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Avengers: Age of Ultron


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The 'puppets' line that Ultron says in the trailer was changed to 'you're all killers'. And the line about people looking up to the sky for hope and Ultron saying 'I'll take that from them first'. Not there. And the implied remorse Tony has in the trailers (or maybe I misread that) for creating Ultron - the villain hell-bent on destroying the whole world, not in the film either. Tony is just there, being an unsympathetic narcissistic psychopath. Who everyone refuses to actually stop.


I really hated the unnecessary action scene in the middle of the Ultron introduction scene. I know he was trying to distract them but it was still totally unnecessary. Really took the impact out of his genesis story.



I dislike a lot of the other Disney films because they're paper thin but at the very least they were well made. This is a mess. @ReZourceman , please bring your copy over to mine when you eventually buy it so I can give you a running commentary on why. I already gave @Ashley the abridged 20 minute long version.

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Just got back from watching this in the morning.

A nice and relaxing theatre.


To keep it short: Loved it.

But I'm a sucker for any superhero movie these days and they are the only movies I still go and watch at the cinema.


A few minor niggles:

* We didn't get to see what happened to Ulysses Claw :( Was hoping for an after credit-scene with him to see where he went.

It also got me thinking that the Black Panther film might be some what of a prequel to see how Claw acquired all the Vibranium. Or perhaps the film will be about Black Panther retrieving it all...


* Why did they have to kill FEGELEIN so damn quick :( :( :( I WANTED MORE FEGELEIN, SOFORT!



Now, let the promotion machine for Ant Man kick into full throttle!

Edited by Fused King
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A few minor niggles:

* We didn't get to see what happened to Ulysses Claw :( Was hoping for an after credit-scene with him to see where he went.

It also got me thinking that the Black Panther film might be some what of a prequel to see how Claw acquired all the Vibranium. Or perhaps the film will be about Black Panther retrieving it all...

Well I assume Black Panther will tale place after this film as we got to see how he lost his arm. Presumably Klaw now ups the anti in terms of crazy and becomes a real threat to Black Panther and his kingdom.



Although, can anyone remind me how the initial vibranium scene went down again?... because as I remember it, a couple of the team seemed to already know/easily accept there was more vibranium out there?

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Although, can anyone remind me how the initial vibranium scene went down again?... because as I remember it, a couple of the team seemed to already know/easily accept there was more vibranium out there?


It was Stark and Cap, they already knew where vibranium originally came from and as soon as they found out Ultron was heading to Wakanda they realised that Papa Stark must have been wrong when he said there wasn't any left.

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Guys, what the fuck? You don't even need to get past the first slow-mo moneyshot of these dumb fools flexing in mid air to realise that this film isn't going to stand up to the intense fucking literary scrutiny you're subjecting it to. Just turn your brain off and worry not about why maths professor from Good Will Hunting shows up for five whole seconds. The moment you try to explain any of this shit is the moment it goes completely to hell.

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Speaking of Thanos and the end credits scene, short but awesome...but raises big questions....last time we saw the Infinity Gaunlet it was in Odins vault.... sure Loki is now pretending to be Odin and it is very likely that after Thor2, Loki just gives Thanos the gaunlet as part of their deal from when Loki was given the Scepter in Avengers1 but shouldn't that mean he would also give Thanos the Tesseract as that was being kept in Odins Vault too.... if he did I would have expected to see one of the gems in place when Thanos got the gaunlet. So either Thanos managed to get the Gaunlet out of the Vault but not the Tesseract, or maybe was that credits scene actually showing Thanos breaking into Odins Vault and taking it, doesnt appear to be 100% clear I guess that he was in his own place...could have been on Asgard and Thor3 starts off with Thor arriving back from Earth?





I'm pretty sure the gauntlet in Thor was just an easter egg as it had all the gems in it.








Strangely seems Kevin is saying there are 2 Gauntlets....one for each hand


The one seen in Odins Vault is the Right, the one seen in Avengers2 Mid Credits (and Infinitiy War trailer) is the Left


I guess makes sense, 2 hands, 2 gauntlets;...though pretty sure the comics only ever had one gaunlet.


And in the comics it is a left hand gaunlet too. Surprised I missed this. And I think shows that the one seen in Thor was there for more than just an easter egg (unless they somehow accidently made it right handed) as they seem to have the overall plan planned out well in advance.


My guess the one in Odins Vault is a decoy, maybe Odin was looking for it as he knew of its power and danger and wanted it kept away from evil hands, Thanos knew Odin was coming but didn't want to reveal himself by confronting him so created a fake one to stop Odin from looking.


I think that is better than the idea of them doubling the number of Infinity Gems :heh:


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Saw it today and I loved it. Another perfect superhero film. After Avengers Assemble and Guardians (which turned out to be the best film I never thought I would like) I didn't know how they could keep that pace - but Age of Ultron knocks it out of the park and helps Marvel set the standard for the comic industry.


I can't wait to see it again and pick up on extra details I might have missed.

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Watched it last night. Pretty cool movie.


You know, Marvel tends to introduce a lot of different elements in their different mediums, and it can be difficult to follow the continuity at times. Thankfully, the films manage to streamline everything into something the audience can follow.


It was cool to just see a movie where the Avengers are established both as a team and as individuals, and do their thing. People discussing on how to lift Thor's hammer? That's simple, but good stuff.


Loved Hawkeye in this. He usually tends to be the guy who proves that regular people with enough determination can also fight, but in here he was the heart, the "dad" of the team, so to speak. This is a change I very much approve of (especially since he's usually so down to earth in the first place).


