesome!


I thought I was a man before I played F-Zero GX, when I played it I found out that I was a mere boy and this game propelled me into manhood at the speed of 1200 Km/h.


Now the ultimate question:

Who should NINTENDO partner with in this post-Amusement Vision age?



Monster Games?

Next Level Games?

Sumo Digital?


All of the above?


Or should they hunt some of the ol' Amusement Vision crew down?

Edited by Fused King
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Played the SNES original but I've never played F-Zero GX, I get the impression I'm missing a decent title


Decent is the understatement of the century. You're missing one of the greatest racing games and experiences. I played it again recently and it still looks pretty damn good to this day. Very futuristic looking in terms of visuals and that sound...oh my. Hnnnnnnngg.


I'd say try F Zero X first and then GX, as it's quite difficult. Although, not sure you can go wrong. It's a killer game. Genuinely shocked and bemused that Nintendo are neglecting this the way they are.

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Genuinely shocked and bemused that Nintendo are neglecting this the way they are.


When more old franchises get revived by NINTENDO (like Star Fox and Kid Icarus) it will naturally lead those who ask the questions at events like E3 to other franchises:


What is going on with F-Zero? What's up with Advance Wars?


We already got a pretty healthy confirmation that IntelligentSystems is always thinking about Advance Wars so I am hoping that some day the cry for F-Zero will be so big NINTENDO cannot ignore it anymore.


I guess the cry for Star Fox was louder these days, but now it is time!



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Interesting thread.


I LOVED F Zero Snes... Loved it. Played nothing like it when it came out... Played it recently and it has a nice nostalgic factor, nothing more. I liked F Zero X.... but people cream over it, don;t udnerstan it, it's okay, good...but GX really is that good, played it very recently and it was still incredible. I would be delighted with a HD remake of GX with online, delighted. in fact, in fear of them unable to replicate it, I'd PREFER this than a new version...


Though get stuffed with Wave Race, the game is equally as genius... I loved Blue Storm, love it so much! Again, played it recently and still love it. I'd love a new version of this more than F Zero (but more because GX was so perfect)... but again, a HD online version of Blue Storm would satiate my desires.... Love 'em!

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WaveRace - OK, you've got a point. I think a lot of people just wanted to see what the Wii U could do with the graphics, to be honest.


F-Zero on the other hand is Nintendo's best racing series - far, far better than Mario Kart.


Wave race is Nintendo's best racing series! The changing courses thanks to the weather etc is amazing!!!


In a racing market over saturated with tarmac, WaveRace represents uniqueness. It also offers us the chance to experience and come to terms with total control. The type of 'extension of your body' control that comes along rarely. Waverace64 was incredibly tuned and when coupled with the challenging wave mechanics your understanding of the craft's control is put to the ultimate test. The GCN version looked the business but I don't think it had that EAD control nor intuitiveness that comes from that team.


WaveRace looks great sure, but it's as pure as videogames can be. Almost simple. You learn how to control your craft on the sedate seas before the crashing of tumultuous waves and wicked buoy placements really tests you.

For those who mastered the craft, it is one of the best racers ever - and an incredibly technical game.


Coupled with 1080, Nintendo used the environment and their detailed (almost OCD) understanding of avatar control to create fantastic racers that are sadly lacking in the market.


I could not agree more with this! Waverace is almost perfect!

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I actually got a lot more fun out of F-Zero X, but I think that's purely the stage in my life at which it hit i.e. a time when I would play 4 player local multiplayer. I absolutely adore that game, it would probably make my Top10 games of all time.


But damn...


GX looked amazing!


I am however skeptical as to whether or not NINTENDO could recreate the magic of GX and add somewhat of an open (steampunk/techno) world on top of it in which you can cruise around and where it is ALL about the F-Zero Grand Prixs and other (street)racing shenanigens.



