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Job woes/wins


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I've been "drafted" into representing our department (comprising of about 5 people) for the FUN AT WORK meeting in October. I think they're trying to be sneaky about it and try and make it all about me and go "Well, it's not as easy as it looks, is it?!" after giving them so much shit. So I have a couple of choices:


A] Checking with my union rep about flat out refusing and them being able to do fuck all about making me go.

B] Blow their minds with some quality ideas.


I'm going to try for B before A, so far I've got:

- Replacing the game in the canteen with something other than FIFA, which is primarily used by male managers who should be doing their jobs. I'm going to suggest Mario Kart but since it's a 360 they'll bitch about not being able to waste off a console, so an actual fun game for the 360?

- Nude calendar near the end of the year, for charity of course.


But I'm crowdsourcing for more, anyone got any ideas?

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I've been "drafted" into representing our department (comprising of about 5 people) for the FUN AT WORK meeting in October. I think they're trying to be sneaky about it and try and make it all about me and go "Well, it's not as easy as it looks, is it?!" after giving them so much shit. So I have a couple of choices:


A] Checking with my union rep about flat out refusing and them being able to do fuck all about making me go.

B] Blow their minds with some quality ideas.


I'm going to try for B before A, so far I've got:

- Replacing the game in the canteen with something other than FIFA, which is primarily used by male managers who should be doing their jobs. I'm going to suggest Mario Kart but since it's a 360 they'll bitch about not being able to waste off a console, so an actual fun game for the 360?

- Nude calendar near the end of the year, for charity of course.


But I'm crowdsourcing for more, anyone got any ideas?


Guitar Hero or DJ Hero (you can get them both cheap), Tekken, Street Fighter, Dead or Alive...that's the games I can think of right now.


I like a good fundraiser as well, like baking cakes and stuff...mainly because there's cake.


Good luck with whatever you choose but sometimes, it can be a pain in the arse trying to get people on side with you with these kind of things but it's pretty easy and sometimes it's fun in the end.




My new job is great. My manager is awesome and completely understanding about my situation at home...actually, all of the team are wonderful. I've not met any bitches yet and it's been about 3 weeks. Nobody calls me on my days off and I'm not asked to come in early or leave late. If stuff hasn't been done, she just tells you to leave it for the morning instead of working over and she won't let you come back from your break until you've had your full hour. She also makes you ten tonnes of coffee every day and if nobody is in the shop, we all have a tea break...guys, this job is good so far!


Oh and I've asked how long she's been in the company for and she won't say but she said years and she doesn't plan to go anywhere any time soon so no surprise managers who turn out to be utter twats.

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Do some side work on zero hours at the moment in evenings and weekends for a lesser wage than my Mon-Fri, but have managed to get a bit of a push on the wage to the most I can get for the job! It's only about a quid extra an hour but I'm pretty happy to have managed it without much fuss or resistance from one department or another for a change.

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I am going to. Some time between November and February depending on the dollar.


Doing this weekend isn't actually not too bad. You're focused on one thing, don't have to worry about phone calls and meetings and its one of the few positive parts of the student life cycle.


Plus I fly to Greece Friday night!

Edited by Ashley
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I am going to. Some time between November and February depending on the dollar.


Doing this weekend isn't actually not too bad. You're focused on one thing, don't have to worry about phone calls and meetings and its one of the few positive parts of the student life cycle.


Plus I fly to Greece Friday night!


I always enjoyed doing night shift for a similar reason (much like today) because you don't have to worry so much about other people, its just you, doing the job you're supposed too.


Have fun in Greece :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Applied for another position on PI on nights in store and didn't get it. Losing out to someone who was already on nights. Apparently it was "easier to move the hours from BWS to price integrity", whereas I think it's just so they don't have to pay someone else night premium. I was far more qualified for the position. But semi-glad I didn't get it as I was contacted earlier this week by a legal recruitment place, did a Skype "interview" (they normally have to meet face-to-face with peeps but since I live a bit away this was the next best thing), got sent a typing test which I did much better than I thought, which was nice. Anxious to see how that pans out.


