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When I was younger I'll admit I was a fanboy. Then one day I saw some of my friends getting all wound up over a football match and I thought "wtf, they don't own parts of these clubs, they don't even live near them, why are they so invested?"


Then I suddenly saw the hypocrisy and how I was so dead-set on the GameCube and everything else gaming related was the spawn of satan. That's the day I saw the light :p. They're just companies. Sure, I'm still more a Nintendo gamer than anything, but that's now out of choice and not blind ignorance, and getting a 360 along with my Wii last generation really opened up a whole new world of games for me.


By the sounds of it, you're really frustrated with the lack of support on Wii U. You'd be a much happier gamer owning one of the other consoles, and it'll probably make you enjoy your Wii U even more too, as you'll just enjoy the awesome Nintendo titles that do come to it instead of constantly being bitter about what it doesn't have.

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Ha ha good one. Assuming (as I hope) that that was a joke.


I think it was more in regards to the considerable lack of 3rd party support outside of a smattering this year and some indie/eShop games. In terms of 1st party titles, that's a strong line-up and I don't anyone could argue against that. I just think that some of the comments you've taken exception to have been with regards to the point I've made above.


And in all honesty, not all of those titles down for 2015 will see a release next year. No way are they going to drop Xenoblade Chronicles X and Zelda in the same year, seeing as they'd most like hit towards the end of the year. One is going to slip to next and I suspect one other "big" title there will also fall to 2016. My bets are on both Star Fox and XCX being those games. The former doesn't sound to be that far along and Miyamoto will be putting out his other two titles first (which seems like the most likely case) and though they've been working on translating XCX alongside the Japanese release so as to minimise the gap in release between regions (or at least I believe this is what they said they were doing), I can see it being pushed back to make room for Zelda as the big holiday title next year. If XCX gets pushed to 2016, then it won't be a big hit for Nintendo as it may well sell better in the first couple of months of the next year but if Zelda was to miss, that'd be a bigger hit.


My 2 cents on it anyway. They're really gonna have to keep on top of their games as well as eShop titles they'll be working on to keep the releases flowing at a somewhat steady pace (or as steady as can be given the complete lack of 3rd party support).

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Then I suddenly saw the hypocrisy and how I was so dead-set on the GameCube and everything else gaming related was the spawn of satan. That's the day I saw the light :p. They're just companies. Sure, I'm still more a Nintendo gamer than anything, but that's now out of choice and not blind ignorance, and getting a 360 along with my Wii last generation really opened up a whole new world of games for me.


I do agree, but personally, the reason I was such a big GameCube fan was because it was so good. I loved it because it was great, rather than made myself love it because it was Nintendo. Also, I did defend it somewhat online because others were biased against it.


Then the Wii happened, I grew up a (little) bit and got over my anti-Sony bias rather than ditched a pro-Nintendo bias. Nowadays I just want my favourite series (Dragon Quest) to be on the objective-best console, whatever that is in any given era. I'll still make time for anything I really want to play on Nintendo, but not be under any illusions about the console itself.

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Then the Wii happened, I grew up a (little) bit and got over my anti-Sony bias rather than ditched a pro-Nintendo bias. Nowadays I just want my favourite series (Dragon Quest) to be on the objective-best console, whatever that is in any given era. I'll still make time for anything I really want to play on Nintendo, but not be under any illusions about the console itself.


This is pretty much where I stand too. Given the choice, I'd take DQVIII over IX any day. You could argue that the PC gives that but it's never as convenient, and I like that there's far more friends to play games with online with consoles.

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I love Nintendo, I always have and always will. I only have time for one console so I picked the Wii U.


If I really want to play the odd game from the other consoles, I will play them on my PC (on which they will look better, play better and be significantly cheaper). So far, I have only seen one game on the other consoles that I really wanted to play - Titanfall.


Destiny looks good, but is an unknown quantity. But otherwise, I don't see all the 'killer titles' that others do.

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Is the zealous behaviour of football fans really justifiable?

