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General E3 Reactions/Highlights

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My highlights so far:


Tomb Raider


Sunset Overdrive

Uncharted 4

AC Unity, especially the co-op game-play they showed


Yeah, I love the idea of a co-op Creed.


There seems to have been quite a few games announced that has online co-op. I hope this trend continues as I love playing co-op much more than competitive multiplayer.

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A personal favourite for me has been Evolve


That really looks like the kind of multiplayer I could get into.

Actually, the same coud be said for the Co-Op in Assassin's Creed: Unity, Battlefield: Hardline, The Division and Rainbow Six.


Damn does that look mad fun to do with your friends, but I know what online gaming does to me, I have been there, many times in the past.....not a good idea.

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My highlights:


Tomb Raider sequel

The Witcher 3

Entwined looked great

Battlefield Hardline

No Man's Sky


Arkham Knight

The Last of Us Remastered (didn't play this on PS3)


Xenoblade sequel

Bayonetta being bundled in with Bayonetta 2


Basically means I'm not regretting spend that hard earned cash on the PS4 one bit. :D

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Highlights for moi!



Seriously wow. When it started I was fairly judgmental of it, but the demo and the more about it they told us, the better and more fun this seems. It's apparent alot of thought went into the mechanics of it. I love the idea of transforming into a 'squid' to slide via the map quicker, but if an enemy spots your line of travel and changes the paint colour, your out of luck.


I think based on the way it looks, any dudebro gamer's would shun it without even trying it, but the dumb thing is, I bet if this kind of game mode / type were to feature in COD:Advanced wars as a 'fun' multiplayer mode like Zombies was, but you know it was actual COD designed, they'd eat it up.


I'm very impressed with it, and just hope that there is a good online community there for it when it launches.



No Man's Sky

Just fell in love with it the moment I saw the trailer on the Sony conference, If it's as massive as they say it could be. This game will be epic. It looks stunning too.


Grand Theft Auto V (PS4)

Yes I've completed it twice already on 360, but that doesn't mean I wont double dip here and pick it up for PS4. I love the GTA Franchise, and cannot wait to play this again with improved visuals using the sexy PS4 Duelshock.



There's many more, but those 3 games / announcements were the 3 that I was happy with and know I'll definitely be playing.

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I like the Souls series but I wouldn't say I was ever excited for them but the preview on Eurogamer got me excited for this.



While many of Bloodborne's systems are taken directly from the Souls' series, some remain absent - for now at least. The demo runs without a UI, although each felled enemy sees a familiar whisp emerge from their corpse and enter the player's body, and thanks to invincibility being enabled for this demo, player death isn't encountered once. "The death penalty, and the concept, I don't want to make it such a heavy thing," ponders Miyazaki. "It's there, but I don't want it to cause undue stress."


Bloodborne's a fascinating proposition, then, a clear continuation of the themes established by Miyazaki while a departure that's relentlessly, almost impossibly grim. Is it all perhaps a little too dark? There's no cause for alarm, it seems, as Bloodborne will stay true to another of the director's other, more unsung traits.


"One of the core concepts that I've had, even with Dark Souls and Demon's Souls, is my mission and my goal is to make a very beautiful game," he says as the demo draws to a close. "I know a lot of people have a hard time believing it when I say those words, because that's not the first thing that comes to mind. I always believe that there is beauty in darkness. And so with Bloodborne, I feel like the darkness is darker, which means the beauty is going to rise - and you'll be able to really see that beauty out of the darkness."


It sounds really promising.


No Man's Sky



I'm not amazingly keen on prema-death...but it looks too good to not want.



Mortal Kombat X


Injustice got me into MK's combat, so I'm excited for this. It looks great.



Happy about LittleBigPlanet 3, too.


Crackdown 3 is exciting, too. But some gameplay would have been nice, or in engine footage.


Zelda Wii U looked great, too. Can't shake my series fatigue completely, and after finding Skyward Sword really dull, I'm a little hesitant. I could enjoy these instalments a little more if the story wasn't isolated to each game and rather began a series; a trilogy about a single Link would be great. I think that would really pull me back into the franchise. But I'm going to hold of judgment and will get my hands on it when it arrives.


And there are a tonne of amazing looking indie games, like ABZU and Cuphead. Indie games are the lifeblood of the industry. I am just as excited for them as I am for the AAA games; the distinction is absolutely asinine, though.

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Overall, this is the most fun I've had with E3 in years. I never got why people looked forward to conferences/presentations and only that. Some of my best E3 memories involve:


-Getting a magazine, check out all of the content revealed (including teased games and extra information on known ones)

-Checking N-E, catching up on all of the news.


So, I think the Treehouse segments were amazing, and focusing on that instead of a presentation should be the norm for everyone. Also, more events like the Smash Invitational, please.


Man, more than Nintendo showing content, they knew how to show it and how to communicate with the audience. What a turn of events!


I am just as excited for them as I am for the AAA games; the distinction is absolutely asinine, though.


I think there is one relevant distinction: Indie games tend to be short and/or self-contained. AAA games tend to be longer, and have more ambitious scope.


