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E3 2014 - Sony Press Conference (2am BST)


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Didn't watch it. I've heard it was pretty bad, but looking at the announcements it doesn't SOUND too bad.


But my big concern has always been - what games are out this year? Genuine question, everything seems 2015. And also, what are exclusive. Currently, and I never ever thought I would say this, but from launch to 2015 Xbox One has a superior line up. But then that doesn't have Uncharted and that's the ONLY game that truly gets me wet.

It wasn't bad, but the pacing was really quite bad, and therefore for the people watching it live it will come across worse than it was.


Chances are this could only be Europe's reaction too, because when it's 3.00-3.30am passes without seeing a game it leaves you in a bad mood :p


Daft's lift of games though, actually reveals a great showing.




Standouts for me...


I don't agree with those saying they spent too long on Destiny, it was only about 5 mins wasn't it? I enjoyed what I saw of it, although I'll be damned if I can remember it now :P


The Order, ok this is up there with The Witcher in terms of visuals! Incredible job, and it was nice to see a bit more gameplay. Enjoyed the tone.


Infamous DLC is cool.


Really enjoyed the LBP3 reveal and gameplay, I'm not sure the series is for me, I'd probably only ever play single player, but it was so charming and I love what they did.


Bloodborne. Great new IP.


The Far Cry 4 gameplay was fantastic!! Glad we got to see a gameplay demo.


Battlefield Hardline looks a lot of fun.


No Man's Sky and ABZU were wow!!!!


And Arkham Knight looks incredible :)


Overall there's a lot of great stuff to take away from the show, but although I'll miss out on Tomb Raider and The Last of Us for even longer, I think I can hold off my PS4 purchase until the end of the year at least, for Arkham Knight, Tomb Raider 2 and The Witcher. But damn will there be some epic games to play by that stage!

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Yeah no doubt long term there's some really exciting stuff. Thinking about it, Alien, forgot about that, I want that. Infamous dlc makes me want infamous more in a weird way. Resogun dlc announced too... And some of the indies looks really good... God I wish Ori was in ps4 or Wii u...

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The issue isn't the game lists though. The issue is with the way they went about revealing a lot of them...just CGI trailers and little gameplay.


Then there's the ports of old gen games filling the line-up and revealed as if they're huge amazing reveals.


If we're lucky? They've only delayed the game once. And what does that actually matter? Why would you want them to release a game unfinished just because it was meant to be a launch title?


If it had been a launch title it would have been forgettable and lost in a host of other mediocre launch games. Now it has had time to actually be a good game and it has space to get attention. It might be unfortunate that the game was delayed at launch but it's been for nothing but good reasons.


But let's just lol at that. :indeed:

The irony of this post considering your previous statements in other parts of this forum is just delicious.


Thank you. You have made my day :)

Edited by Serebii
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Yeah, the Vita is being dropped like the dead weight it is.


The irony of this post considering your previous statements in other parts of this forum is just delicious.


Thank you. You have made my day :)


I've never been against game delays. I have no problem with Arkham Knight being delayed or Watch Dogs or The Division or The Order or Destiny. Literally never had a problem beyond mild annoyance.


I think you're getting confused with my problem when a delay happens during a barren wasteland of releases that some consoles have.

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Like with Microsoft's, it was ridiculous in that games were announced and shown with no gameplay. Seriously, get it together.


Looking at the trailers in this forum, this is bothering me too. Really, teasers can't get me excited over anything, it doesn't show what the game is, only what the setting is.


It's another one of those habits stemming from treating the videogame industry like the film industry. "Get it together" is the right thing to say to that.

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The issue isn't the game lists though. The issue is with the way they went about revealing a lot of them...just CGI trailers and little gameplay.


Looking at the trailers in this forum, this is bothering me too.


What games are you talking about that purely had a CGI showing? There weren't that many.

Edited by Retro_Link
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What games are you talking about that purely has a CGI showing? There weren't that many.


Destiny - Gameplay

The Order - Gameplay

Entwined - Gameplay

Infamous: First Light - Gameplay

LittleBigPlanet 3 - Gameplay

Bloodborne - In Engine Trailer

FarCry 4 - Gameplay

Dead Island 2 - CGI Trailer

Battlefield Hardline - Gameplay

Magicka 2 - Gameplay

Let It Die - Rubbish Live Trailer (WTF did I watch?)