I would say the behaviour console company fanboys is just as un/justifiable


It's all daft, really. Neither is excusable, but one is perhaps a bit more understandable in some situations (if the team represents your home town or country). It's somewhat silly when people consider one company based in Japan to be scum and another not, based on some weird justifications, but then people can be pretty daft when it comes to sport, too:


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Also, it's not constant reposting. The news only went up on that site early this morning and it's official confirmation. I'll gladly post positive news. Do you know of any? Missing out Resident Evil is really annoying because it's a franchise I've a lot of time for.
Well it is, because we already knew it wasn't coming to Wii U/3DS in the thread we have for the game. And without looking back we probably talked about it at the time the game got leaked.


You'll just have to hope they'll bring a version to Wii U at a later date, like they did with the other console for the first game then.

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Is the zealous behaviour of football fans really justifiable?

I would say the behaviour console company fanboys is just as un/justifiable


Of course, I wasn't saying it was. I've been a football supporter all my life and realised a long time ago how silly some fans' attitudes are to rival clubs/supporters.


The point I was making was that with football, you usually only follow one club. You stick with them through thick and thin, you don't change loyalties because another club is more successful. Console manufacturers on the other hand are not football teams. You pick the consoles which will provide you with the best entertainment for the best value for money. And you can always buy more than one if you want to.

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It doesn't help that LBP itself is rubbish though; that's it's problem, not the creation, it's just a terrible terrible game to play!


Mario Maker is an eshop game in a box, but it'll still be amazing I'm sure!


Regarding that - in terms of platforming mechanics, LBP leaves a lot to be desired. But I think the game is actually fun to play, not really because of the platforming but because of the creativity side of things (which is really good). Just playing the top 10 rated levels or so and you can see how much creativity has gone into them and just how much you can actually do. A lot of why I love some of the levels is due to being impressed that people have managed to reconstruct something we know inside the game. Even if you don't create a thing, there is some real good shit to be had there.


Just looking at some of the variety...












(that last one is just a snapshot of some of the 500 wires somebody placed in a level to make a functioning calculator...which I thought was pretty amazing).


If you can look past that this really isn't meant to be a balls good platformer, there's still a lot of fun to be had with the game. Even if I don't see the need to buy every game in the series, I'm glad the console has it.

Edited by Sheikah
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Regarding that - in terms of platforming mechanics, LBP leaves a lot to be desired. But I think the game is actually fun to play, not really because of the platforming but because of the creativity side of things (which is really good). Just playing the top 10 rated levels or so and you can see how much creativity has gone into them and just how much you can actually do. A lot of why I love some of the levels is due to being impressed that people have managed to reconstruct something we know inside the game. Even if you don't create a thing, there is some real good shit to be had there.


Just looking at some of the variety...












(that last one is just a snapshot of some of the 500 wires somebody placed in a level to make a functioning calculator...which I thought was pretty amazing).


If you can look past that this really isn't meant to be a balls good platformer, there's still a lot of fun to be had with the game. Even if I don't see the need to buy every game in the series, I'm glad the console has it.


Oh absolutely, that's why I get excited by stuff like this. Wario Ware DIY was the same, it was seeing peoples creativity in action that was fun. Although Mario Maker will be more limited, I'm sure it'll produce some incredible stuff. I just hope there are some great lists and search functions. Pullblox it's almost impossible to find the best stuff, or new stuff.

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Looking like a seriously good 2015 already :)




I would buy Xenoblade in a heartbeat. It's the one I'm most looking forward to on that list.


However, those two Miyamoto projects looked distinctively underwhelming. We need to see a lot more of those before they generate any kind of buzz. Starfox is one that I am dying to be great, but the series is now in dangerous territory where there are just as many bad games in the series as there are good. The only two stellar games in that series were Starwing and Lylat Wars...Lylat Wars was 17 years ago! Get the crew behind Sin and Punishment to do it and we should be ok.

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I just find it sad that people call that list of first party titles "depressing" and "barren", when it's clearly not and will no doubt get added to. I was equally puzzled after E3 2013 when they announced 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Smash and Donkey Kong all at the same E3, yet still people complained. The amount of cynicism on here has really risen the past year or so. That's what's depressing, reading though this forum at times. Oh well.




Just think of the thousands of user created levels you get to play then.


