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NINTENDO @ E3: Towards Hype and Hyperboles

Fused King

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What about


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Returns


in line with the new Returns series:


Donkey Kong Country Returns Returns

F-Zero Returns

Star Fox Returns

Advance Wars Returns

Rare Returns

Gunpei Yokoi Returns

NINTENDO Returns to form

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What about


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Returns


in line with the new Returns series:


Donkey Kong Country Returns Returns

F-Zero Returns

Star Fox Returns

Advance Wars Returns

Rare Returns

Gunpei Yokoi Returns

NINTENDO Returns to form


Kirby Returns to Dreamland actually does sort of already fit into that naming scheme ;)


Too bad that NOE bollocked it up by calling it Kirby's Adventure Wii :nono:

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What about


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Returns


in line with the new Returns series:


Donkey Kong Country Returns Returns

F-Zero Returns

Star Fox Returns

Advance Wars Returns

Rare Returns

Gunpei Yokoi Returns

NINTENDO Returns to form


Maybe Capcom can get in on the action and have RE: Turns, and then 10 years later bring it back as RE: Turns Returns.



(and yes I know that wouldn't work in Japan before someone points it out :heh:)

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Rare Returns

I would pay to see that happen. If Nintendo were to create a crowdfunding campaign to make it happen, I would support it, even though I never support those kinds of things. I would sign a contract that essentially forces me to pre-purchase everything they release for the Wii U.



IF Return to the Past turns out to be the real title, what do you think it'll be. I can see it being a 3D, HD remake of the very first Zelda, or yet another Zelda with time travel. Although I would actually like to see a Zelda taking place after the other ones.

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IF Return to the Past turns out to be the real title, what do you think it'll be. I can see it being a 3D, HD remake of the very first Zelda, or yet another Zelda with time travel. Although I would actually like to see a Zelda taking place after the other ones.

It's the A Link to the Past sequel.

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If Rare became good again then I would pay to see that happen.


To be fair, they haven't actually been allowed to make a proper game since the brilliant Nuts & Bolts in 2008.


It's the A Link to the Past sequel.


A Link Back to the Past.

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What about


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Returns


in line with the new Returns series:


Donkey Kong Country Returns Returns

F-Zero Returns

Star Fox Returns

Advance Wars Returns

Rare Returns

Gunpei Yokoi Returns

NINTENDO Returns to form


You forgot New Super Mario Bros World Returns U!



Return to the Past is an interesting name if it's true, I'd wonder if it has any gameplay implications.

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A Link Back to the Future.


I can see it now, the mad scientist from lake Hylie appears in a flash of light on a Horse with Armour resembling pieces of a delorean on it


Mad Scientist: Link! You've gotta come back with me!


Marty: Where?


Mad Scientist: Back to the future.


Link: Whoa, wait a minute, what are you doing here, Doc?


Mad Scientist: Quick. Go ahead, quick. Get on the Horse!


Link: No, no, no, no, no, no, Doc. Zelda just got here, we're gonna take Epona out for a spin.


Mad Scientist: Well, bring her along. This concerns her too.


Link: Whoa, wait a minute, Doc. What are you talking about? What happens to us in the future? What, do we become assholes or something?


Mad Scientist: No, no, no, no, no, Link. Both you and Zelda turn out fine. It's your kids, Link. Something gotta be done about your kids!





(shamelessly stole the quote from a website and altered it)

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As has been announced within their E3 schedule, Nintendo is due to have a special Pokémon X & Y Presentation/Q&A at one of the roundtables following their Nintendo Direct presentation. This Q&A is to run on June 11th at 6pm Pacific time within the E3 halls and will last one and a half hours. It is unknown if the content for this Q&A will be broadcast on the internet, but we'll provide details as it comes


:) It's happening!

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Mad Scientist: Link! You've gotta come back with me!


Link: ...??


Mad Scientist: Back to the future.


Link: !

Link: ??


Mad Scientist: Quick. Go ahead, quick. Get on...the Horse!


Link: .....! <3?!


Mad Scientist: Well, bring her along. This concerns her too.


Link: !!

Link: ??? <3?


Mad Scientist: No, no, no, no, no, Link. Both you and Zelda turn out fine. It's your kids, Link. Something gotta be done about your kids!




(shamelessly stole the quote from a website and altered it)


Fixed it a bit more. Plus imagine it's still got the same scientist's music and his wobbly head.

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More E3 rumours


My understanding this particular Direct would be week after next, early that week. That was the plan for this particular direct, so evidently they moved it so it can be during E3 itself...interesting. I'm still thinking there may be a smaller Mini direct week after next though. So as to not spill the beans, ill share what I believe will be the contents of this Dorect along with a few tidbits about each thing. It's going to be a largely Wii U Direct. These aren't in any particular order of actual showing, rather its going by what things people want to hear the most about.


1. Retro: Finally after at least a few years development, their game is finally ready to be unveiled. What is it? It's an old Nintendo IP that people have wanted them to do for a while, but no one thought they had the guts to do it-but they did. I'm very happy with the one they chose to do. It'll definitely fall into that "Wooooo helllll yeah!!!" category for a vast majority I think. Trailer set to be shown at the Direct.


