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Things you like that everybody hates


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Title says it all really. I don't mean guilty pleasures, I mean things you genuinely like, and don't see why everyone else hates them.


I'll start:


Diamond Lights - Glenn Hoddle & Chris Waddle





For a pop song, I think it's actually pretty good. Don't know why it gets the hate.


The only thing that annoys me is that they went for the awful sounding Glenn & Chris, when they had the awesome option of Hoddle & Waddle.

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Party games. There's nothing more fun than getting a bunch of friends around and playing Wii Party or Just Dance or Mario & Sonic, but whenever I mention to most people that I like these games their faces scrunch up and they think I'm going to spend my life buying mac computers, partaking in crazy diets and watching This Morning.


(I also quite like This Morning)


EDIT: Then again I may have slightly missed the point of this thread. Whilst a lot of people do dislike these things there's also a lot of people that do like them hence their continued existence.

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I love the 1994 film of Frankenstein, and it got slated and is generally considered a bad film.


I also loved the Castlevania 64 games, but i can kinda understand the hate for those, cos there was a lot of annoying platform jumping.

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Party games. There's nothing more fun than getting a bunch of friends around and playing Wii Party or Just Dance or Mario & Sonic, but whenever I mention to most people that I like these games their faces scrunch up and they think I'm going to spend my life buying mac computers, partaking in crazy diets and watching This Morning.


(I also quite like This Morning)


EDIT: Then again I may have slightly missed the point of this thread. Whilst a lot of people do dislike these things there's also a lot of people that do like them hence their continued existence.


I do know what you're talking about when it comes to Just Dance and things like that because my friends aren't into the games as much as I am (as you well know with our Just Dance Offs!) and apart from you, I've never met anybody else who actually likes the game. My mate plays it a couple of times and then she can't be arsed. I can also relate to the reactions too. I get that from people as well, haha.


My one is very obviously Twilight and True Blood. True Blood is easily better than Twilight and I do recognise that Twilight is bad but I think it's alright. The movies are done terribly but the books are alright, although they're badly-written but sometimes you can get a good story from bad writing anyway.

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I watched Yu-Gi-Oh GX and Digimon Data Squad (the 5th series) not too long ago. They're cheesy and fun and bad, and I wouldn't recommend them to anyone, but damn it, I liked them for what they are.


While I usually like stuff that's not very popular, it's usually because it's not well known. It's hard to think of something that I like but everyone actually hates...

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Zack Snyder. Another victim in the age of cynicism.


What do you mean? People like Snyder!! He's terrible as a writer, but he's an awesome director in many ways, no matter who you ask.


Björk... :p



A bit of an exaggeration perhaps, but outside of a few individuals on this forum I struggle to find many people who actually like her music. :hmm:


Her music is quite liked and acclaimed! Homogenic and Vespertine are widely considered to be among the best albums ever. And rightly so!


Björk herself is a twat, though, lol. She's one of those cases where you have to completely ignore her personality and just focus on the music.


Party games. There's nothing more fun than getting a bunch of friends around and playing Wii Party or Just Dance or Mario & Sonic, but whenever I mention to most people that I like these games their faces scrunch up and they think I'm going to spend my life buying mac computers, partaking in crazy diets and watching This Morning.


(I also quite like This Morning)


EDIT: Then again I may have slightly missed the point of this thread. Whilst a lot of people do dislike these things there's also a lot of people that do like them hence their continued existence.


The problem with party games, imo, is that board games are 100 times better. There's loads of great board games, too, where as good party games are a rarity.


The movie Revolver



Everybody I know hates this movie, every critic hates this movie.


It is one of the greatest movies I have ever seen and I fucking love it.


You're not alone, brother.


It's easy to understand why people hate it, though. Nobody ever watches it a second time to put the pieces together, and therefore it's Lynchian charm never hits most people.

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Her music is quite liked and acclaimed! Homogenic and Vespertine are widely considered to be among the best albums ever. And rightly so!


Björk herself is a twat, though, lol. She's one of those cases where you have to completely ignore her personality and just focus on the music.


What I mean is, if I went up to a general member of the public and asked them if they liked Björk I would more than likely be 'greeted' with either a blank stare or just 'No!' as I've found people seem to be quite dismissive of her despite her well-deserved critical acclaim, I just put it down to many people not even giving her a chance. ::shrug:


But yes, despite her brilliant music... as a person she is indeed a complete twat! :p

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What do you mean? People like Snyder!! He's terrible as a writer, but he's an awesome director in many ways, no matter who you ask.


I agree but a lot of people lump the two together. His terrible writing has tainted him as a director.

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Adam Sandler movies seems to get a lot of hate but I like them. Obviously there are a couple of exceptions *cough* Jack and Jill *cough* but I think Sandler films can be quite funny and I think people are way too harsh on them, especially Grown-ups.


The SAW sequels or even the movies in general. I love them and I think, for the most part, it's pretty clever how the story lays out in all of the movies (but I'm just going to pretend that The Final Chapter doesn't exist because it's THE worst ending to a series in ever). I also loved the story more than the gore and shit, which apparently is why people watched it anyway, which in itself is a crap reason to watch it. If you want to see that shit, watch Hostel. But yeah, I thought it was a very cool series and they were good films...not great but they were good as a series.


Well, the first thing that springs to mind is the Matrix sequels. :heh:


I must admit, I loved The Matrix Reloaded a HELL of a lot more on blu-ray. The action sequences were sensational...but I still despise Revolutions. Sorry, haha.


Hi there all,

My name is Wilber and i have been lurking around this forum for quite a long time here.

So decided to give it a shot and be a member of this forum. Glad to meet you all.


Are you a shoe salesman? Will I ever find a partner?! STOP TAUNTING ME! :(

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Acid music.


It's nothing like any other genre I've ever listened to, and I genuinely enjoy the unpredictable, structureless flow to it. There's a lot of stuff to it that's funky enough to dance to, but much like IDM it can be sort of awkward.


Come to think of it, the only criticism I've heard from friends who can't stand this stuff is that it's too "weird" to dance to. My response is always "what made dancing a factor in enjoying music?"



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That’s funny, I posted this on Facebook a few days ago. I love the song, but apart from that, this is actually my favourite video of all time.


So, it’s actually not a thing you like and everybody hates ;).

Edited by Sméagol
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I quite like the new miley cyrus song.


I like the song but I HATE the music video.


On the topic, I generally find myself enjoying or outright loving a lot of modern, catchy pop music that everyone else seems to have agreed to hate. "Call Me Maybe" is a great example.


I'm exactly the same. I love cheesy pop! For some reason, a lot of the people I know hate Psy. I don't get why though, he's awesome! :D




I'll leave now.


I honestly don't see why people don't like them, yes i know half the songs are about sex, drugs, women and drink. But the music is good (according to me and quite a number of people)


PLEASE DON'T LEAAAAAVE! I thought I was alone on this! I seriously like them but my friends laugh at me and tell me they're terrible. I don't get why. How You Remind Me and Hero (I know it's Chad Kroeger but still...) is such tunes!




So I've shown most of the people I know this song because it's my jam for the summer and everybody hates it. I wonder how you guys will react...


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