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No no I like it. Thats what I was trying to say (but failed); my hair seems to have done a better job of doing itself than I tend to.


And thanks :) And its nice to see you out of hibernation Fresh.


Oh and it doesn't really grow anymore. It gets to this kind of length and then just gets thicker. I keep trying.

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how pale do i loooook?



oh aye - the reasonw hy i posted this pic was cause its the top im wearing to the wedding reception me n nando are going to

im wearing a red n white spotty skirt as well which ill have to get a picture of

n i want to show my amazment at the straps of the top. i have teeny tiny shoulders n all straps on strappy tops fall off my shoulders cause they are too big n my shoulders are too small

but i found that bhs have a range called "petite" for people that are 5ft 3 n below :P so that means that the straps etc are a little bit shorter etc etc! which if ound perfect as this top fits perfectly :D:Dn if i look a bit sleepy in the second one its cause i am

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god I love that place it's so nice and yummy and ^_^ I'd move to birmingham if I wasn't going to sheffield!


I'll be hopefully there on the 28th, so if you see alot of crazy coloured hair people around and me, then say hello! :yay:


Dude, I'll keep a look out for you on the 28th as I work literally just round the corner from where that third photo was taken. Not in stalkerish kind of way though, just you know, keep a look out on the off chance. Although having lived in Birmingham for 4 years I have to say I disagree with it being nice. Frankly can't wait to escape it at the moment.

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...Who taught you the art of complimenting? Your doing it wrong.


Yeah um no... i mean it in a..... good way. Like i cant stop looking at it... im not a perv though >.> Yeah im trying to say she has eyes that seem as deep as the ocean, as beautiful as the setting sun over the green lush hills of cambodia.


Am i doin it rite???1?1!!?

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