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Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens


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l I don't know. if they made this with completely new characters with slight throwbacks to the originals( I'm talking planet references) then it has a good chance, but if they have a CGI'd elderly Luke Skywalker training someone or some shit I will puke my ring.


we all know george's problem was he had too much power and was surrounded by too many "yes" people that were afraid to challenge him whenever he made stupid decisions( you know like the entire episode of 2)


With new younger blood this could be awesome but this NEEDS to be live action.


Either way it will be clearly distinguished from the original Star Wars so I'm ok with this.


More importantly, the series (and Indiana Jones) is finally safe from George's clutches!!! We won!


Also Disney have a significant foothold in the Gaming industry once again, now that they own Lucasarts!


Proper re-releases of the original Star Wars movies and Lucasarts games!? HELL FUCKING YES!!! :bouncy:

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Never having grown up with the Star Wars movies, I never really got the whole deal with the franchise. I remember trying to watch the original film before and it was just really meh and I couldn't appreciate how goofy it was.


I think I'll try again as this does sound interesting

I was the same. I didn't really watch any until I was 15 and then I was just "meh". It was all just predictable. It's an enjoyable franchise, but it's not the best of the best.


I call it "Sci-Fi" for the masses

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I was the same. I didn't really watch any until I was 15 and then I was just "meh". It was all just predictable. It's an enjoyable franchise, but it's not the best of the best.


I call it "Sci-Fi" for the masses


Well, it's more fantasy than Sci-Fi really and it defined a huge chunk of the clichés that persist today.


The original trilogy was series of fantastically written fantasy movies, with wonderfully memorable characters and vivid lore, in Sci-Fi clothing. The Prequel Trilogy was Sci-Fi CGI porn pretending to be Star Wars (and failing miserably)


Disney do fantasy very well and I reckon it could lead to a great set of movies with George being as far away from it as possible. I'll be watching them with an open mind and a clear set of expectations.


The whole concept of Disney owning the entire Lucasfilm/Lucasarts portfolio just blows my fucking mind though!! (And for a measly $4 billion to boot! Thought that Lucasfilm would be worth way more than that!!!)

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So will Disney now own:


- Star Wars

- Indiana Jones

- The Land Before Time

- Labyrinth

- Monkey Island

- Grim Fandango

- Manic Mansion

- Loom


And various other stuff?


And Industrial Light & Magic, which is one hell of an asset.

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This is fabulous news

think of it this way Lucas hit rock bottom with this franchise, now disney who have done amazing things with marvel are in control, so the only way is up! if they can produce a film half as good as Avengers that right there exceeds the prequels!


The expanded universe will make a great basis for any plots but i hope they don't stick too close to it, hell even reboot it (ideas like killing Chewie and Mara Jade weren't popular) I really would love them to base 7,8 and 9 on the Admiral Thawn Trilogy and the remnent empire stories, even if they condense it all into 7 thats great!

Bringing in the Solo children will allow them to focus on new lead characters and then the original cast can be as cameo's, although i suspect Mark Hamil could potentially return for a larger role.


I don't see a downside to any of this, so many posibilities and no Lucas to invent stuff like freaking jar-jar stinks! or cast complete talentless card board cut outs like Hayden Christianson.


As a side note has anyone seen Hayden and Kristen Stewart together? i suspect its him in drag it would explain EVERYTHING

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So will Disney now own:


- Star Wars

- Indiana Jones

- The Land Before Time

- Labyrinth

- Monkey Island

- Grim Fandango

- Manic Mansion

- Loom


And various other stuff?




That's just fucking terrifying! The sheer force of that portfolio combined with everything else they own (Disney, Touchstone, ESPN, Marvel) is just insane!


It's like an unstoppable black hole of doom! How long until they buy Paramount?!


Pixar and ILM under one roof!? HOLY SHITBALLS!


Also, Disney just handed Square Enix an extra 3 million sales for Kingdom Hearts 3! :o

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I am not sure what I will feel about this in the long run, but now I am actually feeling some excitement!


I remember reading maybe ten years ago he had another trilogy planned, but it was laid to rest. I do not remember if he said he had written them. And lately Lucas has been sounding kind of down, voicing his sadness saying 'everyone hates what I do', maybe about a year ago.


My favourites are Episode 4, 5 and 6. Episode 1 is good, and Episode 3 is very good. Episode 2 was very boring.

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Warner Bros give up Supes and BATMAN? Doubt it.


I think they should drop the 'Episode' bullshit if there's going to be a new film every 2-3 years. And because I-III were a travesty against culture and reality. And because Fox own the rights to the first six films...so a box set probably ain't going to happen. And because tonally the two trilogies and now any films that follow will be a million miles apart.

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The sequel trilogy has the potential to be far more interesting. IMO the originals have enough built-in backstory which is mysterious and intriguing. The prequels only manage to mess it up, make it tedious and obnoxious, create continuity errors and make you question how this series ever had the charm it did. We already knew most of the important stuff, we just didn't know it was so badly acted, scripted, directed and slathered in a chaos of dodgy CGI ;)


I can't feel wholly positive about Disney as an entity either these days - they're far too sprawling to attribute any solid standards to, they frequently mishandle their back catalogue and have declared hand drawn animation to be worthless. Having said all that, I think this gives Land Before Time a good chance of a release on blu!

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I can't feel wholly positive about Disney as an entity either these days - they're far too sprawling to attribute any solid standards to, they frequently mishandle their back catalogue and have declared hand drawn animation to be worthless.


Papaerman says hai!



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re: lucasarts games, would it be a stretch to imagine a smash bros/sony all-stars type game with disney, pixar, marvel, lucasarts movies and games...MINDSPLOSION!

So will Disney now own:


- Star Wars

- Indiana Jones

- The Land Before Time

- Labyrinth

- Monkey Island

- Grim Fandango

- Manic Mansion

- Loom


And various other stuff?

I looked some of this up earlier - I saw that Land Before Time had twelve straight-to-video sequels, none of which were associated with Lucasarts. Similarly I think Labyrinth would bea Jim Henson IP, though I'm not really certain!

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Papaerman says hai!

Yes, that looks very promising, but it seems like more of a hybrid (which I'm all in favour of). There was The Ballad of Nessie a while back as well which was nicely stylised. Personally, I don't think a couple of shorts and a Winnie the Pooh re-reboot says much for their belief in the form after sacking so many of their animators.


Maybe it'll see a comeback... If anything, rather than undermining traditional methods, the computer can be used to bring the marks and 'handwriting' of the individual drawings to the screen with much greater immediacy, distinguishing it even further from the smooth, shiny renderings we see in many 3D films. I have hope, but reckon it would take a much braver studio than the modern incarnation of Disney.

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