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Is it quiet in here? Or is it just me?


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Hmm, I hope you reconsider and stick around, Happenstance.


I hope I didn't come across as confrontational in the posts replying to you earlier. On the whole, for all of its flaws, it's still a great place to be.


Agreed, so many great memories as well.


Can't imagine what life would be like if i never found N-E.


I've made a decision, if i thank a post i will respond to it as well. It feels wasted just giving a "Thanks", it needs beef to it as well.

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@Happenstance I agree with you, and some jayseven posts, where he gets millions of thanks, I think things like, "that was a bit harsh and condescending" and the like, but we all have to live with it. Obviously some people here are more popular than others, doesn't mean your opinion is worth any less. Even if other people say it is.

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Jay, is there something troubling you? You seem a bit on edge...


It's long and 'blown out of proportion' because I disagree with you and I don't like disagreeing with people because that means one of us doesn't understand the other and it could be me but it could be you.


But you cannot really live your life without disagreeing with people. Doesn't mean you cannot understand them too' date=' but just think differently. I mean, is this why you're getting so worked up here, because others don't see [i']your [/i]viewpoint? We all got them, and they're all different. You cannot possibly ever get a uniform view on what is the exact reason behind this forum's decline. Yes, there are a lot of theories and speculation, which is very helpful, but no "final answer" etched in stone. Even if there were, not everyone would subscribe to that; for such a thing, you'd need a total thought tyranny. For as long as there are free-thinking people, there will be disagreement, and that's how it should be. More important than forcing other people to adopting our views would be to learn to live in disagreement.


So, yes, you make solid points, but so does everyone else. I'm just wondering is there something in particular that irritates you, because your tone seems a bit frustrated and harsh, especially towards @Goafer and @Happenstance. Personally, I don't see any reason for that, apart from some personal frustration of yours. I mean it's just discussion...right?

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Meta spirals!


I did try and write a long reply then realised that's the joke so stopped.


Intention =/= harm.


I am Lennie. Opinions are mice. I love them so much I end up squishing their little brains right out of their eye sockets, then sad because they won't play anymore.

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A lot of people are complaining that this place is quiet, or that the forums are "broken". But what exactly are you doing about it? When was the last time you created a thread? When was the last time you actively encouraged participation/discussion/games/activity?





This conversation's over.

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A lot of people are complaining that this place is quiet, or that the forums are "broken". But what exactly are you doing about it? When was the last time you created a thread? When was the last time you actively encouraged participation/discussion/games/activity?


I post in the gaming boards on a daily basis. I'm doing my part and have been for years! :bouncy: It's just hard to keep it going when there are only 5 active members in the gaming section of the site. :D

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1. I have been on this forum many-a-year. I have experienced the specific "lol I have nothing to say but I want to say somethiing" posts

2. Coming up wth substance is always a good thing' date=' ja?

3. [i']Looking busy[/i] is far more important that being busy.

4. lol. People aren't joining the forum because this is a nintendo forum, and nintendo have made it their entire purpose to exclude the sort of individual who would normally spend their social lives online.


The real reason this forum is sucking is not to do with the people who are here already, it's more to do with Nintendo's approach to gaming this generation!


This generation is the longest so far.

This generation has the most females.

The most grandparents.

The most non-forum-user gamers.


The biggest change since n64-europe has been the fact that most people who play on the nintendo consore ARE NOT TEENAGE BOYS.


Stop blaming ANY facet of this website and start looking at the fucking industry. This site was founded on 13 year old gamers. Modern 13 year old gamers would not be seen DEAD with a wii. If we change this to a MW3 forum then perhaps we'll see the sort of buzz that you're demanding.


tl;dr: let's fucking blame nintendo this time.


And general evolution of internet, as has been mentioned. There's other ways to be social on the internet these days, forums aren't cutting it quite like the more mainstream things.


I've noticed that the Creative and tech boards aren't really that busy. Do they really need separate sections?


And the Online Gaming subforum in tech? Perhaps move that over to Other Consoles.


Wii Channels can also go, the Wii Shop and eShop discussions can just take place in the Wii and 3DS boards. Game Help/High Scores and Import Gaming are pretty much non-existent, too.


I know I've pretty much said "delete a ton of stuff", but I think people would be more likely to join in on stuff like Android/Apple discussions and comment on artwork if they didn't have to go elsewhere to look at it.


Edit: and on the "looking busier" thing, I think that less boards with "Last post: Today" is better than more with "Last post: Last Weak" or "Last post: sometime in the last year".


Just pointing out, instead of thanksing this, I'm replying! I totally agree, I might have said it already too; but adding more forums/sub-forums whilst I understand are sposed to be ideal and keep things more organised, thin out the activity and some good discussions can be missed by people who *think* nothing of their interest will occur in that sub-section. I think forums tend to get fractured more as activity grows, but if it subsequently dies down the forums don't get shrunk back down either, and it leads to the whole thinned activity.


That post is exactly what I'm on about by bigger problems. Confrontational/cynical posts are becoming far too common on here and it's the reason I left at the beginning of the year. I'm sure I'm not the only person who's noticed it either, judging by how many people hardly post anymore.


It's just not a nice place to be anymore.


Which post? I will agree with the sentiment of your post, but I'm not sure I can identify the one which it's relating to.. Nevermind, I see it escalated and this doesn't help.