Nat/Banner was something that both the characters and the team needed (writing-wise), you know, makes them more human, gives them more of a role, an anchor to reality. Their relationship didn't take that much time, and it's still nice to see something new.


I was afraid this might be yet another Hydra film, but thankfully it didn't happen. Glad they were just a plot device to explain how the twins got their powers (and their motivations were very much independent from anybody else's). Scarlet Witch was cool to see (finally a decent outfit :heh:), and I sure am glad to see her powers better defined than just "magic stuff that mere mortals cannot comprehend". Quicksilver was a nice addition to the film. Shame to see him die so quickly.


Ultron was very effective, visually speaking. He could stand to have a bit more of character, but how much more character can "Rogue AI that wants to kill humans" have? At least this one was surprisingly endearing, and still felt like more than just a robot.


(As a side-note, I hope both Ultron and HYDRA die for good this time. Their presence in the comics gets tiring, considering they never die.)


Boy, am I glad I went into this without spoilers, I did not expect to see Vision in there :o And he looks like something right out of the uncanny valley, in a good way for once. To think that this character could be made so effectively into live action, how far we've come. I'm gonna miss Jarvis, though.


So yeah, flaws? Falcon wasn't in that final battle, would've been great to see him there. Also, they could've shown Thor's vision with more clarity, but we might see more of that in his next film.


(As a side-note, I find it amusing that a lot of complaints I see in this thread can answered with "Yup, logistically speaking, that was ridiculous, but this is a Marvel/Hollywood film, so turn off that part of your brain" :heh: The Bard summed it up, really)


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I watched this on Saturday.


Generally thought it was very good. The one thing that i thought was instantly terrible though, was during the scene at the beginning when Tony and Bruce are in the lab, doing science, and Tony picks up something off the desk and taps it a few times, then puts it down again. It's clearly supposed to be some sort of magubbin, or thingamybob, with which he interacts when doing the science, but i noticed it right away as one of these. A 3D space mouse that we use at work for CAD etc. He picks it up and taps away at the wrist rest, and then puts it down again. Looks very silly.

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Bah refreshed and lost my notes, hang on:




- I liked the Hulk and Black Widow romance, it showed a different side to both and how the hulk can be good whilst Black widow had a dark past. It's interesting and honestly I'm glad it wasn't a Hawkeye/Black Widow romance like the fans have been dying for. It would have been weird.


- Ultron...ehhhh. I didn't like him, too much saracasm, too much like Tony. I expected him to be angry, mostly like that sort of age of being a teenager and how you hate everything? Yeah that. Didn't happen. Much upset.


- I loved Hawkeye having a 'good' back story. He's probably the most lesser 'superhero' even though he's a complete badass and it was funny to see him running around cursing the other heroes because he wants to get back home to his family.





I enjoyed it, but there was definitely more development that could have happened with some of the characters, I felt the first film did more of that and was slightly more light hearted than this one. It felt like a broody teenager.

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  • 5 months later...

I meant to give some opinions on this when the Blu-ray was released, but I tend to set my expectations too high and overanalyse/moan too much about the details, so I thought I'd wait until I'd given it a 2nd viewing (had to get my £13.50's worth!) As it happens, although I enjoyed it a little bit more the 2nd time around, my thoughts are still the same.


The opening sequence is pretty standard, but it at least amuses me that it was filmed in some English woods. My heart sank when I saw Scarlet Witch, because X-Men type powers and abilities are really not my thing; but to be fair, her and Quicksilver are very well acted, so it is what it is.


The one thing I like unreservedly about this film is James Spader as Ultron. He's wonderfully sinister, as is the scene where Ultron comes to life and overpowers Jarvis. I'd actually say the next scene, where he gatecrashes the party, is one of the best in the film, as it actually has some meaning behind it. The way Captain America says "Stark?" sums it up, as it dawns on them that he's done something stupid.


As I say, I'm not keen on psychic powers, so I wasn't thrilled with the battle where Scarlet Witch causes many of the Avengers to hallucinate. Thor's was alright, but I think we could have done without Black Widow's and Captain America's. I understand they both fleshed out the characters, but it's a long film and I think bits needed to be trimmed here and there.


Hulk vs. Hulkbuster is a genuine classic - worth the price of admission alone! Stark repeatedly punching Hulk in the face is easily one of the biggest belly laughs in the film. I don't mean to be unkind, but I often think the dialogue in the Avengers films is not as funny as intended. The visual humour, however, is very, very good.


I wasn't a huge fan of the "farm" scene - too slow and dull. Yeah, they needed some respite, but did we need so many heart-to-hearts? I mean, Banner and Natasha talking about (in essence) being infertile... yes, it does flesh out the characters, but perhaps it's a bit dark for a super hero film? Especially as the first film was so silly and light.


Things pick up when Ultron tries to take things further, and we have the sequence where Captain America chases the lorry - absolutely superb! Up there with the Hulkbuster scene.


The finale is pretty much what you'd expect, although I thought perhaps there were too many "evacuation" shots. It's good to know they're doing that, morally, but I think there comes a point where you don't need to see it all. The one thing I can't let go is the bit where, after a tense moment, Thor explains how Mjolnir works. I'm the first to want more humour in a film, but it seemed out of place and I actually felt sorry for Chris Hemsworth that they made him say it!


Overall, a very high-quality film, and you do get your money's worth. My personal preference would be for it to have been 20-30 minutes shorter, and much more light-hearted. It's fine to have a sinister villain (after all, Loki was highly malevolent in parts), and it's never that dark, but my general impression was that it's a bit too long and a bit too gloomy. A film with some great individual scenes, but probably not a great piece of entertainment in its own right.

Edited by Grazza
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