dwarf Posted November 11, 2015 Posted November 11, 2015 How does the Boston Radio Station (or whatever it's called) compare to the others?
Cookyman Posted November 11, 2015 Posted November 11, 2015 (edited) How does the Boston Radio Station (or whatever it's called) compare to the others? I've had the radio off most of the time to be honest. When I have had it on it's just been more of your oldie style music. Edited November 11, 2015 by Cookyman
Retro_Link Posted November 11, 2015 Posted November 11, 2015 I think I rather wait until they release a GOTY edition with all DLCs and all bugs are patched before make my decision to grab a copy tbh.Good point! Think I'll be doing this.
drahkon Posted November 11, 2015 Posted November 11, 2015 Spent an hour in and around a power plant sneaking and fighting my way through enemies. So much fun In an earlier post I wrote that I was at level 10...that was bullshit, no idea why I said that. I've reached level 7 now. I neeeeeeeed suppressors but I can't craft them, yet, as the required perk unlocks at level 13 7 hours in and Fallout 4 exceeds my expectations. : peace:
CoolFunkMan Posted November 11, 2015 Posted November 11, 2015 (edited) I'm a a good few hours into the game now, and I'm really enjoying myself! It's weird not having any skills to level up, but the perk system is definitely much better. It actually feels like each perk genuinely has an impact on your character, and how the game is played. I'm not 100% sure on the conversation system, but I'm warming to it. I'm a bit gutted that the protagonists voice can't be changed, although it would be a lot of work to implement that, so I can see why that wasn't in the game. Thank god that weapon/equipment degradation is gone too, that really used to piss me off. Considering how intricate, and vast, the customisation is in Fallout 4, I can see why they took it out; spending an age upgrading a weapon, only for it to break on you after a few shots, would be infuriating. Overall, it's definitely meeting my expectations (which were insanely high) in some areas, and exceeding them in others. From what's been said, there is no level cap, so you can select perks to your heart's content. It's even possible to level up your S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats, if you wish. That said, it would take an age to actually get everything, and some perks aren't worth it, unless you're going for a specific build. The 'perks' system is laid out differently but ultimately the same. Only thing is I don't know how many levels you have, so I don't know how to manage this side of things. Edited November 11, 2015 by CoolFunkMan
Emasher Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 I've been enjoying this a great deal so far. The size of the world doesn't seem to be a problem at all yet. I've primarily been exploring the north west quadrant (went down to diamond city for a bit, but didn't stay too long). The density of meaningful locations seems to be pretty well done. There's enough wilderness that you still feel like you're in the middle of nowhere, but there's still stuff to find frequently enough that you don't get bored. The locations--so far--seem a lot more varied than previous Bethesda RPGs. Every location feels a bit different rather than just coming to another raider camp that's exactly the same as the last one. Even the less significant locations feel like they have a story to them rather than just being there. The customization features are also quite enjoyable. I expected them to be a fun diversion, like the Hearthfire expansion was in Skyrim. Just something to do on the side, especially in the late game, but even early on, they're quite accessible, and almost necessary. Weapon customization is pretty much required if you want weapons that match your play style early on, both it and armour customization can get you some pretty decent gear long before you would be able to loot or buy it. Actually investing in your equipment and modifying it continuously as you find more materials and gain the required perks makes it really feel like your equipment rather than something you're just using for a while. I do hope there are quite a few more tiers of customizable weapons and armour though as just "leather" and "raider" is a bit boring. The settlement customization is also much more interesting than I expected. I haven't spent time building actual settlements yet, but I've been customizing a base I've built for myself at the gas station between Sanctuary and Concord quite a bit and it's nice to have that much control over player housing. I am a little bit disappointed that the options for building structures at-best result in houses that look worse than Megaton, basically just shacks, but it's possible you unlock more later on. Either way, I'm sure we'll get a lot more building options added by DLC, or failing that, mods. I haven't come across any traditional player housing yet, so I'm not sure if I just haven't searched hard enough, or they've removed all that in favour of settlements. Graphically, I don't have any issues. Those comparing it visually to Fallout 3 either haven't played Fallout 3 recently, or are deliberately lying. It's a significant improvement over Skyrim for the most part. It might not be the best looking game to be released this year, but despite the occasional dodgy texture, it's certainly up to standard for a game of its scale. I'm playing on an 970 (superclocked) at 1080p. All graphics settings are on ultra except Anti-aliasing is turned off, and god-rays are set to high. I get 60 FPS fairly consistently, but it does drop down as low as 50 briefly if there's a lot going on. There are a few issues I've had with the controls. Menus are frequently inconsistent with the action key working as Enter in some menus, but not others. The Pip-boy inventory screen is a bit annoying to use since not all tabs are visible at once, and you have to move through a few before getting the one you want if you for instance, want to move between the weapons and junk tabs (obviously it wasn't designed with keyboard and mouse in mind). The equipment shortcuts are also a bit weird, with seemingly random number keys being used, rather than allowing the player to assign something to each number key like in previous games.
