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Xbox One Console Discussion


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Okay long post coming up...


Is anyone else genuinely worried about Microsoft? I feel everything they are touching at the minute is turning to rubbish. Windows Phone is way behind iOS and Android and has been for some time. Windows 8 has had a very poor reception, the Surface tablet is selling poorly and to top it off they seem to be making the XBOX brand worse year by year.


It seems to me they just don't know what company they are trying to be, Apple and Google are pushing them under the water at a very fast rate at the minute and I feel this could be a Nokia situation where they are a huge house hold brand then over a number of years just start to disappear.


I was in Currys last week having a look at some Windows 8 notebooks and I couldn't get over how poorly designed the OS was, now I know I like my Apple stuff but I'm not anti Microsoft by any means. I thought Windows 7 was a great OS. But 8, it was shocking. Even just browsing through the settings menu felt unnatural.


They need to scrap this horrible Metro UI and start to re organise there devisions ASAP. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ballmer get the boot soon.


Oh, and the Xbox One looks like a 1980's VHS player.

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Xbox One: live TV available in US only at launch, requires separate device


Xbox One’s live TV fucntionality will only be available in the US at launch, a press release from Microsoft has confirmed.


In a release sent to VG247 this evening confirms that Live TV with Kinect navigation, Live TV with One Guide, Trending, and NFL on Xbox will only be available in North America at launch. The release added that Microsoft anticipates a global roll-out over time.


As shown in the Microsoft reveal stream, and confirmed in the release, “Live TV will require a supported receiver device with HDMI output,” which is sold separately.


When @Serebii posted about the HDMI control stardard I thought that surely the device would have to support it!

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Okay long post coming up...


Is anyone else genuinely worried about Microsoft? I feel everything they are touching at the minute is turning to rubbish. Windows Phone is way behind iOS and Android and has been for some time. Windows 8 has had a very poor reception, the Surface tablet is selling poorly and to top it off they seem to be making the XBOX brand worse year by year.


It seems to me they just don't know what company they are trying to be, Apple and Google are pushing them under the water at a very fast rate at the minute and I feel this could be a Nokia situation where they are a huge house hold brand then over a number of years just start to disappear.


I was in Currys last week having a look at some Windows 8 notebooks and I couldn't get over how poorly designed the OS was, now I know I like my Apple stuff but I'm not anti Microsoft by any means. I thought Windows 7 was a great OS. But 8, it was shocking. Even just browsing through the settings menu felt unnatural.


They need to scrap this horrible Metro UI and start to re organise there devisions ASAP. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ballmer get the boot soon.


Oh, and the Xbox One looks like a 1980's VHS player.


MS are fine. They made a shitload of money last year even though windows 8 has been a disaster as well as the tablets and phones. They are making some mad decisions but this Xbox at the right price will sell bucketloads. The mass market will lap it up.


For me I need to see some banging games at E3 and I am in. Actually just give me PGR5 and I'm in.

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When @Serebii posted about the HDMI control stardard I thought that surely the device would have to support it!


wait what? so that key feature of TV is US only,i am right in thinking the separate device required means a cable or satellite box, and not an extra xbox branded device like the HDDVD drive, because its a little confusing all this info and its all typically ambiguously worded

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wait what? so that key feature of TV is US only,i am right in thinking the separate device required means a cable or satellite box, and not an extra xbox branded device like the HDDVD drive, because its a little confusing all this info and its all typically ambiguously worded


Yes, and that device needs to be compatible with the HMDI communication standard serebii linked to, CE something or other. So, are Virgin Tivo and Sky+ boxes compatible?


I'll see if I can find out...

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Yes, and that device needs to be compatible with the HMDI communication standard serebii linked to, CE something or other. So, are Virgin Tivo and Sky+ boxes compatible?


I'll see if I can find out...


so if (as i suspect will be the case) the cable providers boxes don't support this then the dudebroUmericabox one will be loosing its main selling point

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OK I had to bring the parents to the Airport and missed teh conference.... can someone do me a summary or is it up on Youtube in full yet?


The Kinect alone looks like an actual brick!!


That is the new Kinect device? Holy crap it is huge

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OK I had to bring the parents to the Airport and missed teh conference.... can someone do me a summary or is it up on Youtube in full yet?




