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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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I don't get that people are willing to pay hundreds for a new console and games but kick up a fuss at paying £40 one off for a year. People keep rattling on about it being free in the past, well things in life change, deal with it.


I suggest putting a few quid a way each week until November and you'll have enough for your subscription.

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I don't get that people are willing to pay hundreds for a new console and games but kick up a fuss at paying one off for a year. People keep rattling on about it being free in the past, well things in life change, deal with it.


I suggest putting a few quid a way each week until November and you'll have enough for your subscription.


People have paid thousands for a car, does that mean they need to pay hundreds for an air freshner?

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...But Plus is an awesome reason to get a Playstation console. Forget that multiplayer is now behind it, why wouldn't you want Plus? It's amazing.


I question the sanity of anyone who has a PS3 and doesn't have PSplus. One of the best things to happen to gaming in the last 10 years.


Finally got it in February and since then


Infamous 2


LBP Karting

Ico HD

Shadow of the Colossus HD


Hitman Absolution

Sleeping Dogs

Okami HD

God of War HD

Mortal Kombat

Motorstorm 3


Quantum Conundrum

Uncharted 3 single player


Unchated Golden Abyss

Wipeout Vita

Rayman Origins Vita

The Cave

Kingdoms of Amalar

Demon Souls

Thomas was not Alone

LOTR: War in the North

MGS HD Collection Vita

Mass Effect 3

Joe Danger 2


Dead or Alive 5


Jet Set Radio Vita

Gravity Rush

F1 Racestars


That's not even all of them, stunning service.

Edited by bryanee
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People have paid thousands for a car, does that mean they need to pay hundreds for an air freshner?


I agree with you, justifying the worthiness of a cost by looking at other completely unrelated and more expensive costs is a facile way of judging value. People should always question whether something is worth their money, then make an informed choice.

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To be fair, your original argument was worse.


How exactly is the cost of a subscription to online gaming unrelated to the cost of the console you'd be getting said subscription for? You've used sweeping generalisations, you obviously don't apply it to everything in life and I never said you would.


It would be foolish to shell out money for the console and then deprive yourself of one of the best parts of it out of some sort of misguided stubbornness.

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I don't get that people are willing to pay hundreds for a new console and games but kick up a fuss at paying £40 one off for a year. People keep rattling on about it being free in the past, well things in life change, deal with it.


I suggest putting a few quid a way each week until November and you'll have enough for your subscription.


Because, the point you make above is poor. The fact you spend £350 does not automatically mean people should accept and not question additional 'smaller' charges. Diageo questioned it, as it doesn't work for him. Good for him. For many of us though we're happy with paying for Plus.


Also note that despite calling it a smaller charge, since this console will likely have at least a 10 year life you can expect to pay more than the cost of the console again through fees.

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It's not stubbornness. The fact that I'd have to pay for multiplayer makes me not want the PS4 so much. The only multiplayer I've played this year is AC3. I'm not paying the cost of the game again just to play it online.


The thing is already €400 euro. Throw in the online at another €50, one or two launch games at €100 and it's already hideously expensive. I'm not a big multiplayer guy, I don't play Call of Duty or Battlefield. I play maybe one or two games online a year max. I wait for big games I really want to play and then I'm content with those one or two games. If then there are some other cool games I want to check out, I get it as a lend from a friend.


For me it's not worth it at all. Even if it's only €50 a year. It's just €100 a year for the stupid TV licence they have here. Doesn't mean I'm going to pay it when I'd only watch the TV once a month.

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Because I don't want to be locked out of the multiplayer on the odd occasions I do want to play it. And I didn't say I never did. When I got AC3 I played it for a solid month. And still dabble back every once in a while. Doesn't make it worth €50.


If they just gave me the multiplayer for like €10 without all the PS+ crap then I'd do it in a second.

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As a compromise for people like @Diageo, they should offer 2 hours online a week free. Online is sort of a basic right to gamers who invest in their platform. You can't afford not to charge then don't put 8 gigs of GDDR5 in your new console.


It's like buying a car and being charged to use the air-con ;)

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It would be foolish to shell out money for the console and then deprive yourself of one of the best parts of it out of some sort of misguided stubbornness.


