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Xbox One Console Discussion


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Bit of a last minute request but I'm writing a series of articles about what we might expect from NX and part of it compares Nintendo's current position to Sony/Microsoft.


Writing one on the controller at the moment to go up tomorrow and I have barely used the controller.


If anyone has any feedback on what they think of the controller, what does/doesn't work, is underutilised etc I'd appreciate it.

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Bit of a last minute request but I'm writing a series of articles about what we might expect from NX and part of it compares Nintendo's current position to Sony/Microsoft.


Writing one on the controller at the moment to go up tomorrow and I have barely used the controller.


If anyone has any feedback on what they think of the controller, what does/doesn't work, is underutilised etc I'd appreciate it.


Its an evolution on the 360 controller. They definetly followed the mantra of "if it ain't broke don't fix it".

I can't remember the exact amount but they had some information saying that it had 'X' amount of changes from the 360 pad.


It feels almost exactly the same apart from it is so much lighter. Almost un naturally so, in that it could do with a bit more weight to make you feel more involved, if that makes sense?


All just my opinions of course, but they definitely said that it had a certain number of revisions over the 360 pad

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Yeah me.


I have barely any experience with the 360 controller, or the regular one controller, so I can't really compare. but I'm using the elite one for PC.

I do know I didn't like the feel of the original 360 controller one bit though, and I have no problem with the one / elite controller. I'm still not a fan of the x-box button layout, but it has worked out so far. I could try to elaborate if you want, when I have the time, but I haven't used it on that many games either yet, looking to try out Tomb Raider with it when I get it in a Steam winter sale. Played Axiom Verge to completion with it, it works fine for 2D. From my currently installed games, I may try it out with the Evil within, haven't played the DLC yet, which doesn't feature gunplay from what I understand.


Build quality is awesome though.

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Well, if it's still useful; from the top of my head (as its currently in its box).


In general, I'm happy with the feel of the actual buttons, though placement could be better. I'm a fan of the Nintendo Wii classic controller pro layout.

Apart from that, like I said, build quality is excellent. Doesn't feel plasticy, it's not super rubbery, but has a nice texture, and it's weighty.

Customisation options are quick and straight forward.


D-pad is good. A huge improvement over the 360 d-pad. But still not as tight as the average Nintendo D-pad. I'm using the actual D-pad by the way, the other option doesn't feel right. Good enough for 2D platforming. It's a tiny bit too far to the right for my small hands, for frantic movements, it could hurt my thumb (my nail). I couldn't see myself using this for fighters.


Face buttons are simply good. I didn't like the feel (the shape) of the 360 facebuttons, they fixed that. No complaints.


The sticks. I don't like the placement, I want the left stick to be switched with the D-pad. But the feel, the movement is godly. The smoothest sticks I've ever had the pleasure of using. I do kind miss the Nintendo style faux-octo gates, but I can live with that. Nice to have options as well, you have 3 pairs of sticks, I personally use the short concave sticks, they feel the best to me.


Triggers, more or less same thing. The feel is great, placement could be a little better. I should clarify, since to me all shoulderbuttons are triggers..

The bumpers could've been placed a bit better. Actually pushing them is great, but they're not perfectly placed beneath my fingers. The actual triggers though, are placed perfectly. The feel is great, though I don't use the analog mode.. I have no use for it. Pressure feels great, but I can't test it in-game. You can easily switch between analog and hairtrigger mode, which is what I use, and they're quick and responsive.


Backpedals, I have only tested them quickly. I had no experience with backpedals before, and I didn't know how'd they feel. After quick testing, I personally found only one pedal (there are 4) to feel useful, the other 3 get in the way too much due to the way I hold the controller. After finalizing the buttonmapping for Axiom Verge, however, I found no direct use for it. But I could defintely see potential use for it for other games. I'm obviously not going to play FPS games with the controller on PC, but for those who do, I can definitely think of uses for it. Jumping or something would be better using a pedal.


There's a special driver that let's you customize the button layout, but it's only for Windows 10, which I have not yet downloaded, so I have no experience with that, though it should prove useful.

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Xbox One.5 incoming?


Sources familiar with Microsoft's Xbox plans have revealed to The Verge that the company has been testing a variety of prototype Xbox devices. Some of the prototypes have been tested with upgraded components you'd use to improve the performance of a PC gaming rig. It's not clear if and when Microsoft intends to launch an upgraded Xbox One, but Phil Spencer has already hinted the company will "come out with new hardware capability during a generation" that supports existing and future titles. A new wireless chip could be just a small part of the optional hardware upgrades to the Xbox One that Microsoft is planning.
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Seems like there is a website claiming they got a leak for the MS e3 conference. To me it just seems like obvious speculation. BF1 at conference, Forza etc.


The lack of UHD blu ray on the slim is probably to keep the costs low. A serious 4K device will need that. Hopefully they will have fixed the colour and gamma issues too.

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That Xbox is sexy.


What a price for a UHD Blu ray player.


Edit No controller packed in. That's BS!!


I think it does include a controller. The most substantial thing at the conference that Sony have to worry about imo is the UHD blu ray.


UHD player is easy to copy though.


The scorpio is too far out to make an impact on the PS4 but it can have an impact on the PS5. IF people are ok with the power.

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Kyle Bosman made a good point of how they announced a new console this year, a new console next year but no exclusive games for Xbox anymore thanks to them being on Windows 10 too.


It's all about Windows 10. MS are selling a service and I don't think they believe exclusivity is make or break anymore.

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