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Your Greatest Gaming Achievement?!

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Inspired by @Dannyboy\-the\-Danes post...


Fucking ... UNF! Just completed the Control Centre level in GoldenEye. ON 00 AGENT. I feel awesome now.

I wondered what everyone might class as their Greatest Achievement in Video Games?...


What task have you sunk hundreds of gaming hours into?

What level have you replayed over, and over and over, and over.... and over.


What has had you throwing your controller at the TV screen... only to sit back at the end of it all and never felt so proud of yourself!! :D


We're talking collectables, unbeatable times, difficultly levels, 100% completions etc.


N-Europe... GO! :)

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Actually being top of a leader board on Xbox Live. Shame about all those cheaters and how I lost that place within 2 weeks though..


I've also won a master ball twice in the generation IV games of Pokemon. Once on Pokemon Diamond and the other in Soul Silver

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Haha, I was actually in the process of making the thread myself, inspired by you! :D


I'll just post the long-ass intro I wrote for my own thread here, then. :heh:




I occasionally pick up the old N64 controller and return to my childhood, and the game I return to the most is without a doubt GoldenEye 007. Which makes perfect sense, considering you realistically don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of fully completing that game as a child! :p


So throughout my adult years I've been playing through the game on the harder difficulties that I couldn't possibly do as a child, and some years ago I finally completed all missions on the Secret Agent difficulty. The next challenge was the dreaded 00 Agent difficulty, and boy, have I spent many hours on that project!


Originally I only got to Silo, at which point I got stuck and lost interest; I wasn't that seriously into it at that point. Then one day while over at a friend's house, we randomly stuck GoldenEye in the N64 and started playing, and then our completionist drive was sparked! Since then we've returned to the game from time to time and just played it non-stop for hours, taking turns trying to beat the missions on 00 Agent, figuring out strategies and burning them into our muscle memory. While he completed some of the missions and I others, our successes were definitely a combined and shared effort as evident by the fact that whenever I returned home from one of our sessions, I would complete the same missions again myself. It was also quite obvious whenever we played that we were very much on the same level and sharing the experience of our sessions; it was often a matter of coincidence which one of us ended up completing the individual missions.


Last summer we got from Statue to Control, but then we didn't make it any further, and Control has since loomed over our heads, which isn't surprising given that most people agree it's the most dreaded mission in the game. After watching the live-action GoldenEye multiplayer video posted on the forums a couple of days ago, I got in the mood for some GoldenEye and as such picked it up today, not daring to seriously consider completing Control. I gave it a go, of course, and after a couple of tries the completionist drive had naturally emerged; I made decent progress a couple of times, screwed up a lot, and once or twice I actually got pretty close.


And then I did it.


I fucking completed Control on 00 Agent.


It was such a rush, and I was shaking for at least 15 minutes afterwards while I messaged my friend and bragged my ass off. :heh:


I posted about it in the good stuff thread, but then Retro_Link came up with the great idea of making an actual thread out of it, so here it is! :D (In the end he evidently beat me to it, most likely because I spent so long writing this story! :laughing:)


What great, personal achievements in gaming have YOU experienced? Are there any victories you remember as particularly exhilarating? Any that gave you a rush Red Bull could only hope to match? Any that left you shaking in a puddle of your own sweat/tears/blood?


Share your stories here! :)

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Not really sure. I've never been one to sink hours into a game just for the sake of completing it.


I used to have great scores on BF2. There was very rarely a game where I didn't finish top of my team, if not top of the leaderboard. Although I never played ranked servers so I never had anything to show for it. Not that I'm bothered. It was a awesome feeling being so good at it, I wasn't bothered about bragging rights.


I used to finish top of TF2 and Medal of Honor quite often as well, but not as often as BF2. Not been very good at many recent FPSs. Was rubbish at MW2, average at CS:GO, and slightly above average at BF3.

