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I'm getting a 3DS!


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I'm finally happy in saying that I am getting a 3DS XL for Christmas from my parents, which was very unexpected to say the least! So freakin' happy right now!


Anyway, there is a point to this thread. Can you guys tell me where I can buy cheap games from and also tell me some games that I should play.


Obviously Pokemon X, Luigi's Mansion, Zelda: OoT and Phoenix Wright are on my list but are there any other games you'd recommend me get? Where do you buy them from and where can I get games from that are cheap?



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Animal Crossing is a sim game where you live in/build/contribute to a cute little community and share it all with your mates.


The new Zelda (A Link Between Worlds) is rocking a 91 on metacritic right now so get that on your list.


Personally I was very impressed with Super Mario 3D Land.

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What is Animal Crossing about? I've never played it. I know that the guy from it is a character in Smash Bros. 3D (which is also on my list) but what is it about?


Animal crossing is basically a life simulator where you become the mayor/resident in a village inhabited by several animals. It's a no-stress enviroment with plenty to do, but without any obligations. You can pimp your town, specialise in fishing, gardening, bug-catching, design clothes, customise furniture, expand your house, visit the towns of your friends, build up friendships with your residents and much much more. Everything is realtime, so holidays and seasons pass, shops close at night etc.... It's the kind of title you play for 30 minutes every day during years. But it has to be your cup of tea.

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Ahh welcome to the 3ds family Animal!! Be good to see you in these threads! Another positive person!! :D


Recommendations off the top of my head would be:


Luigi's Mansion 2

Super Mario 3d Land

Mario Kart 7

Resident Evil Revelations

Pokemon X/Y

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Fire Emblem (purely coz everyone who played it loved it - it's not my type of game!)

Kid Icarus


And loads and loads off the eShop.


I'd say to shop around for cheap deals. RE: Revelations can be picked up on the eShop digitally for a very good price now!

Your first party Nintendo games are never really gonna be reduced (there's a thread for that!) so you will be looking at paying thirty quid or just under most of the time for those. But they're nearly all worth that price IMO.


There's loads of goodness to be had for 3ds! What a great time to buy! Be sure to let us know what console you choose and your friend code etc and we can add you to our friend lists!

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Whatever you do, avoid Paper Mario: Sticker Star like the plague!


:laughing: it might be right up your alley though, because some think it's a great new experience.


And like others have said, definitely check out the eShop!

There's some cool quirky li' platformers, puzzlers and other stuff that's totally worth you while.


And, since I am a big fan of the series, you might not want to forget about Mario&Luigi: Dream Team Bros. if that's your thing.

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Kid Icarus Uprising is one of the best games on the system, but unfortunately isn't cheap yet.


That's on my list as well. It looks amazing. When I first saw the 3DS properly, it was when seeing that game and I fell in love with the gameplay so that would definitely be on my list.


Animal Crossing is a sim game where you live in/build/contribute to a cute little community and share it all with your mates.


The new Zelda (A Link Between Worlds) is rocking a 91 on metacritic right now so get that on your list.


Personally I was very impressed with Super Mario 3D Land.


Both Zeldas are on my list as well as Mario but I don't know how the eShop works properly. Do you have to put your card details in the 3DS or can you simply buy a card with points on in shops? I ask this because I'm sure I saw the NES Mario and Zelda and I'd love to have them both? Also, are they in 3D?


Animal crossing is basically a life simulator where you become the mayor/resident in a village inhabited by several animals. It's a no-stress enviroment with plenty to do, but without any obligations. You can pimp your town, specialise in fishing, gardening, bug-catching, design clothes, customise furniture, expand your house, visit the towns of your friends, build up friendships with your residents and much much more. Everything is realtime, so holidays and seasons pass, shops close at night etc.... It's the kind of title you play for 30 minutes every day during years. But it has to be your cup of tea.


I don't really like The Sims all that much but being Mayor and ruling everybody sounds like fun...I might think about this one. Do you all (as in N-E) meet in any games on the 3DS? Do you meet up on this one?


Congrats! make sure to add us all as friends!


recomendations? Pokemon X/Y, Fire Emblem, Luigi's mansion, Super Mario 3d Land, Donkey Kong Country....you know it might be a shorter list to tell you what games NOT to buy...the 3DS is the best console since the SNES


Ahh welcome to the 3ds family Animal!! Be good to see you in these threads! Another positive person!! :D


Recommendations off the top of my head would be:


Luigi's Mansion 2

Super Mario 3d Land

Mario Kart 7

Resident Evil Revelations

Pokemon X/Y

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Fire Emblem (purely coz everyone who played it loved it - it's not my type of game!)

Kid Icarus


And loads and loads off the eShop.


I'd say to shop around for cheap deals. RE: Revelations can be picked up on the eShop digitally for a very good price now!

Your first party Nintendo games are never really gonna be reduced (there's a thread for that!) so you will be looking at paying thirty quid or just under most of the time for those. But they're nearly all worth that price IMO.


