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Music/Games/Films - only two can remain!


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I was thinking about this a while back and was compelled to make this thread after Flinks post in the 'me no understand' thread.


If you had to give up one medium forever, which would it be? Are films a bit 'meh'? Do you not play games as much as you used to? Is music just noise to you?


I thought about putting 'books' in the title as well, but i thought that most people would probably choose that (rather watch the film, right? It's shorter!), but feel free to choose it if you really want to.


Personally i would rather give up listening to music, as i really spend little to no time in my life solely listening to music anyhow. I enjoy the odd song, but i think i've bought about 5 albums in the past 10 years and wouldn't really miss it if i had to give it up.




(P.S. if you decide to give up music, the music in films still remain, as they are fairly integral. I'm talking about buying albums, going to concerts etc)

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Films. They are so yawny. First, they're passive since I cannot affect the situation in any way like in games. Second, the characters usually act like total friggin' dumbfaces just to create drama and tension. "Oh I finally found my dreamgirl, but since I saw her talking to another man for like 5 seconds I'm going to assume right away that he is her boyfriend and I shall never speak to her again even though she really seems to like me." Or "oh my god, there's an axe-murderer after us, let's all split because that makes total sense right guise?!!" Same with tv soap operas, they create drama out of thin air just to stir things up. It's not believable at all, and just makes me mad how stupid and one-dimensional the characters have been made.

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I'd give up films too I think. I enjoy music too much to lose it and obviously I'm not going to give up games :p


If TV is included in films it would be a harder choice but I think that'd still be the one I gave up... Of course, without films I'd be forced to play all the movie tie-in games which would no doubt make me regret my choice :p

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I think we all know games are the least consequential choice here. Modern triple A games are just interactive films anyway and music/film can easily provide the exhilarating experiences games can. You can also experience a lot of the thrills of games by actually getting off your ass and doing something with yourself - running, jumping, fighting and even shooting guns are all real attainable things.


So yeah, games. Easily games.

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Think I'd drop Music. While I do enjoy listening to older trance and love metal / nu metal etc. I haven't bought much new stuff recently. I'm stuck in a warp of listening to stuff from the 90's up to 2007.


Where as I'd like to continue playing Nintendo titles and other games, and would like to continue watching the Marvel Cinematic Universe expand :p

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I think I'd have to drop games (at least at this stage of my life).


I'm gaming less at the moment, and I have no one to game with really :p


If I was to find myself in a situation where I could game with people more and it become more of a social activity then I might consider dropping one of the others.


But as it stands although I don't watch a huge number of films, I do love watching them, and music... again I don't listen to it a huge amount, but if I couldn't have the radio on in the car I'd probably go crazy after a while, and it's always great going to a concert or something every once in a while.

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You can also experience a lot of the thrills of games by actually getting off your ass and doing something with yourself

Very true. Just buy a hood and a ticket to Italy, climb some rooftops and start murdering people. Same experience, real blood!

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Films. They are so yawny. First, they're passive since I cannot affect the situation in any way like in games. Second, the characters usually act like total friggin' dumbfaces just to create drama and tension. "Oh I finally found my dreamgirl, but since I saw her talking to another man for like 5 seconds I'm going to assume right away that he is her boyfriend and I shall never speak to her again even though she really seems to like me." Or "oh my god, there's an axe-murderer after us, let's all split because that makes total sense right guise?!!" Same with tv soap operas, they create drama out of thin air just to stir things up. It's not believable at all, and just makes me mad how stupid and one-dimensional the characters have been made.


There's bad writing with some film characters, there's bad writing with musical lyrics and there's bad writing with the dialogue of some games characters. That doesn't and shouldn't taint the whole genre.


There's equally good examples. What about the classic "Alien", which helped to redefine both the science fiction and thriller genre? The characters in that are all well developed, well written and the way it is filmed and shot is iconic. It's a classic for a reason. Blade Runner?


I can't live without music. It's too broad and I'm amazed when people say that they don't listen to it at all. It's the broadest and widest thing there is. There is literally something for everyone. You can argue that for film and games too, but music in particular has a certain amount of depth to it. There's also new genres being created all of the time, amalgamations of genres, genres being "brought back" and reworked. I went through a dip where I fell out of love with music, but I'm right back in it now after doing some soul searching and now I'm finding new stuff all the time.


Films are important to me. They engage me in a different way to films. In terms of priority, they matter to me less than music, but it's still very important. Even the whole experience of going to the cinema, which is something that I class as a night out. I love it. True, there is a lot of trash out there. I will rarely go to the cinema to see an action or a comedy film, purely because the amount of shovelware that exists is large. But, by the same token, there's so much to enjoy. I was blown away by Man of Steel, I will always remember watching Batman Begins and The Dark Knight back to back in preparation for Rises and seeing the Lord of the Rings trilogy in succession is another great memory of mine.


So, it would have to be games that would miss out. Not because I necessarily think it's not important to me, but only because I'm too in love with the other two to let go of those. At the moment, I'm gaming quite a bit and that trend seems to have been continuing since around the time I finished uni. I went through a lull period where I just lost a bit of interest, but now I'm right back in it and love it.

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Very true. Just buy a hood and a ticket to Italy, climb some rooftops and start murdering people. Same experience, real blood!


Ezio did not kill civilians. Ezio was also a murderer, we have those in real life too.

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I think we all know games are the least consequential choice here. Modern triple A games are just interactive films anyway and music/film can easily provide the exhilarating experiences games can. You can also experience a lot of the thrills of games by actually getting off your ass and doing something with yourself - running, jumping, fighting and even shooting guns are all real attainable things.


So yeah, games. Easily games.


You expect me to be able to go fishing, bug collecting and to water my flowers IN REAL LIFE?!

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I'm really shit/bad at films so I'd probably have to give them up. No music in the car?! What then! Games have been such a big/integral part of my life I'd be giving up a part of myself if I gave them up. Is it just video games, btw?


So yeah, it'd have to probs be films for me. It's a medium I consume, but I don't think quite as much as the other two. If TV was included in it however...hmm. I wonder what it'd be like just listening to a film instead of watching it...

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I'm on team Bob.



Of course, without films I'd be forced to play all the movie tie-in games which would no doubt make me regret my choice :p

No need to watch Man of Steel when you can play the smartphone game for the same experience!

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Games would definitely get patched. Right now the only game I ever play is COD, and I only ever play it online when my bro is playing and he can only play weekends.


As soon as COD no longer comes out on the 360 my gaming-era will end.

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Music is the one that would definitely stay. It easily trumps the other two.


If we're talkign about getting rid of our whole past memories of them, then I'd get rid of films. Games have been too big a part of my childhood to get rid of them.


Now though, I rarely play games (I say this even though I was playing Skyrim moments ago, which I've been playing for 83 hours [and will be played for many more]). I still play them, but I never enjoy them as much as I used to. Although I'm not a huge film watcher, I watch much more TV.


Argh I can't choose. Fuck you, bob, I won't play your stupid games.


*sits in the corner in a huff*

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Music is the one that would definitely stay. It easily trumps the other two.


If we're talkign about getting rid of our whole past memories of them, then I'd get rid of films. Games have been too big a part of my childhood to get rid of them.


Now though, I rarely play games (I say this even though I was playing Skyrim moments ago, which I've been playing for 83 hours [and will be played for many more]). I still play them, but I never enjoy them as much as I used to. Although I'm not a huge film watcher, I watch much more TV.


Argh I can't choose. Fuck you, bob, I won't play your stupid games.


*sits in the corner in a huff*


No, you can't get rid of the memories, that would defeat the purpose. You have to remember what you are missing out on... *cackling*

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