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I think the hardest game that requires fast reactions and I have completed 100% is Super Mario Sunshine. Before Galaxy 2, getting 120 Shines used to be considered one of the hardest challenges in the Mario series. Didn't frustrate me that much either.


As for RPGs, it has to be defeating every Legacy Boss in Dragon Quest IX at Level 99 (that is to say, they are at Level 99). I know RPGs don't usually require fast reflexes, but it was still incredibly hard to beat them at that level. They don't follow a set pattern, so you really do have to choose the right moves every round, and adapt to the situation.

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I can do this with ease now but that's only because me and my friend poured HOURS into trying to master this fucking bird.



(and after watching that video it makes it look like a piece of piss xD)


This also nearly drove me completely insane, but I'm so glad I stuck it out:




But, the biggest achievement for me was finally beating that awful jack in the box guy on Donkey Kong 64, not only was he damn hard but he scared the shit out of me as a child.



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Not sure what my greatest achievement is really; wouldn't say I've done anything miraculous or out of the ordinary that springs to mind.


I think the hardest game that requires fast reactions and I have completed 100% is Super Mario Sunshine. Before Galaxy 2, getting 120 Shines used to be considered one of the hardest challenges in the Mario series. Didn't frustrate me that much either.



I never got ALL the shines on Sunshine because of the blue coins, but I got every single other existing objective shine; some of those red coin ones were quite tricky with their time limits iirc! I also saw mention of DK64, I was quite happy at the time to manage to get 201 bananas by the end; the Nintendo coin proved trickiest for me(I even had to get it for a friend lol).

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But, the biggest achievement for me was finally beating that awful jack in the box guy on Donkey Kong 64, not only was he damn hard but he scared the shit out of me as a child.


I never managed to complete DK64. I got 101% of the golden bananas, but I could never defeat the original DK arcade for the second time.


As for my accomplishments, completing Burnout Paradise is one of them. The multiplayer consisted of 490 challenges - 70 each for a select number of players (70 for 2 players, 70 for 3 players, up to 8 players), as well as 10 extra for any amount of players. So not only do you have to do the challenges, but you have to communicate with others and talk them into or help them out with the challenges.


Considering how I usually am talking to strangers, this was quite a feat for me. Plus there were 70 timed challenges (part of the 500) which I managed to get onto the top of a few leaderboards for.

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Platinum Trophies on both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. Although a lot of the progress was down to item and tendancy manipulation.


Also got the Platinum for CoD: World at War. Completing the game on Veteran was fucking nuts and completely blew my mind.


I have some decent times on Trails too, I've got Inferno down to 6 faults. Although I haven't played it for a while but I'm convinced I can zero fault it.

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Diddy Kong Racing - Wizpig races. They were evil.


Took me half a day to do the last level in Super Mario Galaxy 2 as well, you know the special comet daredevil one. I've forgotten the name, but those bloody Hammer Bros near the end were a nightmare!

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I never managed to complete DK64. I got 101% of the golden bananas, but I could never defeat the original DK arcade for the second time.


Wait what, I thought you had to get the Nintendo and Rare coins in order to get the final 'secret' banana, no? Or to 101% it? It feels so long ago(well it was) but man...I am tempted to bust that bad boy out again.

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Getting 117 Shines in Super Mario Sunshine is one, yes. No, I don't care that I used guides to find the remaining blue coins.


Beating every Story Chapter in Very Hard Mode in F-Zero GX is another one. Fucking ace.


Beating the "Good" path in Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume without New Game+. Every hint I got on the internet said it was impossible, but I proved them wrong.


In Tales of Symphonia, beating the entire game, plus Abyssion and Sword Dancer, in Manic difficulty.


I once got 150 and 248 Pokémon in Pokémon Blue and Silver, respectively. True story.


My old record with the Super Sheep in Worms Armaggedon. I was a master with it.


This might sound silly, but finding all the rainbow shards in Kirby's Dream Land 2 was huge when I was a kid. I didn't know any guides, and nobody else at school even realised it was even a thing (even though the game was popular). But I did, so I explored the entire game up and down, found all of them with absolutely no knowledge if something would even happen and WHAM! New Final Boss. And then everyone at school kept asking me where to find the shards. It was awesome.

