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Things you don't understand.


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I don't agree with the conclusions that article draws at all. I love The Big Bang Theory, I find it hilarious, but I certainly don't relate to Penny; I relate to the nerds, and that's exactly why I find it funny, because I can see myself in them and laugh at myself. I'm proud to be a nerd, and I certainly don't feel The Big Bang Theory is trying to demean that - in fact I'd say it's quite the opposite: It celebrates nerds. The main characters lead very successful lives with great careers, fulfilling love lives and a large and growing social circle. (In fact one of the complaints I hear from other nerds is that their lives are becoming unrealistically successful; they can't relate to them as much anymore.) Unlike many shows and movies where the nerds have to leave their nerdy side behind to become successful, the nerds in The Big Bang Theory are successful in spite of and often because of their nerdiness. The show celebrates nerds, but it's also telling us not to take ourselves so seriously as to not be able to laugh at ourselves - because we are quirky; isn't that one of the reasons we're proud to be nerds in the first place, that we choose to embrace our quirky sides despite social norms? Where the article sees ridicule, I see good-natured and sympathetic fun that allows people to laugh at and embrace their own idiosyncrasies. I hardly think Sheldon has attained his level of popularity because people dislike him; I think it's because most people can relate somewhat to his obsessive nature.


Also, as a footnote, the article demonstrates that it hasn't done its research properly by calling Amy asexual; she in fact has a very high libido, but is frustrated because Sheldon is asexual.

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But you see, I can COMPLETELY understand the relationship and why they need each other. And I cannot understand why you find the fictional relationships of fictional characters in an entertainment series worrying.


Because I lack relationships in my real life.

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I don't agree with the conclusions that article draws at all. I love The Big Bang Theory, I find it hilarious, but I certainly don't relate to Penny; I relate to the nerds, and that's exactly why I find it funny, because I can see myself in them and laugh at myself. I'm proud to be a nerd, and I certainly don't feel The Big Bang Theory is trying to demean that - in fact I'd say it's quite the opposite: It celebrates nerds. The main characters lead very successful lives with great careers, fulfilling love lives and a large and growing social circle. (In fact one of the complaints I hear from other nerds is that their lives are becoming unrealistically successful; they can't relate to them as much anymore.) Unlike many shows and movies where the nerds have to leave their nerdy side behind to become successful, the nerds in The Big Bang Theory are successful in spite of and often because of their nerdiness. The show celebrates nerds, but it's also telling us not to take ourselves so seriously as to not be able to laugh at ourselves - because we are quirky; isn't that one of the reasons we're proud to be nerds in the first place, that we choose to embrace our quirky sides despite social norms? Where the article sees ridicule, I see good-natured and sympathetic fun that allows people to laugh at and embrace their own idiosyncrasies. I hardly think Sheldon has attained his level of popularity because people dislike him; I think it's because most people can relate somewhat to his obsessive nature.


Also, as a footnote, the article demonstrates that it hasn't done its research properly by calling Amy asexual; she in fact has a very high libido, but is frustrated because Sheldon is asexual.


I was going to say the last part! The article is rubbish! In about 90% of episodes Amy has been included in, she's always wanting to jump Sheldon's bones...or bone, rather! ;)


I, too, love The Big Bang Theory and find it absolutely hilarious and it's because of what Dannyboy has pointed out. There are a lot of TV shows such as The Simpsons and South Park where nerds and geeks are portrayed in a demeaning manner but I find that The Big Bang Theory does the opposite. I don't know anybody who thinks otherwise.


If it wasn't for The Big Bang Theory, I wouldn't be the mega-awesome pussy-blasting pimp I am today! :p OBVIOUSLY this is a joke...or is it!


One thing I really don't understand, and a lot of people who work in retail can relate to me on this one, is why can't people put things back where they belong?! It's like, you just WATCHED me put something back on the shelf how it's supposed to be but you pick it up, look at it and put it back COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! It's so frustrating, I'm sure they do it on purpose! You're standing right beside me, you see me tidying the shoes and putting them so they face the front and you decide to pick up the same shoe I just tidied, drop it on the floor, try it on, take it off and either put it on a completely different box OR you put it facing the wrong way! It's almost like you have a death wish and you WANT me to whoop your arse! Ugh, it just frustrates me! Especially when you've been tidying for almost an hour or so and they SEE you do it and they KNOW how to put it back properly but they're too incompetent and lazy!


