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Wasn't aware that the manufacturer had changed. It would explain a few things, if not simply that Sony is not in direct control of their quality control and working conditions.


I still think all of this squawking about the release hardware is a massive over reaction as it will be with the Xbox One when it inevitably happens with that just as it did with the Wii U.


There's no doubt that these claims of "massive" hardware failures are always overblown. A few units go wrong, and the consumers that bought them are up in arms over it, then it's fueled by the mass-media and fanboys of the opposition. It always happens every console generation. We'll just have to wait and see how the PS4's hold out, and for the majority, I don't see there being issues.


However, the whole Foxconn situation is definitely an interesting one. If the rumor is true, then I can sort of see why the workers have gone and done that. If the horror stories of their working conditions is as bad as reported, then who can blame them. That said, it's the company that should take the slack, not the gamers who buy their consoles on release. Either way, there's a whole moral grey area here, who really is at fault, who should take the slack?


Hopefully, people open their eyes to the whole Foxconn situation in the future. Although I don't see that being the case, considering people are just going to moan about how their consoles don't work, then blame Sony.

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So this is the e-mail that ShopTo are sending out to everyone...




I only received this e-mail today - four times over no less! - and I don't appear to have actually been charged yet... there hasn't been a problem with my card that I use to pay for my orders on ShopTo so I'm wondering if they have tried to charge it yet or if they just have so many orders to get through, I think it's the latter.


Probably just reading too much into the exact wording, I am curious though have anyone else's cards been charged? Also which bundle did you go for?


I'm just curious as they might be processing them in batches - standard PS4/Killzone pack/Mega Bundle - after all it's a huge operation so surely they have to make it a bit easier to process so it probably won't all be processed based on pre-order date - in case it's relevant I pre-ordered on June 11th 2013 - but anyway, should be interesting to see how they process it all. : peace:



I'm the same as you and received an email (twice) today.


It says they started processing on the 16th I'm assuming we've just received emails as we are the next lot to be processed.


I wouldn't worry as long you have enough cash in your bank and your cards valid you'll be fine.


If your really worried just pay for it now.

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My status changed to 'processing' sometime yesterday. Although they do state that they are not shipping until the 28th.


I just have the basic console bundle, and I'm really indecisive of what game to get. I'm only getting one boxed retail game at launch, but can't decide between KZ: SF or BF4.

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I heard that you're going to get charged once for each email you received


Haha, imagine the chaos that would cause if it were to happen. :indeed:


I do find it funny though that ShopTo nearly always without exception end up sending an e-mail twice to tell you that your game/console has been shipped, they tend to do the same with texts as well.


But they seem to deliver most of the time so I suppose the inadvertent spam is excusable. ;)

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Surely when you pre-order you know you'll be charged when its shipped and you have a rough idea when it's to be shipped. It would be nice to have a warning, but if you've not got the money in your account 11 days before the console launch...well...

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So people who pre-ordered are now complaining that ShopTo are taking the money for it in advance? I know it's a little early plus the late e-mail thing could be inconvenient for some but still, you'd think that if you pre-order a console or anything for that matter; if you intend on keeping that order then it's reasonable to assume that you have the money to pay for it a week or two in advance/will be able to in a month thanks to credit card. ::shrug:

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Surely when you pre-order you know you'll be charged when its shipped and you have a rough idea when it's to be shipped. It would be nice to have a warning, but if you've not got the money in your account 11 days before the console launch...well...


ShopTo have a release date posted, people would budget around that date not just assume that it would be processed 2 weeks early. This is ShopTos problem.

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ShopTo have a release date posted, people would budget around that date not just assume that it would be processed 2 weeks early. This is ShopTos problem.


Genuine question (as I don't know) but is this release date the 29th or a date they have posted saying "payments will be taken on this date"?

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Genuine question (as I don't know) but is this release date the 29th or a date they have posted saying "payments will be taken on this date"?


Release date.


I just think that 2 weeks, while understandable if they want to get things started because there are a lot of orders is a long enough time that not everyone will have the money ready and ShopTo messed up by not getting the warning email out. Im not sure I believe them as well that they claim they did send it out and it just didnt make it to everyone. Last weekend when they did the same thing I saw Facebook posts and Tweets warning people before hand.

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Surely when you pre-order you know you'll be charged when its shipped and you have a rough idea when it's to be shipped. It would be nice to have a warning, but if you've not got the money in your account 11 days before the console launch...well...


I 100% agree with this and was going to post similar.


There's a guy mentioned in that Eurogamer article (Findus? Neigh...) that is complaining that he doesn't have enough money in his account until he gets paid in a week or something and will be pushed into his overdraft. Unbelievable that his fault is with ShopTo and not his living on the edge spending lifestyle. Some people are bloody dense.

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Release date.


I just think that 2 weeks, while understandable if they want to get things started because there are a lot of orders is a long enough time that not everyone will have the money ready and ShopTo messed up by not getting the warning email out. Im not sure I believe them as well that they claim they did send it out and it just didnt make it to everyone. Last weekend when they did the same thing I saw Facebook posts and Tweets warning people before hand.


Fault lies on both sides a little bit then; ShopTo could have made it clearer and people could have been more financially prepared.


And regarding the emails they could obviously be lying, but mass-emailing is a bitch. We always have problems with it at work as different providers block, bounce etc our emails, even important ones like offering places. It's a bit of a 'mare.

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Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for PS4 spotted on Amazon Italy


This year's Tomb Raider reboot may be coming to PS4 and Xbox One if a listing on Amazon Italy is accurate.


Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is currently listed on the retailer's site for a 24th January release date on PS4, while a second listing maintains the "next-gen" moniker in its description, though no console is named. While this could mean the Wii U, it seems far more likely that this is referring to the Xbox One.


According to Amazon Italy's [translated] description, this Definitive Edition will contain all of the game's DLC and Amazon pre-orders include an exclusive art book.


I've requested confirmation about these next-gen versions from publisher Square-Enix and will update as I hear more.




If this ends up being real I would be tempted to buy it. I really enjoyed Tomb Raider and was planning on playing through it again.

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Surely with a console coming in the next 11 days, you'd have some of the monies ready. Shopto offer a finance deal as well for those who cannot afford the huge cost at once. And with Xbox One orders being processed early, surely some people may think "Shit, better check if i've got the funds ready in case they process early for PS4"

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Surely with a console coming in the next 11 days, you'd have some of the monies ready. Shopto offer a finance deal as well for those who cannot afford the huge cost at once. And with Xbox One orders being processed early, surely some people may think "Shit, better check if i've got the funds ready in case they process early for PS4"


It's all well and good saying better check if I have the funds but there are obviously people who live pay cheque to pay cheque. It's their decision if they decide to live like a pauper because they wanna dumb a ton on a console at the beginning of their month!


I think it's a bit unfair of us to cast scorn upon those living this way, we are all gamers as long as don't steal to get there who cares...

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