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I can't even get excited for that, knowing that it's probably gonna be the last ever Mario game for a console (Nintendo still stand a chance in the handheld realm at least I guess).


I'd be surprised if they even announce anything new for the Wii U next year outside of Zelda Wii U...


I suppose that if the console did end up dying next year though, it would at least have ammassed a great library, even in that small timeframe. I already own more retail games for my Wii U than I bought for the 360 and PS3 combined throughout their entire lifespans. By the end of next year (assuming that SSB4 hits in 2014, Zelda Wii U is the last game that Nintendo makes for the console, but is pushed back to 2015 and they don't end up announcing any new games for the console outside of Zelda U and Steel Diver 2), I will have ended up buying 25 retail games (17 currently owned retail games plus all 8 of the upcoming 1st party titles that we already know about). That's not bad really, I guess :) (and that's not counting the eShop exclusive game either - when the Wii U actually has quite a bit of indie support at least! It may still be possible for me to make a top 50 Wii U games list when it dies still! :D)

Jeez, someone has turned pessimistic.


Nintendo's not out of the race at all...the Wii U is just a blip. We know outright that they've started plans for their next console. Chill :)


That's probably because they're features nobody asked for.


And they miss out tons of features people actually want.

Nobody asked for Rumble...that became a staple of controllers. Typically, the things nobody asks for are the ones that stick through. Only exception is online for games...though that is killing the local multiplayer scene.


My friend is having a "PS4 party" for people to come round and play next week...I have no idea what games we'll play because so few of them have local multiplayer. It's ridiculous.

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But to focus on the franchise is to skip the notion that much of these franchises have been constantly reinvigorated by imaginative, new mechanics. I guess we were focusing in on graphics yet Nintendo's games tend to offer puzzles, mechanics 'and' the settings that differ from much of what is on offer on any other platform.


I've been playing Oceanhorn on iOS this week - a game hyped as 'Zelda' for iOS. Not to take away from the game but it is paint by numbers not offering the imagination in an important area: the puzzles in dungeons. Moving blocks is OK sure, but there is no 'painting' mechanic, no 'ocarina', no 'minish cap', no 'season/weather’ changes.


Many gamers call these gimmicks, I would call these imaginative gameplay mechanics that allow Nintendo games to feel different - even if we are using the same character. Perhaps Nintendo use the same characters as when games tend to introduce new characters they can struggle. Okami is a great example of this. If Okami had been a 3D Zelda involving a paintbrush it would have sold far better. However, there is merit in both arguments. I'd prefer more variety/characters/settings in this industry too.

So yeah, I think imagination and creativity isn't just about using the same characters and settings but encompasses far more. Interesting debate though.


Also: Wii U, 1year old...but feels like it's just getting started!


I'm not sure you could really argue the first part. After completing NSMB U the other day I was left with the impression that it was a game I had played before. The game plays like the original game on the DS and they really have got it down to a formula. They'll introduce a couple of new power ups but they don't really shake much up.


With Zelda they might try push motion controls but I don't feel it makes the game any better (for me it was more tedious). I also don't think that having a sword copy your hand actions is particularly imaginative. It's far better when you get game content that is new as opposed to almost the same content but a different input method. With the latter you're essentially still playing the same games. It's false innovation.


Jeez, someone has turned pessimistic.


Nintendo's not out of the race at all...the Wii U is just a blip. We know outright that they've started plans for their next console. Chill :)



Nobody asked for Rumble...that became a staple of controllers. Typically, the things nobody asks for are the ones that stick through. Only exception is online for games...though that is killing the local multiplayer scene.


My friend is having a "PS4 party" for people to come round and play next week...I have no idea what games we'll play because so few of them have local multiplayer. It's ridiculous.


The thing is though, supposing you do invent a solution to a problem that didn't exist, you should at least test the field to see whether people actually want it before you go ahead with it. Or at least find our whether most people care more about having off screen play than next gen system specs and a robust online system. Which they don't.

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Feels more like an funeral than a birthday :(


Hard to feel any entusiasm for anything about the console when it's future looks so bleak :cry:



I can't even get excited for that, knowing that it's probably gonna be the last ever Mario game for a console (Nintendo still stand a chance in the handheld realm at least I guess).
:eek: :eek:




Seriously, Dcubed... snap out of it. :heh:

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No matter what happens, it'll end up having a fantastic library; with games that will be cherished for decades to come.


Any console that would give us Monster Hunter 3U, Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, Nintendo Land, Earthbound in Europe, the first ever GOOD 3D SONIC GAME! (Long thought an oximoron!) and THREE Mario games can surely be considered nothing other than truly amazing!


To the bitter end I will follow, no matter what happens. Nintendo have more than earnt my loyalty. I love the console, even if fate would wish it otherwise. They will always have my sword! :D

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Many games that don't add new elements die quick deaths. I think human nature dictates that we want more and new things. That's why the Mario power up and Zelda items work so well. You can have the same 'template' but it is completely altered by the power-ups/items that augment the mechanics.