@Ashley @MoogleViper


I actually really enjoy the Big Bang Theory. Also, Sheldon is real. I have met people like that in real life so many times - I've even been accused of having character traits in common with him (honestly, my old therapist thought I tended towards Asperger's). I can really, really relate to his obsessive compulsive tendencies - bathroom regularity, which day for which food, germ phobia. I laugh at him and think "Christ, that's me... oh shit".


For example, we had a particular routine when I was at home for food:


Monday - Pasta and bacon. Either Carbonara or tomato pesto.


Tuesday - Lamb with green vegetables and mashed potato.


Wednesday - Sausages in one form or another.


Thursday - Chicken, usually casserole sometimes chasseur.


Friday - Jacket potatoes and baked beans.


Deviation from that drove me nuts.


I poop every day at 1pm and then at 6:30pm. I cannot start a book at bedtime: I have to start it at least an hour before bed otherwise I feel too stimulated by the new environment.


So you don't get it? Fair enough? But don't fucking insult people who do, because it makes you a supercillious, pretentious cunt. I don't "get" all these mafia games people play on the board, but I respect the fact that there are those people who get a kick out of them.


In fact, that's my thing I don't understand: People have different preferences and tastes. Respect that. Don't mock them. Remember, video gamers (as the majority of us are) are generally thought of unhygienic and socially inept by people who don't share our hobby.


I can relate to this. I can also relate to Sheldon in a way as I have OCD tendencies. I'm not massively OCD but it is to the extent that it can bother me sometimes and it can even annoy me. Like I can't do certain things without doing something first. Like when I lock a door, I have to tap the centre of the door twice, not knock it but gently tap it. With car doors, I pull the door lever twice on all doors and then gently check the boot even though I know I've not been in the boot, I still have to do it before I'm satisfied and I carry on.


Sheldon reminds me of me in a way such as the way he HAS to knock three times, three times in a row and say the person's name in between each three knocks. It reminds me of the kind of things I do.

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I don't understand how or why people don't listen to instructions or reasoning. This isn't just about the kids I see in school either, it's also relevant to the adults.


We had a trip yesterday and the person organising it wanted to visit three places in one day. We explained how and why this wouldn't work, because the bus drivers need to get back for 3:30 so that they can have their break before going off at 4 to drive the kids home, which can take up to two hours. The organiser at the time seemed to take some offence to this, thinking that the drivers were trying to sabotage her trip, but she eventually relented, agreeing to just visit the two places.


Yesterday, on the way back to the school, she suddenly decided that there was still enough time to visit the last place that she initially wanted to visit (the same place we told her we didn't have enough time to visit), so we ended up doing that anyway after she pretty much ordered the driver's to go there. There was no planning for it, and there was no time.


We ended up getting back to the school a few minutes past 4, which meant that I didn't get to have any rest before my after-school club started and the drivers didn't get any rest before they went off to do their bus run.


What I don't understand is why people do things like this. We had explained in great detail why it wasn't possible to do the initial plan, we reasoned with her, we told her about needing breaks, etc. Yet, she still did it. I don't understand how or why people act like this at times. How can we expect the kids to listen to reason if the adults don't even fucking do it?!

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I always get the impression with the big bang theory, that its written by people of low/average intelligence about how they perceive intelligent people are, or would act in amusing situations.

Some of the "intelligent" jokes seem like someones gone through a thesaurus and picked the most fancy words and phrases, then gone to wikipedia to get a general knowledge on the subject matter then forced it into what they think is something highly amusing

Isn't it a Chuck Lore production the guy who did two and a half men? it would explain a lot

maybe a better way to say it is its trying to be high brow when really it seems more low brow?


i know what i mean


Maybe i'm too harsh on it, having only seen the pilot and the first 2 or three episodes following recommendations from people at work, but i just found it so forced and only mildly amusing, the way some people go on about it you'd think it was written by Oscar winning screen writers with PHD's in comedy


that post also seems terribly condescending when its not meant to be


They consult a physics professor for the physics jokes and the like. I'm not sure how the relationship went, watched about it in one of the dvd extras some time ago.

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Jay's employment


I'm happy for you Jay but I just don't get it.



