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New update is on it's way.


Last September we put a call out to PS4 owners to test out our next system software update and since we’re getting close to the release of our next update for PS4, we wanted to do it again! Starting today you can sign up to be a beta tester and get a sneak peek at some of the features making their way to your PS4.


The beta program will kick off in early March, and if you’re part of the program, you’ll receive an email with instructions on downloading the system software. You can roll back to the previous system software at any time, so don’t worry about downloading the beta. In order to sign up, you’ll need a PS4 with an Internet connection and a master account. We’ll share more details on the new features you’ll be able to test when the beta begins.


Folders @dazzybee. BELIEVE! :D

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They need to add a proper friend list system - I only care when certain people join a party (or come online). Favourite groups just don't really work. Folders is so far down the list of being useful to me - I only play a few games at a time so the current display works well for my uses.


This is how I feel. While I wouldn't mind folders, having a notification when a friend comes online is what I most what. I actually knocked the party notification off months ago. The thing became annoying, especially if people were having connection issues.

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I'm pretty staggered there's no activity log or friend notifications. Basic functions that should have been in from day 1.


Likewise folders but to be honest they would only be useful if the home screen went through a much needed redesign. It's a total mess and I'm not sure folders will make it any better, even though it's another thing that should have been in from day 1. Also hoping for a Miiverse clone but that's never going to happen.

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There is an activity log (in terms of who played what and when) but no friend login notifications (just joining party notifications). They had friend login notifications on PS3 but not on PS4...it's weird.


I don't get the need for a home screen redesign though, nor have I heard many people crying out for a redesign. For the vast majority of people it's setup exactly how it is needed - for quick access to the last 4-5 games you played.

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...I don't get the need for a home screen redesign though, nor have I heard many people crying out for a redesign...


1. To satisfy my horrendous OCD

2. Just to make it look a little more clean and organised... so basically, point 1.


Yeah I can be crazy OCD over things like that.

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I find the home screen ridiculously easy to use. I basically just switch between whatever I'm playing, and the TV options of Sky, Netflix and iPlayer. It takes seconds. Quickly scroll all the way to the right if I want to go to my library, or go up to friends list/notifications etc. No need to change anything.

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I find the home screen ridiculously easy to use. I basically just switch between whatever I'm playing, and the TV options of Sky, Netflix and iPlayer. It takes seconds. Quickly scroll all the way to the right if I want to go to my library, or go up to friends list/notifications etc. No need to change anything.


I agree with this. It's already pretty slick, imo. I've got no complaints over it.


The only thing I'd really like is an activity log. Aside from that, I'm satisfied.

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I think the OS is just awful personally. Slight exaggeration. It's functional. But hate I have to see stupid music and media folders that won't go away despite them not being recent. I hate having games and demos I will never ever touch displayed (OCD problem like Kav) and it's clumsy to browse, I organise everything in my life in lists and folders in various forms and I like that. Can't do that at all here.


But it isn't a huge problem. Just annoying.


And yeah, I'd like an activity log too (in fact I wish Wii U's was like 3DS' too)!!

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It's crazy that we can't see how much time we've invested in each game. What a simple feature to implement and they still haven't done it.


The UI itself is efficient I suppose but it's a total mess from a visual POV. I hate having games and apps mixed up like that.

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I must be the only one who's pretty much fine with the OS. It might not be the most feature-filled or organised but it's lightning fast, I always get where I want to easily, things like sharing and swapping between applications are really efficient. I wouldn't sacrifice the speed for more capabilities by any means.

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