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Watch Dogs (Nov 21st)


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This was completely unexpected and it looks just utterly fantastic. Like the madly attractive lovechild from a saucy & sophisticated one-nighter between Assassin's Creed & Deus Ex. Can't wait to see more of this, best of show so far.

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I was listening to people watching the Ubisoft conference in the chat room, and this was the one game I was interested in seeing the video of.


Surely that should be Watchdogs and not Watch Dogs, though? When people started talking about a game called Watch Dogs in the chat room, I thought it was some cheap Nintendogs rip-off. Maybe it's just me. :p

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I share Falcon's (?) trepidation; it's a feast on the eyes but it's hard to say to what degree it was choreographed. All of the live demos have been of course, but the organic quality of the traffic light scenario was almost convincing.


The gameplay was seamless, which is what counts I guess.

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I did think the same as Jamba, I can see the timing of lifting that bridge going awry too many times and me just landing in water/ the cops following behind me.


It does look pretty frickin' sweet though! Very Deux Ex/ GTA styled to me. I wonder what other abilities he has/ how he does it.

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Wow. That looks incredible. The traffic light scene was just fantastic. :D


The title of it seems a bit strange. Just makes me think of the BBC.


Don't worry she's in the DLC.




Last Of Us and this look like likely contendors for the game of the show.

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Complete surprise this game. Very pleasent one though. Looks like it could be a lot of fun too of it's a truly open world/ sandbox game. Just going and hacking what you please.


Will be following this one for sure!

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Exactly the type of game that WOULD have sold the Wii U, using the type of gadgets this game has on the screen.


But, currently unannounced for it. I wonder if the Wii U can run it.


Anyway, looks great of course.


The console versions as they are will be extremely gimped. That demo was running on what I imagine to be a very high specification PC (which was apparently confirmed).


No release date sort of reinforces the idea this wont actually come to PS3 and 360 for me though, I would not be surprised if this is a next-gen launch title. It would be a fucking amazing showcase as well.

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Ubisoft explains Watch Dogs' iPad tablet features


Ubisoft has shed some light on the mysterious tablet features in Watch Dogs, the game that has swiftly become one of E3's major talking points.


The behind closed doors demo for Watch Dogs repeated the mission from Ubi's conference. Once again we followed cyberpunk protagonist Aidan Pierce as he infiltrated a futuristic exhibition at a theatre, met with his contact, and then hunted down his target - a man by the name of Joseph DeMarco.


This time, however, the demo concluded with a demonstration of a real-time iPad app that supports a kind of meta-game - much in the manner of Microsoft's Xbox SmartGlass.


Here players were presented with a wireframe map of futuristic Chicago, drawn in a similar style to the one that used in the press conference demo. The map can be scrolled and zoomed, with pop-up boxes and icons providing real-time information about the game in progress.


"As we said, everything is connected - and we've extended that to mobile devices," said the Ubisoft demonstrator. "We have Chicago in the palm of your hand. Everything that you've seen in the game will be accessible, so different shops - pharmacies, gun shops - will also be available here. You can see everything.


"Remember the theatre that we saw? You can go and check the details, what the layout is, so that you can plan your mission. You can also get information about the organisers - facts about DeMarco."


But it's not just NPCs who fall under the app's scrutiny. Other human players will also find that their details have been uploaded to the CTOS - the American information network in Watch Dogs' cyberpunk future.


"You can monitor bad guys, and you can also monitor your friends. That way you can see your friends in real time - what they are doing, and how they did it. You can access their mission log and prepare yourself in the same way."


During the course of the main demo, Pierce took the time to 'profile' a female NPC - scanning her and then adding her details to the CTOS. This meant that new data was added to the tablet app - information that wouldn't have been there otherwise.


And according the Ubisoft demonstrator, this kind of action will have a significant impact on the overall game.


"The more you know about CTOS, the more power you going to unlock. And the more power you unlock in different districts, the more competitive you will be. That way your friends will never be the same thing, and sometimes you're going to be able to help them, or sometimes you're going to be able to challenge them."

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If this doesn't come to WiiU I'd be absolutely amazed, its made for the console! and since it will produce better graphics than the PS3 and 360 Watchdog is intended to come to (in a stripped down form from the High end PC demo) it would be a travesty to port it to them and ignore the better console that incorporates the tablet features

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