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That's fine... if you're 5... But us adults have equinoxes (& solstices). Around the 21/22 of every third month! :p


Take your key stage 1 syllabus with you and learn some science!


Yes, obviously I'm aware of equinoxes and solstices but most people don't operate on that basis. Summer ended on the last day of August.




"March equinox and September equinox: a usage to avoid Northern Hemisphere bias (implied by assuming that March is in the springtime and September is autumnal – true for those in the Northern Hemisphere but exactly opposite in the Southern Hemisphere)".



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This is an important discussion.



I want W101 but...I don't like hard games.


It's a really great game, I'd advise playing it on Normal but not worrying about continuing, every time you die in the game it will ask you if you want to continue, when you do it automatically starts you off from exactly where you died and you can do this as many times as you want which is perfect if you just want to play the game although it will affect your rank but it doesn't matter that much. : peace:


Besides it's one of those games that you can go back to, replay any stage you like if you want to improve your grade so it's pretty flexible really. :)

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You obviously typed that as I was quoting so I refer you as well to the above references and no most people don't operate on this basis.


Of course September is Autumnal. Just not all of it like you're implying. I learned all of this in 1st grade, it is, for all intents and purposes, general knowledge.

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Seriously we are going to have that whole "when is summer" argument again :heh:


Go set up a thread in Gen Chit CHat about it or something and get back on topic in here


This is an important discussion.



I want W101 but...I don't like hard games.


As has been said, play it on easy so ;)

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This is an important discussion.



I want W101 but...I don't like hard games.


I've been playing through it on easy, and to be honest it is a little too easy on this setting, the harder modes don't unlock until you prove yourself at the lower settings.


The difficulty lies in the picking up of the game and it's mechanics, because there are no tutorials. I don't think any seasoned gamer would have a problem learning this stuff themselves, so don't worry about it you'll love it instantly

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Here's a hint, Summer holidays ended when? ;)


Did you find that on a website for 12 year olds?


That's fine... if you're 5... But us adults have equinoxes (& solstices). Around the 21/22 of every third month! :p




And just in case Wii hasn't opened his eyes yet, maybe he'll believe Lord Google: https://www.google.com/search?q=when+does+autumn+begin

Edited by Ronnie
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I just remind myself that everything on Wii U arrives months later than stated so then I don't get angry when things are delayed, such as this Summer update, because I've just come to expect it :p


Rayman, WarioWare, Pikmin, Wii Party, Nintendo TVii (does that even exist now?) to name a few!

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