Another amazing thing Tesco are doing now is remixing hours according to the new "heat map" which recently arrived. Which our manager managed to get them to be a bit flexible and have us starting an hour later for practicality reasons, but they're being too rigid on top. I do an extra 15 mins a day to compensate for having a break, therefore doing 5 hours a day equalling my 25 a week. However the powers that be aren't a fan or round hours anymore. So my hours will go 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 4.75, 3.75. This actually works out a little better, as I'll be doing:

Monday - Wednesday: 6-12

Thursday: 6-11

Friday: 6-10


A nice decrease ending with a four-hour shift on Friday. But they best start getting new staff in as soon as they implement this. As I'm on my own Fridays and barely get everything done in the 5 hours I currently do. pr0 corner cutting action.

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On holiday - yay!


New co-teacher cocked-up our observation class by suddenly failing to understand "Ask the pupils this question" - boo.


One class is ultra-intelligent - yay!


But they behave like animals - boo.


Other class is well behaved - yay!


But they couldn't open a book that was already open - boo.

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Can anyone open a book that is already open?


My point, SIR, that you so HILARIOUSLY chose to ignore was that DESPITE their good behaviour, they have the INTELLIGENCE LEVEL of the common...


...ah bugger it, they're idiots, but at least they're quiet.

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My football team took part in a tournament last week against other schools with a far larger pool of players to choose from. We didn't do that well, but didn't play too badly either. We were 2-0 down in the last game and brought the game back to 2-2 before losing it 3-2, so it was a close game. We gave a good account of ourselves.


We had another match today against another school. On the way there, we discussed tactics and how we were going to start off quickly. Between their manager and me, we decided to organise the two halves into four quarters, so give the players more of a breather and give us an opportunity to bring on our subs. Within 30 seconds, we were 1-0 down thanks to so some sloppy play.


Our team really kicked on from there. They listened to everything that I said and did all that I asked for. We ended up winning 9-2, which is my biggest ever scoreline as manager. My class captain ended up scoring four goals today, despite never scoring in any other match before. I drove the bus down to the ground and, as the team nominated him man of the match, he sat up top with me. I honestly thought he was going to cry when we were singing on the way back to school.


Insane football. Completely dominated them.

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I've decided I am going to leave work on February 5th (Friday before my 29th!), which means the last day I can hand in my notice is November 5th. However I'm tempted to do it sooner in part because I'm pissed off and fed up and I just want to say "I QUIT!" so people can stop expecting things of me.


The sensible part of me thinks I should wait until the 1st week of November to make sure I'm absolutely certain, but I know it's not going to change. I just want out. Between now and then there's only 6 days when my whole team is together so I'm tempted to do it last thing a week on Monday, tell them the following day (as one of my guys is off that Monday) and be done with it. I feel its best they know first (after my boss).


And I'm only occasionally thinking "shit man, no money".

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My girlfriend got offered a job yesterday! She's been looking for a few months, she had one interview a few weeks ago that ended up in a 'no, but we really liked you', another that they thought she'd spend too long commuting (probably true).


On Tuesday she had an interview with a job centre job (you need to be claiming JSA to get it), yesterday had 2 more interviews including one for a very good job. She got offered the job centre one yesterday afternoon.


Here's the kicker. She did a temp work from Monday - Monday, finishing this week, so technically speaking when she interviewed on Tuesday morning she wasn't claiming JSA as it was first thing and she couldn't sign back on prior to it. Now she needs to sign up to it again this week before she starts the job on Monday. What a palava!

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Started my new job properly on Friday. Going well so far. Not quite as creative as I'd like as quite a lot of the systems we use are automatic, unless the client for that particular match is paying for full commentary rather than just barebones. But it's at least in the right field and at some points I will get to use my journalistic skills a bit more than I have so far, it's mainly just been technical. Still, when it's purely technical I can actually try to do other work of my own at the same time (or just watch TV!) so it's a pretty good deal.


As I said before, it's just freelance for now so it's not full time, but they seem impressed with me so far, dealt with quite a few unexpected problems on my own so they said I was thrown in at the deep end! Hopefully if I continue to impress it'll develop into a full time role :)

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Works announced they are bringing in weekend shifts, looks like i'll have to go through with all the faf at changing my shift to not do Sunday shifts. When they first announced weekends months ago, the vast majority of the department couldn't get in for a Sunday due to transport. It seems the same issues are arising again with this announcement.

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