I'd say we're naturally curious, but to say that we naturally want more and new things would be indoctrinated values of the capitalistic system talking.

However, I must agree that it is of course no fun to play the same game over and over again, so seeing new things is obviously a nice thing but in no way a deep-rooted 'want'.


Anyway, so It's been a year then huh.


How wonderful it then is that this is the week I will finally be getting my Wiiu (The NSMBu + NSLBu pack) with Wonderful 101, Rayman Legends and Pikmin 3.


I've decided to add an extra year to my studies so I now have more free time to finish some older games on the ol' backlog such as Beyond Good&Evil or Zack&Wiki and a whole lot more. Hopefully I can find the time to enjoy HD graphics on a NINTENDO console for the first time :D

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What is wrong with their software lineup? Sure, we had the drought at the start of the year, but since then...


.........We've been bombarded with a "sports" line-up that the competition can only dream of. I've put countless hours into PES, Tiger Woods and Madden to name a few. :rolleyes:

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What is wrong with their software lineup? Sure, we had the drought at the start of the year, but since then...


- Wonderful 101 seems like quite an original game but not exactly what I'd define as broad market accessible.

- Nintendo Land is excellent at showing what the console can do but does not have the punch that Wii Sports did for a whole LIST of reasons.

- Pikmin 3 is a nice and solid game but is an evolutionary entry into a relatively unpopular series.

- NSMBU is competing with all of it's predecessors that people are still enjoying on the 3DS, Wii and DS.

- ZombiU was good but not polished enough by a mile to attract the Resident Evil or Left 4 Dead crowd.


I don't think that the lineup has been bad but there definitely isn't a system seller around yet. I'm not sure that SM3DW is going to shift as many units as Nintendo is expecting and going forward I don't see a lot of games that say "this has to be on Wii U" or more importantly, "I have to get the Wii U for this".


But it's not just the games themselves, Nintendo hasn't particularly made an effort to make people believe that's the case.

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I'd say we're naturally curious, but to say that we naturally want more and new things would be indoctrinated values of the capitalistic system talking.


I agree and although I don't claim to be a sociologist, surely that's the very system that consumers of gaming systems generally live within? Maybe we should start offering communist philosophies into debates on gaming heh.

I do like your perspective though. : peace:


On that note...I'll play Devil's advocate:


Wii U has been a decent system for me. Nintendo continue to afford me social gaming experiences that I can't get on other systems. It has value in different contexts which is good for a system to have.

As someone who doesn't have the time to spend on lots of games, a Nintendo system really appeals to me as an adult because when I purchase their big hitting games at those key points of the year (Christmas/Easter), I know the quality and fun is always there.


I can totally see the disappointment though, especially when it comes to online developments and that awful VC.

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With Zelda they might try push motion controls but I don't feel it makes the game any better (for me it was more tedious). I also don't think that having a sword copy your hand actions is particularly imaginative. It's far better when you get game content that is new as opposed to almost the same content but a different input method. With the latter you're essentially still playing the same games. It's false innovation.


I would actually love a game that focused entirely on motion-controlled swordplay. It's so much more fun, intuitive and immersive than "X to H-slash, Y to V-Slash, A to stab, B to parry".


The best fighting system in the series is pretty new content to me, but I know, different strokes, etc. I do think it's pretty telling of how much Zelda changes, the fact that the reason people didn't like the recent Zelda is due to the one thing that it does differently (just like some people don't like the 3-day system in Majora's Mask, the sea or the cel-shading in Wind Waker, etc.)


The thing is though, supposing you do invent a solution to a problem that didn't exist, you should at least test the field to see whether people actually want it before you go ahead with it. Or at least find our whether most people care more about having off screen play than next gen system specs and a robust online system. Which they don't.


That's a hard thing to do. Sometimes, releasing it really is the only way they'll know if it was worth it or not. How do you know it's not going to stick if you never threw it in the first place?

(I should also add that Nintendo does test the field. Remember Donkey Konga, the GC-GBA connectivity, and other gimmicks from the Gamecube days? It was them testing the market for something like the Wii)


Also, that last couple of sentences: what Nintendo found was that people like their DSes more than they like their Wiis or Playstations. Considering that, their line of thinking with the off-screen play had some merit. As much merit as Sony thinking that raw power alone would make people flock to the PS3.



....We've had one or two fairly good games.


Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101 and WInd Waker?


That's, like, 3 games, man :heh:

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Well for me personally...


I've bought (and enjoyed) more games in the Wii U's first year than I did in the 3DS' first year.


And look at how the 3DS turned out after a shit start...


I love how people think it's been a bad year. Lel.


I've been introduced to the wonderful Pikmin series with Pikmin 3 (where has it been all my life?), I've enjoyed the best NSMB yet and found myself wanting to smash the game pad with the rock hard Luigi DLC :heh:, I've turned my Wii U into a handheld to play RE: Revelations how it should be played (with a second analogue stick :D ). I've finally got to play Wind Waker - and in glorious HD (what a game!), and i've been blown away by third party offerings such as Rayman Legends, Sega Racing Transformed and Lego City Undercover.

