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Lance Armstrong stripped of titles


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Yeah the witch hunt nature is what makes it feel very uncomfortable for me. Those who helped bring him down get a six month ban, effectively not a ban because they wouldn't be competing over the winter anyway, while he gets a lifetime ban.


And I also think - like the Jimmy Savile case - why did no-one come out with this sooner? And I really find it quite hard to believe that if he was doping he managed to dodge the testers every single time during his career. I remember them always saying he was the most tested athlete in the world - if so, how did they never pick anything up if he was doping so much?

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Yeah the witch hunt nature is what makes it feel very uncomfortable for me. Those who helped bring him down get a six month ban, effectively not a ban because they wouldn't be competing over the winter anyway, while he gets a lifetime ban.


And I also think - like the Jimmy Savile case - why did no-one come out with this sooner? And I really find it quite hard to believe that if he was doping he managed to dodge the testers every single time during his career. I remember them always saying he was the most tested athlete in the world - if so, how did they never pick anything up if he was doping so much?


Those are the problems/questions that I have with it.


But then, being the most successful person in your sport will mean that you will gather more attention.


Still, I can't help but feel meh about this whole thing.

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The people I feel sorry for the most are the people who were second to him in all seven of those races. By rights, it should have been their victories and he's literally robbed them of what would have been such a lifetime achievement for them.

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"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."


Or you're Jimmy Saville and do both.


Very true.


Sad that this is how his career will be remembered. A completely unforgivable thing to do. Not only cheating for him to win, but also cheating fellow pros and robbing them of their chance to win something.

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Sad that this is how his career will be remembered.


Isn't it a good thing his career will be remembered this way?


I personally think that he should be charged. He swore under oath that he didn't take anything. He's profited millions because of his victories. How much of this money in sponsorship is going to be paid back? How much of the money he won by suing newspapers is going to be paid back?


The man is a complete sham, he shouldn't be allowed to go on television and he shouldn't be given a way to broadcast his apology.

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Isn't it a good thing his career will be remembered this way?


Well, yes and no. Depending on how you look at it. It's good to see a cheat exposed. But, at the same time, this guy was a hero to many, an inspiration. It's sad that these allegations turned out to be truthful.

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Sigh, can't we just allow doping at this point? All the best racers have all been doped, anyway, so might as well make it fair.


No way. That sends out the wrong message to competitors, that the only way in which they compete is to dope. That's not what sport is about. It should always be about human endeavour.

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No way. That sends out the wrong message to competitors, that the only way in which they compete is to dope. That's not what sport is about. It should always be about human endeavour.


It was mainly a joke. I completely agree with you, legalising something just because people do it anyway is ridiculous, but I just find it so absurd at this point. How many winners haven't been doped? It's hard to take it seriously when you seemingly have to cheat to win.

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It was mainly a joke. I completely agree with you, legalising something just because people do it anyway is ridiculous, but I just find it so absurd at this point. How many winners haven't been doped? It's hard to take it seriously when you seemingly have to cheat to win.


I figured you must've been joking. :p


That's where the governing bodies need to sort it out. Cyclists shouldn't have to resort to doping or cheating to win. It damages the reputation for the sport. Lance Armstrong has damaged the sport significantly.

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"He isn't genuinely sorry, he is sorry he got caught"


Saw this comment on the BBC webiste earlier and think it's so true, from what I saw of the interview he just seems miffed he has been exposed. At least with Tiger Woods he behaved like a dick to his wife and children and all those women, but at least his sporting integrity and achievements are untouchable (we hope!) Armstrong's inspirational career and image are shattered, and he tried to drag every one else down and ruin people's lives so that he could prosper. He must have been swimming in his own hypocrisy and lies, takes a hell of a guy to convince himself what he was doing was acceptable, and then to deny it to all and sundry.

Gutted it's all true.

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Why would you expect him to be sorry? seriously, someone who has kept up that lie for so long is only coming clean because he has no other choice. I'm all for people crawling out of their rock in the sporting world to express their opinion but i roll my eyes when cyclists who also have been banned start having a go.


The most disappointing for me is the lie he told to all the cancer sufferers, he truly was hero to them and to see that all disappear must be very painful. He's always been one of my sporting heroes and after defending him for so many years, it did upset me that it was all bollocks.

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He's saying he doesn't deserve a lifetime ban, what's he on drugs or............... oh wait, probably was when he said that.


He deserves to be locked up for cheating and being a fraudster. Not only has he been stripped of his Olympic medal and Yellow Jersey, but he should be expected to pay back his prize funds or give it all to charity as well.

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Just watching the second half of the interview at work now, this man is a piece of work, and everything he says I'm just thinking "You're lying". Also been reading some stuff about scientology today (been playing Virtues last reward, cult references etc..), this man was almost like a religion to some, not quite me but I did believe right up to the USADA report. Such a travesty to see what's happened, and to see what a monster he was/is.

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