How about people like me? Who have absolutely no use for Plus? My PC is my main platform and out of all the games Plus offered since it's started, I have all the ones I wanted and spent less than half of a yearly Plus subscription on them (hooray for Steam). For people like me, Plus is a terrible waste of money. I rarely play online, but I still play sometimes... and it's fucking unfair to think that when some PS4 online game that I want comes out I'll be paying a ridiculously high price because the online fee is attached to a service that, although great, is completely useless to me. Not to mention the fact that the smallest subscription is 90 days and I'll only end up using it for a couple of weeks at the most. It's silly. And it's alot worse than Xbox live in that regard since 48hour or 30 day subscrpitions are only allowed once here in the EU...

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How about people like me? Who have absolutely no use for Plus? My PC is my main platform and out of all the games Plus offered since it's started, I have all the ones I wanted and spent less than half of a yearly Plus subscription on them (hooray for Steam). For people like me, Plus is a terrible waste of money. I rarely play online, but I still play sometimes... and it's fucking unfair to think that when some PS4 online game that I want comes out I'll be paying a ridiculously high price because the online fee is attached to a service that, although great, is completely useless to me. Not to mention the fact that the smallest subscription is 90 days and I'll only end up using it for a couple of weeks at the most. It's silly. And it's alot worse than Xbox live in that regard since 48hour or 30 day subscrpitions are only allowed once here in the EU...


afew points:


There will be more PS plus options. Not on store yet but was announced at e3.


48 hours must be awful value for money on Live.


In terms of 'value' Ps Plus destroys steam. Even the 90 days will be awesome.


Sony have Gaikai coming and more ambitious online plans than the other two console manufacturers.


If pc is your main platform...

which it doesnt seem to be.


@Diageo If you hardly ever play online multiplayer then why are you bothered?


I don't play online multiplayer, so it doesn't bother me... but I am on Plus, so it'll be there if I want to.


He'll be happy when actually gets the free games on Ps Plus :p

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afew points:


There will be more PS plus options. Not on store yet but was announced at e3.




48 hours must be awful value for money on Live.


I preffer to spend ~£1 each time I want to play something online (which ends up being 3 or 4 times a year) than spending £32 to get 12 months that I'll never use.


In terms of 'value' Ps Plus destroys steam. Even the 90 days will be awesome.


Lol, not even close.


These are the games I actually wanted that were a part of Plus since this last year and how much I spent on them in USD:


Sleeping Dogs - 4.49 (best glitch ever).

Vanquish - 5

Just Cause 2 - 4.99

Street Figher IV bla bla edition - 7.49

Borderlands - 4.99

Spec Ops: The Line - 7.49


For 35$ (£22) I have unlimited unconditional access to all the games I actually wanted from this last year's list. Forever. I'd say that beats the £38 that a 12 month subscription would cost me. I'm not saying + is a bad deal. It isn't. It's awesome. But it's completely useless for a PC gamer. And not even close to being the same value as steam. :P


What makes you think PC is not my main platform? oO

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There are also games given away on Plus which you may have never heard of before or knew much about but once you try it are glad you got to play it. Things like Thomas Was Alone, Limbo, Vanquish, Ico HD for me.

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There are also games given away on Plus which you may have never heard of before or knew much about but once you try it are glad you got to play it. Things like Thomas Was Alone, Limbo, Vanquish, Ico HD for me.


Like I said, it's an awesome deal. Especially if you only have a PS3, it's insanely valuable. It just makes no sense to a PC gamer. I bought Thomas Was Alone and Limbo for like ~2-3$ each. And I actually have them. Forever. Unconditionally. Didn't realize those 2 were also on +, otherwise I would've included them in my list.


And I'm glad more people got to enjoy Vanquish because of +, it's an awesome game and it deserves alot more love and attention than it got. It's better than all the Gears Of War games combined... (even though I've only played the first 2, but everyone says 3 and 4 are worse, so I guess it's a fair assumption).

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It's launching next year and will have a huge catalogue of old Playstation (1,2,3 & Mobile (?) ) games available to stream. Nothing was said about the interface or integration and how much, if anything, will be charged for it.

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