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Marvel's Phase Three


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i'm over the moon with the news! i fully expect CGI easter eggs will be in Avengers (spidey swinging in the background, TV reports saying spidey saves X during crisis) but this means the Civil War must include spidey, and i think they'll do the origin in that, but as spidey explaining it to say stark, and it appearing as a short flashback montage


casting wise, i'd be happy to keep Garfield, the universe there could be made to fit the MCU, but i'd like to see Maguire return


new actor wise? man thats a hard choice then part of me want to see Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the MCU, wonder if he could do spidey, he has the geeky and cheeky thing down, but is he too old? Not sure on having a too old Spidey i'd rather him be in his 20's


can't think of anyone good

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Love the news he's going to be in the MCU!


Bit disappointed he's getting another solo movie as I don't feel it's needed atm, and other films are getting pushed back as a result.


Am concerned he'll be shoe-horned in to Civil War, and makes me wonder what Black Panthers role in that film might be reduced to. Hopefully he might just swing into action in the finale, with the characters left wondering who he is/where he came from (and then roll on solo movie, which may feature another MCU character or two).


Am disappointed it didn't work out with Andrew Garfield. He and RDJ bouncing off one another would have been epic.

Edited by Retro_Link
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The Amazing Spider-Man wasn't great, but it wasn't awful either. The second seemed like a mess, especially The Green Goblin coming and going in a couple of scenes. It felt rushed with the main antagonist being weak and the Goblin being wasted.


I would have liked to see what they would have done with the third as they were clearly setting it up for a sinister six plot.


The original Spider-Man trilogy would have been remembered far more fondly if it hadn't been for the third which dropped the ball thanks to the Venom fuck up and totally re-writing the first to make Sandman into Uncle Ben's killer.


However the Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 were far better than the the Garfield films. Of particular note was the fact that both Willem Defoe and Alfred Molina both played the villains so well in their respective films. The Amazing Spider-Man films felt so weak by comparison.

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I for one actually enjoyed the Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2 more than the original trilogy, except for the lack of J. Jonah Jameson.


Will be sad to see Garfield not returning, hopefully they can fit Spidey into the MCU/hire a new actor without it getting too messy. Will be interesting to see if they continue the story from the end of ASM2 with the Sinister Six set-up or they'll be scrapping that storyline all together for a fresh start.

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I liked the original trilogy at the time (well the first two) but even before the new films came out I felt they didn't stand up with repeated viewings. Once Amazing Spider-Man came out it killed most of the love I had left for the originals. I actually really enjoyed both the new ones and much prefer Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man. Hopefully the new films and new lead will keep my interest.

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I thought Amazing Spider-Man 1 was good but 2 was poop. Much prefer Maguire's 1+2.


I can't remember where I read it but someone said the other day that it would be interesting to see them bring back Maguire for the Marvel movies as an older Spidey. If he is going to unmask in Civil War then he needs to have been active for quite a while and it would nicely link back to the older movies.


One thing I did see on Twitter earlier though was how awesome would it be if Sony and Marvel managed to keep the casting secret until the movie was actually released and he unmasked.

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They should cast someone unknown as Spidey. Like me.


Too late they hired me... this is actually from a promotional shoot I did with Marvel/Sony showing me in costume and out of it.... they are still deciding if they will have me play Peter Parker or Miles Morales as they are planning to use the "Ultimate Spiderman" title for the solo films.






In serious just realised we should at some point have Hulk and Spidey in the same film.... cant wait for that! Hope the new actor they get gells well with current Avengers cast... wish they would keep Garfield (yet still reboot - sans origin story film - so they dont have to try fit his first 2 films into the MCU) as I think he would work so well alongside RDJ, Ruffalo and all the Chris's


OH SHIT just realised.... does this mean Iron Spider could be possible for Civil War?

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I should be excited about this (and deep down I am I guess), but I really hate losing out on Andrew Garfield. Say all you want about the 2 amazing Spiderman-films, the cast wasn't the problem.


I've commented on another site (when this was just a rumour): regardless if they just completly ignore the universe Sony has built up, they should still cast Andrew Garfield. Just a simple official statement that it's a different Spider-man, but the same actor, would suffice to us nerds, but it wouldn't matter at all to the general public [*]. Some may be confused at most.


Now Marvel's casting has been gold so far as well, so I'm confident they'll find another good actor for the role, it's just that this is a weird situation where I'll be disappointed anyway.


[*] edit: to give an example: I have a friend who is aware Spider-man is a Marvel character, but was not aware of the weird licensing problems Marvel had, which excluded him from Marvel's own films prior to this deal.. I had to explain why he couldn't show up.

Edited by Sméagol
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More details are emerging about last night's announcement that Spider-Man will be appearing in the Marvel cinematic universe. Let's break it down:


•Marvel isn't paying a dime to Sony for the rights to use Spidey. But the studio won’t receive a cut of the earnings for any of Sony’s Spider-Man films, and Sony won’t get a cut of the Marvel films that feature Spider-Man. (Marvel also controls the merchandising rights to Spidey.)


•Disney/Marvel reportedly had previously offered Sony "billions" to buy back the character.


•Marvel is instead essentially leasing the rights from Sony. Sony gets a (hopefully) revitalized Spider-Man thanks to Marvel, while Marvel gets to use one of their most iconic characters.


•The new Spidey will first appear in a Marvel movie (reportedly Captain America: Civil War) before getting his own stand-alone film from Sony on July 28, 2017. MCU characters could also appear in the new Spider-Man films.


•Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige will not be compensated for producing Sony's 2017 Spider-Man film.


•Sony will have final say over casting for the new Spider-Man, and is said to be looking for an actor much younger than Andrew Garfield, who is 31. Sony is looking to go back to "Spidey’s roots and put the character back in high school."


•Amazing Spider-Man 1 & 2 director Marc Webb won't be back.


•Amazing Spidey producers Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach have been bumped down to executive producers with "no real say" in the creative direction of the character moving forward. Arad was a key player with both Marvel and Spider-Man for many years, and was a sort of proto-Kevin Feige as Marvel became increasingly immersed in the world of film and TV beginning in the late 1990s.


•One source claims this could be the first step towards a larger plan to reacquire Spider-Man by Marvel, while another speculates that Disney is angling to acquire Sony Pictures entirely if it goes on the market.


•The Sony Spider-Man spin-offs, for the moment, are still in the works. This includes Sinister Six, Venom and the female Spidey characters film that we've previously heard about. The Amazing Spider-Man 3 is obviously dead, and "while Marvel’s Feige is involved with Sony’s new Spider-Man films, he currently is not expected to be creatively involved with the spinoffs."


Bit concerned about Sony having casting say, and still pretty much control over the solo movies. Stupid Sony.

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Bit shit that they did all the plot building for an Amazing Spider-man 3 and now they just binned it off.


Spider-man is my favourite super hero so I'm glad he's going to be in the MCU, but I'm a bit concerned we're now going to be flooded with too much spidey, if we hadn't already!

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Another problem is, Sony still has more control over the spin-offs. The whole Spider-man part of the MCU will be one big mess.. And I hope he doesn't get shoehorned in films where they didn't plan for him. The deal itself is exciting, but comes with another set of problems.

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