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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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Nowhere in that story do they talk about missing two dungeons because they had to release it early. In fact I'm fairly sure Aonuma recently debunked the theory that two dungeons were cut because of time constraints, but I could be wrong.


I don't think it's been officially stated that it was due to time constraints, but there were multiple dungeons cut from the game




Quite honestly, those dungeons we removed we used in other games, so we can't use them in this version!


Although in the article, he also said that the main problem was the pacing, not the amount of dungeons.

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Up until now, I was never sure. I had an opinion, but not one deeply rooted, as I have not experienced the updated game firsthand. Now I am sure -- not because I have played the updated game, but because of the official Nintendo video below -- and I am sad that I have to say the following: The Wind Waker looks better than The Wind Waker HD. I prefer the aesthetics of the original game, and I would have loved an upgrade without the updated light effects, and without the new brighter and more realistic sky. Much of the visual charm has been taken out. I might actually skip TWWHD, and play it again on GameCube instead.


Comparison video:

Edited by are1981
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Up until now, I was never sure. I had an opinion, but not one deeply rooted, as I have not experienced the updated game firsthand. Now I am sure -- not because I have played the updated game, but because of the official Nintendo video below -- and I am sad that I have to say the following: The Wind Waker looks better than The Wind Waker HD. I prefer the aesthetics of the original game, and I would have loved an upgrade without the updated light effects, and without the new brighter and more realistic sky. Much of the visual charm has been taken out. I might actually skip TWWHD, and play it again on GameCube instead.


Comparison video:


Very much my own feeling at the moment, having recently stumbled across my copy.

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That comparison video really shows how it the game has been improved graphically. Especially that shot outside Tower of the Gods really show improvements.


I have the original Limited Edition for Cube, but I will definitely get the HD-remake. Actually, I have already preordered the Limited Edition for it, so happy times.

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Is it just me, or am I the only one who thinks there is not a great deal of difference in the graphics, certainly not enough to justify buying the game again when I already own the original? Sure, they look a bit better but Wind Waker's visuals still hold up today even on Gamecube and don't look as dated as, say Twilight Princess will in a few more years when we get the new HD Zelda.


That comparison video is basically saying "hey look, we made a two generations old game made 10 years ago look slightly better" like it's something to be proud of.


Sorry, but without any major improvements like an added dungeon or two to fill the gaping hole left by just being able to pick up the third pearl, this is not a purchase for me.

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Is it just me, or am I the only one who thinks there is not a great deal of difference in the graphics, certainly not enough to justify buying the game again when I already own the original? Sure, they look a bit better but Wind Waker's visuals still hold up today even on Gamecube and don't look as dated as, say Twilight Princess will in a few more years when we get the new HD Zelda.


That comparison video is basically saying "hey look, we made a two generations old game made 10 years ago look slightly better" like it's something to be proud of.


Sorry, but without any major improvements like an added dungeon or two to fill the gaping hole left by just being able to pick up the third pearl, this is not a purchase for me.


Nope, you're not alone. I certainly wouldn't buy it again for £40 if I had a Wii U.

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I am a bit perplexed why everywhere is selling it at 40 quid only a month away from release. Most places had Pikmin 3 for 35 quid this close to release. I would be a bit annoyed paying 35 for a remake of the same game but 40 just seems ridiculous. I was just getting tempted to play it again as well. :hmm:

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I am a bit perplexed why everywhere is selling it at 40 quid only a month away from release. Most places had Pikmin 3 for 35 quid this close to release. I would be a bit annoyed paying 35 for a remake of the same game but 40 just seems ridiculous. I was just getting tempted to play it again as well. :hmm:


It's Zelda, the name alone will up the launch price

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It's Zelda, the name alone will up the launch price


Yes because a 10 year old port used as a training ground for Wii U developers adding nothing substantially new deserves to be more expensive. All aboard the fail train. Destination?



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Official comparison video.


The bloom definitely is there to show extreme sunlight


Oh, and the overview trailer


Just watched these videos and I still feel entirely positive towards Wind Waker HD. Nintendo is giving us the chance to play (what is for many of us) one of our favourite ever games in a way that will actually look good on the type of TVs we use nowadays. To me, 1080p and 60fps are worth the price on their own.


Yeah, the game and the bundles are a little bit expensive, but I don't really think it's a moral issue. Companies charge what they can - if they set the price right, they get rewarded. If they get it wrong, it's their loss. OK, it only really needed up-rezzing (or whatever Dolphin does), but I for one like the bloom and all the sophisticated shadows. Nintendo is actually developing the best visual style for Zelda so far, in my opinion.


But arguably the best thing about Wind Waker HD is that not only do we get to revisit it, but so do Nintendo. I can't help hoping that, as they rebuild and assess the game, they are reminded of why it worked so well, and that the same magic and quality will be present in future Zeldas.

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But arguably the best thing about Wind Waker HD is that not only do we get to revisit it, but so do Nintendo. I can't help hoping that, as they rebuild and assess the game, they are reminded of why it worked so well, and that the same magic and quality will be present in future Zeldas.


That's a very good point!

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£40 is a little steep for a 10 year old remake of exactly the same game, if it included the missing content then i'd understand the price-tag. Still getting this regardless though.

It's not exactly the same and the "missing content" was put into Twilight Princess

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If it's not exactly the same, it is at least for 95%.

Don't get me wrong, I love the wind waker, it's my favourite game ever, and I'm looking forward to play this on day 1.


It just isn't correct a new title like pikmin 3 costs less than a port/remake hybrid. Here in Belgium they ask €60 for tloz:ww (standard edition) and only €45 for pikmin 3. That's just plain weird and I can't think of anything that would justify that price difference except the reputation of the Zelda brand.

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It's not exactly the same and the "missing content" was put into Twilight Princess


So pay £40 because they put the content in a completely different game?


You know, admitting every now and then that Nintendo are doing something bad (with the pricing) wouldn't mean the end of the world. Reading your completely biased posts gets really annoying.

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