There's loads of goodness to be had for 3ds! What a great time to buy! Be sure to let us know what console you choose and your friend code etc and we can add you to our friend lists!


I'm getting the 3DS for Christmas so literally, on Christmas Day, I'll add you all. I found out from my dad that I was getting one, it completely surprised me. I don't think it has any games with it though, which is why I'm going to find some before Christmas. I'll definitely be stalking these threads for games (and SSB3D is on my list too so be ready to get your arses kicked ;))


All of the games you listed look awesome. Luigi's Mansion 2 is something I really want to get but also there's this game called Spirit Camera that looks kind of interesting and cool. As far as I can see, you're in some house with a load of ghosts and you spin around in real life to look behind you in the game and stuff. I really want that too. I've not played Fire Emblem but I've played Project Zone X and I enjoyed that and usually, I don't play games that play like it.


Revelations didn't play all that great on the 360 but I'm expecting it to be better on the 3DS since it was made for that. Is it any good on it?




Whatever you do, avoid Paper Mario: Sticker Star like the plague!


:laughing: it might be right up your alley though, because some think it's a great new experience.


And like others have said, definitely check out the eShop!

There's some cool quirky li' platformers, puzzlers and other stuff that's totally worth you while.


And, since I am a big fan of the series, you might not want to forget about Mario&Luigi: Dream Team Bros. if that's your thing.


No Paper Mario? :( What's wrong with it? I adored the Wii one! What have they done differently?


I was watching some of those eShop videos last night and there were some I really liked. Also, I love the Mario RPGs as well so I'll be picking that up.

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I don't really like The Sims all that much but being Mayor and ruling everybody sounds like fun...I might think about this one. Do you all (as in N-E) meet in any games on the 3DS? Do you meet up on this one?

Don't confuse it being a simulator with it being like the Sims. Rollercoaster Tycoon, Football Manager, FTL, these are all sim games too. I think you'd really enjoy Animal Crossing. Plus, it's got your name in it.

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Yeah! It's certainly not a game where you manage alot of different characters from some kind of like god position. Animal Crossing is a much more close and personal experience :)


Also yeah, avoid Paper Mario: Sticker Star haha, I didn't enjoy it at all. The story is kind of wank, characters are quite sparse (literally there aren't much characters, just lots of toads), and the gameplay isn't really an improvement on previous games.

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Also yeah, avoid Paper Mario: Sticker Star haha, I didn't enjoy it at all. The story is kind of wank, characters are quite sparse (literally there aren't much characters, just lots of toads), and the gameplay isn't really an improvement on previous games.


The truth - this mean speaks it.


Avoid that game like the plague. The 3DS has so many awesome titles more deserving of your coins than Paper Mario: Miyamoto's Ruinous Intervention.

Edited by Guy
Removed a semicolon. I was too bold, I'm not ready for them yet.
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Do you have to put your card details in the 3DS or can you simply buy a card with points on in shops? I ask this because I'm sure I saw the NES Mario and Zelda and I'd love to have them both? Also, are they in 3D?


Both games are on there and you can add credit to the eShop either way. If you do it via a crad you can only pay the exact amount instead of loading it up to an uneven amount.


I don't really like The Sims all that much but being Mayor and ruling everybody sounds like fun...I might think about this one. Do you all (as in N-E) meet in any games on the 3DS? Do you meet up on this one?


Lots of people meet up all the time in this. Sure it would have slowed down a little now though. You can have up to 3 visitors come to your village at any one time.


I've not played Fire Emblem but I've played Project Zone X and I enjoyed that and usually, I don't play games that play like it.


If you liked Project X Zone, then definitely give FE a go. I'm not big on FE games, but this is easily one of my favourite titles on the 3DS, a gem.


Revelations didn't play all that great on the 360 but I'm expecting it to be better on the 3DS since it was made for that. Is it any good on it?


Another exceptional 3DS game, suits the handheld much better than the consoles, but I only played the Wii U demo to compare. WAs not blown away by the Wii U demo, but the 3DS version was amazing.


I would also recommend Resident Evil Mercenaries, you can pick that up dirt cheap on the eShop, and it plays differently than the slow paced survival horror of Revelations. It's more fast paced action arcade shooter, with a relentless attack of enemies, online 2 player mode and all.

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How has there only been a single mention of Mario Kart 7?! :nono:


I'll correct that now:


Mario Kart 7

Mario Kart 7

Mario Kart 7

Mario Kart 7

Mario Kart 7

Mario Kart 7

Mario Kart 7

Mario Kart 7

Mario Kart 7

Mario Kart 7

Mario Kart 7




Sound advice all-round otherwise I'd say. Definitely agree with avoiding Sticker Star. :shakehead


I've played Project Zone X and I enjoyed that and usually, I don't play games that play like it.
The only problem with Project X Zone, is it becomes very repetitive very quickly. It's also waaaaaaay too long, I'm still playing through my copy that I started back at the beginning of July! :heh:
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@Blade - wash your mouth out immediately! :eek:


My play time on Mario Kart was huge even without the league! Obviously the league pushed the time up loads but it is a fantastic game in its own right and the online is still massively active!!


