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Super Mario 3D World (Nov 29th)


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Same screen multiplayer Mario is naff and irritating enough. I can't even imagine it over online with someone with a crap connection/ping etc.


Not to mention having to play with some idiotic 12-year old, who screams to the mic all the time telling how fat my mom is. Or with people going to message boards complaining about games they have never played.


This is why I enjoy playing alone or at least with someone who has equal skills to me, locally. My connection wouldn't probably even allow enjoyable online play, so yeah.

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Bbbbbuuuu.... I want to see your face while I play it...


Choice, Nintendo. It's an admirable thing wanting people to continue to play together, getting everyone round the tv at Christmas etc, I can imagine it'll cause some funny moments in our house.


But, some people don't have that option, and want a different experience. Why not have more of an incentive to play at home locally (special levels or something) if that's what you want to push, while still giving the option of online. Plus online the camera can just follow your character, rather than trying to cram 4 on one screen and stretching out.


Still, I like the idea of the advert perhaps being a close up of someone's face playing it, getting into it, then the camera pans back to see their mate, Wiimote in hand, just staring right at their face. "I WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE!!! Super Mario 3D World, only on Wii U"

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This should be framed, frozen in time forever and quoted to Serebii, his kids and his kids kids whenever he says in future that it can't it be done. ;) Ssshhh, he's here, this should be interesting.

Just PR speak. They don't want to be seen as being "incompetent" by idiots who know nothing about things.

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How many 4 player platformers are playable online?


Hint, the answer is two - Little Big Planet 1 & 2 (there IS Trine 2 as well, but there's no direct player interaction involved and that makes all the difference when it comes to net code)


Now, how was the lag in that game? (bearing in mind that it was nowhere near as precise and reliant on perfect frame timing as the Mario games, so any experience with the Mario games would be at least 10x worse...)





... Yeah... Maybe when we all have perfect fibre optic...

Edited by Dcubed
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Mindless excuses - from Miyamoto to fans. There is no excuse for a total lack of online. Does it need to be an exact replica of the main game? Is COD? Is GTA? The fuck they are, they're experiences tailored to online; online challenge maps could have worked, maybe limited it to 2 players; there are options available for online - it's just Nintendo can't be bothered with it. They've got fuck all ambition at the moment.

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There's also the likes of Explosion Man that is 4 player coop, as well as Ratchet A4O.


I personally don't see what the big is. It's not as if people are asking for the

game to be changed. All we want us a freaking option to play with our mates online.


The level of defence I've seen for this subject is staggering. The Final Bosman was right in the money.

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There's also the likes of Explosion Man that is 4 player coop, as well as Ratchet A4O.


I personally don't see what the big is. It's not as if people are asking for the

game to be changed. All we want us a freaking option to play with our mates online.


The level of defence I've seen for this subject is staggering. The Final Bosman was right in the money.

Those don't rely on precision platforming as much as Mario does. Just a small bit of lag would ruin Mario

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Seriously what's going on with Nintendo, it was possible to make it have online play but they chose not to... i don't get it.

I'm lucky enough to be able to play with my brothers and friends locally, but for people who can't i understand how this is a pain.


It's annoying as hell. They are really stuck in the past when it comes to certain things with online gaming. I've recently been playing the Vita a lot and it's crazy how better certain things are on that handheld then on a full blown console. Party chat, faster OS, friend notifications, more online games and so on.

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The way its phrased, and it could just be a poor translation or whatever, suggests they did try it and it does work (as opposed to the "it could work, the technology is there") and then chose not to, which is more infuriating. If that is the case, and issues of lag etc were not affecting online gameplay, then it's a real dick move.

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Those don't rely on precision platforming as much as Mario does. Just a small bit of lag would ruin Mario


Yes a small bit of lag would ruin a headshot, ruin evading a green shell or ruin landing a final smash. All ruined, ruined I tells ya!

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There's also the likes of Explosion Man that is 4 player coop


But the online was so out-of-sync, that it was simply impossible to play, as it required precise timing from multiple people. Everyone activating a switch at the same time was impossible.


And that was 2-player. With more, it was even worse.

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But the online was so out-of-sync, that it was simply impossible to play, as it required precise timing from multiple people. Everyone activating a switch at the same time was impossible.


And that was 2-player. With more, it was even worse.


