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Watch Dogs isn't that bad. There are elements i hated, and elements i quite liked. The driving was good, reading people's profiles from hacks can be quite enjoyable. However, i wasn't a fan of the online hacking (where someone would "hack into" your game, and you'd have to find them before time expired). The main story was ok, and the side-stuff got a little repetitive. But overall, it wasn't a bad game.

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Thanks guys for all the help and suggestions. Maybe The Order first up would be best.


Not interested in Alien, Last of Us or Dying Light (don't like zombie/horror games), Destiny or Far Cry (hate FPS's, though third person is good), Witcher 3 (I find big RPGs way too intimidating and too time consuming), Bloodborne isn't my kind of game at all. I suppose I should probably make an effort with Last of Us as it's so highly rated.


Valiant Hearts looks good though, Fez I got bored of after 10 minutes (I found the map/traversal between areas a bit too confusing)


Limbo is amazing, will probably get it again.


Basically I like third person action/shooters, RPG shooters like Mass Effect, platformers, puzzle games and the occasional bit of driving.

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If you like Third Person, The Last of Us is like... the pinnacle. And it's not really a horror/zombie game, it's hugely story driven, lots of puzzles. The remaster is also 1080p60.


Interesting thanks, maybe I'll give it a shot then. I assumed it was just constant brawling with zombies. Even if it was it does feel like one of those games you just have to play.

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I've also got Tomb Raider, Arkham Knight and Infamous on the way.


After umming and ahhing for ages about what to play first I've settled on Watch Dogs... I think. Having thought about it I reckon it'll have a bit more variety and the kind of gameplay that I like compared to Infamous. I'm a big fan of cover-based third person shooting, it has a bit of driving, the hacking looks fun and generally the game was pretty well received. It'll also be my first openworld game, so I'm excited about that.


The Order is probably next on my list. Tomb Raider I'm happy to leave till a bit later so that the gap between it and the sequel isn't so long, but am very excited to play it.


Indie wise I'm looking forward to finally playing Journey, also Resogun, Transistor, Flower, Galak-Z, Velocity 2X, and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. Oh and Trials Fusion if that counts.


Bigger titles to follow: Uncharted Collection (can't wait), Tearaway Unfolded (can't wait), No Man's Sky (omg), Rime (Wind Waker 2), Need For Speed (I like the FMV addition) and AC: Syndicate (decent jumping in point to the series I think)


Plus loads more this year like Rogue Legacy, Adr1ft, maybe Battlefront if the single player is ok.


*rubs hands* Let's see what all the fuss is about... (tonight, when I get in)


First of all, welcome. :D It's still strange seeing your name in here as I'm used to seeing it in the Nintendo boards. (most likely the same feeling others had when a few of us climbed aboard the PS4 train)


Secondly, addy? Get us all added up asap!


Fuck the haters, I loved Watch Dogs and I'm not ashamed to say it. It hasn't got the best story, but it's decent. The hacking is good fun, there's enough variety and different ways to approach a mission to keep it interested and the gameplay is pretty fun, imo.


If you do want that wow factor, you might consider trying The Order first. Visually, it's one of the best games on the system. It's fairly short, so you can play it either before or alongside Watch Dogs without it really taking up too much time or detracting from the experience. I'm getting tempted to pick up the game for cheap because I kinda want to go through it again. There better be a sequel.


Oh and in case nobody's told you yet, you gotta "buy" all free the PS+ games straight away even if you might never play them :p get Limbo right now!




The easiest way to do this (imo) is to go to the Playstation store on either you're computer or phone. If you go to the PS+ section, you can download/add the games from all three consoles to your account. You can download it to the PS4 from there, too.


The Last of Us is a good game, don't get me wrong, but far from being a pinnacle in my eyes, very overrated.


Which game (of the same type, of course) which you consider to be better than The Last of Us?

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@Fierce_LiNk, I was simply going off Shorty saying of 3rd Person games it was the pinnacle. I've found many 3rd Person games better. As far as similar types of game, I'm not sure what category I'd put TLoU in as it's very story driven, it feels more story driven than gameplay focused so I can't call it. Is it survival horror? Action horror? Completely repetitive and fairly dull after a while horror?


