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Job woes/wins


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Nice. Which uni?


UCL. Looking forward to being in Bloomsbury again!


Remind me again where you are?


I mentioned it to Bard and I realised I have slowly followed in his footsteps. I worked at his undergrad for 3 and a half years and now I'm going to be at his masters.

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UCL. Looking forward to being in Bloomsbury again!


Remind me again where you are?


I mentioned it to Bard and I realised I have slowly followed in his footsteps. I worked at his undergrad for 3 and a half years and now I'm going to be at his masters.

I finished my PhD at UCL about a year and a half ago, good place! The most central of the London unis. :) My girlfriend is now working at UCL too as a post doc, ever since she finished at Cambridge.


I am no longer at UCL though, nor academia. I didn't look back. :heh:

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I finished my PhD at UCL about a year and a half ago, good place! The most central of the London unis. :) My girlfriend finished at Cambridge and is now working as a post doc at UCL too.


I am no longer at UCL though, nor academia. I didn't look back. :heh:


I've been fucking trying to leave forever. Other than the last few months, I've been in it ten years come September!

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Couldnt believe my boss this morning.


As some of you know, I work in a private school and am not a fan of the parents etc and their attitudes. Now my boss also has a son who goes to the school and she was talking on the phone this morning, right next to me and explaining how her son had done something wrong and as a punishment, her husband drove him over to a state school saying "this is where you'll end up if you carry on like this".


I just felt like walking out. Its not the first time I've heard disparaging comments and I'm sure it wont be the last but sometimes it does just wind you up.

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Couldnt believe my boss this morning.


As some of you know, I work in a private school and am not a fan of the parents etc and their attitudes. Now my boss also has a son who goes to the school and she was talking on the phone this morning, right next to me and explaining how her son had done something wrong and as a punishment, her husband drove him over to a state school saying "this is where you'll end up if you carry on like this".


I just felt like walking out. Its not the first time I've heard disparaging comments and I'm sure it wont be the last but sometimes it does just wind you up.


I work in a private school and can confirm that the parents are the worst part of the job, usually. I've been fairly lucky with most of mine this year, but have still had tons of grief anyway.


The expectations on staff are ridiculous, but the justification behind it will be that they pay for it, so can ask for whatever they want. It does mean you end up having to deal with absurd circumstances that you wouldn't get in a state school.

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Had a weird HR meeting at work today where we had to say what we liked and disliked about working at the company. I couldn't think of anything to say on either front, which was a bit awkward.


Basically, I like getting paid.


Funny I had that very recently too. Now I worry we work at the same place, freaaky!


Basically I got the payrise I wanted, so now I'm earning some serious dolla.


But my soul has been compromised - help. :cry:::shrug::indeed:

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Funny I had that very recently too. Now I worry we work at the same place, freaaky!


Basically I got the payrise I wanted, so now I'm earning some serious dolla.


But my soul has been compromised - help. :cry:::shrug::indeed:

Well my company only has 8 staff, but I'll keep an eye out for you on Tuesday...

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So my trip to Singapore went well...


I was already getting along well with the CEO over there and I arrived to find he'd spoken to the CEO in Japan and requested that I be transferred. So I have an interesting choice to make... Singapore seems a great place for work/career but not a great place to live and Tokyo is the exact opposite. Not too sure which is the better option yet.


Looks like I'll go over for a few months to test it out, certainly a nice opportunity.

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So my trip to Singapore went well...


I was already getting along well with the CEO over there and I arrived to find he'd spoken to the CEO in Japan and requested that I be transferred. So I have an interesting choice to make... Singapore seems a great place for work/career but not a great place to live and Tokyo is the exact opposite. Not too sure which is the better option yet.


Looks like I'll go over for a few months to test it out' date=' certainly a nice opportunity.[/quote']


I know a few people who live in Singapore and absolutely love it. I would jump at the chance.


I got into work this morning and turned on my monitor to find it flickering a bit. Played with the cables and it ended up started billowing smoke. IT Support didn't really think it was a big issue...

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Another interview tomorrow, this time with Capital One. I'm sure they said that they were applying to an application I made on totaljobs, but when I went to have a look to refresh my memory on what exactly I had applied for (as my last interview at a legal patent firm showed me I really had to do) since I fire out CVs more than jizz these days - I couldn't find the position. So if they ask why I want/applied for the position I'm gonna have to come out with some standard winging it, "want a new challenge" etc. Which wouldn't be untrue at all, Tesco is continuing to blow and many people are leaving, one has another job, two are leaving for uni and fuck knows their plan on replacing the hours based on past approaches.


Wanna get out ASAP.

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Another interview tomorrow, this time with Capital One. I'm sure they said that they were applying to an application I made on totaljobs, but when I went to have a look to refresh my memory on what exactly I had applied for (as my last interview at a legal patent firm showed me I really had to do) since I fire out CVs more than jizz these days - I couldn't find the position. So if they ask why I want/applied for the position I'm gonna have to come out with some standard winging it, "want a new challenge" etc. Which wouldn't be untrue at all, Tesco is continuing to blow and many people are leaving, one has another job, two are leaving for uni and fuck knows their plan on replacing the hours based on past approaches.