Emasher Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 So it looks like some of the magazines you can find allow you to construct new things in settlements. I was for instance, able to find one which taught me how to construct white picket fences. I'm hoping there are more pre-war structures that can be built. The raiders seem a lot different this time around. Sometimes for the better, they seem to have a lot more back story this time. Their camps quite often have terminals which explain their recent operations and so on, which I think there was a bit of in previous games, but not to this extent. I had a great moment when I found a log on a terminal in one raider camp which talked about how they had to beef up security after hearing news about another camp being destroyed, me being the one who destroyed it. It's little touches like that which make the world feel like it's coming alive. I've also noticed that the raiders are a lot less sadistic. Gone are the decapitated corpses hanging from meet hooks, or chained to mattresses, no-doubt the victims of someone's sick fantasies. I've noticed there's also no sexual content whatsoever in the game (well, until the mod tools get released anyway). I suspect Bethesda is trying to tone down things like this to appeal to the mainstream, which is a bit worrying. An "M" rated game (or whatever the equivalent is in Europe) should be able to explore these things a bit more. It feels like certain things that you would expect to see in this sort of world are just missing for no good reason. Especially since New Vegas (with it's massive strip-club casino, etc.), and to a lesser extent Fallout 3, didn't hold back beyond making sure they didn't get an "Ao" rating (meaning the game wouldn't have been able to get a console release).
drahkon Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 Had my first crash after 10 hours. Wanted to assign a settler to harvest corn. The game didn't seem to like that Anyway, did some more exploring. Came across my first Legendary enemy. Dropped an armor piece which doesn't have great defensive stats but increases the sweet spot on locks during lockpicking. : peace: Also came across some Super Mutants which wrecked my shit. Level 11. I'll save my Perk Points so I can open up Gun Nut lvl 2 and some others at level 13. Can't wait to have suppressors on my weapons. Right now I'm not particularly stealthy after shooting once
Emasher Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 Can't wait to have suppressors on my weapons. Right now I'm not particularly stealthy after shooting once I'd recommend just putting a surpressor on a pipe pistol for the time being. I believe you can craft one without any perks. Pipe pistols in general are actually pretty decent early game weapons if you upgrade them as much as you can early on, since their ammo is really common and they still do a decent amount of damage against early game enemies. I'd also recommend grabbing the perk that lets you get screws from scrapping guns if you haven't already, since they seem to be the main bottleneck for building weapon mods early on.
drahkon Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 I'd recommend just putting a surpressor on a pipe pistol for the time being. I believe you can craft one without any perks. Pipe pistols in general are actually pretty decent early game weapons if you upgrade them as much as you can early on, since their ammo is really common and they still do a decent amount of damage against early game enemies. Can't craft a suppressor without having the Gun Nut Perk at level 2. And I have an upgraded Pipe Pistol as well as an upgraded Pipe Sniper Rifle. They are ok. I play on Very Hard which is probably the reason why they don't do as much damage as I wish they'd do. I'd also recommend grabbing the perk that lets you get screws from scrapping guns if you haven't already, since they seem to be the main bottleneck for building weapon mods early on. Haven't encountered any problems with screws, so far. I pick up a lot of junk and scrap them as soon as I have access to a workbench. Don't need that particular perk.