We're probably all just a little fatigued with the game now after playing so much of it, but think back to when it was new for us and it was a beautiful experience! :D


Do it Animal - MK7 should be top of your list!!!

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Yeah mario kart is still amazing :) league is over but doesn't stop online meet ups.


All the games mentioned are amazing. I'd add resident evil revelations to that, best res evil since 4 and perfect portable game. If you like rhythm games I think rhythm thief and even more so final fantasy theatrythm are both great.


There's loads and loads of virtual console and eshop games which are amazing too.

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Fire Emblem. Best game on the system. It has a demo on the eShop if your unsure about it. So does Resident Evil. It's great on the 3DS.


I think people are being a bit harsh on Paper Mario, I think it's worth playing. If you've only play Super Paper Mario then Sticker Star is still better than that. But wait until it's on sale, it has dropped to £20 a few times already.


Mario & Luigi is also worth checking out and Bravely Default is out in a couple of weeks if your into RPGs.


Pullblox and Fallblox are worth checking out on the eShop, Harmoknight, The Denpamen series and maybe checkout a few of the Level 5 games.

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Sticker Star is a fantastic game... if you can look past the fact that it is NOT an RPG...


It's more of a point and click style puzzle game (with Paper Mario style turn based battles) than anything else. You have your typical traversal gameplay of Paper Mario (same style of controls and environments), a unique take on the typical turn based battles (removing your typical arsenal of obtainable moves with stickers that you buy or earn by defeating enemies and solving puzzles), but all RPG mechanics are jettisoned completely - no levelling up at all!


Also the game is very light on story - you still have funny characters you meet along the way, but it's light on characterisation and text in general (basically the polar opposite of Super Paper Mario).


There isn't really anything else quite like it. While I think that jettisoning the focus on story wasn't the best decision, the gameplay is solid and very unique. It's an oddball game for sure and well worth experiencing! (Also the music is fabulous! :D)

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Welcome to the 3DS family. My recommendations (and they've been mentioned already) are.


Mario Kart 7

Kid Icarus: Uprising

Pokemon X/Y

Luigi's Mansion 2

Super Mario 3D Land

Ocarina of Time 3D


If you've already played it on the Wii, then you may wish to give Donkey Kong Country Returns a miss as it's been said there isn't enough "New" in the game. But if you've not, then i recommend it. Brilliant platformer, great for the 3DS.


Animal Crossing New Leaf. This is one game that can be a hit and miss, but that depends on your mood for sim-style games. This one allows to to basically run the town as you want, creating your own town with many personal touches. Unfortunately, you can't go on a rampage against Tom Nook (oh i wish this was possible) but it's a damn fine game, and one that will keep you coming for a year for short daily/weekly visits to see events etc.


Future releases for 3DS, well it has to be A Link Between Worlds


And not forgetting the e-shop of course with the Virtual Console. On my 3DS, i have (and i recommend)


Oracle of Seasons/Ages

Links Awakening

Super Mario Land 1 and 2

Wario Land


I havn't ventured into other indie games yet, but i plan to soon enough.

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@Animal, you might have seen this already but...


Free Super Mario 3D Land when you register a 3DS and any of these:


  • Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros.
  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf
  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (launching November 22nd)
  • Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
  • Fire Emblem: Awakening
  • Luigi’s Mansion 2
  • LEGO CITY® Undercover: The Chase Begins
  • Sonic Lost World (Nintendo 3DS version)
  • Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Nintendo 3DS version)
  • Pokémon X
  • Pokémon Y
  • Bravely Default (launching December 6th)
  • New Super Mario Bros. 2
  • Mario Kart 7
  • Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
  • Step 2




The registration can be done any time until Jan 13 2014

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@Animal, you might have seen this already but...


Free Super Mario 3D Land when you register a 3DS and any of these:


  • Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros.
  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf
  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (launching November 22nd)
  • Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
  • Fire Emblem: Awakening
  • Luigi’s Mansion 2
  • LEGO CITY® Undercover: The Chase Begins
  • Sonic Lost World (Nintendo 3DS version)
  • Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Nintendo 3DS version)
  • Pokémon X
  • Pokémon Y
  • Bravely Default (launching December 6th)
  • New Super Mario Bros. 2
  • Mario Kart 7
  • Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
  • Step 2




The registration can be done any time until Jan 13 2014


My thoughts on that promotion:



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I've bought Dead or Alive: Dimensions, Splinter Cell 3D and Hollywood Crimes ready for when I get it on Christmas.


Thanks for bringing that promotion to my attention, I'm going to try and get one of those games since most of them are on my list to buy anyway! Good to know that I can get one of them for free!

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