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Job woes/wins


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What a result.


Are you tempted to start your other job early or are you just going to enjoy your paid time off?


Well we've got some building work due to start on the house tomorrow, so I'll just stay home and enjoy the time off. They should be done within 2 weeks, so I'll have the final week to myself during the day to just game and catchup on TV.


I had thought about going to the new place, but due to the legal battle between the 2 companies, the place I'm due to start at actually told me that they wouldn't get me in any earlier just to avoid pissing my old employers off anymore.

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It's lame but I managed to resolve a problem that's been bugging me for weeks with a project I've been working on. Now just need to do some more things and this thing (a system to create, maintain and book training sessions) should be good to go!


Done some minor development work before now but this is the biggest I've worked on and could potentially be used by many people. Would be nice to have an impact upon this place!

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I'm sure nobody remembers, but back in february I raised a fairly serious complaint with a large bank about how they deal with letters of authority (which enable a third party to act on behalf of a mutual customer); how they are phrasing their letters to customers when talking about us; the information they provide when we issue a Subject Access Request; the period of time they construe 'authority' lasts.. etc.


Well it turns out my letter sparked a massive project in-house at this bank and they are now changing the way they process SARs and how they decide whether an LOA is valid or not, and how they relate with third parties. I've literally single-handedly done something massive through well-chosen words and veiled threats. For our company it should mean a small increase in income and also a small decrease in wasted time! This was told to me by the head of their PPI complaints team... which is awesome!


AND I had an 11-month battle come to an end with another bank, during which time I had to raise a complaint with the Information Comissioner's Office (which was fun and novel!) and got a call from their head of SARs apologising.


It's just been fantastic to have the resolution to two big investments that have taken me nearly a year in one case and nearly 6 months in another instance. Definite CV boosters.


This whole 'promotion' is still unconfirmed and unspecified. I know there's been a new shift plan arranged for august, which the rest of the team doesn't know about, so we'll surely have a meeting at the end of this month to discuss this. If there is no mention of any kind of promotion, or promise of additional responsibility... then I need to consider things once more. I want more money! I deserve more money!

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Lol sorry dude! :P


I think it's just a great feeling to know that the work you are doing means time well spent, and that you will be directly benefiting other people. Your working life has been an interesting one for a while -- you're in high demand and rightly so! You're clearly decent as fuck at your job - and I'm glad you're proud of your work too :)


I've just been buzzing all day. It's ridic how much I like my job, and it seems that you don't mind yours either!

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Got a job earlier this year working in a School office. Im not a big fan of having to deal with parents/kids and answering the phones (none of which was really the job they originally advertised) but it is nice to be out working again and making some money. Cant see myself staying there more than a year though as I only work 4 days a week on pretty low pay so I cant afford to live on that forever.


Its nice at the moment though. Summer holidays so no kids/parents/teachers and working 3 days a week but still being paid for 4.

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I mentioned in another topic, but I've been applying to work as a medical writer after my PhD ends at various places (basically writers who research and write scientific articles). So at one place I've got through a phone interview, an interview at their London office by King's Cross, and now they've paid for a return plane trip next Friday to Amsterdam to go see them at their main office. If I'm successful (can't see there being many people they'd put through all this) then I'd be working right in the heart of London in a cool area. Yay!

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Now that I've resettled it's back to full thrusters on the job hunt, especially with my current position rattling it's way to an ever more crushing nightmare. My boss is an idiot, his boss is an asshole, and frankly the whole company could slip into a pit and burst into flames for all I give a rats ass anymore.

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Well, 3 weeks of "off-phone time" aka floorwalking came to an end on Friday. I certainly had a lot of fun doing this, wasn't stressful or anything. Even had a couple of bags of Haribo as a thankyou from one lady whom i helped during the weeks.


And since that ended, i'm back on the phones. Already had verbal abuse, been shouted and sworn at already. Yeah, i didn't miss this part. And after 3 weeks off, i don't think i can do this anymore. It's given me another clear realisation that phone work sucks.

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My girlfriend does field marketing, which may well be the same thing.


Its basically:


Arranging for people to go into shops/venues and installing promotional displays

Arranging for people to go into shops/venues to inspect that the displays are up to standard

Booking places to display the advertising displays


The companies basically act as middlemen between companies wanting to display their stand/products in supermarkets etc and the actual shops. The companies go to field marketing agencies and say how many stands they have and where in the country they want them and the field marketing place rings up shops and books them in. They then do an audit once the display had been up for a certain time.


Its not a glamorous job, but its a good way into admin or personell management.




The only other thing I think of when you say promotional agency is the sort of place that arranges promotional events. For example when a product has a launch party or of they put on a special event for competition winners or something.

Edited by Goafer
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Nice. You'd still be UK based though?


Yeah, their main office is in Amsterdam but they've got an office in London and USA. Hope I get this job, it's taken 2 phone interviews and an interview at the London office already to get this far.

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Yeah, their main office is in Amsterdam but they've got an office in London and USA. Hope I get this job, it's taken 2 phone interviews and an interview at the London office already to get this far.


I recently had to apply for a job, provide a follow up essay, have a phone interview and at that stage was dropped out (and I'm sure it's because of the money I said I wanted) but after that was a group interview, interview with a panel then interview with head honcho. For an entry job...


Good luck!

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