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The beginning of the game is hell. Literally hell. It's basically a 'If you can't cope now, don't come back' type of intro, and I spent the first 4-5 hours HATING the game.


Then I beat Cleric Beast......


And it instantly became my GOTY. It also gets much easier after the first few hours.


Maaaaate, I looked back at my posts in the Bloodborne thread for the early hours and checked my facebook status about the game. I NEVER write statuses about games and I'm usually quite a positive person, but I FUCKING HATED the first few hours of this game. It's so hard. It seemed impossible.


Completely worth it in the end and it's made me look at dying in videogames in a whole different way now. In games, dying is an annoyance. It's negative. In Bloodborne, it's essential. You analyse why you fucked up so you don't do it next time. Quite cathartic.

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@kav82 has yet to start Witcher 3 never mind chuffing Bloodborne!


Both need to be played. :heh:


Actually, both are my favourite games this year. I've reeeeeally, reaally enjoyed 2015. Bloodborne, Witcher 3, Batman, Rocket League, EVERYBODY'S GONE TO THE RAPTUUUUUURE and The Order (which I loved). Haven't got Fallout, haven't got MGS, or Tearaway and Battlefront is out soon. 2015 has been utterly sublime, imo.

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2015 has been a great year for games. My highlights were Bloodborne, (even though I didn't get very far - I plan on starting again soon!) The Witcher, loads of indie titles and loads of other games but I can't remember if they came out this year or last. But they were certainly played this year.


I'm oft scared the PS4's gonna explode the amount of time I spend on it.

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Out this week (at least in the US). :yay:


Super Star Wars

PS4, PS Vita — Digital (Cross Buy)




Enhanced for PS4 with new save features, leaderboards, Trophies, and updated display and controller options. Risk your life as a Jedi Knight! Join Luke, Han, and Chewbacca in their fierce war against the evil Empire.


Trophy List No platinum :(

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Speaking of platinum, anyone wants to help me get two more?


I need to get tailed five times in Watch Dogs (PS4) although I think only one or two more are needed. And I need to get the hijack a car from the passenger seat trophy in Far Cry 4 (PS4).

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Of those of you who've upgrade your PS4's hard drive - is there anything I should be wary of? Not something I'm gonna do quite yet but starting to contemplate it. However given the increasingly cheaper prices on external hard drives, I'm thinking of buying a large one and swapping the drives - am I correct in thinking the PS4 is 2.5inch? Are there any limits on the other physical dimensions of the drive also?

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Can't be any thicker than 9.5mm


I took the drive out of one of these http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/2489935.htm


At the time this was the only 2TB solution (might still be the case). Although the product is Seagate, the drive is a Samsung IIRC. Slightly fiddly but then you're left with a 500GB USB 3 external drive if you pop the original drive into the casing afterwards.


I had a bit of fuss copying back game files, ended up having to redownload them, no idea if that was the drive's fault or the PS4. Saves were fine in the cloud though.


One thing to note that I didn't realise is that once you copy all captured video and screenshots to a drive, you can't copy it back to the new drive, that stuff is a one-way process.


Things might've changed a bit in a recent update, not sure how up-to-date those last two points are.


Finally, the drive very occasionally makes an odd noise but it's never caused an issue.

Edited by Shorty
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Of those of you who've upgrade your PS4's hard drive - is there anything I should be wary of? Not something I'm gonna do quite yet but starting to contemplate it. However given the increasingly cheaper prices on external hard drives, I'm thinking of buying a large one and swapping the drives - am I correct in thinking the PS4 is 2.5inch? Are there any limits on the other physical dimensions of the drive also?



Personally I would buy the drive (yes it's a 2.5 laptop drive) separately and buy a hard drive enclosure to fit the old drive in. Beware, the drive needs to be formatted to fat32 (I think it is which is a bit tricky to do in Windows 7+) to work with a ps4.


If you are going to do so, do it sooner rather than later to save yourself more time in time in the long run with updates, installs and downloading saves.


Other important bits are make sure you download the right file to install the os. I ended up wasting time with the update file rather than the full install thanks to the confusing ps website.

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Personally I would buy the drive (yes it's a 2.5 laptop drive) separately and buy a hard drive enclosure to fit the old drive in. Beware, the drive needs to be formatted to fat32 (I think it is which is a bit tricky to do in Windows 7+) to work with a ps4.


If you are going to do so, do it sooner rather than later to save yourself more time in time in the long run with updates, installs and downloading saves.


Other important bits are make sure you download the right file to install the os. I ended up wasting time with the update file rather than the full install thanks to the confusing ps website.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking about atm, just checking some guides. The reason I'd get the external is because it just seems cheaper at the moment! Never really expected that to happen with drives. My other issue however is that perusing ebuyer quickly now external drives kind of understandably don't necessarily list their internal dimensions. Formatting shouldn't be much of a problem though. Thanks too @Shorty.

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What's the best way to figure out if there's psn issues or if it could be me? Destiny update just took a fucking age and now I can't even connect to the destiny servers after all that shit! I DMZ'd my ps4 a while back so I'm confused what might suddenly have changed if it ain't the psn servers(which are apparently fine from a quick Google on status)

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Try connecting to the shop?


Ahhh, it ended up kicking itself into shape but I'll keep that in mind for next time! Still just not sure why it was giving me so much gyp earlier! I have noticed(and sure mentioned here before) that I don't always seem to get the speeds worthy of my broadband when downloading games/updates etc - still curious if that's PSN's doing or something else though.

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I get absolutely awful speeds on my PS4 most of the time, to the extent that it sometimes struggles with Netflix and iPlayer. It's peculiar because I have Virgin 100mbps broadband which works perfectly with everything else, and it seems to take advantage of the speeds when it's in rest mode! Why are my speeds being throttled so much that the download/upload speed in the PS4 menu's connection test is in the kbps rather than mbps?


On another note, I've been trying out remote play using my phone, it's pretty cool (and doesn't seem to be affected by this download stream problem!) Found that I can remote play on my phone, connect the controller to it through bluetooth, and cast it to a TV with a chromecast! Yeah, there was a little bit of lag, but it was pretty impressive to play a game in Southampton while the PS4 was up in London!

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An official PS2 emulator actually exists for PS4 and is out now!? THE HELL!?


Why the hell aren't they making use of it for more titles!? Why didn't they announce it!? That's kind of a big deal!!


Seems to run VERY well! Much better than the PS3 emulation of PS2 titles did!




Still not perfect quality mind you... But a damn sight better than the mess that the PS3 put out!

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The PS2 emulation is official.


Sony is working on bringing PlayStation 2 titles to the PlayStation 4, the company confirmed to WIRED Thursday evening.


“We are working on utilizing PS2 emulation technology to bring PS2 games forward to the current generation,” a Sony representative told WIRED via email. “We have nothing further to comment at this point in time.”


It seems as if the first PS2 games using this emulation software to run on PS4 are already out: a bundle available now at retail that includes a PS4 console and the Star Wars: Battlefront game also includes a selection of bonus classic games: Super Star Wars, Star Wars: Racer Revenge, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, and Star Wars: Bounty Hunter.


The latter three games, according to the Digital Foundry, as reported by Eurogamer, aren’t simply ports of old code to the PS4. Instead, there are a number of signs indicating that they’re running on proprietary emulation software.


PSX will be no doubt be where they show the games/pricing etc.

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