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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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But The Last Guardian was already confirmed to be The Phantom Pain...


Also, has anyone watched the recent Bonus Round on GT? The quality of discussion on it is fucking atrocious. They have a 'mystery guest' bloke on it and he's a ginormous cunt for the entire duration.

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I mean the bumptious twat who's been sat on the right for each segment of the latest episode. What are his credentials?


Yeah, everyone hates him. Did you see the other weeks episode where he thought you could play online games with a Xbox Silver account? Everyone else on the show had to put him in his place. The guy is a douche.

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Saw the Xbox One conference. This is Sony's show already..


Aside from afew games (nothing earth shattering) such as Titanfall, KI and that Panzer clone nothing truly grabbed my attention.


Xbox One at £429 has me worried though. Thats a gross over valuation of the hardware. I am pretty sure you can make a pc with the same parts as a consumer cheaper. The GPU is like £70 in the 720. The one in the 720 doesnt have GDDR5. Thats the most expensive part i am aware of. this is madness. I know they want profitability but give me a break.

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My bet now is that Sony launch at exactly the same price. Sniffing collusion at a time of risk.


Sony basically have free reign. Same price is crazy good for them. They are in a good position. They can price however they please given that they actually have a good high performance gap.

Edited by Choze
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