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Destiny is super cheap right now on PSN. Legendary edition with all expansion packs plus game for £24.99 and Taken King alone 19.99 .


Unlike most games the digital makes it easier to log in etc given the nature of the game. : peace:


Wow. £25 for everything, and digital too! If I didn't already have it...I'd buy it!

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Its not even that good :/ My eldest plays it alot, I just don't get it. Loved the Beta but didn't get on with the actual game. £25 is about £15 too much imo.


Ive probably spent over £100 on that game.


I loved it when it first came out. Everyone on here was playing it. I really enjoy playing co-operatively with mates. Compleing the first raid will always be a great memory for me.


However, the game got boring. By the time The Taken King was released I was fed up with the grinding nature of the game. I got Taken King and wish I had not as I was just fed up of the game by then. Nothing wrong with the Taken King as it vastly improves the original game.


Kudos to those that are still enjoying it though!

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Its not even that good :/ My eldest plays it alot, I just don't get it. Loved the Beta but didn't get on with the actual game. £25 is about £15 too much imo.


Destiny is all about the co-op play. If you'd joined the clan and done raids, you probably would've had very a different experience. Also I don't know how long you stuck with it but the game really came into its own when they added the first raid and PvP events.


Just look at the post figures on this forum, the Destiny thread has more than twice the number of posts of the next single game thread (GTA IV). It has nearly as many as the PS4 thread. It's been out over a year and we still get a whole team together every week to raid. That doesn't just happen for some average game (that you think is worth £10 with 3 significant pieces of DLC... really now).

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Crucible is the best thing about Destiny. Haven't raided much. I love the variety and play style.


There is a ton to like about the game. Value for money really isn't an issue I wish I had got the game earlier, love it.

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Destiny is all about the co-op play. If you'd joined the clan and done raids, you probably would've had very a different experience. Also I don't know how long you stuck with it but the game really came into its own when they added the first raid and PvP events.


Just look at the post figures on this forum, the Destiny thread has more than twice the number of posts of the next single game thread (GTA IV). It has nearly as many as the PS4 thread. It's been out over a year and we still get a whole team together every week to raid. That doesn't just happen for some average game (that you think is worth £10 with 3 significant pieces of DLC... really now).


Maybe I'm being harsh, I put something like 20 hours into the beta. When the game came out I was away with work and missed the first two weeks ish of gameplay. When I got the chance to start it I got to like level 18 I think and was just bored. But again, I was waaay behind everyone on the forums and couldn't be bothered with the grind to catch up.


In general though its just a generic shooter with decent online gameplay?

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Maybe I'm being harsh, I put something like 20 hours into the beta. When the game came out I was away with work and missed the first two weeks ish of gameplay. When I got the chance to start it I got to like level 18 I think and was just bored. But again, I was waaay behind everyone on the forums and couldn't be bothered with the grind to catch up.


In general though its just a generic shooter with decent online gameplay?


Thats what i thought at first. I later joined in with the Taken king and was blown away. The mechanics were great to begin with but the amount of content was too tiny in the beta to make me buy the game. The whole game is online. Raiding is a huge deal though creating groups is a deliberate hassle(like many games). Most stuff has matchmaking though. Its a shared world shooter(not a MMO despite all sorts of games featuring such mechanics). The only one of its kind as far as I am aware. for me its my GOTY this year. There is no sub or anything making it great value imo.


The biggest knock I have against the game is the dumb technical parity with the xbone. Black Ops 3 seems to destroy this visually and runs at 60fps. But right now there is extra content on PS consoles.

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Productive weekend - platinum #48, #49 and #50 achieved this weekend, with Just Cause 3, Fallout 4 and Far Cry 4 respectively. Will probably reach 5000 trophies during 2016.


(I don't know why my signature doesn't update)

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Productive weekend - platinum #48, #49 and #50 achieved this weekend, with Just Cause 3, Fallout 4 and Far Cry 4 respectively. Will probably reach 5000 trophies during first half of 2016 and definitively during the year.


(I don't know why my signature doesn't update)




It's a shoddy signature card. If I remember correctly, you have to sign in to the site where it was created to update it. It doesn't do it automatically. I think ones on PSN Profiles or Exophase update automatically though.


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Productive weekend - platinum #48, #49 and #50 achieved this weekend, with Just Cause 3, Fallout 4 and Far Cry 4 respectively. Will probably reach 5000 trophies during first half of 2016 and definitively during the year.


(I don't know why my signature doesn't update)

Wow! I'm not familiar with those other games, but great job on getting the platinum for Just Cause 3 so quickly! :bowdown:





It's a shoddy signature card. If I remember correctly, you have to sign in to the site where it was created to update it. It doesn't do it automatically. I think ones on PSN Profiles or Exophase update automatically though.


Like this...



That's a cool site for seeing trophy stats. :awesome:


I've got some catching up to do: :heh:


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Wow! I'm not familiar with those other games, but great job on getting the platinum for Just Cause 3 so quickly! :bowdown:



That's a cool site for seeing trophy stats. :awesome:


I've got some catching up to do: :heh:



I've been playing Playstation games 4 years longer than you and we're at the same level :p Guess I'm not as much of a completionist as I used to be.



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Oh. :hehe: I got the impression it was a really tough game to complete. :blank:

You need to beat a raid without anybody dying. Which used to be very difficult and we were all pretty proud when we nailed it :D


But now that the level cap's gone up a couple of times it wouldn't be too hard. Most of the rest just take time.


Oh hey, so you did get that Persona 4 Golden platinum.
Yeah, just had that stupid Rise's commentary trophy for a long time, that was ridiculous.
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Yeah. Well... when you get all the other trophies, which is basically the PSN name for achievements ;) It's the equivalent of Xbox's gold star, except it's not taken away when DLC comes out with new trophies :p


Platinum trophies or their icon aren't taken away when more DLC hits - you still have the platinum trophy displayed by your game. The only thing that changes is the percentage of game complete, which makes sense.


I'm glad there is a star now for achievements. No obvious award for differentiating getting 980 gamerscore and all 1000 for a single game was a bit of a misjudgement.


Can you see all these stars at a glance though? Seeing a person's number of platinums at a glance is more interesting than a score (or that level thing that PSN does).

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