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Which Nintendo console has given you the most enjoyment?  

115 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Nintendo console has given you the most enjoyment?

    • Nintendo Entertainment System
    • Game Boy
    • Super Nintendo Entertainment System
    • Nintendo 64
    • Game Boy Color
    • Game Boy Advance
    • Nintendo GameCube
    • Nintendo DS

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Awesome topic and one which I have discussed with my mates at work many a time. For me it is the N64. It had so many classic games on the machine and it was in that era that I pretty much became a hardcore Nintendo fan. The SNES is a close 2nd though.


N64 because of all the fantastic games like OoT, MM, DK64, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Goldeneye etc. Also, I was around at the time when all the games were getting realesed and had a bit of a hype. While whne I got my NES it was just a SNES with games, no real excitment really. I knew nothing about the SNES...


I'd have to say the DS. I wasn't into gaming and around for the main bit of the SNES or all of the NES era, but I did/do have an N64. Perhaps I would have chosen the N64 as my favourite if I hadn't played Goldeneye in multiplaer, and Mario Kart on multiplaer on it, though. When I did play these, I found that the DS offered me a better experience, so the DS is above the N64. I also have a GameCube, but that is not my favourite as I seem to have got more fun out of my DS since its release than my GameCube. The only times I really pla on my GameCube these days is in multiplayer with friends.

If I had owned a NES or a SNES perhaps my choice would have been very different, as I love 2D games, and feel that they age far slower than 3D ones. If I see a cheap NES, I'll pick it up and see.


My first console was the N64 - although I even missed out on games like OOT back then, then I got a GBC, after that the GC, then a GBA SP and finally the DS.

My favorite is the GBA, there were so many games I enjoyed, particularly the 3D games could fascinate me, because I was really impressed how developers could pull off 3D graphics on that machine but also Metroid and Zelda were memorable experiences on the GBA for me.


Gamecube as I didn't have a SNES or N64, but If i had owned a snes I would probably have said that as I have really enjoyed what I've played of it.


N64 purely because of Mario 64, Goldeneye, Perfect Darkand ofcourse Ocarina of Time, four games which are benchmarks in their genre. That combined with other great games, which may be not remembered as well as the other, like lylat wars or Majora's mask makes the N64 my favourite console.


Then it's kinda hard to pick from the others, they were all great. Thank god I only have to pick one.


N64 was the first gaming platform I ever got (followed by ps1), and probably the one I got most enjoyment out of. So N64 imo.


I suppose I love them all... but I would say the DS, since animal crossing is on it, as well as some top notch games already available as well as coming soon, and of course wifi :)


Where's the Virtual Boy eh?


I'd say the N64 because of the roster of amazing brilliant games. Rare in it's prime. Also set new standards for a lot of stuff, first 3D Mario + Zelda

  |Laguna| said:
Where's the Virtual Boy eh?


I'd say the N64 because of the roster of amazing brilliant games. Rare in it's prime. Also set new standards for a lot of stuff, first 3D Mario + Zelda


Ah another reason why I love the N64. Rare were amazing on that console....happy times indeed.


Definitely the SNES for me. The N64 was alright, but suffered from a lack of RPGs (which ultimately led me to buy a PSone). Aside from Arcadia, Zelda and Symphonia, GC has been an absolute disaster for me. Very little worth playing, and they ruined Starfox. Twice.


The DS, however, is almost approaching SNES-like status for me. Mainly thanks to Sonic Rush and the general "fun-ness" of games like Pac-Pix and Wario Wario which always raise a smile, especially when showing other people. Once Children of Mana, FFIII, Zelda, etc hits the machine, it'll be a tough call between the two. Kaitou Ruso looks absolutely blinding too! I pray, though, that Konami brings Twinbee to our Dual-screened friend.


The DS has release been amazing so far, with Sonic Rush, Animal Crossing, Nintendogs, Meteos and Advance Wars DS that I'm enjoying. The GC was awesome because of Skies of Arkadia and Phantasy Star Online. But those were ports, so I choose GC. The Snes was good For RPG games, but I found more RPG joy on PS1. I remember playing Nes at my cousin, Duck Hunt, Duct Tales a wrestling games and a few games were fun enough, but I was never really hooked. N64? I remember I was a bit hyped up for that console, only to be dissapointed by the (lack of) quality of most of the games. (Very personal opinion.) The Gameboy Advance was great because of Golden Sun and a few other games.


The DS wins, since it has given me so much fun in such a short time.


Ill give the first nod to the NES. I cant count how many times i heard ''TURN THAT G@$#D!@% NINTENDO OFF!!!!!' yelled by my parents. All thanks to SMB, Mike Tysons Punch Out, Zelda 1, Mega Man 1-3, Metal Gear (the REAL version) and tons of others i dont care to list


Of course the newer systems were alot of fun too but i definately got the most miles out of the NES, mainly because of my age and how easy i was to impress back then


I think the N64 made me and my mates swear in frustration, probably from a well placed bullet on Goldeneye, than any other of nintys consoles.

  ViPeR said:
I think the N64 made me and my mates swear in frustration, probably from a well placed bullet on Goldeneye, than any other of nintys consoles.


Yeah, right between your eyes lol :grin: memories :laughing:

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