I played it with my nephew and never had such issues. *shrugs shoulders*

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Yes a small bit of lag would ruin a headshot, ruin evading a green shell or ruin landing a final smash. All ruined, ruined I tells ya!


FPS and racing games are very well suited to online netcode and that has been very much a "solved problem" for years now. There is a reason why every Mario Kart since 2005 has been playable online...


Getting Mario to work online is more like trying to get a 4 player game of Street Fighter online though (only worse since you have stage hazards and enemies, with various amounts of health, to keep track of too). Developers have only just about managed to get 2 player 2D fighters to work online (and even then, just barely), while nobody has ever managed to get a 4 player fighter or platformer to work (just look at the total mess that Brawl is online, for the kind of experience you might expect!)


But I've been saying this for years and still nobody wants to listen, so why bother? Obviously Ubisoft were just lazy with Rayman Origins & Legends and can't get a game to work online for toffee :p

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The way FPS and racers work is that a lot of it is extrapolation rather than live. If the connection is good, then it's not an issue, otherwise what the game does is just extrapolate speed, trajectory etc.


That's why you sometimes see people darting about crazily. The game is catching up to them. Lag is still a major issue in FPS games.


Extrapolation isn't necessarily feasible in a precision platformer such as Mario, with the level of interactivity that Mario has. It's the same reason as fighters have only just managed to be online.

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The way FPS and racers work is that a lot of it is extrapolation rather than live. If the connection is good, then it's not an issue, otherwise what the game does is just extrapolate speed, trajectory etc.


That's why you sometimes see people darting about crazily. The game is catching up to them. Lag is still a major issue in FPS games.


Extrapolation isn't necessarily feasible in a precision platformer such as Mario, with the level of interactivity that Mario has. It's the same reason as fighters have only just managed to be online.


Exactly! Spot on!


A good example of this difference can also be seen in looking at Pikmin 3 VS your typical RTS game. In something like Starcraft, you tell your characters where to go and the game extrapolates their trajectory and time of arrival (dealing with any hazards or battles enroute is also easy as the game already knows the outcome of your move before it happens, because you don't control their movement directly). In Pikmin 3 however, this kind of predictive netcode does not work because your character can turn on a dime, meaning that it would have to track your movements live (and doing that with 102 characters, who all move around independently, with their own set of health and attack states, is basically impossible).


So, if this cannot be done well, something that most of us simply will not agree on so don't harp on about it, then why not come out and just say that it can't be done? Why bother with the smoke and mirrors if it's such a standard in the industry where no one can pull it off?


Because internet bandwith and IP technology is constantly improving. It might not be possible now, but in the future? Who knows? (They could also re-design the game so that online play is possible, like removing direct player interaction and making the other players ghosts - changing the level design to fit - but they're not gonna get into technical details with the interviewer or their audience of consumers; cause Nintendo like to avoid tech-talk as much as possible)


Better to give a wishy-washy answer (which is probably also being distorted in translation), than to flat out say no and potentially make yourself look stupid in the future if you do ever end up making an online Mario game (through better online technology or a differently designed game).

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Indeed, I'll still be buying it no doubt.


But just another thought, saying it's not currently possible to do this etc...why aren't Nintendo the ones breaking this new ground? Could have been another Mario 64 moment, a system seller showing how unique the Wii U is. The biggest franchise in gaming history breaking new ground, something for other companies to follow once again. It would make the game perfect, and that's what Nintendo strives for!

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To be honest...online is something I never expected/wanted for Mario games. The only sort of Mario game multiplayer I remember was that coupled with the Mario Advance games (like Mario Bros). Kinda hectic and ok I guess. But the general concept of jumping on heads just doesn't seem like online multiplayer material to me. Saying that though, I'm sure they could create something really cool if they put their thinking caps on.


Has Mario Party ever been done online? That game would work really well online I think.

Edited by Sheikah
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To be honest...online is something I never expected/wanted for Mario games. The only sort of Mario game multiplayer I remember was that coupled with the Mario Advance games (like Mario Bros). Kinda hectic and ok I guess. But the general concept of jumping on heads just doesn't seem like online multiplayer material to me. Saying that though, I'm sure they could create something really cool if they put their thinking caps on.


Has Mario Party ever been done online? That game would work really well online I think.


Boom Street has, and that's a token Mario Party.

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