The story makes the game better than it truly is but the story isn't anything to write home about. I didn't feel any emotional connectiom to the characters and it was so very predictable. I air my gripes in the game's thread if you fancy knowing more, I don't want to derail this one which I probably would do given my opinion on the game, haha.


I compare to Eternal Darkness, both have completely mediocre gameplay but the story make each better... I just loved ED's much more and was drawn more into their world (sanity effects helped).

Edited by Kav
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If you do want that wow factor, you might consider trying The Order first. Visually, it's one of the best games on the system. It's fairly short, so you can play it either before or alongside Watch Dogs without it really taking up too much time or detracting from the experience. I'm getting tempted to pick up the game for cheap because I kinda want to go through it again. There better be a sequel.


Thanks for the welcome! Just plugged the console in and had my first play through. Settled on the Order and just finished the prologue and the first chapter. Loving it so far. The graphics and overall presentation are STUNNING. I can't believe how good it looks. I love the way the cutscenes mix seamlessly with the action. Feels like I'm playing a film, which I guess is what they were going for. Fighting the Lycans was good fun, especially nabbing the third one in the streets. I need to read up on the storyline to date though as I'm a tad lost already as to what's going on. I like being able to replay chapters, though it does drive home just how linear the game is, but that's not a problem for me personally.


As for the PS4 itself, it's a very nice looking console, the controller is great and very comfortable. I find the system UI a little ugly tbh. Is there really no way of organising the home screen with folders? So much clutter that I'll never use. Oh well. Otherwise enjoying it so far, must remember to add people to my friend list!

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@Fierce_LiNk, I was simply going off Shorty saying of 3rd Person games it was the pinnacle. I've found many 3rd Person games better. As far as similar types of game, I'm not sure what category I'd put TLoU in as it's very story driven, it feels more story driven than gameplay focused so I can't call it. Is it survival horror? Action horror? Completely repetitive and fairly dull after a while horror?


The story makes the game better than it truly is but the story isn't anything to write home about. I didn't feel any emotional connectiom to the characters and it was so very predictable. I air my gripes in the game's thread if you fancy knowing more, I don't want to derail this one which I probably would do given my opinion on the game, haha.


I compare to Eternal Darkness, both have completely mediocre gameplay but the story make each better... I just loved ED's much more and was drawn more into their world (sanity effects helped).


I love Eternal Darkness too but I'm going to have to massively disagree with you about The Last of Us. I'm surprised you didn't connect with the characters as I thought that they were really well created. There's not an awful lot that I dislike about the game. For me, it lived up to the hype. Maybe you'll go back to it in a few years and enjoy it moaarrr.


Thanks for the welcome! Just plugged the console in and had my first play through. Settled on the Order and just finished the prologue and the first chapter. Loving it so far. The graphics and overall presentation are STUNNING. I can't believe how good it looks. I love the way the cutscenes mix seamlessly with the action. Feels like I'm playing a film, which I guess is what they were going for. Fighting the Lycans was good fun, especially nabbing the third one in the streets. I need to read up on the storyline to date though as I'm a tad lost already as to what's going on. I like being able to replay chapters, though it does drive home just how linear the game is, but that's not a problem for me personally.


As for the PS4 itself, it's a very nice looking console, the controller is great and very comfortable. I find the system UI a little ugly tbh. Is there really no way of organising the home screen with folders? So much clutter that I'll never use. Oh well. Otherwise enjoying it so far, must remember to add people to my friend list!


The Order is pretty awesome, isn't it? I still disagree with the reviews and it's that typical thing of the reviewers not reviewing the game that's in front of them but the game that they wanted. Still think that they were incredibly harsh.