These are all the cutscenes from GX

As you can see there's a whole goddamn awesome world to discover out there and with it being in the space age, other planets as well!

I always though a setting like Coruscant would make an awesome setting for a Captain Falcon bounty hunter type game, or even just a hub world for a new F-Zero racer. Of course you could go off to other planets and space stations too, but the setting seems perfect for his home. And of course in Jango Fett we've seen a bounty hunter going about their business on such an environment.






So much potential for a new F-Zero with this generation of console.


So frustrating!

Edited by Retro_Link
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I'm sorry, but there really isn't enough LOVE being shown in here for one of the best games ever made..




From the controls and graphics to the weather conditions and water physics, that game is beyond outstanding. I'd be amazed to see what they could do now with the Wii U hardware, but it's probably not going to appear :hmm:


With popular games like Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport generally feeling dull and boring to me, games such as F-Zero, Wave Race, Excitebike and 1080 provide that unique Nintendo experience across a variety of amazing racing games that I'm desperate to see return over the next few years.


I posted these feelings about E3 in another thread, but they're just as, if not more, relevant here..


In all honesty, my 'General E3 Reaction' is one of disappointment :sad:


There have obviously been plenty of games shown that will appeal to a large number of people, including returning franchises and new IPs. The problem I have personally is that while this is true, the majority of these returning franchises are not the ones I particularly wanted to see return and the reveals of Splatoon and Codename: S.T.E.A.M. didn't resonate with me :hmm:

Mario vs DK, Mario Party 10, Kirby and Xenoblade Chronicles X are games I just don't feel any real desire for and despite having a soft spot for platformers, Yoshi has never really delivered a truly outstanding experience.. not even the original Yoshi's Island #controversial



Super Smash Bros for Wii U, with its awful name, has obviously been getting a lot of coverage and I'm pretty certain I will get it, but I've never really been into fighting games and am not hugely into the series. The Nintendo fan service is almost always what draws me into it!


Project Giant Robot and Project Guard leave me feeling gutted that this is what Miyamoto has been working on. If it wasn't for the promise of a new Starfox, his segment would have been a complete travesty :eek:


The one shining light from E3 so far has been how AWESOME The Legend of Zelda looks. I'd love to see much more, but then another part of me thinks that I just don't want to see any more of it again until I have it in my own hands. I want to step completely into the unknown with that one :heh:


I genuinely feel like I have enough games to be getting on with in the mean time that the supposed lack of software in 2014 isn't that important to me, but with no interest in the PS4 or XBOX One and Nintendo neglecting almost all of my most beloved franchises as well as not revealing anything new that inspires me, I'm honestly feeling quite deflated about what is around the corner. I just have to be thankful that games like Mario Kart 8 and Mario Golf: World Tour are so good at the moment that I'm still having fun with the Wii U and 3DS in addition to playing plenty of older games on a multitude of systems, with Killer 7 currently getting my attention again on Gamecube :smile:


I'm still hoping for one more tiny reveal before E3 ends that gets me enthused, though : peace:


That one more tiny reveal never came, unfortunately, so you go away hoping things like Metroid are in development but never actually being sure as Retro Studios could quite easily be churning out a new Donkey Kong Country game to complete their own trilogy :indeed:


Just hurry up and give us F-Zero already :heh:

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With popular games like Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport generally feeling dull and boring to me, games such as F-Zero, Wave Race, Excitebike and 1080 provide that unique Nintendo experience across a variety of amazing racing games that I'm desperate to see return over the next few years.


And yeah I loved Blue Storm! (I didn't play the original on the N64)


Also there's not reason these games wouldn't sell if they're made well and marketed well. Just look how everyone was anticipating the last SSX game!

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And yeah I loved Blue Storm! (I didn't play the original on the N64)


Also there's not reason these games wouldn't sell if they're made well and marketed well. Just look how everyone was anticipating the last SSX game!


What about the original on Gameboy?


SSX 3 was a great game indeed.

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