Cube Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Can't craft a suppressor without having the Gun Nut Perk at level 2. If you find a gun with a mod you want, if you craft a standard mod you'll get the one it had in your inventory, so you can put it on another weapons.
Sheikah Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 If you find a gun with a mod you want, if you craft a standard mod you'll get the one it had in your inventory, so you can put it on another weapons. Ohhh, thanks. This explains why I was carrying some mods around.
Shorty Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Is anyone else just completely not bothered about building your settlements? I doesn't interest me at all, it's not dynamic enough to get interesting reactions out of NPCs, and you're not going to share it or anything... eventually it will just be a waste of totally unappreciated effort.... I don't get the point.
Cookyman Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Wow the character creator is fantastic check these out!
Nolan Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Settlements just feel like more hassle than they're worth. It's a neat idea I see no reason to not include it at least for those that enjoy it.
Magnus Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Yeah, I really don't like the settlements, either. I had to plant some crops for Sanctuary, but there was nowhere good to do it, so I ended up just planting them in someone's backyard. Then I had to place four sheltered beds somewhere, so I put the first two in one house and that worked fine. Then I tried to put the last two beds in two other houses, but that didn't work. I thought maybe I had to fix the roof, but there was no way to do that that I could see. So I thought I'd build a new house, but I couldn't figure out how to place walls at a 90-degree angle without having them snap to the walls I'd already placed. And in any case, those walls were already at a slight angle, so the house wouldn't have fit on the foundation anyway. I ended up just building two prefab roofs and putting the beds underneath those, and everyone seemed happy with that, so whatever. It doesn't help that everything you can build is so ugly, but I suppose that's what you get when you try to build a house out of old clipboards.
Emerald Emblem Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 If only you could do landscaping, I mean in Sanctuary you have house bases to build on, but anywhere else it can be difficult to just make good use of the space you can build in. The only plus side is that it gives you stuff to use the junk you collect on, I mean it's okay, but just give use more to work with next time.
Emasher Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 I think the settlements really depend on what you want to get out of them. If you want to build a decent base with all the amenities that you need for crafting, etc, and still do a bit of customization on top of that to make it feel like your own, then it's great. If you want to invest a bit of time and resources to build up a few settlements and establish a trade network to get some decent stuff down the road, it's not bad. If you want to do any real management, there are plenty of strategy games in various sub-genres (management sims, city builders, 4X, grand strategy) which do that sort of thing much better. If you just want to build a cool looking town, or make pixel art, go play Minecraft or similar. There are plenty of settlements beyond Sanctuary which provide more natural spaces to build, and where the prefab structures fit in a little better as well.
Agent Gibbs Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 I'm stuck on the hardest part of this game Should i play as a man or a woman!? I'd only want relationships with women, but can't you have children in this game? would they be required? I hate character creators! 4 hours fiddling with faces and i've still not continued
Emasher Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 I'm stuck on the hardest part of this gameShould i play as a man or a woman!? I'd only want relationships with women, but can't you have children in this game? would they be required? I hate character creators! 4 hours fiddling with faces and i've still not continued I haven't done a female playthrough yet, but I've heard there isn't much difference this time around. You can 'romance' certain companions (in the usual asexual Bethesda manor), but I haven't heard anything about having children at this point. As far as I know, Fallout Shelter has way more sex in it than Fallout 4 does.
Nolan Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 I'm stuck on the hardest part of this gameShould i play as a man or a woman!? I'd only want relationships with women, but can't you have children in this game? would they be required? I hate character creators! 4 hours fiddling with faces and i've still not continued Jim Sterling touched on this a bit. Basically gender doesn't matter in relationships and neither does having multiple relationships at once. All the characters are okay with it. There isn't any sex, but sleeping near a romantic companion does give a bonus.
drahkon Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 If you find a gun with a mod you want, if you craft a standard mod you'll get the one it had in your inventory, so you can put it on another weapons. That's good to know. I haven't found a weapon with a suppressor, though. Reached level 13, so that's not a problem anylonger Crafted three suppressors : peace: Time to test them in the fields. :awesome:
Daft Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 So...how do you breakdown junk? Can I transfer junk to any workstation whether it's an Armour, Weapon or whatever?
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