I think my addy is on the left. If not, it's teh_jimzor. There's also a thread lying around somewhere with all of our addys in there. If you can't find that, you could also look at my friend's list when you add me and just add people from N-E from there. :D


That interface is a bit marmite. Personally, I like it and have no issues with it. Others want folders. When you play new games, it'll immediately get bumped to the left, so the stuff you don't use gets pushed towards the end of the line and eventually off it. You can find your games in the library on the far right. When you insert your disc into the drive, it'll appear as one of the first things on the line/bar on the left, so that's pretty easy.


There's a load of themes that are on PSN that you can download. I'm currently rocking the Rapture theme, but I believe that it came free with the game. There's some nice ones there. There's a free The Order theme which I quite like and used for aaaaaages.

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You can now sign up to beta test the new software updates, similar to what Microsoft does with the One.


Sony is calling for PlayStation 4 users to test the new system software update ahead of launch.


To qualify for the beta test you have to own a PS4 with an internet connection, as well as a Master PSN Account. Sub accounts cannot join the test. Sony adds that testers will be able to roll back to the previous system software update at any time.


The beta program kicks off on September 2nd. More info on the system software update will be shared nearer the time.


I'm not interested in it but for those who are then you can sign up HERE.

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6. From time to time during the beta we may modify the test software and related content and services automatically and without notice. Modifications may cause loss of data or content and loss of function or utility. You hereby authorise us to make all such modifications and agree that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we are not liable for any loss of data, content, function or utility.


7. We will use any personal information which you give us when you register or in the course of the beta to operate the beta and for research and analysis, in particular to improve the beta software and our other products and services, and in accordance with the SEN Privacy Policy (see eu.playstation.com/legal). You agree that we may contact you in connection with the beta and to collect your feedback on the beta software.



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As much as I loved Bloodborne and Destiny, I'm not sure about them in this case. Ronnie doesn't like multiplayer and even if Destiny was the game to convince him otherwise, we're not playing it much at the moment. The best bits, discovering the raids for the first time etc, are in the past. Also it's only the pretty hardcore, slightly self-loathing player who sticks with it for the long run.


And Bloodborne... I dunno... might be a bit of a shock to the system :p


Re Destiny, are people getting the expansion?

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Having taken part in the PS Now Beta and getting locked out of all my content for a week...



Fuck that.


How did that happen?


Locked out of all your content as in... you couldn't access anything on your Playstation account at all? I didn't even know stuff like this happened from downloading the PS NOW Beta... I used it a few times but don't recall being locked out of anything, how strange.


I suppose these things can happen though, just surprised is all as this is the first I've heard about it, was this a wide-spread thing and more importantly is your account working as it should now?

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How did that happen?


Locked out of all your content as in... you couldn't access anything on your Playstation account at all? I didn't even know stuff like this happened from downloading the PS NOW Beta... I used it a few times but don't recall being locked out of anything, how strange.


I suppose these things can happen though, just surprised is all as this is the first I've heard about it, was this a wide-spread thing and more importantly is your account working as it should now?


It was a bug that came with the second wave of games. Something about the licensing not syncing up with Sony's servers. I was locked out of DLC and Plus basically. Happened for about five days. Didn't seem to happen to that many people but there were a couple small threads on Reddit about it.


T'was annoying but hopefully they're prepared for any issues like that happening again.

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Is there really no way of checking how long you've played a particular game? Seems like a bit of an oversight to me. The Wii U gets a lot of shit for being backwards but the PS4 seems to be missing fundamental things like the above and even something as basic as folders or organisation on the home screen. Having said that the UI is growing on me a little.


I really like the easy screen capture button on the controller, it's super useful, although I wish the quality was better. Shame it won't let you save uncompressed PNGs. I don't suppose there's any way of publishing screenshots (Miiverse style) to your wall with a comment or is it just for your own viewing benefit.

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I'd really not have thought checking game time was fundamental... I don't think I've ever bothered checking that on any game I've ever played. It's not like it's missing things like party chat, an invite system, a messaging system and notifications etc.

There may be a way to do it but I don't know.

You can however post pictures/video to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, which I prefer over Miiverse (even though Miiverse is ok).


The UI could definitely be better though, I much prefer the WiiU's.

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