No Man's Sky - Gameplay

Mortal Kombat X - Gameplay

MGSV: PP - In Engine Trailer (Does this need gameplay shown with Ground Zeroes out?)

Batman: Arkham Knight - Gameplay

Uncharted 4 - In engine teaser



I think this is another one of those false facts Serebii likes to perpetuate.

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Wow! This year's lineup is BARREN! There are literally only 2 single 1st party games from now till the end of 2014 (Driveclub and LBP3 - though I was surprised to see the latter hitting this year) and almost every single major 3rd party game is slated for next year, with the only notable retail titles coming this year being either annual titles (sports games, yearly COD/Asscreed/Battlefield etc), 1080p remasters and Destiny (which of course is not exclusive, despite having some exclusive content).


And almost all of these exclusive upcoming retail games for PS4 are those Uncharted style movie-in-disguise games that do not appeal to me whatsoever...


The cancellation of Stig/Sony Santa Monica's new IP has really hit their lineup HARD this year! :o


Say what you will about the hardware, but the Xbone has the better lineup of games right now and in the near future...

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Hardly. The only thing that looks great on the X1 to me is Sunset Overdrive; could literally not care any less about Halo remakes, and that's coming from someone who invested tons of time into Halo PC. Halo is so last decade.


Most of the best games on PS3 last gen were third party, because like Nintendo, you can't expect one company to be responsible for so many great games. You need good support, which the console definitely seems to have. I'm interested in what Nintendo can come up with, but we know what support for them is going to be like.


While there's a lot more coming next year than this year, the amount of games that are coming to the PS4 is colossal. I literally can't wait. In the meantime I'll play the few first party and many third party games that will release this year.

Edited by Sheikah
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Absolutely HILARIOUS that people are saying this was bad. Must have watched different versions.


I loved it. Obviously there was that stupid lull in the middle and arguably too many third party games BUT at least it wasn't "We're showing this because you get DLC before other versions", they were like "you get exlusive weapons, armor AND you get it early" or "on this version only, only one of you needs the game to play multiplayer" - that's incredible.


My interest in Order 1886 has gone from zero to eighty five.



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Uncharted 4 - In engine teaser.


This is the only one I think needs to be reevaluated. Uncharted games have never looked any where near as good as their e3 reveals, and tech demos (which it basically is) are mostly purely bull shit.


It's like the Zelda demo Nintendo showed off when announcing the Wii U. I just don't get how they couldn't prepare a little something to show from an alpha build because it's a video game, not a movie.

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Yeah, if anything, Uncharted is one of the few games that always does look as good at a show as when it's released. Unless anyone can point me to the contrary.


TLOU too. Yeah, some people might have suspected the AI wasn't as good as when it was demoed but visually? Nothing changed.

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I think this is another one of those false facts Serebii likes to perpetuate.


Gee, thanks so much for dismissing my opinion :blank: Serebii didn't even call it a fact.


I wasn't even talking about this presentation in particular, but about the industry as a whole. If The Order: 1886 had gameplay, I sure didn't spot it, and I don't care if Uncharted 4 is in-engine: that wasn't gameplay.

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I actually didn't even read your post. But how did you miss The Order's gameplay?


I went and re-checked: there were two trailers, and I had only seen one (but it had so little gameplay, I missed it the first time around).


The main point stands, though.

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There was enough gameplay for me to be happy with. I can understand if you wanted more. I think there are better channels for showing gameplay, like the show floor and later on with YouTube.


Personally I don't really want to watch people play games for that long. I want to know the gameplay basics and the game's tone of voice. A snippet is enough because if the game genre and TOV are enough for me to want it, I don't need to see any more.


Like the Division gameplay, it looks great but I already know I want it. I'm not bothered about watching other people play it.


My only problem is the complete absence of in engine footage. I was happy with Uncharted 4 because it's Uncharted so we already know how it plays. I want to know how it looks, and that's what I got. I have a problem with something like Crackdown 3 having a totally CGI trailer. Dead Island 2, too. But I posted a list for the Sony conference and only two games didn't do what I needed.

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I watched this show right after Nintendo's. I'll definitely be buying more games this year for the PS4 than the Wii U, both this year AND next. The conference was a bit long, but fuck, it was rammed full of content. Not sure how anyone can be disappointed by that, especially in comparison to Nintendo's showing.

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