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Xbox One Console Discussion


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600 might be £100 or so OTT, but £330... really? I think that's leaning on the extreme side of hopefulness.


Yeah, it's pretty much a mass produced off-the-shelf PC, Kinect really wouldn't add that much either (might even be cheaper to make than the original Kinect since it doesn't have any motorized parts anymore) and Microsoft will be taking a hit on it, too.


Microsoft want this thing to sell, not send it out to die. They're not going to launch it at over £400.

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I certainly wouldn't pay more than £250 for it, quite honestly even then, the Wii U offers greater value for money - for me - but then I really don't think I'll end up wanting a XBone... I'm more interested in the PS4 which I would more 'gladly' pay up to £349.99 for (with a game) providing it has enough games that I actually want on it AND assuming that they aren't going to go for the shitty always online, DRM on disc, no backwards compatibility AT ALL, + 'let's majorly fist EA because they are soooo great! :indeed: route that MS have taken.

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I certainly wouldn't pay more than £250 for it, quite honestly even then, the Wii U offers greater value for money - for me - but then I really don't think I'll end up wanting a XBone... I'm more interested in the PS4 which I would more 'gladly' pay up to £349.99 for (with a game) providing it has enough games that I actually want on it AND assuming that they aren't going to go for the shitty always online, DRM on disc, no backwards compatibility AT ALL, + 'let's majorly fist EA because they are soooo great! :indeed: route that MS have taken.


Jesus, there's an image. Not even a playful finger to tease them with to start them off...

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i still wouldn't put it past them to charge some nominal fee with a minimum sign up contract for xbox live, say £79.99 plus a £10 a month Xbox Live Platinum sign up fee for 24 months


if not this is microsoft, who have already showed off their arrogance and how out of touch they are with their audience, so i'd expect them to the highest priced next gen console, not ps3 high but still if the ps4 is £350, this will be £400+

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Jesus, there's an image. Not even a playful finger to tease them with to start them off...


Microsoft have already been doing that for years, its all been building up to the recent 'horror show' which was the XBone unveiling, even the abbreviation of the consoles name is disturbingly apt. :blank:


E3 is going to be a car crash for Microsoft, not even one that EA will try and rescue them from. :heh:

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Microsoft have already been doing that for years, its all been building up to the recent 'horror show' which was the XBone unveiling, even the abbreviation of the consoles name is disturbingly apt. :blank:


E3 is going to be a car crash for Microsoft, not even one that EA will try and rescue them from. :heh:


I agree that Microsoft's "One" will be the most expensive out of both. I can forsee the PS4 being £299.99 and the One nearing the £400 mark, which is wayyyyy too much for my liking.


And rumours flying around is that Sony are looking into cloud streaming PS3 titles to the PS4, something Moneygrabbingsoft don't seem to want to do as of yet.


E3 will either make or break the "One", more break than make it to be honest.

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First thing I want to hear at e3 is clarity from Microsoft. I mean the conference was all about 'entertainment' or whatever, which wasn't great for gamers but there you go, that's what they wanted. But the absolute information clusterfuck that occured after was terrible, so we need cold hard facts about this system and it's policy on the pre owned games, backwards gamers, sorry, backwards compatibility and a price point, which I agree I can't see being below £400 personally, certainly not a premium model.

I have no great affinity with Sony apart from admiring them from afar, so I too hope that they don't go fingering, fisting or whatever else tickles their fancy with EA. Although I think they may be priced at £400 or so too, if not higher.

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You realise this isnt just EA right? If the games journalists are to be believed then this is all the larger developers/publishers calling for something to be done about the used games market. It sucks for us but unfortunately I just think thats the way its going to be from now on. Nintendo may get applauded for a while for now bowing to the pressure but I think its a pretty strong bet that they will suffer for it. I expect the only difference between Sony and MS at this point is that Sony were smart enough to let MS mention it first and take all the heat.

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Good news if true, another game I have zero interest in, making it even easier to forget about even thinking about considering maybe buying the console, even though it's still unlikely. :p


If done right, a sequel could be amazing.


However, if it's part of some kind of exclusive agreement, I can see them focusing a lot more on the shooter side. The fanbase likely isn't big enough and it's unlikely to sway people to buy a different console. It seems like a very unlikely candidate for an exclusive agreement - unless, perhaps, it was the "biggest" game they would consider making an exclusive.


On top of that, it's a strange candidate for getting made in the first place. DICE are incredibly busy with Battlefield, with a new division helping them out with Star Wars. It seems like something EA would let them do after Battlefield 4, while a smaller team works on the DLC.

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Jesus if it's £600 I don't wanna even think how much it will be here. $800? $850? (actually looked it up £940) No way can that be right. I mean our prices aren't like US completely. When you do the conversion back it's comparable.

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Rumour that Mirrors Edge 2 could be coming to XBone...




Which of course falls in line with the exclusives and EA support.


There are a couple of other games too which are expected as Xbox One only. Timed Exclusives at least.




Dead Rising 3

Hawken (plus PC)

League of Legends (plus PC)

Respawn’s new game

Unannounced Insomniac game


are all locked in. I guess Mirror's Edge 2 can be added.


First thing I want to hear at e3 is clarity from Microsoft. I mean the conference was all about 'entertainment' or whatever, which wasn't great for gamers but there you go, that's what they wanted. But the absolute information clusterfuck that occured after was terrible, so we need cold hard facts about this system and it's policy on the pre owned games, backwards gamers, sorry, backwards compatibility and a price point, which I agree I can't see being below £400 personally, certainly not a premium model.

I have no great affinity with Sony apart from admiring them from afar, so I too hope that they don't go fingering, fisting or whatever else tickles their fancy with EA. Although I think they may be priced at £400 or so too, if not higher.


Its also interesting reading the description retailers have put up for the console. Its obviously not prioritising hardcore gamers anymore but they arent exactly abandoning them like Nintendo did.The only danger is that the unique features of the console may be muddled kind of like the WiiU which felt unfocused. This is at least medium spec though and i expect it to be quite affordable compared to a PS4.

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I reckon £350


350 is too high for what they want to do. Its a mainsteam device. I think the PS4 starter pack of equivalent would be that price or alittle above at 400 max. I think 200-250 is likely. They have new drm, live gold etc. to offset many costs. It will price like a Wii if they can.

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i still wouldn't put it past them to charge some nominal fee with a minimum sign up contract for xbox live, say £79.99 plus a £10 a month Xbox Live Platinum sign up fee for 24 months


if not this is microsoft, who have already showed off their arrogance and how out of touch they are with their audience, so i'd expect them to the highest priced next gen console, not ps3 high but still if the ps4 is £350, this will be £400+


I think your first option is fantastic. I'd much rather pay a tenner a month than have to shell out a vast amount of cash right at the start.


BTW, you have to remember that we on here are the minority in that we know about the industry. The vast population don't care about DRM, used games etc etc. MS are in no way out of touch. People say similar things about Apple products, how they're too expensive/whatever. They still sell a shit load.

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I do think it's odd how economics works. People will complain about spending £400+ on a console simply because £200 is sort of the norm, despite the fact that you are getting a computer with components that would cost you maybe £300+ (i'm pulling these numbers from my bum).


Yet most will happily spend £500+ on an iPad or tablet (unless it's 7 inches, in which case £200 is suddenly the norm), £800+ on a laptop, £500+ on a phone etc.

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