Whilst a collective subconcious osmosis of rising negativity amongst us - possibly via the forum given our vast distances apart - is the most plausible explanation I'm gonna be a bit of a conspiricist and suppose elsewise. Elsewise that that maybe, just maybe, a mass group of gamers are collectively finding Nintendo's current/future outputs disappointing and unappealing for some reason held in common by all. I don't know what this common reason could be, possibly(as wild as this might even sound) Nintendo themselves and the decisions they're making? Decisions and choices that might indicate they are losing the people they once had and that may indicate serious issues to be concerned about.


I think the collective subconcious osmosis is definitely the real cause though. My suggestion is just too proposterous.


Also to solve your issue with the forum and the depressing effect you find it has - the best way to rectify such things is to immerse yourself more in it. Really get yourself right deep down into that depressing stimuli, think sad and unhappy thoughts, and your moods are bound to lift in no time at all. It's well known that repeated exposure to negative things clearly brings about positive effects. Worried about death? Repeated stabbings will get you alive in no time!


Anyway, I've gotta get off the secret other forum we all have and start plotting some more negativity for this place, someone almost stopped frowning and I am not having that. Not for one second!


I would ask for 'figures and spreadsheets' supporting the 'bombed hard' comment like lots of others love to do on here to emphasise a point, but I couldn't really care less about all that. :P Although I guess it would be interesting to see how the re-make for the HD consoles sold!


I just think it would have been good to have seen the game make a Wii U appearance. Whilst I understand that maybe hardware limitations would prevent it running as well as on the other consoles, I'd have thought Capcom would want to continue the series on a Ninty platform. :confused:


Ah well. :(


Money tho bro. Makes the world go round and that, if they're feeling they won't make it then why would they try? I am part of that problem for them though - I never bought/had enough interest in it.



As for Sony and MS being scum - let's not forget for Sony at least the rootkits on CDs, the incredible amount of PS2 that had dropped laser fails and hardware revisions making it harder to fix at home(and iirc a class action lawsuit against them), the arguable killing of lik-sang through litigation, and maybe a couple other more minor things I'm sure I made mental notes of a while back. I don't have much on MS - except wasn't that whole 'windows' thing(don't know if you've heard of it) stolen? Although they stole it from someone who stole it, so it didn't matter anymore. I was dead against Sony for quite a while, and still am a bit, but ykno - this isn't the thread for that. I should also say - I don't really care so much about these things anymore, so don't feel the need to defend them.


Also yes - I too totes used to fanboy hard for Nintendo.




Regarding that - in terms of platforming mechanics, LBP leaves a lot to be desired. But I think the game is actually fun to play, not really because of the platforming but because of the creativity side of things (which is really good). Just playing the top 10 rated levels or so and you can see how much creativity has gone into them and just how much you can actually do. A lot of why I love some of the levels is due to being impressed that people have managed to reconstruct something we know inside the game. Even if you don't create a thing, there is some real good shit to be had there.


Just looking at some of the variety...












(that last one is just a snapshot of some of the 500 wires somebody placed in a level to make a functioning calculator...which I thought was pretty amazing).


If you can look past that this really isn't meant to be a balls good platformer, there's still a lot of fun to be had with the game. Even if I don't see the need to buy every game in the series, I'm glad the console has it.


Have to say @Sheikah - that LBP creativity stuff is pretty cool(esp the calculator, makes me think of the minecraft '3d printer') - though I've generally had zero interest in LBP ever. Maybe it's like...half an interest now? I appreciate stuff like that, I'll think it's cool - but will I ever really do it or even come across it? Probably not.


With Mario Maker I'm looking forward to that aspect in this day and age though - it's essentially a friendly romhacker from what I've seen(romhacking is certainly nothing new, though arguably quite niche) - but the social aspect of sharing/discovering/playing might get me on board later down the line if there's really interesting stuff/cool features. I think on the whole though - if I wanted 'more' mario I'd have gotten the New series beyond the original on DS, however. You'd need to bring a new element like competition in - put in a stats on completion system viewable to friends/public etc and that might give you some more motivation - if say RedShell could make/share a level(using the pullblox system of having to complete it first to publish it), with his completion time as premium then maybe other stats(lives lost?) with it - then loads of N-Europers here could try to beat it? That'd be cool, that'd really make it worth something imo.

