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Hyrule Warriors


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Just to clarify.. If I want the D/L version, my options are the eshop or game, right? eshop works out about £32.40 (taking into account the premium and zelda game discount), game is £31.99.... Ideally I prefer not to shop at Game : / so are there other options?

I recall vague comments stating other shops would at some undetermined point in time get eshop codes too - has that happened without me noticing?

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Loving this so far!! It's button-mashy to be sure, but the missions seem reasonably varied and keep you on your toes. Really satisfying as you level-up and unlock further weapons and combos. Some of the attacks are breath-taking!


After fearing the worst about the generic rock approach to the music, I've been pleasantly surprised by the quality of the arrangements. Also have to say character models are pretty stunning. Environments don't always stand up to scrutiny, but capture the Zelda vibe well. Besides the gameplay's so frantic you barely have time to take everything in!

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Just played this for a couple of hours, really enjoyable, loving all of the small touches etc but I can see that this is going to be best played for me in small bursts each night so I'm leaving it there after only two missions but I am enjoying it. : peace:


Will sort out all the dlc within the next day or two and will most likely play a bit more on Sunday, so far though I'm just pleased to have another retail game that I can play on my Wii U regularly. :D

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I had a play around with this last night and absolutely love it, as expected.


I only done the first 2 missions and was chuffed to bits that I got to play as Impa so early on. LOVE her character design and battling animations.


I was playing it exclusively on the gamepad ( due to playing Destiny at the same time ) and was surprised how good it looked. Some of the reviews said it looked very rough on the gamepad screen but I thought it looked great.


That scene where Volvagia shoots a fireball at Link and Impa, only for the fire to disperse with Link standing in the flames with the Triforce of courage glowing was freaking outstanding. Add the rocking Zelda theme into the mix and I was sitting there with a massive grin on my face.



It's nice to see a bit of voice acting in the game. Granted, it's just various bits of narration but it really helps tell the story. It just makes the cutscenes without voice acting a little more jarring now.


So, yeah, loving what i've played of it and will definitely put more time into it over the weekend.

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This game makes my eyes bleed, think I need to get a bigger TV/better eyes. :grin:

Enjoying it though. :)


It just makes the cutscenes without voice acting a little more jarring now.
Yeah, and the sound design on some of the cutscenes is ridiculous. "Ohh", "uhh", "ohh", "hey", "ahh", "eeh", "ouh", "ahh", "ugh", "oou", "ahh", etc... :heh:

Seriously, it'd be better if the characters were just completely silent.

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Yeah, and the sound design on some of the cutscenes is ridiculous. "Ohh", "uhh", "ohh", "hey", "ahh", "eeh", "ouh", "ahh", "ugh", "oou", "ahh", etc... :heh:

Seriously, it'd be better if the characters were just completely silent.


On the other hand, it does have the benefit of making them all hilarious :laughing:

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On the other hand, it does have the benefit of making them all hilarious :laughing:
True. :p


Something I'm not too keen on with this game is how the special move targets enemies based on the direction your character is facing, rather than the camera view. I frequently get about 4 enemies in those attacks as a result. :shakehead

It's so disappointing when you turn around afterwards and see about a million enemies standing there that you could have just killed in one go. :indeed:


Hopefully I'll get better at setting up/timing those attacks with more practice.

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Yeah, and the sound design on some of the cutscenes is ridiculous. "Ohh", "uhh", "ohh", "hey", "ahh", "eeh", "ouh", "ahh", "ugh", "oou", "ahh", etc... :heh:

Seriously, it'd be better if the characters were just completely silent.


How very Fire Emblem: Awakening.

I hated that. Glad I could turn it off in FE.


Doesn't seem like we can do the same in Hyrule Warriors, huh? Great...

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I have never really been struck on this genre of game, and I've never really been struck on the Zelda series. I'm guessing this game isn't gonna be for me then... :heh:


I'm still interested to a degree, but I get the feeling that a game like this could potentially get tiring / boring quite quickly? Not sure if that's a fair thing to say, or whether there is a bit more depth to the game then on first glance?


Glad to hear everyone is enjoying it though. : peace:

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Resisted this in GAME earlier today. I don't want it desperately enough to pay their prices - £30 is looking like the magic number and most online sites aren't far off that.


I actually really want to support the season passes Nintendo are rolling out with this and MK8. I love the "Buy now and get this cool thing, then unlock this cool thing and that cool thing on X and Y dates" system.

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I actually really want to support the season passes Nintendo are rolling out with this and MK8. I love the "Buy now and get this cool thing, then unlock this cool thing and that cool thing on X and Y dates" system.


It is a good system, knowing what you are paying for and getting a pre-order gift of sorts while you wait.


Someone asked in the MK8 league why the second DLC for MK8 was in May, and it just encourages a bit more longevity in the games - something a little new to rejuvenate the game for a few months, then you get the next pack a few months later. Keeps the game in your head too - got to remember that you have that new content coming!

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I got this earlier today, just finished chapter 3 and had a dabble in that NES style mode and I love it, it's so much better than I was anticipating!


I love the speed of it all the most, I've never played a Warriors game so this crazy pace and all these enemies on-screen is new to me. Not only that but man, the music, settings and characters are just done so well. I'd forgotten so much about the Zelda universe but when that music started playing, and The Great Fairy appeared, it all came flooding back to me.


I also really like the cut-scenes but have to agree with you guys, the short 'uuh' 'ooh' 'aah' voice clips are really annoying. I had it on rather loud because of the music but on those bits it was just weird, sounded like I was watching some Japanese porn with a rock theme.


And Link looks amazing in this :love:

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I just attacked a cucco, funny stuff. :grin:

Also managed to take out a golden cucco during the onslaught. :awesome:

Anyone know if it's possible to discard weapons without transferring a skill? I had the option to do so once, when I'd collected too many, but can't seem to find a way to get rid of them otherwise. :hmm:


Also, what's with not being able to access the home menu from the title screen? :blank:


Doesn't seem like we can do the same in Hyrule Warriors, huh? Great...
Doesn't look like it.


sounded like I was watching some Japanese porn with a rock theme.
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