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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Zelda never coming out this year....no doubt it my mind that the dynasty warriors game is our Zelda game for this year.


Yeah, that and hopefully a remake of MM... Even though they do seem pretty confident with its development - If they truly have been having issues with HD hardware and the like, then I'm bracing myself for either a spectacular delay - or a Wind Waker style "we didn't have time to add the two dungeons (and the whole Hyrule overworld)".


I can't choose out of those two options, but a remake and the Dynasty game with others will surely help pad it out.

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Yeah, that and hopefully a remake of MM... Even though they do seem pretty confident with its development - If they truly have been having issues with HD hardware and the like, then I'm bracing myself for either a spectacular delay - or a Wind Waker style "we didn't have time to add the two dungeons (and the whole Hyrule overworld)".


I can't choose out of those two options, but a remake and the Dynasty game with others will surely help pad it out.


Yeah actually I could see MM remake on 3DS and Dynasty warriors both coming out before Zelda Wii U

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Don't console Zelda games usually come out during autumn? Plus, Skyward Sword is already three years old and was supposed to be shown during last years E3. It's about time if you ask me.


Wind Waker came out in the Spring 2003 after the Gamecube launch, the HD version came out late Summer last year. But yeah, most Zelda games come out in the Autumn/Winter.


Nintendo announcing a Zelda game at E3 for release in the Autumn this year, doesn't sound like Nintendo to me. But if it happens then fair enough, it will surprise me.

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Nintendo announcing a Zelda game at E3 for release in the Autumn this year, doesn't sound like Nintendo to me. But if it happens then fair enough, it will surprise me.


It wouldn't surprise me to be honest. Link Between Worlds had a very quick release after being shown for the first time and it's a path Nintendo have taken with a lot of their games in recent times.


I remember Twilight Princess being the complete opposite. It was revealed and then it took years for the actual release, with many getting tired of waiting for the thing to arrive.


Personally, I much prefer the shock tactic, with a quick release to follow. Although, it's hard to get the balance right between hyping the title up and showing something too soon, only for it to disappear for years on end.


Nintendo are usually good at this balancing act but I feel their hand was forced with the Wii U, which is why I think they showed the likes of Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei, Yoshi's Yarn and X earlier than they probably would have liked.

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It wouldn't surprise me to be honest. Link Between Worlds had a very quick release after being shown for the first time and it's a path Nintendo have taken with a lot of their games in recent times.


I remember Twilight Princess being the complete opposite. It was revealed and then it took years for the actual release, with many getting tired of waiting for the thing to arrive.


Personally, I much prefer the shock tactic, with a quick release to follow. Although, it's hard to get the balance right between hyping the title up and showing something too soon, only for it to disappear for years on end.


Nintendo are usually good at this balancing act but I feel their hand was forced with the Wii U, which is why I think they showed the likes of Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei, Yoshi's Yarn and X earlier than they probably would have liked.


Who knows, maybe because of the delay on the reveal last year they may have it close to finished and could very well get it out for the holiday period.

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The Temple of Time stuff looks so dull, lifeless and un-Nintendo. The variation in the tech demo from 2011 looks so much better. Not that it's bad. It's clearly very detailed, but it's just so un-Zelda.

That Vimeo link? It's giving me vibes of more recent fire temples, mixed with the cathedral from Eternal Darkness.


I'm not sure how you can say it's un-Nintendo when the original Temple of Time was so boring.

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I've just realised, it's quite unlikely this game will use a 'realistic' style right? if they also have Hyrule Warriors coming out.


Hyrule Warriors is bound to get maybe 5mins spent on it during the E3 Direct... would they have another Zelda also in that Direct that looks kinda similar? Certainly the Wii U Zelda demo at least is quite close in its feel.


It's made me think this next Zelda is going to have quite a radical visual departure again? or follow the style of the Wind Waker?


I suppose it could largely depend on the world.

They could show a 'realistic' Zelda alongside Hyrule Warriors, if they then spend a vast amount of the time showing you what to expect from the game world instead and focusing on that. Because that would be the big differentiator to Hyrule Warriors which is level based.

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I keep thinking the Link featured in Smash is a big giveaway to the style of Zelda we'll be getting.


I think also given how pretty developed that Zelda U demo was, I'd say more favour is on the TP style. Maybe a Twilight Princess sequel with no ties to Ganondorf/triforce ala Majora's mask. The end credits were alluding to another adventure with Link riding off.


I wouldn't mind a TP sequel at all!


The overworld in TP just really needed some power to make it seamless and populated, and if they do use it, there is definitely room to expand it, and open up places like Hyrule Town, throw in a ranch etc... Or Link could just fall down a hole into a totally new and wacky world...


Damn possibilities are endless - good times! :awesome:

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I've just realised, it's quite unlikely this game will use a 'realistic' style right? if they also have Hyrule Warriors coming out.


Honestly, I think the style of HW is irrelevant for Zelda U. The two teams are very likely developing these games in parallel, so one game's choices should bear little impact on the other.

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Oh God. Are they still wheeling her out for Zelda stuff? It was fun for five minutes, but it's tedious now. Plus her Dad has moved on to Xbox.


Could they not "redeadise" Zelda Rubinstein to promote Hyrule Warriors? Would be far better than some B-lister.



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Speaking of voice acting - are we pro or against it?


To be honest, reading scripts does feel a little aged... But of course, I will always be anxious with how VA is implementing. I would say Nintendo don't seem particularly great at it... Looking at Mario Sunshine and FLUDD etc.

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Midna's 'voice' was sooooooooo annoying!


The ancient creatures such as Valloo, Jabun, Levias, the Deku Tree can get away with speaking ancient Hyrulian or whatever because it's slow and relaxing to listen too, but anything high pitched just gets annoying!

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I want a really big, vibrant, alive Zelda in a world that is much more revisitable than that of Skyward Sword, and makes much more sense than that of Twilight Princess.


But saying that, I don't find myself wanting huge RPG size worlds, like Skyrim or Xenoblade. As much as I love those, they're all about scale and would struggle to capture the Zelda "magic".


And I don't find myself wanting voice acting of any kind either. It's just not necessary in the Zelda universe. It's not a case of a modern choice, it's a stylistic choice. That gentle "badum" when you hit A after a segment of conversation creates atmosphere enough for me.

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I've just realised, it's quite unlikely this game will use a 'realistic' style right? if they also have Hyrule Warriors coming out.


It could mean the opposite of that - ie. they've decided Link should be depicted somewhat realistically from now on, and Hyrule Warriors is the start of reclaiming that style. Also, I still think the 2011 demo was too good to believe Nintendo has no interest in that style, even if it was only one room and one enemy (not counting the bats).


On the other hand, the biggest clue that it'd be more like Wind Waker is of course WW HD. They have said something along the lines of that style transferring into HD well... although personally I don't take this too seriously, to be honest.


So, could go either way. I wouldn't be surprised at either the WW or TP style, but I would expect it to loosely follow one of those rather than being very experimental.

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What's every one expecting for the graphical style? I think they'll keep in line with the tech demo, but I very much doubt they would be able to pull off the graphical capability shown off with it.


Cell shaded has always seemed to have been well received by fans (Well, except for when Wind Waker originally came out).

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