2. Mario....wow is everyone in for a really huge treat with this!!! I know the exact title of the latest adventure. Everything's been so vague hint wise so ill say something a little more exact about it. That 100 Year Guy is right on one thing-it's an enormously large, grand adventure in scope and size. Development began on Wii, not too long after Galaxy 2 was done. This adventure brings together a lot of levels, concepts, ideas, level types, mechanics and characters people have been begging for a long time for. Maybe you'll finally see Wart again this time ;) it makes very clever, imaginative use of the game pad but its definitely not forced. You can certainly play with traditional controls. Trailer and a giid look at game play on the Direct. Release set for late October. This October.


3. Zelda. First the bad news..it's a mid 2015 title at the soonest. They are debating between middle and Thanksgiving/Christmas 2015. Aim is to have most of if not all the game to look like that tech demo from 2 years ago. Story is the longest and grandest in the series. You MAY see some brief concept art at this E3 but they're looking more to fully unveil it early next year. They're debating between a few ideas as well as concepts and which they want to use. They want a familiar yet really fresh take on this for everyone. How soon you'll get it depends on that. They may again make a brief mention at this direct with the understanding it's still too early to show. No exact title yet. Just Zelda Wii U ATM.


4. Mario Kart U....this mighta changed but last impression I got from it is its basically a souped up Mario Kart 7...literally. Think that, online play if course and Miiverse integration slapped in. It should be out in time for this Christmas 2013. Aim was to bring out something for the U that's on the safe side that's guaranteed to help jump start the U. Some added tweaks and whistles here and there. Trailer plus some gameplay at the Direct.


5. Super Smash Bros. 4...As promised by Mr. Iwata and Reggie, it will finally be unveiled during this Direct. What you're about to see is...odd. How to describe...there will be an unveil trailer, and during this trailer a few characters in the. Roster will be announced. All the others are black shadowy silhouettes. You should get a good idea who some of them are, others will be "Who the hell's that supposed to be!?" The full roster will be gradually unveiled from now till release. Release is aiming for Thanksgiving 2014. It might slip to closer to Christmas though. The aim is to launch both the 3DS and U games same day, so they'll do what it takes to get that to happen. This is the big 2014 game for Nintendo. 3DS version is further along than the U one. That one will also be shown on th Direct. Some parts of U version done, others still cooking. Coding, etc set to start in earnest this fall. It looks great ;)


6. General Wii U...possibly price cut, they really would rather not but they understand this nay be the only way to re jump start it. Possible Ambassador Program 2, looking at a few neat ideas for that. They will attempt one last time to very clearly communicate what the U is and isn't. They want to get people excited again and show good value.


X and Yarn Yoshi will have trailers. Both 2014 games. SMT x Fire Emblem is still too soon to show, but it's a really weird ass collaboration project-will be in a good way for fans of both,


One final huge surprise.,.its both a oh hell this makes sense and with kind of thing rolled into one. The aim is to introduce it fully in Fall of Winter. Timing still being decided. May or may not be announced at the Direct.


That's all for your Nintendo stockings, see you all after E3 ;)


If that Mario Kart rumour turns out to be true I will not be a happy chappy.

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I would highly, highly doubt they would announce a price cut during E3 when the other two are showing off their new consoles. It would come across as fear/admitting defeat rather than trying to be competitive. If they wanted to price cut, they would do it just before the new consoles release.

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Mario Kart 7 HD, :shakehead I don't want that... I'd still buy it of course! :smile:


Didn't Miyamoto say that they felt they basically had the Mario Kart formula perfected..? If that's the case, I can definitely see a game very similar to Mario Kart 7 being released on Wii U but likely swapping out the gliding for something else.. ::shrug:


Practically everyone, though, has been demanding an 'Adventure Mode' for years, like in Diddy Kong Racing. Combine that with the excellent racing of Mario Kart 7, and challenges, like those found in Mario Kart DS, and you could be looking at the best game in the series :hehe:


They really need to fix the 'Battle Mode', though. They completely ruined it after the awesome Mario Kart 64 to the point where I just don't bother with it any more :hmm:

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Didn't Miyamoto say that they felt they basically had the Mario Kart formula perfected..? If that's the case, I can definitely see a game very similar to Mario Kart 7 being released on Wii U but likely swapping out the gliding for something else.. ::shrug:


Practically everyone, though, has been demanding an 'Adventure Mode' for years, like in Diddy Kong Racing. Combine that with the excellent racing of Mario Kart 7, and challenges, like those found in Mario Kart DS, and you could be looking at the best game in the series :hehe:


They really need to fix the 'Battle Mode', though. They completely ruined it after the awesome Mario Kart 64 to the point where I just don't bother with it any more :hmm:


Why don't they just take out the gliding and have something that requires skill instead... yes I went there! ;) Bring back the feather I say only make it more useful, have sections of the track - shortcuts - that can only be accessed via using the feather, but you have to be exact with your timing otherwise you fall off-course, it could be the difference between gaining a lead or ending up last, adding in a nice risk-reward element. :D


Adventure Mode? Yes please... I would absolutely love this but if they are rushing Mario Kart out the we won't get it, if they are delaying it however and making it better then I'm all for that.


Battle Mode... basically yeah... just erm copy the battle mode that was in Mario Kart 64? I don't see why Nintendo keep trying to reinvent this as they only ever fuck it up royally, I just don't understand it, a copy-paste would work, more importantly it would be less work - for them - and it would be amazing, add in online then we're set! :)

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I'll probably skip on Mario Kart again unless they make some positive improvements. Quite frankly, the series has been a bit shit since MKDS. News of it just being 7 in HD doesn't fill me with confidence.


I'd happily take another ExciteTruck or F Zero over Mario Kart, right now. At least you'll be guaranteed a fantastic single player.

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