He goes from being a semi-tramp (No offence dude) in Australia to being fought over and negotiating a £15k salary!?






I can't tell if this is really sarcastic or just insanely jealous that when given the opportunity J7 has worked hard and is now reaping the rewards and as a result quite shocked you'd even post this.


I'm hoping the former.

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I think he meant it in a good way, as in it was only a few months ago that Jay was talking about how he only had 3 pounds to last him the rest off the week. Now he has this awesome job, and rising fast. Awesome turnaround.

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I think he meant it in a good way, as in it was only a few months ago that Jay was talking about how he only had 3 pounds to last him the rest off the week. Now he has this awesome job, and rising fast. Awesome turnaround.



I've always though of Jay as looking like the guy in the live organ donation sketch in The Meaning of Life.





So yeah, kudos for your success!

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Jay's employment


I'm happy for you Jay but I just don't get it.



He goes from being a semi-tramp (No offence dude) in Australia to being fought over and negotiating a £15k salary!?






Pretty sure its just called hard work. @jayseven is actually a great guy and after putting in some effort is getting a good job.


Don't see how its difficult to understand? :heh:

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I do not understand why so many people come in to the pub where I work and seem to think we do cash back. As far as I know only Asda do cash back, maybe some other supermarkets do it though? A woman came in today and bought a couple of drinks and wanted to pay on card and we have a rule where you can only spend £5 minimum if you're paying by card. So she said "I'll just have £10 cashback too then" as if it was just matter-of-fact that we did it :wtf: I have to tell people at least 10 times a week that we don't offer cashback and I can't even be patronising about it :(


Are there pubs out there that do cashback?

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i'm sure some some pubs do, i'm sure i was in one once where someone i was with got some and i was shcked they did it.

i can't think which one it is though because its really rare


whilst trying to think which pub it could have been i've become quite shocked just how many i've frequented in Leeds

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I do not understand why so many people come in to the pub where I work and seem to think we do cash back. As far as I know only Asda do cash back, maybe some other supermarkets do it though? A woman came in today and bought a couple of drinks and wanted to pay on card and we have a rule where you can only spend £5 minimum if you're paying by card. So she said "I'll just have £10 cashback too then" as if it was just matter-of-fact that we did it :wtf: I have to tell people at least 10 times a week that we don't offer cashback and I can't even be patronising about it :(


Are there pubs out there that do cashback?


The University of Lomdon bar do. Only place I happen to know as it happened to me last week.

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I don't see the appeal, especially with the drawbacks. It stinks, it's expensive, it's unattractive, the health risks, everything. A friend once got me to try a cigarette or two and I felt nothing. I don't understand how people can get addicted to it, because it's so bluddy boring and such a non-event in the first place. I am immediately put off by a girl who smokes.


This would probably be at the top of my list and 2nd and 3rd etc. Health risks aside, I absolutely cannot stand the smell. It's Repulsive, almost makes me vomit every time.


Even worse than that are those punks that decide to exhale just when you're in their proximity.

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I do not understand why so many people come in to the pub where I work and seem to think we do cash back. As far as I know only Asda do cash back, maybe some other supermarkets do it though? A woman came in today and bought a couple of drinks and wanted to pay on card and we have a rule where you can only spend £5 minimum if you're paying by card. So she said "I'll just have £10 cashback too then" as if it was just matter-of-fact that we did it :wtf: I have to tell people at least 10 times a week that we don't offer cashback and I can't even be patronising about it :(


Are there pubs out there that do cashback?


The pub I worked at did cashback, and this was 5 years ago. They still do.


Also the Walkabout in Nottingham did cashback too, which was a welcome relief as I was showing off my pitcher drinking skills to the One Life Left people and needed money for a taxi.

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No, not / nando / but the fast food place that has appeared on many a high street and out of town shopping centre in the last few years. It's just chicken, and it's not really that good. I get far better results at home. That's not to say I hate Nandos, but I don't understand why people (normally chavvy types) go on about it like it's the second coming.

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No, not / nando / but the fast food place that has appeared on many a high street and out of town shopping centre in the last few years. It's just chicken, and it's not really that good. I get far better results at home. That's not to say I hate Nandos, but I don't understand why people (normally chavvy types) go on about it like it's the second coming.


Yeah it's weird. And there's nothing that even makes it clear that it's just chicken. It should be called Chicken World or something.

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