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Rummy, your picture has foot porn going on in the background.



Doesn't everyone have massive foot orgies at the parties they go to?


Your hair reminds me of tape, the kind you'd find within a video-cassette.


I only know that because my old videoplayer used to chew up my tapes. :)


Haha, when I think about it it does remind me alot of how tapes used to unwind, then curl up. People thought I had a perm or something, but it was just naturally that bastard curly, hence why I cut it. It was like the most awkward thing, I had horrible morning hair and it hurt to brush it dry :(

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....I feel like vomiting blood.


Now that would make for some Kinky sex. Mostly dirty, but it's all your favor of SM, just like sonic 238 loves wearing bra's and men toiuching hiks fake boobies. He must find it erotising and offers some kinky sex afterwards. Oh wait, the kids can see this. Ah well - the kids stopped reading when they saw that picture.

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what could be more awesome than a bra...











...on a man! i R teh sexy one with the bra!




Damn Bernd, it's cool and uncool. Cool because you have a cool guy face on. Uncool because you're wearing a bra.

Also cool because you are surrounded by teh wimminz. Except for one guy.

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I don't like the fact that I can't see the other guy's left hand.


hence my face... go figure it out *just kidding*



That picture is infinitely more homo erotic than my "infamous" one.


i really don't know anything that would be more homoerotic than your "infamous" picture... not even me with a bra on. or a bra and a skirt. or without balls. really. i don't know anything.

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I don't like the fact that I can't see the other guy's left hand.


At first, I thought it was his hand on the bra, then I realised it wasn't, and started wondering too, he's got a bit of a cheeky grin on his face!


i really don't know anything that would be more homoerotic than your "infamous" picture... not even me with a bra on. or a bra and a skirt. or without balls. really. i don't know anything.

Where is this supposedly infamous picture that hasn't graced my eyes?

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That picture is infinitely more homo erotic than my "infamous" one.


Lets have a look shall we.....




One guy is surrounded by chicks (and one guy :heh:) with one of the most studly faces ever, the other, well is just arab_freak hoaring himself out to some bald guy!

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There is no "real me". Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable, I simply...am not...there.


Nice quote :)

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All I did was use Image > Adjustments > Threshold =o


Most of the times, the simple solutions are the best. It looks nice, simple and distinctive. You don't need how to make your face the new dangling-with-signs-I-stole-from-the-web image, do you? Simplicity is fun.


Maybe you should tryn to gezt this in illustrator and use the trace tool (there's a tool for this, but I'm not sujre what it's namled, actually, I use it often but never looked at the name). Gives you smoother, smarter lines and makes it look awesome. Just place this picture in illustrator and try that tool.

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