That is the new Kinect device? Holy crap it is huge

Microsoft shot themselves in the foot and gave the upcoming generation to Nintendo and Sony


No backwards compatibility

No always online, but online required to activate games

Cannot play used games without a fee

Games required to be installed

No gameplay shown

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its a stark contrast to the PS4 reveal,where afterwards several threads appeared about games on the system, with this there is no such flurry of thread production, only one long funny stuff thread ripping into this shambles!


to surmise;


TV integration (if cable provider allows the correct HDMI tech)

Kinect2.0 (mandatory usage)

EA showing unprecedented support :laughing:

Forza 5


(follow up press releases)

Does need to be always online, but requires internet connection for game registration and starting....(little conflicting info)

Used games are blocked......unless you pay a fee

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I am almost amazed at how the managed to talk for an hour and not give over even one iota of information as to how any of it is actually fixed or networked together. One hour and the only thing I got out of that is Mo-Cap Dog. I did really like that mo-cap dog.

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so if (as i suspect will be the case) the cable providers boxes don't support this then the dudebroUmericabox one will be loosing its main selling point


Yeah, so it's called HDMI-CEC. Sounds like some people can get it working with Sky boxes, but VM TiVo sounds flakey as hell. Apparently it works well with Samy TVs and PS3, so control your ps3 with the Xone? lol. "Xbox, switch to ps3, I actually want to play a game instead of watching TV".


Edit, there's a CEC device for VM TiVos!!



Edited by madeinbeats
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That will look great next to my DVD/VCR combi from 10 years ago..


I kind of get the weird impression that effect is deliberate. It looks exactly like a top-end VCR, sort of trying to throwback to the 90's retro image of the media device every home aspired to own.

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Microsoft shot themselves in the foot and gave the upcoming generation to Sony


No backwards compatibility

No always online, but online required to activate games

Cannot play used games without a fee

Games required to be installed

No gameplay shown


Just gone and FTFY.

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I was in Currys last week having a look at some Windows 8 notebooks and I couldn't get over how poorly designed the OS was, now I know I like my Apple stuff but I'm not anti Microsoft by any means. I thought Windows 7 was a great OS. But 8, it was shocking. Even just browsing through the settings menu felt unnatural.


To be fair Windows 8 is actually an improvement over 7, it's just hidden behind a terrible UI. Actually I think the UI is bad for a desktop PC, seems fine for mobile and maybe laptops. Windows 8.1 might have a boot to desktop mode so I'm kinda considering upgrading if I can largely ignore the Metro Interface. </offtopic>

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Yeah, so it's called HDMI-CEC. Sounds like some people can get it working with Sky boxes, but VM TiVo sounds flakey as hell. Apparently it works well with Samy TVs and PS3, so control your ps3 with the Xone? lol. "Xbox, switch to ps3, I actually want to play a game instead of watching TV".


Edit, there's a CEC device for VM TiVos!!




Can confirm this works with Sony TVs & PS3. You can use the Sony TV remote to navigate the PS3 XMB as well as play/pause fast forward etc. Also, with HDMI-CEC the TV can automatically turn on from standby and automatically switch to the correct input if the PS3 is switched on. So obviously X1 takes this further by being able to manipulate what TV channel is shown.

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You are kidding yourselves if you think the used-game-fee is anything less than RPP! Remember, the person that paid the fee, can now play it without the disc, so the game will likely act the same as the downloadable version. Do you think Micrsoft would sell a downloadable game for less if you just 'loaned' a friend's BD copy first?


I would have thought that even though the game installs you would still need the disc if you just obtained the license (stopping people easily distributing the game for cheap). Otherwise there is no such thing as preowned, it's just buying the game off the store.

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I watched the conference earlier and something that started out reasonably intriguing soon descended to laughably fake applause and glimpses of a few games I don't care much about :heh:


I've been reading the thread up until now and I'm not sure if the whole pre-owned fee has been adequately explained here as there still seems to be some confusion as to what way it works. My understanding is that there is, of course, a fee to install the game on someone else's console but the game will be deactivated on the original console.


If that was already explained in here, I apologise.. : peace:

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