Not a rule, just a norm, but a helpful one.

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I think that labelling is more of a hinderance than helpful. Does length or scope really matter? When it comes down it, all I care about is quality and indie developers are coming up with spades of quality games. Maybe I'm slightly more forgiving because I don't have an endless amount of time to sink into games.


Some of the best games of recent years have been indie games; FEZ, Limbo, Minecraft, Brothers, Costume Quest and Stacking. They've been utterly memorable. I don't want more AAA games, I want more AAA games to be as memorable as these.


TL;DR - A good game is a good game is a good game.

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I think that labelling is more of a hinderance than helpful. Does length or scope really matter?


Well, it plays a big part on whether someone will enjoy a game or not. It's one thing to expect less than 5 hours from a game, it's another to expect more than 20 hours (for a single playthrough, I mean).


(And I am aware it's not a set rule, as games like Minecraft or Team Fortress 2 aren't even supposed to be about playthroughs)


Of course, you're implying that labelling smaller games from smaller developers is a hindrance, but I disagree: calling them "Indie" brings them a selling point (for both customers and publishers) they might not have had otherwise. It makes the industry pay attention to this smaller-budget market.


As for your Tl,dr: We're on the same page, at least :heh:

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My highlights so far:


No Man's Sky - Ambitious, gorgeous, interesting.

Bloodborne - Dat setting. Dat gameplay. FromSoftware. Win

Zelda - Open world and freaking beautiful.

Far Cry 4 - Awesome villain.

Batman: Arkham Knight - Dem graphics.

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In all honesty, my 'General E3 Reaction' is one of disappointment :sad:


There have obviously been plenty of games shown that will appeal to a large number of people, including returning franchises and new IPs. The problem I have personally is that while this is true, the majority of these returning franchises are not the ones I particularly wanted to see return and the reveals of Splatoon and Codename: S.T.E.A.M. didn't resonate with me :hmm:

Mario vs DK, Mario Party 10, Kirby and Xenoblade Chronicles X are games I just don't feel any real desire for and despite having a soft spot for platformers, Yoshi has never really delivered a truly outstanding experience.. not even the original Yoshi's Island #controversial



Super Smash Bros for Wii U, with its awful name, has obviously been getting a lot of coverage and I'm pretty certain I will get it, but I've never really been into fighting games and am not hugely into the series. The Nintendo fan service is almost always what draws me into it!


Project Giant Robot and Project Guard leave me feeling gutted that this is what Miyamoto has been working on. If it wasn't for the promise of a new Starfox, his segment would have been a complete travesty :eek:


The one shining light from E3 so far has been how AWESOME The Legend of Zelda looks. I'd love to see much more, but then another part of me thinks that I just don't want to see any more of it again until I have it in my own hands. I want to step completely into the unknown with that one :heh:


I genuinely feel like I have enough games to be getting on with in the mean time that the supposed lack of software in 2014 isn't that important to me, but with no interest in the PS4 or XBOX One and Nintendo neglecting almost all of my most beloved franchises as well as not revealing anything new that inspires me, I'm honestly feeling quite deflated about what is around the corner. I just have to be thankful that games like Mario Kart 8 and Mario Golf: World Tour are so good at the moment that I'm still having fun with the Wii U and 3DS in addition to playing plenty of older games on a multitude of systems, with Killer 7 currently getting my attention again on Gamecube :smile:


I'm still hoping for one more tiny reveal before E3 ends that gets me enthused, though : peace:

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Well.. to add to my reactions above, I've also with my fellow blogger done an awards and my games of the show blogs if anyone was interested?


Awards - http://geeksleeprinserepeat.wordpress.com/2014/06/17/e3-2014-awards/

Should mention my part of the awards start half way down the page ;)



My Games of the show - http://geeksleeprinserepeat.wordpress.com/2014/06/17/e3-2014-murrs-games-of-the-show/

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Splatoon was my Game of Show.



Xenoblade Chronicles X

Smash Bros WiiU

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

The Division

No Mans Sky


They stood out from everything else which just didn't really get me excited at all. I was gutted Mirror's Edge 2 wasn't shown and that it was just conceptual gameplay.

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Splatoon was my Game of Show.



Xenoblade Chronicles X

Smash Bros WiiU

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

The Division

No Mans Sky


They stood out from everything else which just didn't really get me excited at all. I was gutted Mirror's Edge 2 wasn't shown and that it was just conceptual gameplay.


No love for Rainbow Six? Thought that would have been your cup of tea.

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No love for Rainbow Six? Thought that would have been your cup of tea.


To be honest I haven't seen it yet. I do think Rainbow Six hasn't been great for far too long now though which is why I've not had a gander just yet. I will do though!

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First time I've seen that, looks fantastic.


Didn't watch the Ubisoft conference this year, anything else I missed from Ubisoft?


I think there was Creed, Far Cry 4, The Crew, The Division and some dance games. Rainbow Six was the highlight for me though. I loved them on the 360 and the T Hunts were always one of the best things about them.


I honestly can't wait for this new one. It looks to be the ultimate co-op game, with communication and tactics being key.

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