I've also been playing Wii Sports Tennis, ONLINE - but people still complain about that! :heh:

The eShop continues to offer unique and inventive games that are a breath of fresh air to play - highlights for me being Bit Trip Runner 2, Giana Sisters and Might Switch Force!

I've seen some amazing drawings and talents on Miiverse and laughed at loads of random screen shots people have captured in game and shared. I've also enjoyed spending time within the Miiverse communities and seeing all of the POSITIVE comments and people enjoying Nintendo games. Something that this place would never have you believed happens at times! :p


So for me, it has been a good year for the Wii U, and I look forward to enjoying the console even more with the release of all the delicious games coming toward the end of the year and into 2014. :D

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I don't think I've ever had a chance to complain ever in my gaming years.


Now I'm not much of the complaining type, but ever since I got more seriously involved into gaming (since, well, ... when I had the ability to handle a mouse and keyboard) I have never had the feeling that I was lacking in things to play. To this day it astonishes me how people can finish, say, the upcoming Zelda in a week. Given my backlog, other gaming project etc.. it would take me perhaps a month or two at best.


I mean, only now have I finally gotten my hands on Eternal Darkness, but before that I am going through Beyond Good&Evil. Heh, I'm actually playing Gamecube games on my Wii before I can even start with the likes of Kirby's Epic Yarn, Sin&Punishment 2, Opoona, Another Code R (Will play the first one on DS first though), Eledees, Deadly Creatures, The Blob 2, etc...:laughing:


I already have a backlog on my Wiiu now for crying out loud! and I don't even have it yet!


And when that is all said and done there's still tons and tons of DS games to go through like Radiant Historia, Monster Tale, 999, Contact, Pokémon Conquest, etc... and a whole lot of Japanese games as well.


And then there's the 3DS as well, ......and then there's GTAV, and then there's a quirky eShop game.




Why must I enjoy gaming so? WHY GOD!?!?


Fuck this, I'm off to finish Zack&Wiki now.

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Well for me personally...


I've bought (and enjoyed) more games in the Wii U's first year than I did in the 3DS' first year.


And look at how the 3DS turned out after a shit start...


I love how people think it's been a bad year. Lel.


I've been introduced to the wonderful Pikmin series with Pikmin 3 (where has it been all my life?), I've enjoyed the best NSMB yet and found myself wanting to smash the game pad with the rock hard Luigi DLC :heh:, I've turned my Wii U into a handheld to play RE: Revelations how it should be played (with a second analogue stick :D ). I've finally got to play Wind Waker - and in glorious HD (what a game!), and i've been blown away by third party offerings such as Rayman Legends, Sega Racing Transformed and Lego City Undercover.

I've also been playing Wii Sports Tennis, ONLINE - but people still complain about that! :heh:

The eShop continues to offer unique and inventive games that are a breath of fresh air to play - highlights for me being Bit Trip Runner 2, Giana Sisters and Might Switch Force!

I've seen some amazing drawings and talents on Miiverse and laughed at loads of random screen shots people have captured in game and shared. I've also enjoyed spending time within the Miiverse communities and seeing all of the POSITIVE comments and people enjoying Nintendo games. Something that this place would never have you believed happens at times! :p


So for me, it has been a good year for the Wii U, and I look forward to enjoying the console even more with the release of all the delicious games coming toward the end of the year and into 2014. :D

I think you're in quite a unique situation having never played the Pikmin series, Wind Waker, to a lesser extent Revelation, and not being tired of NSMB.
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What is wrong with their software lineup? Sure, we had the drought at the start of the year, but since then...


Start of the year? I got it a premium at launch with Zombie U and NSMB U and my next game was Pikmin 3 which was released in July. I know that's not the same for everyone but for me personally the 1st year has had a serious lack of games. I only have 6 games and I have never had so few games for any console owned in the first 12 months so for me its not really been that great of an experience in year 1.

Edited by liger05
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Start of the year? I got it a premium at launch with Zombie U and NSMB U and my next game was Pikmin 3 which was released in July. I know that's not the same for everyone but for me personally the 1st year has had a serious lack of games. I only have 6 games and I have never had so few games for any console owned in the first 12 months so for me its not really been that great of an experience in year 1.

I am the complete opposite. I have never had this many games in the first year of a console's life.

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I am the complete opposite. I have never had this many games in the first year of a console's life.


Same here:





Batman Arkham City

LEGO City Undercover

NFS: Most Wanted U

Pikmin 3

Rayman Ledgends

WiiFit U

Wii Sports Club


All good to amazing (IMHO)!


Plus eShop:


Zen pinball

Nano Assault Neo

Art Academy


Plus VC:


Balloon fight



Super Metroid


Mario 2

Mario World


Punch Out

Pilot Wings

Super Picross


Aaaand the marvel that is MiiVerse. Then that for me is a pretty, darn good year!

Edited by Phube
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