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Reading this thread makes me realise that i don't have a single gaming achievement to be proud of. Most of the time i count it as an achievement if i complete a game.


Having said that, i got all but one of the collectables on Spiderman 2, and i maintain that the last one wasn't there for some glitchy reason.

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Catching the Hylian Loach on OOT as a child with no idea what a Hylian Loach was at the time. Was a good 15 minute tug of war with the blighter, thinking I had a real lunker on my hands, finding out it was this strange fish, only to realise after I had done accidentally what usually requires being old and a sinking lure! Didn't have the technology or the nous to take any photographic evidence, but I remember it as clear as day!

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Diddy Kong Racing - Wizpig races. They were evil.


FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Yeah, I remember those. Actually all the bosses in DKR were quite challenging.


Took me half a day to do the last level in Super Mario Galaxy 2 as well, you know the special comet daredevil one. I've forgotten the name, but those bloody Hammer Bros near the end were a nightmare!


Hm, I'm unsure what level you're referring to?


You'd never have done it if you had to do this.. :heh:




Really impractical, but such a cool idea :eek:


Holy ... surely the game would've needed to be made easier if they'd kept that aspect! :o


Getting 117 Shines in Super Mario Sunshine is one, yes. No, I don't care that I used guides to find the remaining blue coins.


Beating every Story Chapter in Very Hard Mode in F-Zero GX is another one. Fucking ace.


Beating the "Good" path in Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume without New Game+. Every hint I got on the internet said it was impossible, but I proved them wrong.


In Tales of Symphonia, beating the entire game, plus Abyssion and Sword Dancer, in Manic difficulty.


I once got 150 and 248 Pokémon in Pokémon Blue and Silver, respectively. True story.


My old record with the Super Sheep in Worms Armaggedon. I was a master with it.


This might sound silly, but finding all the rainbow shards in Kirby's Dream Land 2 was huge when I was a kid. I didn't know any guides, and nobody else at school even realised it was even a thing (even though the game was popular). But I did, so I explored the entire game up and down, found all of them with absolutely no knowledge if something would even happen and WHAM! New Final Boss. And then everyone at school kept asking me where to find the shards. It was awesome.


Damn, you're quite a gaming pro!

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Wow. Great question....


Hmmm, I think most of mine were wave race and 1080 time trials on the N64. I held the lap records for most Wave Race and 1080 tracks in my year group at school. I had a few up there with the N64 mag times but couldn't be bothered with sending in pictures. (Kinda regret it now!)

We used to have some serious competitions with those games. These days I can't put so much time into being pr0. However, when another wave race/1080 game comes to town I'll be there plugging away telling myself I was awesome back in the day. :)

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I would say for me are those Shines in Mario Sunshine that took place down the pipes with the old skool mario music. I remember them being really tough. I can remember smashing my control pad on the side of my bed in frustration.

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I'm sure he means Star 242. Much harder than anything in Sunshine, in my opinion.



That's the one! Too... many... boomerangs!!! Arrgggh, just seeing it again brings back the nightmares! Felt good when I finally beat it though :laughing::D

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Catching the Hylian Loach on OOT as a child with no idea what a Hylian Loach was at the time. Was a good 15 minute tug of war with the blighter, thinking I had a real lunker on my hands, finding out it was this strange fish, only to realise after I had done accidentally what usually requires being old and a sinking lure! Didn't have the technology or the nous to take any photographic evidence, but I remember it as clear as day!


Alas, I never managed to snag the elusive beast. I do remember I used to think I was quite an archery pro in the N64 Zeldas though - used to pick off guays in the distance of lake hylia and try to constantly beat my score/time in the MM scrub shooting gallery. Man, that's why those Zeldas were awesome, because they had so many little bits and bobs that sorta weren't neccessary but crafted the world.

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