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I think the only time I've ever felt the need to be a Nintendo fanboy was back when I was a teenager, and everyone was on about the PS2 while I always thought the Gamecube offered much more interesting and intriguing games. Worse yet, everyone was outright hostile towards the Cube, despite knowing next to nothing about it. One of my friends once said "The Gamecube is only platformers, man." (though he utterly failed to mention any besides Mario Sunshine :heh:)


A few sessions of Melee and Soul Calibur convinced my friends that the Gamecube had its value, and only some occasional jabs remained. I think I only truly stopped thinking like a fanboy, though (that is, constantly seeing Sony and Microsoft as "the competition", and thinking I had to be loyal to one company), when the PS3 and Wii were released, and friends didn't really update.

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Interesting quote from Pachter:


“They are more than a decade behind the curve, and they are so insular that there is no desire internally to learn from others,” Pachter said. “Nintendo hardware goes away. There is a place for their content. There is no place for Nintendo hardware. Nobody cares. They will have to abandon hardware.”


It hurts how true that is, particularly about how they refuse to learn from others :(

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Interesting quote from Pachter:


“They are more than a decade behind the curve, and they are so insular that there is no desire internally to learn from others,” Pachter said. “Nintendo hardware goes away. There is a place for their content. There is no place for Nintendo hardware. Nobody cares. They will have to abandon hardware.”


It hurts how true that is, particularly about how they refuse to learn from others :(


Inevitably this will draw hate from the Nintendo massive about these parts, but I agree. Their hardware is behind the curve and expensive for what it is, relative to the competition (£200 for a 3DS XL is pretty insane).

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Interesting quote from Pachter:


“They are more than a decade behind the curve, and they are so insular that there is no desire internally to learn from others,” Pachter said. “Nintendo hardware goes away. There is a place for their content. There is no place for Nintendo hardware. Nobody cares. They will have to abandon hardware.”


It hurts how true that is, particularly about how they refuse to learn from others :(


100% right about being insular. They have to get out of the bubble.


You think apple with all its success doesn't scrutinise Android devices and vice versa.


It's absolutely crazy how a company like Nintendo in such a competitive market and be in such fast moving industry as technology but refuses to learn from others or monitor what others are doing.


There was another company who refused to adapt and continue to swim against the stride and in the space of a few years lost practically everything. Blackberry.


Inevitably this will draw hate from the Nintendo massive about these parts, but I agree. Their hardware is behind the curve and expensive for what it is, relative to the competition (£200 for a 3DS XL is pretty insane).


Dont think its as simple as that. I know spec wise the Vita offers more than a 3DS but the choice over the the new 3DS or a vita is a simple one for me simply down the software which I think has more value to the 3DS over a Vita.

Edited by liger05
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Interesting quote from Pachter:


“They are more than a decade behind the curve, and they are so insular that there is no desire internally to learn from others,” Pachter said. “Nintendo hardware goes away. There is a place for their content. There is no place for Nintendo hardware. Nobody cares. They will have to abandon hardware.”


It hurts how true that is, particularly about how they refuse to learn from others :(

You kind-of took that out of context. He was going on about the cloud, and what he said implies MS and Sony have no place with dedicated hardware, too. Here's the full bit for context

Streaming games from the cloud through services like PlayStation Now — or its rivals Playcast and OnLive — will get a lot easier and will be better quality. And that will put another dent in the console hardware market. Companies like Nintendo will suffer in this transition, Pachter said.


“They are more than a decade behind the curve, and they are so insular that there is no desire internally to learn from others,” Pachter said. “Nintendo hardware goes away. There is a place for their content. There is no place for Nintendo hardware. Nobody cares. They will have to abandon hardware.”


Also, he said that Candy Crush Saga was the best thing to happen to gaming in the same speech. He's clearly insane.

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Streaming games from the cloud through services like PlayStation Now — or its rivals Playcast and OnLive — will get a lot easier and will be better quality. And that will put another dent in the console hardware market. Companies like Nintendo will suffer in this transition, Pachter said.


Problem I have with this is I remember before PS4 and XB1 released and analysts were saying how Onlive and co are hurting consoles and it would be a struggle for the next generation of console.


Less than a year later the PS4 has sold more than 10 mil with the potential to sell a whole lot more.

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