Wanna get out ASAP.


Are you no longer applying for legal secretary jobs?

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Are you no longer applying for legal secretary jobs?


Yeah I am, but since I'm hitting the brick wall ouroboros of experience, I'm branching out a little into general admin/office work, so my CV can consist of more than supermarkets and a pub. :sad:

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I know a few people who live in Singapore and absolutely love it. I would jump at the chance.


Yeah, the thing is I've only been in Tokyo 18 months and had planned on staying a fair bit longer. Pros/Cons either way so I just have to see how the trial over there goes.

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Unpleasant at work recently.


We're all fairly jokey in the office, and everyone gets involved - including me - ripping on everyone else. However, I've felt recently that it's gone mostly in my direction. There are days when they'll infer I'm in a relationship with a specific member of the male staff in the other section because we had brunch once, or there will be gay jokes, or height jokes, or general physical appearance pisstakes, or the way I pronounce certain words. When that's not in currency, it'll be something like a compliment I give to someone and get called an "Asskisser". Then I'll criticise and get called a "dick". And if not that, then I'll just get told I'm not allowed an opinion "because (insert spurious reason here).


Came to a head yesterday when the lunchladies refused to give me any more food at lunch (they should give you three from a selection of 8 and I had only taken 1) so I just put my tray down and said "Fair enough, I'll eat elsewhere." I told the guys in the office and their response was "Suck it up.".


Then the coordinator walks into the office laughing calling me a "diva" and I just had to leave the office. I've never felt more like quitting than I did last night. We were in a meeting and discussing the creation of a handbook on team teaching - who was going to write it etc. I wanted to join the writing team, but everyone in the office had already been pretty snide about it, so I just didn't put my name down, despite the pointed looks from the management who know I have a history as a writer.


The coordinator apologised, but made out it was my fault for joining in. If I don't like it, I should tell everyone "professional language only" and reciprocate.


It's just awful.

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Thinking about my state of mind those few days ago...


Another interview tomorrow, this time with Capital One. I'm sure they said that they were applying to an application I made on totaljobs, but when I went to have a look to refresh my memory on what exactly I had applied for (as my last interview at a legal patent firm showed me I really had to do) since I fire out CVs more than jizz these days - I couldn't find the position. So if they ask why I want/applied for the position I'm gonna have to come out with some standard winging it, "want a new challenge" etc. Which wouldn't be untrue at all, Tesco is continuing to blow and many people are leaving, one has another job, two are leaving for uni and fuck knows their plan on replacing the hours based on past approaches.


Wanna get out ASAP.


I couldn't have been more wrong.


There was a reason why there wasn't any application to Capital One. Because I didn't make one. This was actually for "Capital One Promotions" which is once again another scam company. I already had alarm bells ringing in my head during my conversations with the secretary on the phone when she would respond to the majority of my answers to her questions with "PER-fect!", but I didn't want to believe it. But as I turned up to the "office" and found myself in the same artificial waiting room, complete with fellow "applicants" and the radio on perched on a light fitting and I once again was given a form to fill out, my heart finally sank. I tried to pretend to be distracted by all the awards around the room as the secretary would not shut up with the questions - how was my weekend? How was my week? Do I have any plans this weekend? Am I going on holiday at all this year? I thought about walking out there and then but thought I'd make a day of it.


Got taken into the "owner's office", with another application, which has as little decoration as I've ever seen in one of these, the only thing being a desk map of the world. As I spewed out standard bullshit answers to his questions which primarily consisted of him re-reading the form I'd just filled in, he scribbled giant ticks and underlined things on the form. Telling us more about himself/the company than asking us about ourselves, even though it wasn't cold calling/stopping people in the street, it was knocking-on-doors and stopping people in shopping centres etc. Fuck. That.


Fast forward ten minutes of accurate job screening he said he was going to have a chat with his secretary about who to call back, because that's who really decides these issues of course.


A couple of hours later I recieved the phone call saying I had been selected for a callback. Told them I didn't think the job was for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a job interview on Wednesday morning. A recruiter got in touch with me about it a few weeks ago. It's for a pretty awesome job. Everyone seems to be quite enthusiastic about getting me to meet the client (which is what's happening on Wednesday). I'm...not really fussed because I'm cushy at the moment but it's a lot more money and would be a fucking great role for me and my "career". I've done my research. I'm going to smash it out the park then decide if I want it...assuming they want me. Which they could not. Ha!


Apparently the last person they interviewed was a bit quiet. They aren't going to have that problem with me. I'm positively fucking charming.





I got the job.


I just finished meeting with the client for a second time – in between the two meetings I was given two writing tasks to complete – and the head of the agency verbally offered me the job at the end of the meeting. He said he was going to call the recruiter in a bit and make it all official and all that.


It all happened so quickly, now I'm all...



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