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I'd love to be an early adopter (and give Alien: isolation another chance (on normal)), but I need a new graphics card as well. The compatibility tool also says my I7 975 doesn't meet the minimum requirements of their I5 4590.. Ehm yeah. I do need some USB 3.0 ports though, but there's probably a solution for that.


I wish they shaved 50 dollars of that price by dropping the X-Box controller though.. I can understand why they felt the need to include one, but I just bought an Elite controller for 150 euros.

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I'd love to be an early adopter (and give Alien: isolation another chance (on normal)), but I need a new graphics card as well. The compatibility tool also says my I7 975 doesn't meet the minimum requirements of their I5 4590.. Ehm yeah. I do need some USB 3.0 ports though, but there's probably a solution for that.


I wish they shaved 50 dollars of that price by dropping the X-Box controller though.. I can understand why they felt the need to include one, but I just bought an Elite controller for 150 euros.


A 975 is actually pretty comparable to the 4590. It even beats it in some areas, so I doubt you'll need to replace that. And USB 3.0 cards are pretty cheap these days.

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Holy shit! I thought maybe £300 maybe even £350 but £500?! might wait for one on ebay at a more reasonable price, not even sure if it would work with my Laptop, so if i have to build a new desktop to actually use one i'll be waiting a year or more I think it will run on my GTX 675MX

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A 975 is actually pretty comparable to the 4590. It even beats it in some areas, so I doubt you'll need to replace that. And USB 3.0 cards are pretty cheap these days.

Wasn't worried about the CPU ;). Nor the USB ports.. But I need an amd 290 at the very least. I want one anyway, but I can't afford one now, but in total that's about € 1000,-.. Maybe at the end of the year.

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I'm sure Kaz had said recently PS VR will be no more than a PS4 was at launch, wait they said the price of a new console hardware so ps vita £180, ps4 £350 and ps3 £425 - i'd guess around that ps4 price given the ps3 price reaction Source


Sure it was always going to be expensive, but all the interviews with the ceo's/founders said it was going to be affordable tech even up until recently,Dev kits were $300 and $350 and Zuckerberg got involved to advance the tech and it was touted help subsidize the project. All things considered the improved tech had everyone expecting a rise, and some recent statements meant the cost would rise, but its just kind of shocking its rose so much


Someone on gaf quoted an article

Luckey: I’m one of the few people where it’s different. I would spend whatever it was. Gamers are not known to be the most affluent population of people. If something’s even $600, it doesn’t matter how good it is, how great of an experience it is — if they just can’t afford it, then it really might as well not exist. We’re going for the mainstream, but time will tell what the market is.


I mean, they even quoted the price they've gone for as something that's too expensive to exist



And obviously the Euro tax is still there $599 to €699(approx $750)

Its a long way from the idealistic kickstarter of VR for the masses, its more like the latest gadget for the niche/middle classes to waste money on

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I posted this in the Nintendo NX thread since it's where the conversation currently is, but it fits in here much better.



Long but seems pretty informative, mostly information for Devs though. Things like drop resolution and effects before MSAA to keep the framerate high and talking about how they plan on turning 60Hz into 120Hz

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Current pre-orders for the Oculus Rift are estimated to ship in June.. If they keep this up, I may actually pre-order one. Don't have the money now, but I think I can get it by the time it actually ships.. I'll check back in one month to see what the situation is.

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I actually don't think £499 is that bad (although I really think they could have included shipping in that), but I don't have a PC that could handle the load right now, and I doubt I'll have one in the future for a while. I'll wait and see what other offerings there are first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I said in another thread...


...I don't think it'll be one as large as motion controls have/were, but it will have it's place.


Although I do think it's going to have health issues too. It may appear and feel like you're in a 3D world but the fact of the matter is you're not. The brain being tricked into perceiving that you are, whilst the actual light your eyes are receiving to process said information coming from one singular, very close, point of origin will not be good for your eyesight.


The big thing is that people won't listen to the health warnings or recommended play times etc.



Still, I've played with the Rift and it is awesome! I loved it and will probably pick up a Morpheus headset for the PS4, but I don't think it'll be as big a thing or as perfect as we hope.

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As I then replied:




I think one of the differences is that you never used to hear people trying out 3D tvs for the first time, and saying how incredible it was. All the hype seemed to be coming from the industry side of things.


With VR seemingly everyone who has tried it, is blown away. Hopefully they can use that momentum to push the technology through until it gets cheaper and more universal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The quality is an odd one. You can still see the pixels on the phone but only really if you start focusing on them. Watching tv/movies tends to be on a big screen infront of you so it just feels like you are in a normal room and you stop noticing the fact that its VR. One of my favourite things is the fact that using the Oculus Cinema you can change where you are viewing content so it can be a full on cinema screen surrounded by seats, a home cinema, on the moon, shrunk down to ant size watching on a phone or just in a black void. Its the little stuff that really makes it though, like sitting in the cinema and looking around at the seats and seeing the colours actually changing from the light being produced from the movie, just like it would in a real cinema.


I havent managed to try any games yet really, its mostly just been the video and 360 "experience" stuff at the moment but I'm gonna get myself a cheap controller that I can use and really start testing them out.


I havent felt ill once yet, we'll see if that changes though when I play some games. Closest I got was looking down over a rope bridge lol.


It uses the Oculus store so its compatible with all the stuff on there plus you can side load tons of other apps/games apparently. The Gear VR isnt one that connects to a PC though as it runs through Samsung phones so I wont be playing any big games through it.


Feel free to ask away, I'm loving messing around with it and talking about it.


Thought I'd leave a bit of time for you to get used to it (and potentially... over the novelty?)


Are you still using it as your primary tv/movies viewing device? I'm feeling it might be quite a good way to focus on what you're watching - I find these days I'm always flicking around online when I'm watching TV.


And what are the games like that you can run on a phone, having had a while to check out the library?


Tempted to get a samsung next time I upgrade to try it out.. oneplus 2 is considerably cheaper tho so it would have to be pretty fantastic..

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