Edited by Rummy
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I post in the gaming boards on a daily basis. I'm doing my part and have been for years! :bouncy: It's just hard to keep it going when there are only 5 active members in the gaming section of the site. :D


Just posting isn't necessarily creating discussion and encouraging participation. We can all make a few replies a day, but that's not going to make this place lively. Have you wondered why there are only 5 active members? What could you do to increase that?



Just to make it clear, I'm not trying to have a go at you, I'm sure you're doing a great job. Nor am I making out that I'm some amazing participation wizard, I'm just trying to point out that people shouldn't just make a few replies, and then wonder why this place isn't lively.

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I only ever go into the General chit-chat forum. Very occasionally will i venture into Playground.


The reason for this is that i worry that there is too much going on in other parts of the forum, and that if i do dip my toes in, i'll get caught up in all the discussion, and i'll have too many sub-forums/threads to check on/read. I feel like one forum is about all i can handle right now with the available time that i have.


However, it seems that my fears were wrong, and there is nothing going on in the other sub-forums. So not much point in going in there anyway...

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Just posting isn't necessarily creating discussion and encouraging participation. We can all make a few replies a day, but that's not going to make this place lively. Have you wondered why there are only 5 active members? What could you do to increase that?



Just to make it clear, I'm not trying to have a go at you, I'm sure you're doing a great job. Nor am I making out that I'm some amazing participation wizard, I'm just trying to point out that people shouldn't just make a few replies, and then wonder why this place isn't lively.

Me, @Hero\-of\-Time, @darksnowman often bring up ways in which the boards could be restructured/try new boards etc... to see if it will help freshen up the place and bring more discussiona and interaction between all boards, but alas. Edited by Retro_Link
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Just posting isn't necessarily creating discussion and encouraging participation. We can all make a few replies a day, but that's not going to make this place lively. Have you wondered why there are only 5 active members? What could you do to increase that?



Just to make it clear, I'm not trying to have a go at you, I'm sure you're doing a great job. Nor am I making out that I'm some amazing participation wizard, I'm just trying to point out that people shouldn't just make a few replies, and then wonder why this place isn't lively.


Like Retro said, we have often discussed this issue in the past, sometimes via PM's, other times with the other Mods and Admins. It's a problem which has been kicking around for quite some time now, but despite all of our thoughts and ideas we are still no further forward.

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I mentioned removing it because more people would see the stuff in the General board.


Hmm, could even make it a subforum of General Chit-Chat? Make the entire forum more compact with a gaming/anything other than gaming forum split. People seem to only concentrate on one forum or subforum and ignore the others, so if they were brought together people might notice and start posting in forums they hadn't noticed before? :o

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Don't kill the Creative Gallery forum, please! :(


Also is the irc chat broken? What's the link? Do people still use it?


This is a point I forgot! I realised when I tried iSketch the other day with folks that the forum chat link doesn't work, but the main page does.


http://www.n-europe.com/chat/chat.html'>http://www.n-europe.com/chat/chat.html - le broken

http://www.n-europe.com/chat - le worken

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Like Retro said, we have often discussed this issue in the past, sometimes via PM's, other times with the other Mods and Admins. It's a problem which has been kicking around for quite some time now, but despite all of our thoughts and ideas we are still no further forward.
As well as ways to link the forum more with the main site more. Edited by Retro_Link
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I mentioned removing it because more people would see the stuff in the General board.


Tbh, there's some really good stuff in there, but it was genuinely probably years before I even ventured into it, because I just thought it wouldn't be anything that interested me. When I first joined I was all over Wii and Gen Chit Chat(undoubtedly our most active forum), I've dropped off activity generally now; but especially in Wii mainly because my gaming activity has fallen wholly. Tbh, if it wasn't for the mafias roping me in, I'd probably be even less active!

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This is a point I forgot! I realised when I tried iSketch the other day with folks that the forum chat link doesn't work, but the main page does.


http://www.n-europe.com/chat/chat.html'>http://www.n-europe.com/chat/chat.html - le broken

http://www.n-europe.com/chat - le worken

I'd bring that up in the Questions/Suggestions Board if there's a problem with it, so it gets seen.
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Well, I did a little counting, here's the number of active threads in August 2012 so far:




General in the lead, surprise surprise. Playground's doing pretty well too, quite a few games going on in there.


The Other Consoles sub seems to have a surprisingly lot activity, more than either the 3DS or Wii ones! : o Hard to say what the PC/PS3/360 divide is, since there's a lot of multiplatform games out there...


Creative gallery, 4 active threads... >_> Would probably fare better in the General section, where people might actually see and comment on the creations?


The Tech Talk has a sub-forum called Online, which has nothing but locked threads. Why does this sub even exist anymore?


3DS is kicking Wii's ass, no surprise there. The latter is more about WiiU speculation at this point.


Wii Online has 3 active games going on, and so does 3DS. Is this more telling about Nintendo's online, the users or both?


No separate Online for PC and the Other Consoles? Probably because they're all mashed together now...I mean surely there are people playing online games, but for some reason there's no separate sub to help that.


So yeah, pretty interesting results. Maybe we need some sort of restructuring, but what? Personally, I use the New Posts function so I can see new posts from all forums in the same feed, but apparently not all people do that.

Edited by Ville
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